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香港2024年7月19日 /美通社/ — 2024年7月11日(四)香港導盲犬服務中心(HKSEDS)主辦第六屆高爾夫球慈善賽2024於粉嶺香港哥爾夫球會順利進行。是次慈善目的是為中心籌募經費將恆常導盲犬服務延伸至友伴犬,服務對象由視障人士延伸到不同階層包括長者、在囚人士和學生。






主禮嘉賓高永文醫生, GBS, JP 表示:「中心運用他們的經驗及專業知識開拓友伴犬服務,與不同受惠對象互動,受惠對象獲得陪伴和情感支持,提高身心健康。今年口號為老幼同行,照亮人生,份外有意義,因此必定抽空前來支持。」


友伴犬友善馴良 善心藝人呼籲大眾捐款












\"Cision\" View original content to download multimedia:https://www.prnewswire.com/apac/zh/news-releases/-302202134.html


SOURCE 香港導盲犬服務中心



\n", "content_text": "「老幼同行‧照亮人生」2024\n香港2024年7月19日 /美通社/ — 2024年7月11日(四)香港導盲犬服務中心(HKSEDS)主辦第六屆高爾夫球慈善賽2024於粉嶺香港哥爾夫球會順利進行。是次慈善目的是為中心籌募經費將恆常導盲犬服務延伸至友伴犬,服務對象由視障人士延伸到不同階層包括長者、在囚人士和學生。\n\n\n\n香港社會人口老化,長者照顧服務需求亦日益增加。香港導盲犬服務中心早前試行「友伴犬服務計劃」,中心於去年已訓練了6隻友伴犬及與超過20個機構及學校合作,包括懲教署、保良局、香港中華基督教青年會,受惠人數超過5,000人。\n主禮嘉賓高永文醫生, GBS, JP 表示:「中心運用他們的經驗及專業知識開拓友伴犬服務,與不同受惠對象互動,受惠對象獲得陪伴和情感支持,提高身心健康。今年口號為老幼同行,照亮人生,份外有意義,因此必定抽空前來支持。」\n友伴犬友善馴良 善心藝人呼籲大眾捐款\n\n\n\n活動更得到眾多善心藝人的支持,包括黎諾懿、鄧梓峰、黃婧靈(波波)、明星高爾夫球隊一眾藝人包括陳展鵬、單文柔、林漪娸等,一眾貴賓與友伴犬合照及上場開球,為一整天的賽事揭開序幕。\n關愛大使黎諾懿表示:「作為中心的關愛大使,對於過往中心致力培訓導盲犬本地化,一直十分支持。現時更非常樂於看見中心為導盲犬找廣闊的出路,將他們訓練成友伴犬協助更多受惠人士例如用於老人服務,呼籲大眾鼎力捐款支持」\n友伴犬有着新的重要性和意義。許多人在從寵物的陪伴中尋求安慰,讓他們感到有能力重新控制自己的生活。友伴犬計劃也可以拯救被遺棄的狗隻,將它們訓練成有愛心的陪伴犬。\n友伴犬也被稱為情感支持犬。它們對患有焦慮和抑鬱症的人特別有幫助。通常,醫生會為患有焦慮症且日常生活有困難的患者推薦友伴犬。友伴犬可以通過給主人一種獨立感和一些不受疾病困擾的自由,幫助提高主人的生活質素。\n\n\n View original content to download multimedia:https://www.prnewswire.com/apac/zh/news-releases/-302202134.html\nSOURCE 香港導盲犬服務中心", "date_published": "July 21, 2024", "date_modified": "July 21, 2024 - 19:40", "author": { "name": "", "url": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/author/", "avatar": "https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/?s=512&d=mm&r=g" }, "tags": [ "PR Newswire" ], "summary": "「老幼同行‧照" }, { "id": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/all-the-stars-in-lets-listen-to-the-band-have-band-background-go-to-17sing-to-vote-for-the-resurrection/", "url": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/all-the-stars-in-lets-listen-to-the-band-have-band-background-go-to-17sing-to-vote-for-the-resurrection/", "title": "All the Stars in \u201cLet\u2019s Listen to the Band\u201d have band background: Go to 17sing to vote for the resurrection", "content_html": "

TAIPEI, July 21, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Taiwan’s first band talent show – “Let’s Listen to the Band” jointly created by 17sing and EBC is now on the air. The show will be played on EBC Channel 32 at 8pm every Sunday. The Band’s original songs and energetic live performances have set off a music storm in Taiwan’s music and aroused heated discussions across the Internet. As the four famous mentors of the band bosses: Harlem Yu, Howe Chen, Waa Wei and Luantan Ascent. Looking back on the their career, in fact, they all have band background, and this experience makes their selection and comments very unique.


Harlem Yu is a big brother and senior in Taiwan. In 1980, he briefly formed the band “Roller Coaster”, which became an important thing to step into music career. In “Let’s Listen to the Band”, Harlem valued the diversity of the bands and hoped to choose a band with a more comprehensive style. Facing the new generation, Harlem, who is slightly older, communicates with them without any generation gap. He also contributed funny scenes such as “I will buy you breakfast every day” and “I will cover all your three meals and snacks” in the show. The famous scenes caused laughter and joy. He is known as the atmosphere expert of the show.


Waa Wei is called “Baby” because of her looks and sweet voice. She formed a band called “Natural Q” and became the lead singer. Waa Wei is a warm big sister in “Let’s Listen to the Band”. She respects the characteristics of each band, she is into upbeat and pop style, and she prefers to choose bands on the same feeling as herself. After the band’s performance, she would encourage the players with a gentle tone, making the originally cruel competition become heart-warming.


Howe Chen is a top hit producer. In 2003, he formed the band “Formula” with his friends; in 2011, he formed the band “Buddha Jump” with other famous singers. In “Listen to the Band”, as a top producer and guitarist, Howe Chen will focus on style and instruments. From the perspective of a producer, he will have a keen insight into the genre of music, and will provide professional advice on instrument performance, which makes both players and audiences feel that they have learned a lot.


Luantan Ascent is the pioneer of Taiwanese rock music. He was the lead singer of the rock band “Luantan”, then he he went solo and changed his name to Luantan Ascent. Luantan Ascent, who has a tender heart and a magical laugh, always get touched when watching the band’s performance, sometimes crying and sometimes laughing. Ascent is very fond of passionate and fierce rock music. He hopes to find a unique and powerful band in this show. He also hopes that Taiwan’s rock music can stand on a bigger and higher stage and allow Taiwanese bands to go global.


As one of the biggest partners of the show, 17sing launched an exclusive voting event during the show. Download the 17sing APP and you can vote for your favorite band. And the grand winner of “Best Popular Band” at the end will receive an original Japanese car. In the last six championship competitions of the show, 17sing will also launch an exclusive finals voting. Each of your votes may affect the trend of the championship.


Currently, some of the 32 bands in the show have sadly left. But everyone has different tastes in music. If you want to support your favorite band to return to the stage, 17sing, as the exclusive voting platform for “Let’s Listen to the Band”, will open the voting rank for the resurrection from 7/21 to 8/4. During the specified voting period, these bands will compete by popularity vote. These votes will be used as a very important reference and will affect the results of the resurrection match. Which bands can break through the siege, win the death-free gold medal, and return to the stage? Every vote you make counts, download 17sing APP quickly and support your favorite band.


\"Cision\" View original content:https://www.prnewswire.com/apac/news-releases/all-the-stars-in-lets-listen-to-the-band-have-band-background-go-to-17sing-to-vote-for-the-resurrection-302202013.html





\n", "content_text": "TAIPEI, July 21, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Taiwan’s first band talent show – “Let’s Listen to the Band” jointly created by 17sing and EBC is now on the air. The show will be played on EBC Channel 32 at 8pm every Sunday. The Band’s original songs and energetic live performances have set off a music storm in Taiwan’s music and aroused heated discussions across the Internet. As the four famous mentors of the band bosses: Harlem Yu, Howe Chen, Waa Wei and Luantan Ascent. Looking back on the their career, in fact, they all have band background, and this experience makes their selection and comments very unique.\nHarlem Yu is a big brother and senior in Taiwan. In 1980, he briefly formed the band “Roller Coaster”, which became an important thing to step into music career. In “Let’s Listen to the Band”, Harlem valued the diversity of the bands and hoped to choose a band with a more comprehensive style. Facing the new generation, Harlem, who is slightly older, communicates with them without any generation gap. He also contributed funny scenes such as “I will buy you breakfast every day” and “I will cover all your three meals and snacks” in the show. The famous scenes caused laughter and joy. He is known as the atmosphere expert of the show.\nWaa Wei is called “Baby” because of her looks and sweet voice. She formed a band called “Natural Q” and became the lead singer. Waa Wei is a warm big sister in “Let’s Listen to the Band”. She respects the characteristics of each band, she is into upbeat and pop style, and she prefers to choose bands on the same feeling as herself. After the band’s performance, she would encourage the players with a gentle tone, making the originally cruel competition become heart-warming.\nHowe Chen is a top hit producer. In 2003, he formed the band “Formula” with his friends; in 2011, he formed the band “Buddha Jump” with other famous singers. In “Listen to the Band”, as a top producer and guitarist, Howe Chen will focus on style and instruments. From the perspective of a producer, he will have a keen insight into the genre of music, and will provide professional advice on instrument performance, which makes both players and audiences feel that they have learned a lot.\nLuantan Ascent is the pioneer of Taiwanese rock music. He was the lead singer of the rock band “Luantan”, then he he went solo and changed his name to Luantan Ascent. Luantan Ascent, who has a tender heart and a magical laugh, always get touched when watching the band’s performance, sometimes crying and sometimes laughing. Ascent is very fond of passionate and fierce rock music. He hopes to find a unique and powerful band in this show. He also hopes that Taiwan’s rock music can stand on a bigger and higher stage and allow Taiwanese bands to go global.\nAs one of the biggest partners of the show, 17sing launched an exclusive voting event during the show. Download the 17sing APP and you can vote for your favorite band. And the grand winner of “Best Popular Band” at the end will receive an original Japanese car. In the last six championship competitions of the show, 17sing will also launch an exclusive finals voting. Each of your votes may affect the trend of the championship.\nCurrently, some of the 32 bands in the show have sadly left. But everyone has different tastes in music. If you want to support your favorite band to return to the stage, 17sing, as the exclusive voting platform for “Let’s Listen to the Band”, will open the voting rank for the resurrection from 7/21 to 8/4. During the specified voting period, these bands will compete by popularity vote. These votes will be used as a very important reference and will affect the results of the resurrection match. Which bands can break through the siege, win the death-free gold medal, and return to the stage? Every vote you make counts, download 17sing APP quickly and support your favorite band.\n View original content:https://www.prnewswire.com/apac/news-releases/all-the-stars-in-lets-listen-to-the-band-have-band-background-go-to-17sing-to-vote-for-the-resurrection-302202013.html\nSOURCE 17Sing APP", "date_published": "July 21, 2024", "date_modified": "July 21, 2024 - 09:40", "author": { "name": "", "url": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/author/", "avatar": "https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/?s=512&d=mm&r=g" }, "tags": [ "PR Newswire" ], "summary": "TAIPEI, July 21, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Taiwan's first ba" }, { "id": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/%e3%80%8a%e4%b8%80%e8%b5%b7%e8%81%bd%e5%9c%98%e5%90%a7%e3%80%8b%e7%9a%84%e8%81%bd%e5%9c%98%e5%a4%a7%e5%a4%a7%e9%83%bd%e7%b5%84%e9%81%8e%e6%a8%82%e5%9c%98-%e4%b8%8a%e6%ad%a1%e6%ad%8c%e5%8f%83%e8%88%87/", "url": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/%e3%80%8a%e4%b8%80%e8%b5%b7%e8%81%bd%e5%9c%98%e5%90%a7%e3%80%8b%e7%9a%84%e8%81%bd%e5%9c%98%e5%a4%a7%e5%a4%a7%e9%83%bd%e7%b5%84%e9%81%8e%e6%a8%82%e5%9c%98-%e4%b8%8a%e6%ad%a1%e6%ad%8c%e5%8f%83%e8%88%87/", "title": "\u300a\u4e00\u8d77\u807d\u5718\u5427\u300b\u7684\u807d\u5718\u5927\u5927\u90fd\u7d44\u904e\u6a02\u5718: \u4e0a\u6b61\u6b4c\u53c3\u8207\u6557\u90e8\u5fa9\u6d3b\u6295\u7968", "content_html": "

台北2024年7月21日 /美通社/ — 由歡歌APP與東森電視攜手打造的全台首檔樂團選秀節目-《一起聽團吧》正火熱播出中,節目於每週日晚8點在東森綜合32頻道播出最新一集。新聲代樂團的原創歌曲與活力四射的現場表演,在台灣樂壇掀起了一場音樂風暴,引起全網熱議。而在節目中,作為聽團大大的四位重量級導師是:庾澄慶、魏如萱、陳君豪、乱彈阿翔。回顧四位大大的出道歷程,其實他們都有組建樂團的經歷,而這段經歷讓每位大大的選人和點評都極具特色。


庾澄慶大大,華語樂壇的大哥大前輩。1980年間曾短暫組建樂團「Roller coaster」,成為他步入樂壇的重要轉折點。在《一起聽團吧》中,哈林大大會看重樂團的多樣性和可塑造性,希望選擇風格更全面的樂團。面對著新生代,略顯年長的哈林跟他們交流絲毫沒有代溝,並且在節目中貢獻出「我天天給你買早餐」、「你的三餐加夜宵我全包了」等金句名場面,頻頻引發現場爆笑,是節目的氛圍擔當。












\"Cision\" View original content:https://www.prnewswire.com/apac/zh/news-releases/–302202012.html





\n", "content_text": "台北2024年7月21日 /美通社/ — 由歡歌APP與東森電視攜手打造的全台首檔樂團選秀節目-《一起聽團吧》正火熱播出中,節目於每週日晚8點在東森綜合32頻道播出最新一集。新聲代樂團的原創歌曲與活力四射的現場表演,在台灣樂壇掀起了一場音樂風暴,引起全網熱議。而在節目中,作為聽團大大的四位重量級導師是:庾澄慶、魏如萱、陳君豪、乱彈阿翔。回顧四位大大的出道歷程,其實他們都有組建樂團的經歷,而這段經歷讓每位大大的選人和點評都極具特色。\n庾澄慶大大,華語樂壇的大哥大前輩。1980年間曾短暫組建樂團「Roller coaster」,成為他步入樂壇的重要轉折點。在《一起聽團吧》中,哈林大大會看重樂團的多樣性和可塑造性,希望選擇風格更全面的樂團。面對著新生代,略顯年長的哈林跟他們交流絲毫沒有代溝,並且在節目中貢獻出「我天天給你買早餐」、「你的三餐加夜宵我全包了」等金句名場面,頻頻引發現場爆笑,是節目的氛圍擔當。\n魏如萱大大,因為長相和聲線甜美,被稱為「娃娃」。出道時曾組成名為「自然捲」的樂團,成為該樂團的主唱。魏如萱大大在《一起聽團吧》中是一個溫暖的大姐大角色,她尊重每個樂團的特色,喜歡輕快活潑的流行風格,更傾向於選擇和自己同頻的樂團。在樂團表演結束後,她會用溫柔的語氣去鼓勵選手,讓原本殘酷的比賽變得暖心。\n陳君豪大大,頂尖金曲製作人。2003年,與好友組成「Formula」樂團;2011年,與戴佩妮、黃宣銘等人組成「佛跳牆」樂團。在《一起聽圖吧》中,作為頂級製作人與吉他手,陳君豪大大會把關注點放在風格與樂器上。他會從製作人的角度,敏銳地洞察到每個樂團做的是什麼流派的音樂,並在樂器演奏方面給到專業意見,令選手和觀眾都覺得受益匪淺。\n乱彈阿翔大大,台灣搖滾樂的先鋒。原先為搖滾樂團「亂彈」的主唱,後來單飛改名為乱彈阿翔。鐵漢柔情且笑聲魔性的阿翔大大,在觀賞樂團表演時會被感染到,時而流淚時而大笑。阿翔大大鐘情於爆發力強,現場兇猛的搖滾樂,希望能在這個節目中找到個性且充滿力量的樂團,更希望台灣的搖滾樂能站上更大更高的舞台,讓台灣樂團走向世界。\n作為節目最大的合作夥伴之一,歡歌在節目播出期間上線了獨家投票活動,下載歡歌APP,就可以為你喜歡的樂團投出人氣票。而在最後獲得「最佳人氣樂團」的大贏家,將會獲得一台日系原裝汽車。在節目最後的6強冠軍爭奪賽中,歡歌也會推出獨家的決賽榜投票,你的每一次投票都有可能影響到冠軍的走勢。\n目前,參與節目比賽的32支樂團中,部分樂團已經遺憾離場。但音樂的品味每個人都不同,如果想支持你喜歡的樂團返回舞台,在7/21-8/4期間,歡歌作為《一起聽團吧》的獨家投票平台,將會開啟敗部復活投票榜單。在規定的投票期間內,樂團們將會進行人氣投票的比拼。這些人氣投票將會作為很重要的參考依據,影響到比賽的進程。究竟哪些樂團能突破重圍,獲得免死金牌,重返對戰舞台呢?你的每一次投票都很關鍵,趕緊下載歡歌APP為喜歡的樂團助力吧。\n View original content:https://www.prnewswire.com/apac/zh/news-releases/–302202012.html\nSOURCE 歡歌APP", "date_published": "July 21, 2024", "date_modified": "July 21, 2024 - 09:39", "author": { "name": "", "url": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/author/", "avatar": "https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/?s=512&d=mm&r=g" }, "tags": [ "PR Newswire" ], "summary": "台北2024年7月21日 /&#3265" }, { "id": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/viaim-reveals-exclusive-5-off-discount-price-for-stylish-nano-conference-recording-earbuds-the-number-one-choice-for-business-professionals/", "url": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/viaim-reveals-exclusive-5-off-discount-price-for-stylish-nano-conference-recording-earbuds-the-number-one-choice-for-business-professionals/", "title": "VIAIM Reveals Exclusive 5% Off Discount Price for Stylish Nano+ Conference Recording Earbuds, the Number One Choice for Business Professionals", "content_html": "

SINGAPORE, July 20, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — VIAIM, an AI technology hardware company deeply rooted in the smart office sector, has announced that its stylish VIAIM Nano+ conference recording earbuds will be on sale with a 5% discount from July 15-July 21, 2024. The innovative earbuds, designed specifically professionals and corporate executives in mind for use in multiple business scenarios, have been hugely popular with office professionals due to their extremely efficient business functions and performance, including multi-language translation and real-time recording.


