Taking the Pulse—Get ahead of the curve with MarketingPulse ONLINE

MarketingPulse ONLINE aims to “help you prepare for a post-pandemic business recovery and operate in a new marketing world of opportunities”, read on to learn about the marketing event of the year!

It is fair to say that 2020 taught us many lessons, one of which is that we should keep on learning new things. In a time that saw many souls living through quarantine, learning online was a life-source for most of us. Knowledge gives way to creativity, and creativity is a precious resource, so we all came out richer for it.

To prove that we should keep the ball running, is why we are presenting one of the most thought-provoking events in the marketing industry to take place in Asia.  MarketingPulse is an integrated branding and marketing conference which takes place in Hong Kong since 2018, where marketers, brands, advertising agencies, media, enterprises and innovation professionals from all around the world come together to discuss marketing trends, exchange best marketing practices and explore new collaborations in this side of the world. Think of it as a rendezvous of interesting people, who all want to connect and explore.

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Become ready, become better

Quite appropriately, this year, MarketingPulse will focus on another of 2020 great messages: to become better, kinder versions of ourselves. It is not a coincidence that this year’s ONLINE conference, which will take place between March 30-31, has Marketing for GOOD” as its main theme. Over the course of two days, over 40 international speakers will come together to showcase how marketing and creativity can help driving the force for good.  It is more important than ever to focus on “Brand Purpose”, “Storytelling & Creativity” as well as “D2C & Community Marketing”, all topics that will be explained and debated at length. As the world is moving at a fast pace, “Digital Future and Innovation” will be another relevant theme. Topics such as growth tech, 5G, livestreaming, Sonic Branding, Data-driven and Gamified Marketing, will be covered by experts in their fields.

Whichever way you look at this opportunity, the main aim is to provide inspirational exchanges from brands and agencies, as well as practical tips, such as ‘how-to’ guides shared with participants through a series of workshops and, of course, networking opportunities that will connect participants with marketers in Hong Kong and the world.

Meet the Experts

Innovation is Key

One of the key speakers for the year’s edition is none other than Mr Arjan Dick, Global Chief Marketing Officer, booking.com. The man who oversees the company’s marketing efforts worldwide, is also responsible to lead the company’s global marketing efforts, overseeing strategy and execution of all initiatives across the marketing funnel, including the brand, social, performance and innovation marketing tracks. Both inside and outside the office, Arjan supports numerous LGBTQ+ initiatives including serving on the national board of GLAAD in the USA. You can listen to what he has to say at 17:10, March 30, on  “The World is Waiting” – Fireside Chat with CMO of booking.com” talk

Telling a Story

Storytelling is arguably one of the most creative processes when developing your marketing campaign. To showcase how it is done to perfection, this year’s MarketingPulse digital conference invited Mr Greg Hoffman President of Global Brand Innovation, NIKE (2018-2020), Global Chief Marketing Officer, NIKE (2016-2018) to participate. The global brand leader, advisor, speaker and former NIKE Chief Marketing Officer shares his invaluable experience, on a talk designed to inspire anyone who listens. Greg Hoffman draws from his era as NIKE Chief Marketing Officer to explain how innovation drives consumer experience, both digital and physical, envisioning the future of storytelling and the role of CMOs. You can tap all this expertise by connecting to his talk at 11:40, March 30 on “DNA of Innovation – The Nike Story”.

A Force For Good

Why Listen?

To prove that businesses and brands can be used to make a difference and create a positive impact whilst making money, MarketingPulse invited Mr Bryan Meehan, Executive Chair and CEO, Blue Bottle Coffee to share his experience. Among many other things, Bryan is a fierce champion of the environment. Both of his previous companies placed special attention to eco-consciousness. While Blue Bottle maintains meticulous standards for roasting and brewing coffee and is committed to the best business practices. He will share the success story of marketing a globally renowned ‘third wave’ lifestyle coffee brand  by connecting core corporate principles and values with today’s consumers. Do listen to his story at 10:05, March 30 on his Wake Up with Blue Bottle Coffee – Brands as a Force for Good talk.

Marketing is present in almost everyone’s lives, in most industries, from fashion stakeholders to finance, from marketeers to freelancers, anyone can learn how to better promote their brand and themselves. But mostly, no one can afford to stay uninspired, and that is one of the most important factors in any of MarketingPulse’s events, to inspire ideas, to create change, to be a force for good.

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