\n \"\"



Recently, as the exclusive AI technical support partner of the Reviving Craft: Chinese Handicrafts and Contemporary Design exhibition held at the Musee des Arts Decoratifs in Paris, VIAIM demonstrated the brand’s strength in combining innovative technology with art. The AI capabilities of VIAIM’s conference recording earbuds  provided onsite language translation support for the exhibition, which showcased the beauty China’s of culture and contemporary art design to the world. The multilingual translation capability provided bilingual explanations and displays for visitors to the exhibition, making it more convenient for international audiences with different language backgrounds. Through the power of AI technology, VIAIM empowers Chinese intangible cultural heritage to be more accurately conveyed to the world, allowing traditional art to overcome language barriers. 2024 is the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France and the China-France Cultural Tourism Year with Le Figaro reporting on the exhibition, exposing more international audiences to feel the artistic charm of China’s traditional intangible cultural heritage.


The VIAIM Nano+ earbuds are fully equipped with the VIAIM AI personal meeting assistant which features text summary and task extraction functions. VIAIM’s advanced Flash Record™ technology gives each earbud a full two hours of recording storage space, easily accessed by pressing and holding the button for two seconds to start recording and storing important content without the need to turn on the phone app. The product is available in three recording modes, namely, call recording, on-site recording, as well as audio and video recording. Real-time audio-to-text function supports translation in 11 languages, and has a transcription accuracy of up to 98%, making international communication smooth. The 45dB super active noise reduction ensures that meetings are not disturbed and with 40 hours of ultra-long battery life, battery anxiety is eliminated.


VIAIM brand spokesperson/manager, John, commented: “Our goal has always been to improve the work efficiency and convenience of communication for business professionals through technological innovation. VIAIM Nano+ conference recording earbuds have already helped thousands of businesspeople improve the efficiency of their meeting notes and international communication. We hope that this promotion will allow more users to experience the excellent performance of VIAIM Nano+ earbuds at an even more attractive price.”




VIAIM is a technology company that makes human-computer interaction truly practical. We have always been committed to creating high-quality products with emotion and personalization, multi-modal mixed interaction, and the ability to truly solve user problems, bringing our expectations for the future to reality through scientific and technological means, so that everyone can feel the beauty of future intelligence.


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\"Cision\" View original content to download multimedia:https://www.prnewswire.com/apac/news-releases/viaim-reveals-exclusive-5-off-discount-price-for-stylish-nano-conference-recording-earbuds-the-number-one-choice-for-business-professionals-302202054.html





\n", "content_text": "SINGAPORE, July 20, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — VIAIM, an AI technology hardware company deeply rooted in the smart office sector, has announced that its stylish VIAIM Nano+ conference recording earbuds will be on sale with a 5% discount from July 15-July 21, 2024. The innovative earbuds, designed specifically professionals and corporate executives in mind for use in multiple business scenarios, have been hugely popular with office professionals due to their extremely efficient business functions and performance, including multi-language translation and real-time recording.\n\n\n \n \n \n \n\nRecently, as the exclusive AI technical support partner of the Reviving Craft: Chinese Handicrafts and Contemporary Design exhibition held at the Musee des Arts Decoratifs in Paris, VIAIM demonstrated the brand’s strength in combining innovative technology with art. The AI capabilities of VIAIM’s conference recording earbuds  provided onsite language translation support for the exhibition, which showcased the beauty China’s of culture and contemporary art design to the world. The multilingual translation capability provided bilingual explanations and displays for visitors to the exhibition, making it more convenient for international audiences with different language backgrounds. Through the power of AI technology, VIAIM empowers Chinese intangible cultural heritage to be more accurately conveyed to the world, allowing traditional art to overcome language barriers. 2024 is the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France and the China-France Cultural Tourism Year with Le Figaro reporting on the exhibition, exposing more international audiences to feel the artistic charm of China’s traditional intangible cultural heritage.\nThe VIAIM Nano+ earbuds are fully equipped with the VIAIM AI personal meeting assistant which features text summary and task extraction functions. VIAIM’s advanced Flash Record™ technology gives each earbud a full two hours of recording storage space, easily accessed by pressing and holding the button for two seconds to start recording and storing important content without the need to turn on the phone app. The product is available in three recording modes, namely, call recording, on-site recording, as well as audio and video recording. Real-time audio-to-text function supports translation in 11 languages, and has a transcription accuracy of up to 98%, making international communication smooth. The 45dB super active noise reduction ensures that meetings are not disturbed and with 40 hours of ultra-long battery life, battery anxiety is eliminated.\nVIAIM brand spokesperson/manager, John, commented: “Our goal has always been to improve the work efficiency and convenience of communication for business professionals through technological innovation. VIAIM Nano+ conference recording earbuds have already helped thousands of businesspeople improve the efficiency of their meeting notes and international communication. We hope that this promotion will allow more users to experience the excellent performance of VIAIM Nano+ earbuds at an even more attractive price.”\nAbout VIAIM\nVIAIM is a technology company that makes human-computer interaction truly practical. We have always been committed to creating high-quality products with emotion and personalization, multi-modal mixed interaction, and the ability to truly solve user problems, bringing our expectations for the future to reality through scientific and technological means, so that everyone can feel the beauty of future intelligence.\n\n\n \n \n \n \n\n View original content to download multimedia:https://www.prnewswire.com/apac/news-releases/viaim-reveals-exclusive-5-off-discount-price-for-stylish-nano-conference-recording-earbuds-the-number-one-choice-for-business-professionals-302202054.html\nSOURCE VIAIM", "date_published": "July 20, 2024", "date_modified": "July 20, 2024 - 17:40", "author": { "name": "", "url": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/author/", "avatar": "https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/?s=512&d=mm&r=g" }, "tags": [ "PR Newswire" ], "summary": "SINGAPORE, July 20, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- VIAIM, an AI t" }, { "id": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/17sings-9th-anniversary-celebration-tens-of-millions-of-users-celebrate-together/", "url": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/17sings-9th-anniversary-celebration-tens-of-millions-of-users-celebrate-together/", "title": "17sing\u2019s 9th Anniversary Celebration, tens of millions of users celebrate together", "content_html": "

TAIPEI, July 20, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — On July 18th, 17sing, Taiwan’s most popular karaoke social app, celebrated its ninth anniversary. In order to welcome this unparalleled celebration, 17sing has prepared many activities and generous prizes to celebrate the birthdays with tens of millions of users. From July 18 to the end of August, 17sing held many exciting and interesting online anniversary activities, including “Party Hero Rank”, “Works Martial Arts City”, “Family Battle Rank”, “The World’s No. 1 Song Conference”, “17sing Memoirs”such a series of activities with ancient style . Users can participate through room parties, post recordings, etc., and send their most sincere blessings to 17sing’s ninth birthday with singing and smiles.


At the end of August, 17sing will hold a ninth anniversary party to celebrate the event with users. The dinner venue will be decorated with display walls, check-in areas, and game areas, with drinks and food available. The popular band from the popular variety show “Let’s Listen to the Band” will be invited to perform.Many singers will sing songs in the event. All participants will play games , eat delicious food, draw big prizes, have nice chats, enjoy a wonderful audio-visual feast, and spend a wonderful night together.


Looking back on every bit of the past nine years, every step taken by 17sing is precious. As the most popular karaoke social software in Taiwan, 17sing has been evolving and iterating on its own, from the initial song recording function to the AI five-dimensional scoring, from the karaoke room function to various novel game plays.17sing has always adhered to the principle of “user experience as the center”, taking the karaoke function as its basic platform, and constantly breaking out of the circle through social and entertainment functions, and is getting very popular among young people in Taiwan. This is also the secret of 17sing to stay young forever and continuously dominate the download rankings.


17sing’s marketing activities are also a topic that has been talked about on Internet all the time. In 2021,17sing sponsored the popular variety show “Jungle Voice”, which attracted the attention of the whole Internet; 17sing held two ballad carnival event, and cooperated with golden music superstars Claire Kuo, Linda Lee, Li Zhi-Ting, Andrew Tan, and Chang Hsiu Ching, and performed in the 17ing live room,recreated the famous scenes of the era; 17sing cooperated with famous Youtubers WACKYBOYS, Nana Master, Sandu, Let’s Go to School, etc. to create a series of team races, which causes trends across the Internet; in 2024, 17sing teamed up with EBC to create Taiwan’s first band talent show – “Let’s Listen to the Band”, and 17sing became the exclusive voting platform to support Taiwan’s new generation of bands.


 Since its birth in 2015, 17sing APP has always been committed to creating a digital stage for music fans, so that every soul who loves singing can find a home here. On the occasion of the ninth anniversary, it is of great significance to 17sing. It is not only a recognition of past efforts and achievements, but also a feedback to the long-term support and love of users. By planning a series of anniversary activities, 17sing aims to deepen its connection with users so that everyone can feel the warmth of the 17sing family. We believe that the anniversary celebration can further inspire users’ love for music and promote the spread of music culture. It also marks an important step towards 17sing’s higher goals. In the ninth anniversary of 17sing, let us make friends with singing, enjoy the infinite joy brought by music, and write a new chapter in the future with the company of 17ing. 17sing 9th Anniversary Celebration, see you there!


\"Cision\" View original content:https://www.prnewswire.com/apac/news-releases/17sings-9th-anniversary-celebration-tens-of-millions-of-users-celebrate-together-302202025.html





\n", "content_text": "TAIPEI, July 20, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — On July 18th, 17sing, Taiwan’s most popular karaoke social app, celebrated its ninth anniversary. In order to welcome this unparalleled celebration, 17sing has prepared many activities and generous prizes to celebrate the birthdays with tens of millions of users. From July 18 to the end of August, 17sing held many exciting and interesting online anniversary activities, including “Party Hero Rank”, “Works Martial Arts City”, “Family Battle Rank”, “The World’s No. 1 Song Conference”, “17sing Memoirs”such a series of activities with ancient style . Users can participate through room parties, post recordings, etc., and send their most sincere blessings to 17sing’s ninth birthday with singing and smiles.\nAt the end of August, 17sing will hold a ninth anniversary party to celebrate the event with users. The dinner venue will be decorated with display walls, check-in areas, and game areas, with drinks and food available. The popular band from the popular variety show “Let’s Listen to the Band” will be invited to perform.Many singers will sing songs in the event. All participants will play games , eat delicious food, draw big prizes, have nice chats, enjoy a wonderful audio-visual feast, and spend a wonderful night together.\nLooking back on every bit of the past nine years, every step taken by 17sing is precious. As the most popular karaoke social software in Taiwan, 17sing has been evolving and iterating on its own, from the initial song recording function to the AI five-dimensional scoring, from the karaoke room function to various novel game plays.17sing has always adhered to the principle of “user experience as the center”, taking the karaoke function as its basic platform, and constantly breaking out of the circle through social and entertainment functions, and is getting very popular among young people in Taiwan. This is also the secret of 17sing to stay young forever and continuously dominate the download rankings.\n17sing’s marketing activities are also a topic that has been talked about on Internet all the time. In 2021,17sing sponsored the popular variety show “Jungle Voice”, which attracted the attention of the whole Internet; 17sing held two ballad carnival event, and cooperated with golden music superstars Claire Kuo, Linda Lee, Li Zhi-Ting, Andrew Tan, and Chang Hsiu Ching, and performed in the 17ing live room,recreated the famous scenes of the era; 17sing cooperated with famous Youtubers WACKYBOYS, Nana Master, Sandu, Let’s Go to School, etc. to create a series of team races, which causes trends across the Internet; in 2024, 17sing teamed up with EBC to create Taiwan’s first band talent show – “Let’s Listen to the Band”, and 17sing became the exclusive voting platform to support Taiwan’s new generation of bands.\n Since its birth in 2015, 17sing APP has always been committed to creating a digital stage for music fans, so that every soul who loves singing can find a home here. On the occasion of the ninth anniversary, it is of great significance to 17sing. It is not only a recognition of past efforts and achievements, but also a feedback to the long-term support and love of users. By planning a series of anniversary activities, 17sing aims to deepen its connection with users so that everyone can feel the warmth of the 17sing family. We believe that the anniversary celebration can further inspire users’ love for music and promote the spread of music culture. It also marks an important step towards 17sing’s higher goals. In the ninth anniversary of 17sing, let us make friends with singing, enjoy the infinite joy brought by music, and write a new chapter in the future with the company of 17ing. 17sing 9th Anniversary Celebration, see you there!\n View original content:https://www.prnewswire.com/apac/news-releases/17sings-9th-anniversary-celebration-tens-of-millions-of-users-celebrate-together-302202025.html\nSOURCE 17Sing APP", "date_published": "July 20, 2024", "date_modified": "July 20, 2024 - 12:40", "author": { "name": "", "url": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/author/", "avatar": "https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/?s=512&d=mm&r=g" }, "tags": [ "PR Newswire" ], "summary": "TAIPEI, July 20, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- On July 18th, 17s" }, { "id": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/%e6%ad%a1%e6%ad%8c%e4%b9%9d%e9%80%b1%e5%b9%b4%e6%85%b6-%e3%80%8c%e7%be%a4%e9%9f%b3%e9%9b%86%e7%b5%90%ef%bc%8c%e6%ad%a1%e8%81%9a%e6%b1%9f%e6%b9%96%e3%80%8d%ef%bc%8c%e5%8d%83%e8%90%ac%e7%94%a8%e6%88%b6/", "url": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/%e6%ad%a1%e6%ad%8c%e4%b9%9d%e9%80%b1%e5%b9%b4%e6%85%b6-%e3%80%8c%e7%be%a4%e9%9f%b3%e9%9b%86%e7%b5%90%ef%bc%8c%e6%ad%a1%e8%81%9a%e6%b1%9f%e6%b9%96%e3%80%8d%ef%bc%8c%e5%8d%83%e8%90%ac%e7%94%a8%e6%88%b6/", "title": "\u6b61\u6b4c\u4e5d\u9031\u5e74\u6176-\u300c\u7fa4\u97f3\u96c6\u7d50\uff0c\u6b61\u805a\u6c5f\u6e56\u300d\uff0c\u5343\u842c\u7528\u6236\u5171\u8d74\u6c5f\u6e56\u76db\u5bb4", "content_html": "

台北2024年7月20日 /美通社/ — 7/18日,台灣最火的K歌社交APP-歡歌迎來了九週年生日慶典。此次九週年的慶生主題為「群音集結,歡聚江湖」,充滿了武林俠客氣息。為了迎接這場無與倫比的盛宴,歡歌準備了諸多活動與豐厚獎品,與千萬用戶共同慶生。從7月18日到8月底,歡歌舉辦了很多精彩有趣的線上週年慶活動,其中包括「派對英雄榜」、「作品武俠城」、「家族風雲榜」、「天下第一歌會」、「歡歌風雲錄」等一系列具有江湖風情的活動。用戶可以透過歌房派對、發佈作品等參與其中,用歌聲與笑容,為歡歌的九週年生日送上最誠摯的祝福。










\"Cision\" View original content:https://www.prnewswire.com/apac/zh/news-releases/–302202024.html





\n", "content_text": "台北2024年7月20日 /美通社/ — 7/18日,台灣最火的K歌社交APP-歡歌迎來了九週年生日慶典。此次九週年的慶生主題為「群音集結,歡聚江湖」,充滿了武林俠客氣息。為了迎接這場無與倫比的盛宴,歡歌準備了諸多活動與豐厚獎品,與千萬用戶共同慶生。從7月18日到8月底,歡歌舉辦了很多精彩有趣的線上週年慶活動,其中包括「派對英雄榜」、「作品武俠城」、「家族風雲榜」、「天下第一歌會」、「歡歌風雲錄」等一系列具有江湖風情的活動。用戶可以透過歌房派對、發佈作品等參與其中,用歌聲與笑容,為歡歌的九週年生日送上最誠摯的祝福。\n在八月暑假尾聲,歡歌將會迎來九週年慶的壓軸盛宴,與用戶共襄盛舉。晚宴現場會佈置精美的展示墻、打卡區、遊戲區,有酒水美食供應,並會邀請熱門綜藝《一起聽團吧》的人氣樂團,同眾多歡歌站內歌手,用歌聲為歡歌送上生日祝福。歡歌會和全場用戶一起玩遊戲,吃美食,抽大獎,談天說地,享受一場精彩絕倫的視聽盛宴,共度一個美妙又難忘的夜晚。\n回憶過去九年的點點滴滴,歡歌走的每一步腳印都彌足珍貴。作為全台最熱門的K歌社交軟體,歡歌一直在持續進步,從最初的錄歌功能進化到現在的AI五維評分,從歌房功能的不斷完善,到踢館賽、搶唱、玩唱到底等多種新穎玩法的推出等。歡歌始終秉承著「以用戶體驗為中心」的原則,以紮實的K歌功能為基本盤,透過社交與泛娛樂功能不斷向外破圈,深受台灣年輕人的喜愛。這也是歡歌能夠連續霸榜下載排行榜的常勝秘訣。\n歡歌的行銷活動也是常年被社群網路津津樂道的話題。2021年,歡歌冠名當紅綜藝《聲林之王》,引發了全網關注;歡歌連續舉辦兩次年代歌謠祭,與金曲巨星郭靜、李翊君、李芷婷、陳勢安、張秀卿合作,在歡歌直播間與用戶重現年代青春名場面,掀起童年回憶殺;歡歌攜手網路紅人反骨男孩、那那大師、三度、一起上學吧等,打造一系列戰隊PK賽,引起全網討論;2024年,歡歌與東森電視共同打造了全台首檔樂團選秀節目-《一起聽團吧》,歡歌成為獨家投票平台,為台灣新聲代樂團助力。\n自2015年誕生以來,歡歌APP始終致力於為音樂愛好者打造一個無界限的數字舞台,讓每一個熱愛唱歌的靈魂都能在這裡找到歸宿。值此九週年之際,對於歡歌APP而言意義非凡。它不僅是對過去努力與成果的認同,更是對廣大用戶長期以來支持與厚愛的回饋。歡歌透過策劃一系列週年慶活動,旨在加深與用戶的連結,讓每一位參與者都能感受到歡歌大家庭的溫暖。我們相信,週年慶能夠進一步激發用戶對音樂的熱愛,促進音樂文化的傳播,同時也標誌著歡歌向更高遠目標邁進重要一步。讓我們在歡歌九週年慶之際,以歌會友,享受音樂帶來的無限歡樂與感動,在歡歌的陪伴中書寫未來的新篇章。歡歌九週年慶典,我們不見不散。\n View original content:https://www.prnewswire.com/apac/zh/news-releases/–302202024.html\nSOURCE 歡歌APP", "date_published": "July 20, 2024", "date_modified": "July 20, 2024 - 12:39", "author": { "name": "", "url": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/author/", "avatar": "https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/?s=512&d=mm&r=g" }, "tags": [ "PR Newswire" ], "summary": "台北2024年7月20日 /&#3265" }, { "id": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/huawei-cloud-the-fastest-growing-cloud-in-apac-vows-to-accelerate-industry-digitalization-in-singapore/", "url": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/huawei-cloud-the-fastest-growing-cloud-in-apac-vows-to-accelerate-industry-digitalization-in-singapore/", "title": "Huawei Cloud, the fastest-growing cloud in APAC, vows to accelerate industry digitalization in Singapore", "content_html": "

SINGAPORE, July 19, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — The vision of a digitalized, intelligent and future-ready Singapore was vividly showcased at the Huawei Cloud Summit Singapore 2024 today with the theme “Leap to Intelligence with a Better Cloud”, where over 500 delegates from around the world representing the government, business and technology sectors gathered to dive into the latest in groundbreaking innovations like Huawei Cloud Stack, Cloud Native, Big Data and Artificial Intelligence (AI).




Jacqueline Shi, President of Global Marketing and Sales Service at Huawei Cloud, underscored in her welcome speech that cloud technology has significantly advanced Singapore’s digital capabilities, delivering powerful building blocks to the Lion City’s aspiration of a Smart Nation.


“Our sights are on the digitalization industry. We are bringing in the glocalization experience, and driving the digital economy through cutting-edge technology adoption. Huawei Cloud is dedicated to creating a new base for the smart world in Singapore through continuous technological innovations and we believe Go-Cloud is becoming the core competitiveness for industries. “




Huawei Cloud in Singapore clocks over 100% Growth from last year


Huawei Cloud’s business in Singapore has seen tremendous growth, increasing by over 100% in the last year. Over the past five years, Huawei Cloud has served over 1,000 local customers and collaborated with over 500 technology partners, a testament to its ability to meet the evolving needs of the market.


Globally, Huawei Cloud’s overall global business grew by 110% last year while its revenue in Asia Pacific increased twenty-fold in the past five years, making it the second-largest cloud provider in China and the fastest-growing in the Asia-Pacific region.


Singapore now boasts the lowest latency levels in the Asia-Pacific region, with the Singapore node achieving latency below 5 milliseconds, setting new standards in connectivity and operational efficiency.


Mark Chen, President of Global Solution Sales, Huawei Cloud said at the event, “We are living through an era of technology explosion where Cloud, Big Data, and AI are becoming widely used. By continuously creating innovative technologies and solutions from Cloud Native to AI Native and then to Digital Native, Huawei Cloud aims to provide end-to-end digital intelligence services for the digital transformation of various industries in Singapore.”




The latest Huawei Cloud Stack (HCS) 8.3 which was recently released in Singapore demonstrates the rapid technological advancements being made, delivering over 100 cloud services in 13 categories.


Rex Lei, Managing Director of Huawei Cloud Singapore said, “Over the past five years, Huawei Cloud has established a strong presence in Singapore with five availability zones (AZs), with the racks accounting for almost 10% of the market share. This is the largest investment overseas by Huawei Cloud. Huawei Cloud Singapore Region not only serves local customers, but also the surrounding ASEAN countries through high-bandwidth, high-reliability, and low-latency private lines.”




Global Horizons Enabled by Cloud


Huawei Cloud has empowered Singaporean businesses to spread their wings beyond local borders. A notable success is Singapore’s unicorn company, Wiz.AI, which was part of Huawei Cloud’s Spark program in its early stages. Now a global leading conversational voice AI technology innovator, Wiz.AI enables businesses to deliver hyper-personalised, omnichannel customer engagement at scale and has expanded its customer base to multiple Southeast Asian countries including Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines and Thailand. 


At the same time, Huawei Cloud bridges Chinese companies into Southeast Asia. For example, AnyTech,Huawei Cloud’s overseas partner, is a leading supplier of systematic software technology for the financial industry and has forayed successfully into Thailand with its leading solutions for large banks.


Talent Development and Collaboration Remain at Huawei’s Heart


At the summit, Huawei Cloud also launched the “Go Cloud, Go Global-Singapore Cloud Alliance”, addressing Huawei Cloud will be dedicated to expanding the ecosystem for more partners and customers to benefit together from the growing community in the country.


To date, Huawei Cloud has trained over 3,000 developers in Singapore. Collaborations with educational institutions have produced over 2,200 ICT talents and the Spark Incubator entrepreneurship initiative with the Singapore government in 2022 sparked 180 startups.


From setting up strategic collaborations, building essential infrastructure, and investing in talent, to nurturing a vibrant digital ecosystem, Huawei Cloud is steadfast in its commitment to drive significant technological advancements that benefit communities and industries across Singapore and beyond.


\"Cision\" View original content to download multimedia:https://www.prnewswire.com/apac/news-releases/huawei-cloud-the-fastest-growing-cloud-in-apac-vows-to-accelerate-industry-digitalization-in-singapore-302202009.html


SOURCE Huawei Cloud Singapore



\n", "content_text": "SINGAPORE, July 19, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — The vision of a digitalized, intelligent and future-ready Singapore was vividly showcased at the Huawei Cloud Summit Singapore 2024 today with the theme “Leap to Intelligence with a Better Cloud”, where over 500 delegates from around the world representing the government, business and technology sectors gathered to dive into the latest in groundbreaking innovations like Huawei Cloud Stack, Cloud Native, Big Data and Artificial Intelligence (AI).\n\n\n\nJacqueline Shi, President of Global Marketing and Sales Service at Huawei Cloud, underscored in her welcome speech that cloud technology has significantly advanced Singapore’s digital capabilities, delivering powerful building blocks to the Lion City’s aspiration of a Smart Nation.\n“Our sights are on the digitalization industry. We are bringing in the glocalization experience, and driving the digital economy through cutting-edge technology adoption. Huawei Cloud is dedicated to creating a new base for the smart world in Singapore through continuous technological innovations and we believe Go-Cloud is becoming the core competitiveness for industries. “\n\n\n\nHuawei Cloud in Singapore clocks over 100% Growth from last year \nHuawei Cloud’s business in Singapore has seen tremendous growth, increasing by over 100% in the last year. Over the past five years, Huawei Cloud has served over 1,000 local customers and collaborated with over 500 technology partners, a testament to its ability to meet the evolving needs of the market.\nGlobally, Huawei Cloud’s overall global business grew by 110% last year while its revenue in Asia Pacific increased twenty-fold in the past five years, making it the second-largest cloud provider in China and the fastest-growing in the Asia-Pacific region.\nSingapore now boasts the lowest latency levels in the Asia-Pacific region, with the Singapore node achieving latency below 5 milliseconds, setting new standards in connectivity and operational efficiency.\nMark Chen, President of Global Solution Sales, Huawei Cloud said at the event, “We are living through an era of technology explosion where Cloud, Big Data, and AI are becoming widely used. By continuously creating innovative technologies and solutions from Cloud Native to AI Native and then to Digital Native, Huawei Cloud aims to provide end-to-end digital intelligence services for the digital transformation of various industries in Singapore.”\n\n\n\nThe latest Huawei Cloud Stack (HCS) 8.3 which was recently released in Singapore demonstrates the rapid technological advancements being made, delivering over 100 cloud services in 13 categories.\nRex Lei, Managing Director of Huawei Cloud Singapore said, “Over the past five years, Huawei Cloud has established a strong presence in Singapore with five availability zones (AZs), with the racks accounting for almost 10% of the market share. This is the largest investment overseas by Huawei Cloud. Huawei Cloud Singapore Region not only serves local customers, but also the surrounding ASEAN countries through high-bandwidth, high-reliability, and low-latency private lines.”\n\n\n\nGlobal Horizons Enabled by Cloud\nHuawei Cloud has empowered Singaporean businesses to spread their wings beyond local borders. A notable success is Singapore’s unicorn company, Wiz.AI, which was part of Huawei Cloud’s Spark program in its early stages. Now a global leading conversational voice AI technology innovator, Wiz.AI enables businesses to deliver hyper-personalised, omnichannel customer engagement at scale and has expanded its customer base to multiple Southeast Asian countries including Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines and Thailand. \nAt the same time, Huawei Cloud bridges Chinese companies into Southeast Asia. For example, AnyTech,Huawei Cloud’s overseas partner, is a leading supplier of systematic software technology for the financial industry and has forayed successfully into Thailand with its leading solutions for large banks.\nTalent Development and Collaboration Remain at Huawei’s Heart \nAt the summit, Huawei Cloud also launched the “Go Cloud, Go Global-Singapore Cloud Alliance”, addressing Huawei Cloud will be dedicated to expanding the ecosystem for more partners and customers to benefit together from the growing community in the country.\nTo date, Huawei Cloud has trained over 3,000 developers in Singapore. Collaborations with educational institutions have produced over 2,200 ICT talents and the Spark Incubator entrepreneurship initiative with the Singapore government in 2022 sparked 180 startups.\nFrom setting up strategic collaborations, building essential infrastructure, and investing in talent, to nurturing a vibrant digital ecosystem, Huawei Cloud is steadfast in its commitment to drive significant technological advancements that benefit communities and industries across Singapore and beyond.\n\n\n View original content to download multimedia:https://www.prnewswire.com/apac/news-releases/huawei-cloud-the-fastest-growing-cloud-in-apac-vows-to-accelerate-industry-digitalization-in-singapore-302202009.html\nSOURCE Huawei Cloud Singapore", "date_published": "July 20, 2024", "date_modified": "July 20, 2024 - 10:42", "author": { "name": "", "url": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/author/", "avatar": "https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/?s=512&d=mm&r=g" }, "tags": [ "PR Newswire" ], "summary": "SINGAPORE, July 19, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- The vision of " }, { "id": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/cgtn-america-cctv-un-global-opportunities-in-deepening-chinas-reform-in-the-new-era/", "url": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/cgtn-america-cctv-un-global-opportunities-in-deepening-chinas-reform-in-the-new-era/", "title": "CGTN AMERICA & CCTV UN: Global Opportunities in Deepening China\u2019s Reform in the New Era", "content_html": "

CGTN America & CCTV UN releases “Global Opportunities in Deepening China’s Reform in the New Era”


WASHINGTON, July 20, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — China marked the conclusion of one of its most important political events – The Third Plenary session – with a pledge to deepen reform and advance Chinese modernization.


There were several other major declarations at this year’s event – to modernize China’s system of governance, ensure a qualitative leap in productivity based on the latest scientific and technological revolution, and to lay the groundwork for a modern society by the middle of this century.


A communique issued at the end of the four-day session also called for rural and urban development as well as equitable income distribution.


How will these policies affect Chinese citizens? And what are the global ramifications?


To answer those questions and more, China Media Group is organizing an event in New York City on July 22nd, focusing on the opportunities that deepening China’s reform brings. Analysts and experts from think thanks, leading businesses, and renowned academia will delve into the Third Plenary Session and its key takeaways and discuss how Chinese modernization and further reforms bring new opportunities to the world.


A panel of experts featuring ex-JPMorgan Chase Chief Economist Anthony Chan; Robert Morris University professor Anthony Moretti and former Washington Bureau Chief for Executive Intelligence Review William Jones will then expand on the main themes of the Third Plenary Session and its impact on China and the world.


(This material is distributed by MediaLinks TV, LLC on behalf of CCTV. Additional information is available at the Department of Justice, Washington, D.C.)


Contact : Distribution@cgtnamerica.com





\n", "content_text": "CGTN America & CCTV UN releases “Global Opportunities in Deepening China’s Reform in the New Era”\nWASHINGTON, July 20, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — China marked the conclusion of one of its most important political events – The Third Plenary session – with a pledge to deepen reform and advance Chinese modernization.\nThere were several other major declarations at this year’s event – to modernize China’s system of governance, ensure a qualitative leap in productivity based on the latest scientific and technological revolution, and to lay the groundwork for a modern society by the middle of this century.\nA communique issued at the end of the four-day session also called for rural and urban development as well as equitable income distribution.\nHow will these policies affect Chinese citizens? And what are the global ramifications?\nTo answer those questions and more, China Media Group is organizing an event in New York City on July 22nd, focusing on the opportunities that deepening China’s reform brings. Analysts and experts from think thanks, leading businesses, and renowned academia will delve into the Third Plenary Session and its key takeaways and discuss how Chinese modernization and further reforms bring new opportunities to the world.\nA panel of experts featuring ex-JPMorgan Chase Chief Economist Anthony Chan; Robert Morris University professor Anthony Moretti and former Washington Bureau Chief for Executive Intelligence Review William Jones will then expand on the main themes of the Third Plenary Session and its impact on China and the world.\n(This material is distributed by MediaLinks TV, LLC on behalf of CCTV. Additional information is available at the Department of Justice, Washington, D.C.)\nContact : Distribution@cgtnamerica.com\nSOURCE MediaLinks TV LLC", "date_published": "July 20, 2024", "date_modified": "July 20, 2024 - 06:40", "author": { "name": "", "url": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/author/", "avatar": "https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/?s=512&d=mm&r=g" }, "tags": [ "PR Newswire" ], "summary": "CGTN America & CCTV UN releases \"Global Opportuniti" }, { "id": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/infinitus-earns-prestigious-mercer-china-healthiest-workplace-title-and-the-outstanding-health-innovation-award/", "url": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/infinitus-earns-prestigious-mercer-china-healthiest-workplace-title-and-the-outstanding-health-innovation-award/", "title": "Infinitus Earns Prestigious Mercer China Healthiest Workplace Title and the Outstanding Health Innovation Award", "content_html": "

GUANGZHOU, China, July 20, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — On July 18th, as the 2024-2025 Mercer China Healthiest Workplace List was unveiled, Infinitus received the prestigious “Mercer China Healthiest Workplace” designation and the Outstanding Health Innovation Award.




Infinitus Honored with the Mercer China Healthiest Workplace Title and the Outstanding Health Innovation Award


The Mercer China Healthiest Workplace Awards is one of the most prestigious distinctions in the field of workplace health in China. Organized by Mercer, a leading professional consulting firm specializing in employee health and welfare, the event focuses on workplace health, and aims to identify and honor outstanding employers who have created comprehensive, excellent health and well-being environments for their employees.


This year, 330 companies competed, with 67 companies, including names like Bayer, Yili, Tesla, Lenovo, Marriott, Mars, and Infinitus, earning recognition.


Infinitus, a company rooted in health and wellness, operates under a mission to promote China’s superior wellness culture, and create a healthier and happier life. the company views its employees as vital co-creators of the mission, holding a firm belief that by prioritizing the health and happiness of its staff, the company can inspire and unite more people to build a healthier and happier world.


Embracing a distinctive philosophy that a healthy life is the foundation of a healthy existence, Infinitus adopts a holistic approach to employee well-being, addressing physical, psychological, social, and financial health through diverse initiatives:


Receiving the Mercer China Healthiest Workplace designation marks the beginning of Infinitus’ renewed commitment to cultivating a healthy workplace. Driven by its mission and the core value of “Si Li Ji Ren” (considering everyone’s interest before taking action), Infinitus remains dedicated to enhancing the health and happiness of its employees and spreading well-being and joy to a broader community.




\"Cision\" View original content to download multimedia:https://www.prnewswire.com/apac/news-releases/infinitus-earns-prestigious-mercer-china-healthiest-workplace-title-and-the-outstanding-health-innovation-award-302201863.html


SOURCE Infinitus (China) Company Ltd.



\n", "content_text": "GUANGZHOU, China, July 20, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — On July 18th, as the 2024-2025 Mercer China Healthiest Workplace List was unveiled, Infinitus received the prestigious “Mercer China Healthiest Workplace” designation and the Outstanding Health Innovation Award.\n\n\n\nInfinitus Honored with the Mercer China Healthiest Workplace Title and the Outstanding Health Innovation Award\nThe Mercer China Healthiest Workplace Awards is one of the most prestigious distinctions in the field of workplace health in China. Organized by Mercer, a leading professional consulting firm specializing in employee health and welfare, the event focuses on workplace health, and aims to identify and honor outstanding employers who have created comprehensive, excellent health and well-being environments for their employees.\nThis year, 330 companies competed, with 67 companies, including names like Bayer, Yili, Tesla, Lenovo, Marriott, Mars, and Infinitus, earning recognition.\nInfinitus, a company rooted in health and wellness, operates under a mission to promote China’s superior wellness culture, and create a healthier and happier life. the company views its employees as vital co-creators of the mission, holding a firm belief that by prioritizing the health and happiness of its staff, the company can inspire and unite more people to build a healthier and happier world.\nEmbracing a distinctive philosophy that a healthy life is the foundation of a healthy existence, Infinitus adopts a holistic approach to employee well-being, addressing physical, psychological, social, and financial health through diverse initiatives:\n\n Physical Health Programs:\n\n\n\n\nCreation of A Healthy Workplace: Infinitus equips its offices with professional fitness equipment and offers health tips to encourage a balanced work-life and employee well-being. Additionally, seasonal health teas are always on offer in the pantry, demonstrating attention to detail and care for employee well-being.\nHealth and Wellness Activities: Infinitus integrates health and wellness deeply into its culture through employee events and team-building exercises that embody Chinese health practices while enhancing their well-being. To illustrate an example, summer health activities encourage employees to engage in various health activities within the facility where they work, including traditional practices such as the application of three-volt patches, fire dragon jar treatments, and massage sessions.\nSafety and Health Assurance: Beyond regular medical check-ups for staff, Infinitus ensures workplace safety by equipping the office with first aid kits, Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs), and other essential safety tools. Professional organizations are also regularly invited to conduct first aid and safety training sessions for the employees.\n\n\n\n\nMental Health Support:\n\n\nPsychological Counseling Services: Employees and their families have access to 24/7 free psychological counseling, emphasizing the importance of mental health.\nMind Recharging Spaces: The company offers exclusive areas such as a library, rooftop garden, and landscaped courtyard, designed to help employees relax and clear their minds. Additionally, a stress relief room is available for specific roles to alleviate their work-related stress.\nMental Health Empowerment: Regular workshops focused on psychological health and stress management are conducted annually. These sessions are dedicated to educating employees about mental health and equipping them with the skills to manage their mental well-being.\n\n\n\n\nSocial Wellness Initiatives:\n\n\n\n\nFamily Fun for Balance: Infinitus organizes an annual Family Fun Day, encouraging employees to bring their friends and family to the company for a shared celebration. This event strengthens the bonds between employees and their loved ones.\nRecreational Activities for Networking: The company hosts a variety of recreational activities designed to help employees connect with colleagues who share similar interests.\n\n\n\n\nFinancial Health Support:\n\n\n\n\nSupplementary Commercial Insurance: In addition to the mandatory social welfare scheme, Infinitus provides additional commercial insurance for its employees. This initiative addresses the challenge of accessing healthcare and includes family discounts on commercial insurance plans, ensuring comprehensive health protection for the entire family.\nEmployee Hospitalization Mutual Aid Fund: This fund provides financial assistance and health products from the company to support the recovery of hospitalized employees.\nAssistance in Anti-Fraud: To safeguard employees’ financial security, Infinitus hosts anti-fraud seminars. These sessions, featuring police officers from the Anti-Fraud Centre, offer valuable insights into fraud prevention, equipping employees with essential knowledge to protect themselves against financial scams.\n\n\n\nReceiving the Mercer China Healthiest Workplace designation marks the beginning of Infinitus’ renewed commitment to cultivating a healthy workplace. Driven by its mission and the core value of “Si Li Ji Ren” (considering everyone’s interest before taking action), Infinitus remains dedicated to enhancing the health and happiness of its employees and spreading well-being and joy to a broader community.\n \n\n\n View original content to download multimedia:https://www.prnewswire.com/apac/news-releases/infinitus-earns-prestigious-mercer-china-healthiest-workplace-title-and-the-outstanding-health-innovation-award-302201863.html\nSOURCE Infinitus (China) Company Ltd.", "date_published": "July 20, 2024", "date_modified": "July 20, 2024 - 03:40", "author": { "name": "", "url": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/author/", "avatar": "https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/?s=512&d=mm&r=g" }, "tags": [ "PR Newswire" ], "summary": "GUANGZHOU, China, July 20, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- On July" }, { "id": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/kiit-du-%e5%8d%81%e4%ba%8c%e5%90%8d%e5%ad%b8%e7%94%9f%e5%96%9c%e7%8d%b2%e5%b7%b4%e9%bb%8e%e5%a5%a7%e9%81%8b%e6%9c%83%e8%b3%87%e6%a0%bc/", "url": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/kiit-du-%e5%8d%81%e4%ba%8c%e5%90%8d%e5%ad%b8%e7%94%9f%e5%96%9c%e7%8d%b2%e5%b7%b4%e9%bb%8e%e5%a5%a7%e9%81%8b%e6%9c%83%e8%b3%87%e6%a0%bc/", "title": "KIIT-DU \u5341\u4e8c\u540d\u5b78\u751f\u559c\u7372\u5df4\u9ece\u5967\u904b\u6703\u8cc7\u683c", "content_html": "

KIIT-KISS 創辦人宣佈每名運動員可獲得 70 萬盧比獎金


印度布巴內斯瓦爾2024年7月20日 /美通社/ — 布巴內斯瓦爾的 KIIT Deemed to be University (KIIT-DU) 獲得重大成就,有 12 名學生成功取得資格參加 7 月 26 日開始的 2024 年巴黎奧運會,為此大學帶來驕傲與喜悅。


KIIT 是第一間在印度所有大學中,派出最大運動員陣容的大學。


KIIT 和 KISS 的創辦人 Achyuta Samanta 博士已向每名運動員宣布 7 萬盧比,鼓勵運動員在其領域精益求精,為國家帶來榮耀。 


獲得名額的運動員包括:Amit Rohidas(男子曲棍球)、Kishore Kumar Jena(標槍比賽);Parul Chaudhary(3000 米斜坡賽跑和 5000 米賽跑);Priyanka(20 公里步行和馬拉松步行混合接力);Annu Rani(標槍);Jyothi Yarraji(100 米障礙賽);Tajinderpal Singh Toor(推鉛球);Abha Khatua(推鉛球);Prachi(4×400 米接力);Ankita(5000 米賽跑);Paramjeet Singh Bisht(20 公里馬拉松步行混合接力);Suraj Panwar(馬拉松比賽混合接力)。 


KIIT & KISS 創辦人 Achyuta Samanta 博士在布巴內斯瓦爾舉行的特別節目上,對這讓人驕傲的團隊表示祝賀,表示:「您的辛勤工作和奉獻,將您帶到這個尊貴的舞台。」他宣布,每名運動員可獲得 7 萬盧比的現金支持。目前在歐洲不同國家的各個營地,所有 12 名玩家都以虛擬模式參加了此計劃。 


Samanta 博士在通知媒體時表示,KIIT & KISS 是印度首個派出最多選手參加奧運會的組織。他還提到,KIIT & KISS 內誕生了 20 名奧林匹克運動員和 2 名殘奧運會運動員,他們代表印度參加過 2016 年里約奧運會,2020 年東京奧運會,並將代表印度參加 2024 年巴黎奧運會。他補充說,KIIT & KISS 對擁有 7 位 Arjuna 得獎者引以自豪。


「我們對 KIIT 的 12 名學生參加 2024 年巴黎奧運會深感高興,讓我們和國家引以為傲。發揮最大努力,並以您的成就閃耀。整個 KIIT & KISS 家庭都與您同在,為你加油,」他說。




\"Cision\" View original content:https://www.prnewswire.com/apac/zh/news-releases/kiit-du–302201809.html





\n", "content_text": "KIIT-KISS 創辦人宣佈每名運動員可獲得 70 萬盧比獎金\n印度布巴內斯瓦爾2024年7月20日 /美通社/ — 布巴內斯瓦爾的 KIIT Deemed to be University (KIIT-DU) 獲得重大成就,有 12 名學生成功取得資格參加 7 月 26 日開始的 2024 年巴黎奧運會,為此大學帶來驕傲與喜悅。\n\nKIIT 是第一間在印度所有大學中,派出最大運動員陣容的大學。\nKIIT 和 KISS 的創辦人 Achyuta Samanta 博士已向每名運動員宣布 7 萬盧比,鼓勵運動員在其領域精益求精,為國家帶來榮耀。 \n獲得名額的運動員包括:Amit Rohidas(男子曲棍球)、Kishore Kumar Jena(標槍比賽);Parul Chaudhary(3000 米斜坡賽跑和 5000 米賽跑);Priyanka(20 公里步行和馬拉松步行混合接力);Annu Rani(標槍);Jyothi Yarraji(100 米障礙賽);Tajinderpal Singh Toor(推鉛球);Abha Khatua(推鉛球);Prachi(4×400 米接力);Ankita(5000 米賽跑);Paramjeet Singh Bisht(20 公里馬拉松步行混合接力);Suraj Panwar(馬拉松比賽混合接力)。 \nKIIT & KISS 創辦人 Achyuta Samanta 博士在布巴內斯瓦爾舉行的特別節目上,對這讓人驕傲的團隊表示祝賀,表示:「您的辛勤工作和奉獻,將您帶到這個尊貴的舞台。」他宣布,每名運動員可獲得 7 萬盧比的現金支持。目前在歐洲不同國家的各個營地,所有 12 名玩家都以虛擬模式參加了此計劃。 \nSamanta 博士在通知媒體時表示,KIIT & KISS 是印度首個派出最多選手參加奧運會的組織。他還提到,KIIT & KISS 內誕生了 20 名奧林匹克運動員和 2 名殘奧運會運動員,他們代表印度參加過 2016 年里約奧運會,2020 年東京奧運會,並將代表印度參加 2024 年巴黎奧運會。他補充說,KIIT & KISS 對擁有 7 位 Arjuna 得獎者引以自豪。\n「我們對 KIIT 的 12 名學生參加 2024 年巴黎奧運會深感高興,讓我們和國家引以為傲。發揮最大努力,並以您的成就閃耀。整個 KIIT & KISS 家庭都與您同在,為你加油,」他說。\n\n \n View original content:https://www.prnewswire.com/apac/zh/news-releases/kiit-du–302201809.html\nSOURCE KIIT", "date_published": "July 20, 2024", "date_modified": "July 20, 2024 - 02:39", "author": { "name": "", "url": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/author/", "avatar": "https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/?s=512&d=mm&r=g" }, "tags": [ "PR Newswire" ], "summary": "KIIT-KISS 創辦人宣佈&#275" }, { "id": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/kucoin-introduces-omnibus-account-structure-to-enhance-liquidity-for-brokerage-partners/", "url": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/kucoin-introduces-omnibus-account-structure-to-enhance-liquidity-for-brokerage-partners/", "title": "KuCoin Introduces Omnibus Account Structure to Enhance Liquidity for Brokerage Partners", "content_html": "

VICTORIA, Seychelles, July 19, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — July 23, 2024 – KuCoin, a leading cryptocurrency exchange, is pleased to announce a significant enhancement to its Broker Program, designed to cater to liquidity-seeking partners. This upgraded program enables participants to leverage KuCoin’s superior liquidity and diverse asset offerings across both Spot and Futures markets. With this enhancement, participants can now benefit from KuCoin’s top-tier liquidity, high-revenue shares, unlimited sub-accounts, and independent deposit addresses, allowing for functional flexibility and maintaining their own client management powers.


\n \"(PRNewsfoto/KuCoin)\"



“Our new brokerage infrastructure is suitable for multiple types of institutional partners, such as crypto exchanges, execution terminals, layer 2 aggregators, OTCs, and traditional financial service providers venturing into crypto,” said Anton Starchenko, Director of Institution Business Development of KuCoin. 


“This upgrade demonstrates our commitment to providing our partners with the tools they need to succeed in the rapidly evolving crypto market.”


By joining the KuCoin brokerage service, brokers gain access to one main broker account with unlimited sub-accounts. Each sub-account features an exclusive deposit address, serving as a wallet to separate funds and trades. Additionally, each sub-account undergoes independent risk checks. These ongoing risk and compliance measures bolster KuCoin’s commitment to protecting partner interests. Broker accounts are subject to separate fee structures, while the broker receives a combined commission based on the cumulative volume across all accounts.


As a leading platform in the cryptocurrency industry, KuCoin is dedicated to providing top-notch security and reliability. The platform employs state-of-the-art security measures, including advanced encryption protocols, multi-factor authentication, and real-time monitoring systems to ensure the safety of users’ assets. KuCoin’s unwavering focus on security and innovation has solidified its reputation as a trusted and forward-thinking exchange in the global crypto market.


For more information about the KuCoin Broker Program and the new omnibus account structure, please visit KuCoin’s official website.


About KuCoin


Launched in September 2017, KuCoin is a leading cryptocurrency exchange with its operational headquarters in Seychelles. As a user-oriented platform with a focus on inclusiveness and community engagement. It offers over 900 digital assets across Spot trading, Margin trading, P2P Fiat trading, Futures trading, and Staking to its 34 million users in more than 200 countries and regions. KuCoin ranks as one of the top 6 crypto exchanges. KuCoin was acclaimed as “One of the Best Crypto Apps & Exchanges of June 2024” by Forbes Advisor and has been included as one of the top 50 companies in the “2024 Hurun Global Unicorn List”. Learn more at https://www.kucoin.com/ .


Contact Us to Join


Telegram: @KuCoin_Broker


Email: vip@kucoin.com


Book a Product Call here.


\"Cision\" View original content to download multimedia:https://www.prnewswire.com/apac/news-releases/kucoin-introduces-omnibus-account-structure-to-enhance-liquidity-for-brokerage-partners-302201675.html





\n", "content_text": "VICTORIA, Seychelles, July 19, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — July 23, 2024 – KuCoin, a leading cryptocurrency exchange, is pleased to announce a significant enhancement to its Broker Program, designed to cater to liquidity-seeking partners. This upgraded program enables participants to leverage KuCoin’s superior liquidity and diverse asset offerings across both Spot and Futures markets. With this enhancement, participants can now benefit from KuCoin’s top-tier liquidity, high-revenue shares, unlimited sub-accounts, and independent deposit addresses, allowing for functional flexibility and maintaining their own client management powers.\n\n\n \n \n \n \n\n“Our new brokerage infrastructure is suitable for multiple types of institutional partners, such as crypto exchanges, execution terminals, layer 2 aggregators, OTCs, and traditional financial service providers venturing into crypto,” said Anton Starchenko, Director of Institution Business Development of KuCoin. \n“This upgrade demonstrates our commitment to providing our partners with the tools they need to succeed in the rapidly evolving crypto market.”\nBy joining the KuCoin brokerage service, brokers gain access to one main broker account with unlimited sub-accounts. Each sub-account features an exclusive deposit address, serving as a wallet to separate funds and trades. Additionally, each sub-account undergoes independent risk checks. These ongoing risk and compliance measures bolster KuCoin’s commitment to protecting partner interests. Broker accounts are subject to separate fee structures, while the broker receives a combined commission based on the cumulative volume across all accounts.\nAs a leading platform in the cryptocurrency industry, KuCoin is dedicated to providing top-notch security and reliability. The platform employs state-of-the-art security measures, including advanced encryption protocols, multi-factor authentication, and real-time monitoring systems to ensure the safety of users’ assets. KuCoin’s unwavering focus on security and innovation has solidified its reputation as a trusted and forward-thinking exchange in the global crypto market.\nFor more information about the KuCoin Broker Program and the new omnibus account structure, please visit KuCoin’s official website.\nAbout KuCoin\nLaunched in September 2017, KuCoin is a leading cryptocurrency exchange with its operational headquarters in Seychelles. As a user-oriented platform with a focus on inclusiveness and community engagement. It offers over 900 digital assets across Spot trading, Margin trading, P2P Fiat trading, Futures trading, and Staking to its 34 million users in more than 200 countries and regions. KuCoin ranks as one of the top 6 crypto exchanges. KuCoin was acclaimed as “One of the Best Crypto Apps & Exchanges of June 2024” by Forbes Advisor and has been included as one of the top 50 companies in the “2024 Hurun Global Unicorn List”. Learn more at https://www.kucoin.com/ .\nContact Us to Join\nTelegram: @KuCoin_Broker\nEmail: vip@kucoin.com\nBook a Product Call here.\n View original content to download multimedia:https://www.prnewswire.com/apac/news-releases/kucoin-introduces-omnibus-account-structure-to-enhance-liquidity-for-brokerage-partners-302201675.html\nSOURCE KuCoin", "date_published": "July 20, 2024", "date_modified": "July 20, 2024 - 00:56", "author": { "name": "", "url": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/author/", "avatar": "https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/?s=512&d=mm&r=g" }, "tags": [ "PR Newswire" ], "summary": "VICTORIA, Seychelles, July 19, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Jul" }, { "id": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/%e6%93%9a-omdia-%e9%a0%90%e6%b8%ac%ef%bc%8c%e5%88%b0-2028-%e5%b9%b4%e6%a1%8c%e4%b8%8a%e5%9e%8b%e8%9e%a2%e5%b9%95%e5%b8%82%e5%a0%b4%e5%a2%9e%e9%95%b7%ef%bc%8c%e9%9b%bb%e7%ab%b6%e5%b0%88%e7%94%a8/", "url": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/%e6%93%9a-omdia-%e9%a0%90%e6%b8%ac%ef%bc%8c%e5%88%b0-2028-%e5%b9%b4%e6%a1%8c%e4%b8%8a%e5%9e%8b%e8%9e%a2%e5%b9%95%e5%b8%82%e5%a0%b4%e5%a2%9e%e9%95%b7%ef%bc%8c%e9%9b%bb%e7%ab%b6%e5%b0%88%e7%94%a8/", "title": "\u64da Omdia \u9810\u6e2c\uff0c\u5230 2028 \u5e74\u684c\u4e0a\u578b\u87a2\u5e55\u5e02\u5834\u589e\u9577\uff0c\u96fb\u7af6\u5c08\u7528\u87a2\u5e55\u5c07\u9054\u5230 2,470 \u842c\u90e8", "content_html": "

伦敦2024年7月20日 /美通社/ — 根據 Omdia 桌上型螢幕情報服務的最新分析指出,顯示刷新率超過 120Hz 的電競專用螢幕市場,預計將於 2024 年達到 2,470 萬部,年成長達 9%。同時,配備操作系統和流媒體服務入口網站的智能螢幕市場,預計將較去年同期成長 63%,達到 120 萬部。


在 2024 年第一季度,桌上型螢幕器出貨量達到 3,070 萬部,較去年同期成長 5%。自 23 年第三季度以來,業界一直穩步發展,克服了疫情後的物流中斷。值得注意的是,電競專用螢幕和智能螢幕市場正在迅速擴展。此增長動力來自於附加價值與高功能性,尤其是這兩種螢幕類別。


在這種情況下,刷新率超過 120Hz 的電競專用螢幕,以及配備作業系統和電視等串流服務入口應用程式的智能螢幕,兩者的市場一直在迅速擴展。


Omdia 資深首席分析師 Hidetoshi Himuro 表示:「螢幕的智能化發展軌跡,與電視機相同,重點在於將兩者能處理的內容發揮到極致,並擴大 B2C 市場中電競和智能螢幕的用家體驗。」


韓國的 Samsung 和 LGE 目前在智能螢幕的出貨量上佔有主導地位。Acer 則緊隨其後,其他來自台灣地区、美國和中國大陆的品牌預計也會很快殺入市場。在電競專用螢幕領域,非電競螢幕的刷新率有可能超過 120Hz。因此預計,以最大刷新率定義的遊戲顯示器的出貨效能將會提升。


根據 Omdia 預測,到 2028 年,電競專用螢幕市場將擴大至 2,740 萬部,而智能螢幕市場將成長至 210 萬部,其中包括來自 B2B 應用程式的需求。


2024 年,智能螢幕市場預計將達到 120 萬部,主要是由於整合作業系統的電視系統單晶片所帶動,使其有別於傳統的桌上型螢幕。2023 年,MediaTek、Novatek 和 Realtek 為帶頭的電視機 SoC 廠商。三者的總市場份額,預計將從 2023 年的 83% 上升至 2024 年的 84%。


「智能螢幕市場存在不同的問題,具體取決於供應商類型。我們預計 Tizen、WebOS、中國 AOSP 和 Google 這四個作業系統,將於 2024 至 25 年成為主要玩家。此外,Wi-Fi 體驗和新的使用者介面(例如遙控器)也是這個市場不斷進化的的關鍵因素,」Himuro 總結道。




Omdia,作為Informa Tech的一部分,是一家專注於科技行業的領先研究和諮詢集團。憑藉對科技市場的深入瞭解,結合切實可行的洞察力,Omdia將賦能企業做出明智的增長決策。要瞭解更多資訊,請訪問www.omdia.com


媒體連絡人 Fasiha Khan/電話:+44 7503 666806/電子郵箱:fasiha.khan@omdia.com


\"Cision\" View original content:https://www.prnewswire.com/apac/zh/news-releases/-omdia–2028–2-470–302201740.html





\n", "content_text": "伦敦2024年7月20日 /美通社/ — 根據 Omdia 桌上型螢幕情報服務的最新分析指出,顯示刷新率超過 120Hz 的電競專用螢幕市場,預計將於 2024 年達到 2,470 萬部,年成長達 9%。同時,配備操作系統和流媒體服務入口網站的智能螢幕市場,預計將較去年同期成長 63%,達到 120 萬部。\n\n在 2024 年第一季度,桌上型螢幕器出貨量達到 3,070 萬部,較去年同期成長 5%。自 23 年第三季度以來,業界一直穩步發展,克服了疫情後的物流中斷。值得注意的是,電競專用螢幕和智能螢幕市場正在迅速擴展。此增長動力來自於附加價值與高功能性,尤其是這兩種螢幕類別。\n在這種情況下,刷新率超過 120Hz 的電競專用螢幕,以及配備作業系統和電視等串流服務入口應用程式的智能螢幕,兩者的市場一直在迅速擴展。\nOmdia 資深首席分析師 Hidetoshi Himuro 表示:「螢幕的智能化發展軌跡,與電視機相同,重點在於將兩者能處理的內容發揮到極致,並擴大 B2C 市場中電競和智能螢幕的用家體驗。」\n韓國的 Samsung 和 LGE 目前在智能螢幕的出貨量上佔有主導地位。Acer 則緊隨其後,其他來自台灣地区、美國和中國大陆的品牌預計也會很快殺入市場。在電競專用螢幕領域,非電競螢幕的刷新率有可能超過 120Hz。因此預計,以最大刷新率定義的遊戲顯示器的出貨效能將會提升。\n根據 Omdia 預測,到 2028 年,電競專用螢幕市場將擴大至 2,740 萬部,而智能螢幕市場將成長至 210 萬部,其中包括來自 B2B 應用程式的需求。\n2024 年,智能螢幕市場預計將達到 120 萬部,主要是由於整合作業系統的電視系統單晶片所帶動,使其有別於傳統的桌上型螢幕。2023 年,MediaTek、Novatek 和 Realtek 為帶頭的電視機 SoC 廠商。三者的總市場份額,預計將從 2023 年的 83% 上升至 2024 年的 84%。\n「智能螢幕市場存在不同的問題,具體取決於供應商類型。我們預計 Tizen、WebOS、中國 AOSP 和 Google 這四個作業系統,將於 2024 至 25 年成為主要玩家。此外,Wi-Fi 體驗和新的使用者介面(例如遙控器)也是這個市場不斷進化的的關鍵因素,」Himuro 總結道。\n關於Omdia\nOmdia,作為Informa Tech的一部分,是一家專注於科技行業的領先研究和諮詢集團。憑藉對科技市場的深入瞭解,結合切實可行的洞察力,Omdia將賦能企業做出明智的增長決策。要瞭解更多資訊,請訪問www.omdia.com。\n媒體連絡人: Fasiha Khan/電話:+44 7503 666806/電子郵箱:fasiha.khan@omdia.com\n\n View original content:https://www.prnewswire.com/apac/zh/news-releases/-omdia–2028–2-470–302201740.html\nSOURCE Omdia", "date_published": "July 20, 2024", "date_modified": "July 20, 2024 - 00:56", "author": { "name": "", "url": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/author/", "avatar": "https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/?s=512&d=mm&r=g" }, "tags": [ "PR Newswire" ], "summary": "伦敦2024年7月20日 /&#3265" }, { "id": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/the-joseph-safra-family-amicably-resolves-disputes/", "url": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/the-joseph-safra-family-amicably-resolves-disputes/", "title": "The Joseph Safra Family Amicably Resolves Disputes", "content_html": "

SÃO PAUL and GENEVA, July 19, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — The Joseph Safra Family today announced the global, amicable resolution of all disputes with Alberto Joseph Safra.


Under the terms of the resolution, Alberto will divest his interests in the J. Safra Group. and pursue his business interests through ASA. They reaffirm that their father, the late Mr. Joseph Safra, was competent to dispose of his estate. Alberto Safra stated: “I am happy to put that matter behind. After clarifications, I understood that there were no wrongdoings, and that Mr. Safra’s estate was properly disposed in accordance to his wishes.”


The parties have further agreed to end all pending legal and arbitral proceedings in all jurisdictions.


Financial and other terms and conditions of the resolution were not disclosed.


In a joint statement, Vicky Safra and all her children said: “We are pleased to put this matter behind us and reaffirm our family bonds. The resolution we have reached will allow us to pursue our respective business interests in ways that help ensure that the success of every member of our family is a reason for shared satisfaction.”


Media Contact
Ross Lovern
Kekst CNC


SOURCE The Safra Group



\n", "content_text": "SÃO PAUL and GENEVA, July 19, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — The Joseph Safra Family today announced the global, amicable resolution of all disputes with Alberto Joseph Safra.\nUnder the terms of the resolution, Alberto will divest his interests in the J. Safra Group. and pursue his business interests through ASA. They reaffirm that their father, the late Mr. Joseph Safra, was competent to dispose of his estate. Alberto Safra stated: “I am happy to put that matter behind. After clarifications, I understood that there were no wrongdoings, and that Mr. Safra’s estate was properly disposed in accordance to his wishes.”\nThe parties have further agreed to end all pending legal and arbitral proceedings in all jurisdictions.\nFinancial and other terms and conditions of the resolution were not disclosed.\nIn a joint statement, Vicky Safra and all her children said: “We are pleased to put this matter behind us and reaffirm our family bonds. The resolution we have reached will allow us to pursue our respective business interests in ways that help ensure that the success of every member of our family is a reason for shared satisfaction.”\nMedia ContactRoss LovernKekst CNCRoss.lovern@kekstcnc.com\nSOURCE The Safra Group", "date_published": "July 19, 2024", "date_modified": "July 19, 2024 - 23:42", "author": { "name": "", "url": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/author/", "avatar": "https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/?s=512&d=mm&r=g" }, "tags": [ "PR Newswire" ], "summary": "SÃO PAUL and GENEVA, July 19, 2024 /PRNewswire/ " }, { "id": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/esy-sunhome-showcases-ai-capabilities-at-united-nations-forum/", "url": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/esy-sunhome-showcases-ai-capabilities-at-united-nations-forum/", "title": "ESY SUNHOME Showcases AI Capabilities at United Nations Forum", "content_html": "

VIENNA, July 19, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — ESY SUNHOME, a premier provider of energy storage solutions, showcased its latest artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities at the “2024: Fair AI for a Fair World” Developing Countries AI Forum, hosted at the United Nations Office in Vienna from July 17-18. The forum brought together industry professionals worldwide and aimed to bridge the digital divides and foster innovation by leveraging AI to effect tangible changes to developing nations.




As an invited participant, ESY SUNHOME engaged in discussions and demonstrated how the AI technologies apply to intelligent energy management systems to optimize energy usage, elevate living standards, reduce energy waste, and mitigate carbon emissions.


Integrating AI into its current HM series and future products, ESY SUNHOME employs big data analytics to dynamically optimize energy consumption strategies in real-time. This technology collects and analyzes user data on electricity usage and lifestyle, offering personalized operational modes and lifestyle recommendations to significantly improve user experience and energy efficiency.


The brand’s AI technology offers significant benefits to users, such as:


ESY SUNHOME’s research and development also highlight AI’s potential impact across various areas:


Maggie Xie, Head of Sales (Italy) at ESY SUNHOME, emphasized, “ESY SUNHOME is at the forefront in innovation by integrating AI to optimize energy storage systems. Our products efficiently store energy while enhancing convenience and efficiency through AI. This approach makes sustainable living practical and appealing, optimizing energy use, cost savings, extending system longevity, and promoting environmental sustainability.”


ESY SUNHOME is dedicated to ongoing innovation in energy storage solutions and expanding AI applications in energy management. The brand pledges to deepen global collaborations to advance sustainable energy development, benefiting more users and communities.


For further details, please visit: www.esysunhome.com 


\"Cision\" View original content to download multimedia:https://www.prnewswire.com/apac/news-releases/esy-sunhome-showcases-ai-capabilities-at-united-nations-forum-302201558.html





\n", "content_text": "VIENNA, July 19, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — ESY SUNHOME, a premier provider of energy storage solutions, showcased its latest artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities at the “2024: Fair AI for a Fair World” Developing Countries AI Forum, hosted at the United Nations Office in Vienna from July 17-18. The forum brought together industry professionals worldwide and aimed to bridge the digital divides and foster innovation by leveraging AI to effect tangible changes to developing nations.\n\n\n\nAs an invited participant, ESY SUNHOME engaged in discussions and demonstrated how the AI technologies apply to intelligent energy management systems to optimize energy usage, elevate living standards, reduce energy waste, and mitigate carbon emissions.\nIntegrating AI into its current HM series and future products, ESY SUNHOME employs big data analytics to dynamically optimize energy consumption strategies in real-time. This technology collects and analyzes user data on electricity usage and lifestyle, offering personalized operational modes and lifestyle recommendations to significantly improve user experience and energy efficiency.\nThe brand’s AI technology offers significant benefits to users, such as:\n\nZero Installation Cost: The AI model eliminates the need for communication interface installation, reducing costs and avoiding installation hassle.\nEase of Use: Users can easily select AI services through an intuitive APP interface without complex setup procedures.\nSmart Notifications: The AI model offers optimal purchase and sale plans through smart notifications, including peak and off-peak electricity prices, weather forecasts, and potential power outages, ensuring economical and convenient energy use.\nCost Savings: According to the feedback from an Italian user, ESY SUNHOME products reduced power bills by around 80%. Additionally, intelligent reminders for purchasing and selling also deliver substantial economic advantages to users.\n\nESY SUNHOME’s research and development also highlight AI’s potential impact across various areas:\n\nEnergy Consumption Prediction: AI technology analyzes historical energy consumption data and external factors (like weather and user habits) to predict energy demand, potentially cutting energy consumption by 20%.\nEquipment Maintenance: AI monitors equipment status, predicting and preventing equipment failures, thereby reducing maintenance costs by 30%.\nEnergy Dispatch: Dynamic optimization of distributed energy (such as solar power and battery storage) dispatch can improve utilization efficiency by 15%.\nSystem Efficiency: Integrating smart grids with AI can increase power system efficiency by 10% to 20%.\nEnvironmental Protection: AI-driven energy systems can reduce carbon emissions by 15% to 20%, promoting the adoption of green energy.\n\nMaggie Xie, Head of Sales (Italy) at ESY SUNHOME, emphasized, “ESY SUNHOME is at the forefront in innovation by integrating AI to optimize energy storage systems. Our products efficiently store energy while enhancing convenience and efficiency through AI. This approach makes sustainable living practical and appealing, optimizing energy use, cost savings, extending system longevity, and promoting environmental sustainability.”\nESY SUNHOME is dedicated to ongoing innovation in energy storage solutions and expanding AI applications in energy management. The brand pledges to deepen global collaborations to advance sustainable energy development, benefiting more users and communities.\nFor further details, please visit: www.esysunhome.com \n\n\n View original content to download multimedia:https://www.prnewswire.com/apac/news-releases/esy-sunhome-showcases-ai-capabilities-at-united-nations-forum-302201558.html\nSOURCE ESY SUNHOME", "date_published": "July 19, 2024", "date_modified": "July 19, 2024 - 22:42", "author": { "name": "", "url": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/author/", "avatar": "https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/?s=512&d=mm&r=g" }, "tags": [ "PR Newswire" ], "summary": "VIENNA, July 19, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- ESY SUNHOME, a pr" }, { "id": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/euroclear-continues-momentum-with-strong-first-half-year-results/", "url": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/euroclear-continues-momentum-with-strong-first-half-year-results/", "title": "Euroclear continues momentum with strong first half year results", "content_html": "

BRUSSELS, July 19, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Results for the first half year ended 30 June 2024








Euroclear achieves strong results driven by solid operating and interest income


Pace of cost growth is slowing progressively


Growing shareholder returns and strong capital position


Euroclear acquires strategic stake in Inversis


Russian sanctioned assets


Euroclear Holding


(€ m)


H1 23




H1 23


H1 24


impacts after


H1 24


vs 2023


Operating income
















5 %


Business income
















3 %


Interest, banking & other
















9 %


Windfall contribution










Operating expenses
















-5 %


Operating profit before
















6 %


















Pre tax profit
















6 %


















-1 %


Net profit
















7 %












Business income
operating margin


21.5 %


25.1 %


24.0 %


EBITDA margin


80.9 %


58.3 %


58.7 %


Valerie Urbain, Chief Executive Officer of Euroclear, commented:


“This is my first set of results as CEO of Euroclear and I am proud to announce continued strong results as clients entrusted us with record levels of safekeeping and settlement volumes. Our commitment to client satisfaction, operational excellence and innovation has driven this excellent performance.


With an ambitious strategy and a committed team, Euroclear aims to extend its position as a European leader with a global footprint. Already in 2024, we have taken steps to further support the financing of the real economy by making capital markets more integrated, liquid, and efficient. Not only have we connected global investors to the world’s tenth largest economy, South Korea, but we have also put in place a renewed focus on contributing to Europe’s strategic autonomy and Capital Markets Union. Such efforts are of critical importance given the pressing need to finance the green and digital transition around the globe.


In addition to delivering a robust underlying business performance, Euroclear continues to diligently implement the international sanctions on Russian assets. Euroclear is also complying with its important obligations to put the windfall contribution into effect and will soon make a first payment of €1.55 billion to the European Fund for Ukraine.”


Business performance


The key operating metrics (end of period unless stated otherwise) demonstrate an excellent business performance during the period.


H1 2023


H1 2024


YoY evolution


3-year CAGR


Assets under custody


€36.8 trillion


€39.6 trillion


+8 %


+4 %


Number of transactions


152 million


165 million


+8 %


+3 %




€546 trillion


€565 trillion


+3 %


+6 %


Fund assets under


€3 trillion


€3.3 trillion


+12 %


+6 %


Collateral Highway


€1.68 trillion


€1.87 trillion


+12 %


+3 %


Underlying cash deposits


€25.4 billion


€22.5 billion


-12 %


+3 %


Assets under custody reached a new record at €39.6 trillion, growing for the seventh quarter in a row, thanks to solid stock exchange performances coupled with robust results in fixed income.


Settlement volumes have also reached new record levels driven by sustained activity throughout 2024.


Funds depot is boosted by the success of ETFs, combined with the higher stock valuations, and reaches an all-time record level of €3.3 trillion.


Collateral Highway outstanding continues to recover following a strong decline in 2023 due to the Liability Driven Investment (LDI) crisis in the United Kingdom.


Q2 strategic milestones 


Leveraging Euroclear’s network to ease capital flows 


As a financial market infrastructure, Euroclear aims to bring markets together through its open, flexible architecture and connect local issuers with international investors. In the first half, Euroclear Bank has successfully opened the market’s first omnibus account for Korean Treasury Bonds (KTB) and Monetary Stabilisation Bonds (MSB), making South Korean local government debt Euroclearable.


Euroclear has also been working with the Liquidity and Sustainability Facility (LSF) to create a repo solution for African Sovereign Eurobonds to sit within our triparty platform. The triparty basket could provide a new avenue for international investment in Africa, creating market efficiencies and increasing liquidity.


Data and innovation milestones


Euroclear aspires to become a digital and data-enabled financial market infrastructure. By building an open platform providing a variety of services to all market participants, Euroclear continues to evolve its core service offering, while developing new services – particularly in the data, sustainability and innovation space.


We continued to make progress against this ambition in Q2 as Euroclear and Mosaic Smart Data joined forces to launch a new initiative to transform data into valuable insights. Mosaic Smart Data has launched a new data intelligence service, Smart Markets, powered by Euroclear’s fixed income data, including government and corporate bonds. This service will transform Euroclear’s data into insights that participants can easily interpret and use to detect market movements, enhance trading models and build informed strategies.


The second quarter of 2024 was marked by another achievement in developing Euroclear’s innovation blueprint. Euroclear has collaborated with ARTEX Global Markets, an innovator in the art investment space to make art public via equity shares. With this first issuance of single equity shares, via Euroclear Bank as issuer CSD, Euroclear expands the range of asset classes available under its international model, building on the success of Eurobonds or ETFs.


Senior management and shareholder updates


A new, expanded Executive Committee 


To accelerate strategy execution, Euroclear redesigned the structure and composition of its top management team). This new Executive Committee composed of eight members will ensure that all the group’s constituents are represented in all key strategic decisions and will have a stronger focus on business operations, people and clients – both Europe and Internationally.


As recently announced, Sébastien Danloy will join this expanded Executive Committee in mid-September as Euroclear’s new Chief Business Officer (appointment subject to regulatory approval) to lead the business initiatives. Joining Euroclear from BNP Paribas Securities Services, Sébastien brings over 25 years’ experience within the banking, asset management and securities services industry.


Euroclear also announced the appointment of Guillaume Eliet as successor to Paul Hurd in the role of Chief Risk Officer. Guillaume will lead the group’s Risk function, a core responsibility of a financial market infrastructure, which is embedded in Euroclear’s corporate purpose. Guillaume joined Euroclear in 2017 as the Head of Regulatory, Compliance & Public Affairs, before taking the reins as CEO of Euroclear ESES CSDs in 2021. Guillaume will join the Euroclear Board as Executive Director and the Executive Committee.


NZ Super Fund increases stake in Euroclear


Last year, several high-quality, long-term investors decided to join Euroclear’s group of shareholders. Their commitment is a confirmation of the strategic course and long-term potential of the company. After having acquired 4.99% of Euroclear’s shares in September 2023, NZ Super Fund, New Zealand’s sovereign wealth fund, recently increased its stake to 8.7%. With this investment, NZ Super Fund becomes the fourth largest individual shareholder of Euroclear and has been invited to propose a non-executive director (subject to the National Bank of Belgium’s and shareholders’ approvals), and will be the sixth non-executive shareholder’s representative on Euroclear’s Board. This increased investment further evidences the transition of Euroclear’s shareholder base from its traditional “user-owned” model to include a greater proportion of long-term institutional investors.


Russian sanctions  


Financial impacts of the Russian assets in H1 2024


impacts after


…of which CBR
after 15 Feb. after


…of which other
Russian assets +
CBR before 15 Feb.


Operating income








Business income








Interest, banking & other income








Windfall contribution provision






of which contribution payable in July






of which delayed contribution






Operating expenses








Operating profit before Impairment
















Net profit








Update on Russian sanctions and countermeasures


Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 resulted in market-wide application of international sanctions. Euroclear considers the application of international sanctions as a key obligation. Therefore, well established processes are in place which have allowed the group to implement the sanctions while maintaining our normal course of business.


As a result of the sanctions, blocked coupon payments and redemptions owed to sanctioned entities continue to accumulate on Euroclear Bank’s balance sheet. At the end of June 2024, Euroclear Bank’s balance sheet totalled €207 billion, of which €173 billion relate to sanctioned Russian assets.


In line with Euroclear’s risk appetite and policies and as expected by the EU Capital Requirements Regulation, Euroclear’s cash balances are re-invested to minimise risk and capital requirements. In the first semester of 2024, interest arising on cash balances from Russian-sanctioned assets was approximately €3.4 billion. Such interest earnings are driven by the prevailing interest rates and the amount of cash balances that Euroclear is required to invest. Subject to Belgian corporate tax, these earnings generated €836 million tax revenue for the Belgian State. As such, future earnings will be influenced by the evolving interest rate environment.


Effective 15 February 2024, the EU Council adopted a Regulation (Council Regulation (EU) 2024/576 of 12 February 2024 amending Regulation (EU) 833/2014) providing for an obligation for Central Securities Depositories (CSDs) holding reserves and assets of the Central Bank of Russia with a total value of more than €1 million to apply specific rules in relation to the cash balances accumulating due to restrictive measures. These CSDs, such as Euroclear Bank, should account for and manage such extraordinary cash balances separately from their other activities, should keep separate the net profit generated and should not dispose of these ensuing net profits (e.g. in the form of dividends to shareholders).


In May 2024, the European Commission has adopted a new regulation about a windfall contribution applicable to CSDs holding Russian Central Bank assets with a total value of more than €1 million4. The profits generated by the reinvestment of these sanctioned amounts dating from 15 February 2024 onwards are required to be contributed to the European Fund for Ukraine. 


Euroclear will comply with the EU regulation on the windfall contribution and make a first payment of approx. €1.55 billion to the European Fund for Ukraine in July 2024.


Euroclear continues to act prudently and is further strengthening its capital by retaining the remainder of the Russian sanction related profits as a buffer against current and future risks. Euroclear is focused on minimising potential legal, financial, and operational risks that may arise for itself and its clients, while complying with its obligations.


Various parties in Russia contest the consequences of the application of sanctions, with a significant number of legal proceedings ongoing, almost exclusively in Russian courts. The impact of the lawsuits on Euroclear is uncertain and Euroclear has received a number of unfavourable rulings since Russia does not recognise the international sanctions. Euroclear will continue to defend itself against all legal claims.




Euroclear Bank and Euroclear Investments are the two group issuing entities. The summary income statements and financial positions at Q1 2024 for both entities are shown below.


Figures in Million of EUR


Q2 2024


Q2 2023




Euroclear Bank Income Statement (BE GAAP)


Net interest income *








Net fee and commission income








Other income








Total operating income








Administrative expenses








Operating profit before impairment and taxation








Result for the period








Euroclear Bank Statement of Financial Position


Shareholders’ equity








Debt securities issued and funds borrowed
(incl.subordinated debt)








Total assets








Euroclear Investments Income Statement (BE GAAP)


Q2 2024


Q2 2023












Net gains/(losses) on financial assets & liabilities








Other income








Total operating income








Administrative expenses








Operating profit before impairment and taxation








Result for the period








Euroclear Investments Statement of Financial Position


Shareholders’ equity








Debt securities issued and funds borrowed








Total assets








(*) Total net interest income offset by the impact of the windfall contribution under Belgian presentation.


About Euroclear


Euroclear group is the financial industry’s trusted provider of post trade services. Guided by its purpose, Euroclear innovates to bring safety, efficiency, and connections to financial markets for sustainable economic growth. Euroclear provides settlement and custody of domestic and cross-border securities for bonds, equities and derivatives, and investment funds. As a proven, resilient capital market infrastructure, Euroclear is committed to delivering risk-mitigation, automation, and efficiency at scale for its global client franchise. The Euroclear group comprises Euroclear Bank, the International and Irish CSD, as well as Euroclear Belgium, Euroclear Finland, Euroclear France, Euroclear Nederland, Euroclear Sweden and Euroclear UK & International.


Media Contact:
Thomas Churchill, thomas.churchill@euroclear.com, +32 471 63 65 35
Pascal Brabant, pascal.brabant@euroclear.com, +32 475 78 36 62


1 When excluding an exceptional billing adjustment, underlying business income would have increased by 4% compared to last year.


2 Post deduction of dividend relating to 2023, including H1 2024 profit and based on estimated underlying RWA of around EUR 7.7bn


3 After retention of a 10% share of the windfall contribution to comply with capital and risk management requirements


4 European Commission Statement of 21 May 2024:  Use of proceeds from immobilised Russian assets for Ukraine (europa.eu)










SOURCE Euroclear



\n", "content_text": "BRUSSELS, July 19, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Results for the first half year ended 30 June 2024\n \n\n \nHighlights \nEuroclear achieves strong results driven by solid operating and interest income\n\nUnderlying operating income increased by 5% to reach a record €1.45 billion. \nBusiness income increased by 3% to €865 million1, reflecting continued solid performance of Euroclear’s core business as settlement and safe keeping activities reached new record levels.\nH1 2024 underlying interest income increased by 9% to €586 million in the context of a sustained high interest rates environment and gradual policy rate cuts.\n\nPace of cost growth is slowing progressively\n\nAfter a step-up in investment in digital capabilities, workforce and IT infrastructure in 2023, the growth of underlying operating expenses slowed to 5% in H1 2024. Euroclear remains focused on cost mitigation while making the necessary investments in its strategy, including the improvement of operational resilience, the modernisation of CSDs’ core platforms and the reinforcement of non-IT resources.\n\nGrowing shareholder returns and strong capital position\n\nUnderlying earnings per share increased by 7% to €191.4, in line with continued increase in net profit. \nOn 19 July 2024, Euroclear paid the previously announced dividend relating to the 2023 underlying business results of €210 per share, representing an 82% increase compared to the prior year dividend.\nEuroclear’s group underlying capitalisation remains very strong and comfortably above capital requirements with an underlying Common Equity Tier 1 capital ratio above 50%2.\n\nEuroclear acquires strategic stake in Inversis\n\nEuroclear today announced it has acquired a stake of 49% in Inversis, a Spanish provider of global investment technology solutions and outsourced financial services, with a committed plan to full ownership by end 2027.\nThe acquisition aligns with Euroclear’s long-term growth objectives and strengthens Euroclear’s presence in Spain.\nThe full press release is available in the press section of Euroclear’s website.\n\nRussian sanctioned assets\n\nIn July 2024, Euroclear will make a first payment of €1.55 billion to the European Fund for Ukraine following the recent implementation of the EU regulation on the windfall contribution. This adds to the €836 million of corporate taxes to be paid to the Belgian State on the profits related to the Russian assets in H1 2024.\nThe impacts of Russian sanctions are detailed at the end of this press release.\n\n\n\n\n\nEuroclear Holding\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(€ m)\n\n\nH1 23\n\n\nRussiansanctionsimpacts\n\n\nH1 23underlying\n\n\nH1 24\n\n\nRussiansanctionsimpacts afterWindfallContribution \n\n\nH1 24underlying\n\n\nUnderlying vs 2023\n\n\n\n\n\nOperating income\n\n\n3,107\n\n\n1,730\n\n\n1,377\n\n\n3,095\n\n\n1,644\n\n\n1,451\n\n\n75\n\n\n5 %\n\n\n\n\n\nBusiness income\n\n\n827\n\n\n-11\n\n\n838\n\n\n852\n\n\n-13\n\n\n865\n\n\n27\n\n\n3 %\n\n\n\n\n\nInterest, banking & otherincome\n\n\n2,280\n\n\n1,742\n\n\n539\n\n\n3,963\n\n\n3,376\n\n\n586\n\n\n48\n\n\n9 %\n\n\n\n\n\nWindfall contribution\n\n\n\n\n\n-1,719\n\n\n-1,719\n\n\n0\n\n\n0\n\n\n\n\n\n\nOperating expenses\n\n\n-649\n\n\n-21\n\n\n-628\n\n\n-705\n\n\n-48\n\n\n-657\n\n\n-29\n\n\n-5 %\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nOperating profit beforeImpairment\n\n\n2,458\n\n\n1,710\n\n\n748\n\n\n2,390\n\n\n1,596\n\n\n794\n\n\n46\n\n\n6 %\n\n\n\n\n\nImpairment\n\n\n0\n\n\n0\n\n\n0\n\n\n-3\n\n\n0\n\n\n-3\n\n\n-3\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPre tax profit\n\n\n2,458\n\n\n1,710\n\n\n749\n\n\n2,387\n\n\n1,596\n\n\n791\n\n\n42\n\n\n6 %\n\n\n\n\n\nTax\n\n\n-614\n\n\n-427\n\n\n-187\n\n\n-1,024\n\n\n-836\n\n\n-189\n\n\n-2\n\n\n-1 %\n\n\n\n\n\nNet profit\n\n\n1,844\n\n\n1,282\n\n\n562\n\n\n1,363\n\n\n760\n\n\n602\n\n\n41\n\n\n7 %\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nEPS\n\n\n585.9\n\n\n\n178.5\n\n\n432.9\n\n\n\n191.4\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nBusiness incomeoperating margin\n\n\n21.5 %\n\n\n\n25.1 %\n\n\n\n\n24.0 %\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nEBITDA margin(EBITDA/oper.income)\n\n\n80.9 %\n\n\n\n58.3 %\n\n\n\n\n58.7 %\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nValerie Urbain, Chief Executive Officer of Euroclear, commented: \n“This is my first set of results as CEO of Euroclear and I am proud to announce continued strong results as clients entrusted us with record levels of safekeeping and settlement volumes. Our commitment to client satisfaction, operational excellence and innovation has driven this excellent performance.\nWith an ambitious strategy and a committed team, Euroclear aims to extend its position as a European leader with a global footprint. Already in 2024, we have taken steps to further support the financing of the real economy by making capital markets more integrated, liquid, and efficient. Not only have we connected global investors to the world’s tenth largest economy, South Korea, but we have also put in place a renewed focus on contributing to Europe’s strategic autonomy and Capital Markets Union. Such efforts are of critical importance given the pressing need to finance the green and digital transition around the globe.\nIn addition to delivering a robust underlying business performance, Euroclear continues to diligently implement the international sanctions on Russian assets. Euroclear is also complying with its important obligations to put the windfall contribution into effect and will soon make a first payment of €1.55 billion to the European Fund for Ukraine.”\nBusiness performance\nThe key operating metrics (end of period unless stated otherwise) demonstrate an excellent business performance during the period.\n\n\n\n\n\nH1 2023\n\n\nH1 2024\n\n\nYoY evolution\n\n\n3-year CAGR\n\n\n\n\nAssets under custody\n\n\n€36.8 trillion\n\n\n€39.6 trillion\n\n\n+8 %\n\n\n+4 %\n\n\n\n\nNumber of transactions\n\n\n152 million\n\n\n165 million\n\n\n+8 %\n\n\n+3 %\n\n\n\n\nTurnover\n\n\n€546 trillion\n\n\n€565 trillion\n\n\n+3 %\n\n\n+6 %\n\n\n\n\nFund assets undercustody\n\n\n€3 trillion\n\n\n€3.3 trillion\n\n\n+12 %\n\n\n+6 %\n\n\n\n\nCollateral Highway\n\n\n€1.68 trillion\n\n\n€1.87 trillion\n\n\n+12 %\n\n\n+3 %\n\n\n\n\nUnderlying cash deposits(average)\n\n\n€25.4 billion\n\n\n€22.5 billion\n\n\n-12 %\n\n\n+3 %\n\n\n\n\nAssets under custody reached a new record at €39.6 trillion, growing for the seventh quarter in a row, thanks to solid stock exchange performances coupled with robust results in fixed income.\nSettlement volumes have also reached new record levels driven by sustained activity throughout 2024.\nFunds depot is boosted by the success of ETFs, combined with the higher stock valuations, and reaches an all-time record level of €3.3 trillion.\nCollateral Highway outstanding continues to recover following a strong decline in 2023 due to the Liability Driven Investment (LDI) crisis in the United Kingdom.\nQ2 strategic milestones \nLeveraging Euroclear’s network to ease capital flows \nAs a financial market infrastructure, Euroclear aims to bring markets together through its open, flexible architecture and connect local issuers with international investors. In the first half, Euroclear Bank has successfully opened the market’s first omnibus account for Korean Treasury Bonds (KTB) and Monetary Stabilisation Bonds (MSB), making South Korean local government debt Euroclearable.\nEuroclear has also been working with the Liquidity and Sustainability Facility (LSF) to create a repo solution for African Sovereign Eurobonds to sit within our triparty platform. The triparty basket could provide a new avenue for international investment in Africa, creating market efficiencies and increasing liquidity.\nData and innovation milestones\nEuroclear aspires to become a digital and data-enabled financial market infrastructure. By building an open platform providing a variety of services to all market participants, Euroclear continues to evolve its core service offering, while developing new services – particularly in the data, sustainability and innovation space.\nWe continued to make progress against this ambition in Q2 as Euroclear and Mosaic Smart Data joined forces to launch a new initiative to transform data into valuable insights. Mosaic Smart Data has launched a new data intelligence service, Smart Markets, powered by Euroclear’s fixed income data, including government and corporate bonds. This service will transform Euroclear’s data into insights that participants can easily interpret and use to detect market movements, enhance trading models and build informed strategies.\nThe second quarter of 2024 was marked by another achievement in developing Euroclear’s innovation blueprint. Euroclear has collaborated with ARTEX Global Markets, an innovator in the art investment space to make art public via equity shares. With this first issuance of single equity shares, via Euroclear Bank as issuer CSD, Euroclear expands the range of asset classes available under its international model, building on the success of Eurobonds or ETFs.\nSenior management and shareholder updates\nA new, expanded Executive Committee \nTo accelerate strategy execution, Euroclear redesigned the structure and composition of its top management team). This new Executive Committee composed of eight members will ensure that all the group’s constituents are represented in all key strategic decisions and will have a stronger focus on business operations, people and clients – both Europe and Internationally.\nAs recently announced, Sébastien Danloy will join this expanded Executive Committee in mid-September as Euroclear’s new Chief Business Officer (appointment subject to regulatory approval) to lead the business initiatives. Joining Euroclear from BNP Paribas Securities Services, Sébastien brings over 25 years’ experience within the banking, asset management and securities services industry.\nEuroclear also announced the appointment of Guillaume Eliet as successor to Paul Hurd in the role of Chief Risk Officer. Guillaume will lead the group’s Risk function, a core responsibility of a financial market infrastructure, which is embedded in Euroclear’s corporate purpose. Guillaume joined Euroclear in 2017 as the Head of Regulatory, Compliance & Public Affairs, before taking the reins as CEO of Euroclear ESES CSDs in 2021. Guillaume will join the Euroclear Board as Executive Director and the Executive Committee.\nNZ Super Fund increases stake in Euroclear\nLast year, several high-quality, long-term investors decided to join Euroclear’s group of shareholders. Their commitment is a confirmation of the strategic course and long-term potential of the company. After having acquired 4.99% of Euroclear’s shares in September 2023, NZ Super Fund, New Zealand’s sovereign wealth fund, recently increased its stake to 8.7%. With this investment, NZ Super Fund becomes the fourth largest individual shareholder of Euroclear and has been invited to propose a non-executive director (subject to the National Bank of Belgium’s and shareholders’ approvals), and will be the sixth non-executive shareholder’s representative on Euroclear’s Board. This increased investment further evidences the transition of Euroclear’s shareholder base from its traditional “user-owned” model to include a greater proportion of long-term institutional investors.\nRussian sanctions  \nFinancial impacts of the Russian assets in H1 2024\n\nThe Russian sanctions continue to have a significant impact on Euroclear’s earnings. €3.4 billion of the €4 billion interest    income generated relate to Russian sanctioned assets.\nApplicable to CBR assets dating from 15 February 2024 onwards, the newly introduced EU windfall contribution after tax amounts to €1.7 billion. Euroclear will make a first payment of €1.55 billion3 to the European Fund for Ukraine.\nThe remainder of the profits related to sanctioned assets are being put aside as an important buffer against current and future risks.\nThe sanctions and Russian countermeasures resulted in direct costs of €48 million and a loss of business income of €13 million.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRussiansanctionsimpacts afterWindfallContribution \n\n\n …of which CBRafter 15 Feb. afterWindfallContribution\n\n\n …of which otherRussian assets +CBR before 15 Feb. \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nOperating income\n\n\n1,644\n\n\n604\n\n\n1,040\n\n\n\n\n\n\nBusiness income\n\n\n-13\n\n\n0\n\n\n-13\n\n\n\n\n\n\nInterest, banking & other income\n\n\n3,376\n\n\n2,323\n\n\n1,053\n\n\n\n\n\n\nWindfall contribution provision\n\n\n-1,719\n\n\n-1,719\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nof which contribution payable in July\n\n\n1,547\n\n\n-1,547\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nof which delayed contribution\n\n\n-172\n\n\n-172\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nOperating expenses\n\n\n-48\n\n\n-11\n\n\n-37\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nOperating profit before Impairment\n\n\n1,596\n\n\n593\n\n\n1,003\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nTax\n\n\n-836\n\n\n-584\n\n\n-252\n\n\n\n\n\n\nNet profit\n\n\n760\n\n\n9\n\n\n751\n\n\n\n\n\n\nUpdate on Russian sanctions and countermeasures \nRussia’s invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 resulted in market-wide application of international sanctions. Euroclear considers the application of international sanctions as a key obligation. Therefore, well established processes are in place which have allowed the group to implement the sanctions while maintaining our normal course of business.\nAs a result of the sanctions, blocked coupon payments and redemptions owed to sanctioned entities continue to accumulate on Euroclear Bank’s balance sheet. At the end of June 2024, Euroclear Bank’s balance sheet totalled €207 billion, of which €173 billion relate to sanctioned Russian assets.\nIn line with Euroclear’s risk appetite and policies and as expected by the EU Capital Requirements Regulation, Euroclear’s cash balances are re-invested to minimise risk and capital requirements. In the first semester of 2024, interest arising on cash balances from Russian-sanctioned assets was approximately €3.4 billion. Such interest earnings are driven by the prevailing interest rates and the amount of cash balances that Euroclear is required to invest. Subject to Belgian corporate tax, these earnings generated €836 million tax revenue for the Belgian State. As such, future earnings will be influenced by the evolving interest rate environment.\nEffective 15 February 2024, the EU Council adopted a Regulation (Council Regulation (EU) 2024/576 of 12 February 2024 amending Regulation (EU) 833/2014) providing for an obligation for Central Securities Depositories (CSDs) holding reserves and assets of the Central Bank of Russia with a total value of more than €1 million to apply specific rules in relation to the cash balances accumulating due to restrictive measures. These CSDs, such as Euroclear Bank, should account for and manage such extraordinary cash balances separately from their other activities, should keep separate the net profit generated and should not dispose of these ensuing net profits (e.g. in the form of dividends to shareholders).\nIn May 2024, the European Commission has adopted a new regulation about a windfall contribution applicable to CSDs holding Russian Central Bank assets with a total value of more than €1 million4. The profits generated by the reinvestment of these sanctioned amounts dating from 15 February 2024 onwards are required to be contributed to the European Fund for Ukraine. \nEuroclear will comply with the EU regulation on the windfall contribution and make a first payment of approx. €1.55 billion to the European Fund for Ukraine in July 2024.\nEuroclear continues to act prudently and is further strengthening its capital by retaining the remainder of the Russian sanction related profits as a buffer against current and future risks. Euroclear is focused on minimising potential legal, financial, and operational risks that may arise for itself and its clients, while complying with its obligations.\nVarious parties in Russia contest the consequences of the application of sanctions, with a significant number of legal proceedings ongoing, almost exclusively in Russian courts. The impact of the lawsuits on Euroclear is uncertain and Euroclear has received a number of unfavourable rulings since Russia does not recognise the international sanctions. Euroclear will continue to defend itself against all legal claims.\nAnnexes \nEuroclear Bank and Euroclear Investments are the two group issuing entities. The summary income statements and financial positions at Q1 2024 for both entities are shown below.\n\n\n\n\nFigures in Million of EUR \n\n\nQ2 2024\n\n\n\nQ2 2023\n\n\n\nVariance\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nEuroclear Bank Income Statement (BE GAAP)\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nNet interest income *\n\n\n2,238.8\n\n\n\n2,261.5\n\n\n\n-22.6\n\n\n\n\n\n\nNet fee and commission income\n\n\n556.7\n\n\n\n550.0\n\n\n\n6.7\n\n\n\n\n\n\nOther income\n\n\n-5.4\n\n\n\n17.0\n\n\n\n-22.4\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nTotal operating income\n\n\n2,790.2\n\n\n\n2,828.5\n\n\n\n-38.3\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nAdministrative expenses\n\n\n-476.8\n\n\n\n-404.7\n\n\n\n-72.1\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nOperating profit before impairment and taxation\n\n\n2,313.3\n\n\n\n2,423.8\n\n\n\n-110.4\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nResult for the period\n\n\n1,297.6\n\n\n\n1,814.1\n\n\n\n-516.4\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nEuroclear Bank Statement of Financial Position\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nShareholders’ equity\n\n\n7,333.4\n\n\n\n4,416.2\n\n\n\n2,917.2\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDebt securities issued and funds borrowed(incl.subordinated debt)\n\n\n4,775.8\n\n\n\n5,822.7\n\n\n\n-1,046.8\n\n\n\n\n\n\nTotal assets\n\n\n207,397.4\n\n\n\n150,376.0\n\n\n\n57,021.5\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nEuroclear Investments Income Statement (BE GAAP)\n\n\nQ2 2024\n\n\n\nQ2 2023\n\n\n\nVariance\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDividend\n\n\n706.7\n\n\n\n395.5\n\n\n\n311.3\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nNet gains/(losses) on financial assets & liabilities\n\n\n4.1\n\n\n\n5.5\n\n\n\n-1.4\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nOther income \n\n\n-0.1\n\n\n\n-0.2\n\n\n\n0.1\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nTotal operating income\n\n\n710.8\n\n\n\n400.7\n\n\n\n310.1\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nAdministrative expenses\n\n\n-1.1\n\n\n\n-0.5\n\n\n\n-0.6\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nOperating profit before impairment and taxation\n\n\n709.7\n\n\n\n400.2\n\n\n\n309.5\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nResult for the period\n\n\n708.7\n\n\n\n399.0\n\n\n\n309.7\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nEuroclear Investments Statement of Financial Position\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nShareholders’ equity\n\n\n738.4\n\n\n\n693.4\n\n\n\n45.1\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDebt securities issued and funds borrowed\n\n\n1,649.8\n\n\n\n1,651.7\n\n\n\n-1.9\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nTotal assets\n\n\n2,388.9\n\n\n\n2,345.7\n\n\n\n43.3\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(*) Total net interest income offset by the impact of the windfall contribution under Belgian presentation.\n\n\n\n\nAbout Euroclear\nEuroclear group is the financial industry’s trusted provider of post trade services. Guided by its purpose, Euroclear innovates to bring safety, efficiency, and connections to financial markets for sustainable economic growth. Euroclear provides settlement and custody of domestic and cross-border securities for bonds, equities and derivatives, and investment funds. As a proven, resilient capital market infrastructure, Euroclear is committed to delivering risk-mitigation, automation, and efficiency at scale for its global client franchise. The Euroclear group comprises Euroclear Bank, the International and Irish CSD, as well as Euroclear Belgium, Euroclear Finland, Euroclear France, Euroclear Nederland, Euroclear Sweden and Euroclear UK & International.\nMedia Contact:Thomas Churchill, thomas.churchill@euroclear.com, +32 471 63 65 35Pascal Brabant, pascal.brabant@euroclear.com, +32 475 78 36 62\n1 When excluding an exceptional billing adjustment, underlying business income would have increased by 4% compared to last year.\n2 Post deduction of dividend relating to 2023, including H1 2024 profit and based on estimated underlying RWA of around EUR 7.7bn\n3 After retention of a 10% share of the windfall contribution to comply with capital and risk management requirements\n4 European Commission Statement of 21 May 2024:  Use of proceeds from immobilised Russian assets for Ukraine (europa.eu)\n \n \n\n \n\n \nSOURCE Euroclear", "date_published": "July 19, 2024", "date_modified": "July 19, 2024 - 21:40", "author": { "name": "", "url": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/author/", "avatar": "https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/?s=512&d=mm&r=g" }, "tags": [ "PR Newswire" ], "summary": "BRUSSELS, July 19, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Results for the" }, { "id": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/%e8%bf%91%e4%b8%83%e6%88%90%e6%b8%af%e4%ba%ba%e5%9b%a0%e5%b7%a5%e4%bd%9c%e5%a3%93%e5%8a%9b%e6%8b%92%e7%94%9f%e8%82%b2-%e5%81%a5%e5%ba%b7%e6%95%99%e8%82%b2%e5%9f%ba%e9%87%91%e6%9c%83%e3%80%81merck/", "url": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/%e8%bf%91%e4%b8%83%e6%88%90%e6%b8%af%e4%ba%ba%e5%9b%a0%e5%b7%a5%e4%bd%9c%e5%a3%93%e5%8a%9b%e6%8b%92%e7%94%9f%e8%82%b2-%e5%81%a5%e5%ba%b7%e6%95%99%e8%82%b2%e5%9f%ba%e9%87%91%e6%9c%83%e3%80%81merck/", "title": "\u8fd1\u4e03\u6210\u6e2f\u4eba\u56e0\u5de5\u4f5c\u58d3\u529b\u62d2\u751f\u80b2 \u5065\u5eb7\u6559\u80b2\u57fa\u91d1\u6703\u3001Merck\u8207Bowtie\u555f\u52d5\u300cFamily Matters\u5021\u8b70\u300d", "content_html": "

香港2024年7月19日 /美通社/ — 健康教育基金會(Primary Care Education Foundation)、領先全球科技的默克集團(Merck)以及香港首間虛擬保險公司,保泰人壽(Bowtie)宣佈聯合啟動「Family Matters倡議」。


根據聯合國人口基金會發佈的《2023年世界人口狀況》,香港女性為全球最低生育率的其中一個城市[1]。該情況日趨嚴重,亦成為香港社會最關注的議題之一;除此以外,女性延遲生育的趨勢亦值得留意,根據統計處數據,在過去30年間,年齡組別位於20至24歲的女性,其生育率減少了77%;而40至44歲女性的生育率則上升了 91%[2]


私人企業在享受香港優質營商環境之時,亦應肩負部份社會責任,鼓勵員工組織家庭,為香港的長遠發展作貢獻;有見及此,健康教育基金會、Merck及Bowtie聯合啟動Family Matters倡議」,期望通過教育培訓與生育補助等多元化措施,為員工營造家庭友善的工作環境,支持他們積極組建家庭,為香港的未來發展注入生機。


為更深入了解現時港人面對生育決定時的考慮因素以及阻力,健康教育基金會、Merck以及Bowtie在2024年上半年間,推出「健康教育基金會 x Merck x Bowtie – 家庭支援問卷調查 2024,在網上收集約200名香港在職人士對於企業和政府在生育及家庭支援方面的需求與期望。問卷調查的概括結果如下:










故此,作為「Family Matters倡議」的發起企業之一,Merck率先宣布將為有意生育的員工及其配偶,提供每人28萬元的生育福利,計劃內容包括:生育測試、雪卵(Egg Freezing)、女性及男性不孕症治療,包括誘導排卵(OI)、子宮内人工授精(IUI)、試管嬰兒(IVF)、細胞漿內單精子注射(ICSI)、荷爾蒙治療、取精手術。普遍香港女性都因試管嬰兒的高昂費用而卻步,Merck的資助不僅能夠減輕員工的經濟負擔,更將為香港的整體生育率提升注入新動力。


Merck香港及澳門董事總經理鄭世隆先生表示:「我們很高興能夠通過這項實質措施,幫助有生育意願的員工解決燃眉之急,為他們創造更加有利的生育條件及工作環境;這不僅有助於提高員工的生活質量,也將為香港整體的生育率水平帶來正面影響。我們將繼續積極舉辦『Family Matters倡議』的各項活動,為香港社會的可持續發展出一分力。」




Bowtie聯合創辦人兼聯合行政總裁顏耀輝先生表示:「作為一間具使命感的初創企業,Bowtie十分榮幸成為『Family Matters倡議』發起者之一。在員工努力拼博之際,企業有責任為他們營造家庭友善的工作文化;除了為員工提供在家工作的便利之餘,我們亦希望能夠透過健康教育,提高港人對生育的認知,從而鼓勵他們組織家庭。」


健康教育基金會主席關志康先生表示:「我們非常高興有Merck及Bowtie以身作則,希望能夠呼籲更多企業加入『Family Matters倡議』 的行列當中。我們深信企業需要與政府齊心協力,為港人提供更多支援,創造適合的生育環境,才能從根源上解決問題。我們將致力推動更多企業實施家庭友善措施,共同為『Building Family, Building Hong Kong』的目標而努力。」


[1] 香港每名婦女平均生育子女的數目為0.8名,低於韓國(0.9名)、新加坡(1名)、澳門(1.1名)及內地(1.2名):https://wcaro.unfpa.org/en/publications/annual-report-2023-0#:~:text=In%202023%2C%20UNFPA%20achieved%20significant,deaths%20and%20ending%20gender%2Dbased


[2] 1991年至2021年香港生育趨勢:https://www.censtatd.gov.hk/en/data/stat_report/product/FA100090/att/B72302FA2023XXXXB0100.pdf






全球領先的科學與科技公司默克是一個橫跨醫療保健、生命科學與電子科技三大領域的頂尖企業,目前約有 63,000 名員工,致力開發為人類生活帶來正面影響的高科技。從推進基因編輯技術發展,到醫治最難對抗的疾病,甚至是發展未來智慧裝置 – 默克無所不在。於 2023年,默克整年度財務表現達 210億歐元,並佈局於全球 65 個國家。 科學研究與企業責任是默克發展科技與科學的核心理念。這是默克從 1668 年成立至今能屹立不搖的主要原因。作為創始人,默克家族仍持有大部分的股份。位於德國達姆施塔特的默克集團,擁有默克(Merck)的公司名稱和品牌的全球使用權。唯獨在美國和加拿大,我們的醫療保健事業體是以 EMD Serono 的名義、生命科學事業體以MilliporeSigma為名義、及電子科技事業體則以 EMD Electronics的名義營運。 欲了解更多資訊,請瀏覽:http://www.merckgroup.com




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\n", "content_text": "香港2024年7月19日 /美通社/ — 健康教育基金會(Primary Care Education Foundation)、領先全球科技的默克集團(Merck)以及香港首間虛擬保險公司,保泰人壽(Bowtie)宣佈聯合啟動「Family Matters倡議」。\n根據聯合國人口基金會發佈的《2023年世界人口狀況》,香港女性為全球最低生育率的其中一個城市[1]。該情況日趨嚴重,亦成為香港社會最關注的議題之一;除此以外,女性延遲生育的趨勢亦值得留意,根據統計處數據,在過去30年間,年齡組別位於20至24歲的女性,其生育率減少了77%;而40至44歲女性的生育率則上升了 91%[2]。\n私人企業在享受香港優質營商環境之時,亦應肩負部份社會責任,鼓勵員工組織家庭,為香港的長遠發展作貢獻;有見及此,健康教育基金會、Merck及Bowtie聯合啟動「Family Matters倡議」,期望通過教育培訓與生育補助等多元化措施,為員工營造家庭友善的工作環境,支持他們積極組建家庭,為香港的未來發展注入生機。\n為更深入了解現時港人面對生育決定時的考慮因素以及阻力,健康教育基金會、Merck以及Bowtie在2024年上半年間,推出「健康教育基金會 x Merck x Bowtie – 家庭支援問卷調查 2024」,在網上收集約200名香港在職人士對於企業和政府在生育及家庭支援方面的需求與期望。問卷調查的概括結果如下:\n個人因素\n\n近80%受訪者認為要養育一名小孩至22歲,需要最少600萬的支出;\n約67%受訪者認為家庭收入要達到10萬元以上才足夠應付育兒開支;\n約76%受訪者曾經因為工作壓力而影響生育意願。\n\n企業因素\n\n只有不足30%受訪者指企業有鼓勵生育的措施;\n約84%受訪者最希望企業提供更多彈性工作安排以協助育兒;\n約51%受訪者指若企業提供更多生育獎勵,會更積極考慮生育。\n\n政府因素\n\n約57%受訪者認為,政府應該優先投放資源於經濟層面的支援措施;\n約71%受訪者認為,政府現時的生育獎勵措施並不足夠。\n\n從問卷調查結果可見,經濟條件是限制大部分港人生育的最大因素;此外,往往事業黃金期與生育黃金期重疊,亦令大多數女性作出延遲甚至放棄生育的決定;同時,大多數受訪者認為除了政府支持外,企業提供給僱員的生育援助也尤為重要。\n故此,作為「Family Matters倡議」的發起企業之一,Merck率先宣布將為有意生育的員工及其配偶,提供每人28萬元的生育福利,計劃內容包括:生育測試、雪卵(Egg Freezing)、女性及男性不孕症治療,包括誘導排卵(OI)、子宮内人工授精(IUI)、試管嬰兒(IVF)、細胞漿內單精子注射(ICSI)、荷爾蒙治療、取精手術。普遍香港女性都因試管嬰兒的高昂費用而卻步,Merck的資助不僅能夠減輕員工的經濟負擔,更將為香港的整體生育率提升注入新動力。\nMerck香港及澳門董事總經理鄭世隆先生表示:「我們很高興能夠通過這項實質措施,幫助有生育意願的員工解決燃眉之急,為他們創造更加有利的生育條件及工作環境;這不僅有助於提高員工的生活質量,也將為香港整體的生育率水平帶來正面影響。我們將繼續積極舉辦『Family Matters倡議』的各項活動,為香港社會的可持續發展出一分力。」\n除此之外,Merck亦會與健康教育基金會以及Bowtie合作,透過拍攝影片及撰寫文章等形式,宣傳關於生育、雪卵、試管嬰兒等健康知識,以解答大眾對組織家庭的各項疑問。\nBowtie聯合創辦人兼聯合行政總裁顏耀輝先生表示:「作為一間具使命感的初創企業,Bowtie十分榮幸成為『Family Matters倡議』發起者之一。在員工努力拼博之際,企業有責任為他們營造家庭友善的工作文化;除了為員工提供在家工作的便利之餘,我們亦希望能夠透過健康教育,提高港人對生育的認知,從而鼓勵他們組織家庭。」\n健康教育基金會主席關志康先生表示:「我們非常高興有Merck及Bowtie以身作則,希望能夠呼籲更多企業加入『Family Matters倡議』 的行列當中。我們深信企業需要與政府齊心協力,為港人提供更多支援,創造適合的生育環境,才能從根源上解決問題。我們將致力推動更多企業實施家庭友善措施,共同為『Building Family, Building Hong Kong』的目標而努力。」\n\n\n\n\n[1] 香港每名婦女平均生育子女的數目為0.8名,低於韓國(0.9名)、新加坡(1名)、澳門(1.1名)及內地(1.2名):https://wcaro.unfpa.org/en/publications/annual-report-2023-0#:~:text=In%202023%2C%20UNFPA%20achieved%20significant,deaths%20and%20ending%20gender%2Dbased\n[2] 1991年至2021年香港生育趨勢:https://www.censtatd.gov.hk/en/data/stat_report/product/FA100090/att/B72302FA2023XXXXB0100.pdf\n\n\n\n\n \n關於健康教育基金會健康教育基金會成立於2019年,是一個非營利組織團體,是獲《稅務條例》第88條內認可的免稅慈善機構。我們的目標是努力地向社會上不同組織,無論公共或私人機構、社區和個人,以鼓勵及正面方式支持大眾預防疾病,以延長生命和促進人類健康。\n關於默克全球領先的科學與科技公司默克是一個橫跨醫療保健、生命科學與電子科技三大領域的頂尖企業,目前約有 63,000 名員工,致力開發為人類生活帶來正面影響的高科技。從推進基因編輯技術發展,到醫治最難對抗的疾病,甚至是發展未來智慧裝置 – 默克無所不在。於 2023年,默克整年度財務表現達 210億歐元,並佈局於全球 65 個國家。 科學研究與企業責任是默克發展科技與科學的核心理念。這是默克從 1668 年成立至今能屹立不搖的主要原因。作為創始人,默克家族仍持有大部分的股份。位於德國達姆施塔特的默克集團,擁有默克(Merck)的公司名稱和品牌的全球使用權。唯獨在美國和加拿大,我們的醫療保健事業體是以 EMD Serono 的名義、生命科學事業體以MilliporeSigma為名義、及電子科技事業體則以 EMD Electronics的名義營運。 欲了解更多資訊,請瀏覽:http://www.merckgroup.com\n關於BowtieBowtie(「保泰人壽」)是持牌人壽保險公司及香港首間虛擬保險公司,致力於填補健康保障缺口以及改變亞洲人民獲取醫療保障的方式。Bowtie透過創新科技及醫療專業,提供免佣金和方便的網上平台,讓客戶隨時隨地獲取健康保險計劃的報價、投保及索償服務。Bowtie獲得香港永明金融有限公司、三井物産及多間國際投資者共同支持,至今完成金額超過6.8億港元的融資,並為各家各戶提供了超過900億港元的保障額。欲了解更多資訊,請瀏覽:https://www.bowtie.com.hk。\n View original content:https://www.prnewswire.com/apac/zh/news-releases/-merckbowtiefamily-matters-302201465.html\nSOURCE 保泰人壽", "date_published": "July 19, 2024", "date_modified": "July 19, 2024 - 21:39", "author": { "name": "", "url": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/author/", "avatar": "https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/?s=512&d=mm&r=g" }, "tags": [ "PR Newswire" ], "summary": "香港2024年7月19日 /&#3265" }, { "id": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/hh-global-advancing-global-marketing-activation-capability-with-strategic-investment-in-best-in-class-ai-solutions/", "url": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/hh-global-advancing-global-marketing-activation-capability-with-strategic-investment-in-best-in-class-ai-solutions/", "title": "HH Global advancing global marketing activation capability with strategic investment in best-in-class AI solutions", "content_html": "

LONDON and CHICAGO, July 19, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — HH Global is pleased to announce the completion of the acquisition of Northell Partners Ltd, following the signing of an agreement on 16 July 2024.


HH Global identified Northell as a best-in-class marketing technology, AI solution provider which will enable HH Global to accelerate its ongoing adoption of AI and machine learning for its clients and across its own business. The increased efficiencies of Northell’s AI technology will provide advanced opportunities for new and existing clients to generate deeper insights, improve efficiencies in marketing activation and accelerate time to market across all categories and regions.


Kristian Elgey – Global CEO at HH Global said, “Northell is a market-leading technologies and services provider, which is operating at the cutting-edge of the development and implementation of Artificial Intelligence. With our own drive to enhance operational efficiency, the acquisition of Northell demonstrates HH Global’s continuing investment in developing industry-leading marketing activation solutions and services for global brands. We are excited about this next step in our journey and we are looking forward to working with our new colleagues.” 


Peter Verster, CEO at Northell said, “We are delighted to be a part of HH Global, and with their focus on innovation, people and client delivery, we look forward to realizing the full potential of our solutions, people and technology. This acquisition allows us to continue Northell’s focus on addressing real-world business opportunities and delivering tangible outcomes. We look forward to amplifying HH Global’s already unrivaled delivery and working directly with their clients, who are some of the most exciting and progressive global brands.” 


About HH Global
Founded in 1991, HH Global is the global leader in responsible marketing activation services. Through their creativity, technology and expertise, they connect brands to their customers, across channels and markets, helping them achieve big impact for their big ideas.


HH Global has +4,500 experts in more than 60 countries and in every market around the world. With a thirty-year track record of success, they help the biggest, most exciting and progressive global brands achieve stronger, more responsible growth.


About Northell 


Northell operates at the cutting-edge of the development and implementation of Artificial Intelligence and has earned recognition from leading technology analysts Forrester and Gartner. It has a proven track record of enhancing organizational efficiency and innovation by transforming data and integrating advanced technologies and AI.


Northell’s experienced team combines academic knowledge from leading institutions with experience gained from working and building solutions with some of the biggest and most progressive global brands to deliver innovative solutions and powerful results.







\n", "content_text": "LONDON and CHICAGO, July 19, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — HH Global is pleased to announce the completion of the acquisition of Northell Partners Ltd, following the signing of an agreement on 16 July 2024.\n\nHH Global identified Northell as a best-in-class marketing technology, AI solution provider which will enable HH Global to accelerate its ongoing adoption of AI and machine learning for its clients and across its own business. The increased efficiencies of Northell’s AI technology will provide advanced opportunities for new and existing clients to generate deeper insights, improve efficiencies in marketing activation and accelerate time to market across all categories and regions.\nKristian Elgey – Global CEO at HH Global said, “Northell is a market-leading technologies and services provider, which is operating at the cutting-edge of the development and implementation of Artificial Intelligence. With our own drive to enhance operational efficiency, the acquisition of Northell demonstrates HH Global’s continuing investment in developing industry-leading marketing activation solutions and services for global brands. We are excited about this next step in our journey and we are looking forward to working with our new colleagues.” \nPeter Verster, CEO at Northell said, “We are delighted to be a part of HH Global, and with their focus on innovation, people and client delivery, we look forward to realizing the full potential of our solutions, people and technology. This acquisition allows us to continue Northell’s focus on addressing real-world business opportunities and delivering tangible outcomes. We look forward to amplifying HH Global’s already unrivaled delivery and working directly with their clients, who are some of the most exciting and progressive global brands.” \nAbout HH GlobalFounded in 1991, HH Global is the global leader in responsible marketing activation services. Through their creativity, technology and expertise, they connect brands to their customers, across channels and markets, helping them achieve big impact for their big ideas.\nHH Global has +4,500 experts in more than 60 countries and in every market around the world. With a thirty-year track record of success, they help the biggest, most exciting and progressive global brands achieve stronger, more responsible growth.\nAbout Northell \nNorthell operates at the cutting-edge of the development and implementation of Artificial Intelligence and has earned recognition from leading technology analysts Forrester and Gartner. It has a proven track record of enhancing organizational efficiency and innovation by transforming data and integrating advanced technologies and AI.\nNorthell’s experienced team combines academic knowledge from leading institutions with experience gained from working and building solutions with some of the biggest and most progressive global brands to deliver innovative solutions and powerful results.\n \nSOURCE HH Global", "date_published": "July 19, 2024", "date_modified": "July 19, 2024 - 20:40", "author": { "name": "", "url": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/author/", "avatar": "https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/?s=512&d=mm&r=g" }, "tags": [ "PR Newswire" ], "summary": "LONDON and CHICAGO, July 19, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- HH Gl" }, { "id": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/4-days-of-family-fun-at-cotai-expo-free-admission-sands-shopping-carnival-open-now/", "url": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/4-days-of-family-fun-at-cotai-expo-free-admission-sands-shopping-carnival-open-now/", "title": "4 Days of Family Fun at Cotai Expo \u2013 Free-Admission Sands Shopping Carnival Open Now", "content_html": "

Free business platform for local SMEs and Sands retailers July 18-21


Supports Macao government’s “tourism+” initiative


MACAO, July 19, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Sands China’s annual signature event, the 2024 Sands Shopping Carnival, kicked off Thursday at The Venetian® Macao with an opening ceremony attended by representatives from the government, finance, business, and community services sectors.










Dr. Wilfred Wong, executive vice chairman of Sands China Ltd., said: “The Sands Shopping Carnival is celebrating its 5th anniversary this year. Over these five years, Sands China has maintained a steadfast partnership with the Macao SAR Government, the Macao Chamber of Commerce, and other supporting entities, providing relentless support to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) through this platform without seeking any financial return. Together, we have successfully created nearly 2,800 exhibition booths over the years. This year also marks the momentous 20th anniversary of Sands Macao. As a long-standing pillar of Macao’s business landscape, we have deep ties with the local community. Our commitment to supporting local SMEs is unwavering, and we embrace the philosophy of growing with SMEs. Year after year, we have organised the Sands Shopping Carnival, fostering mutual assistance and collaboration across various sectors in Macao.”


Maria Helena de Senna Fernandes, director of the Macao Government Tourism Office, said: “Shopping is a key component of tourism. In the first quarter of this year, 48 percent of visitor expenditure in Macao was dedicated to shopping, which constituted the largest category of tourism expenditure, followed by accommodation and dining. Delivering exceptional shopping experiences is therefore crucial for enhancing the overall travel experience of tourists. It is essential for the retail service industry to catch up with market demands by continuously introducing products that cater to customers’ preferences and providing meticulous and personalised services.”


U Kin Cho, vice president of the board of directors of the Macao Chamber of Commerce, said: “Sands China is committed to supporting the Macao SAR government’s initiatives to promote the growth of SMEs. For five consecutive years, they have organised the Sands Shopping Carnival, a remarkable event that serves as a free business platform for SMEs. This event helps them expand their market presence and create new business opportunities. The Sands Shopping Carnival has been a resounding success, attracting over 100,000 participants annually. It has become one of the largest discount sale events in Macao and a renowned signature event in the local retail industry. We firmly believe that with the active involvement of major corporations like Sands China, and the determined efforts of SMEs in their own transformation and upgrading, Macao will undoubtedly regain its economic vitality.”


The Sands Shopping Carnival offers a free business platform for local SMEs and Sands retailers, helping them create more business opportunities, while providing a fun weekend destination hotspot for local residents and tourists in support of the Macao government’s ‘tourism+’ initiative. It is the fifth year that Sands China is running the shopping and leisure hotspot, with total visitation for the last four carnivals surpassing 420,000.


The carnival is free-admission, and is the largest sale event in Macao. It is open from noon to 10 p.m. daily, Thursday-Sunday, July 18-21 at Cotai Expo Halls A and B, with a special invitation-only preview session on the first day. The carnival features more than 580 booths, with a record-breaking 325 booths dedicated to local SME suppliers. Additionally, the carnival offers nine exhibition zones across 21,000 square metres: Sands retailers; household products; parenting and family; gourmet and wine; food court; green living; Macao cultural and creative; play and fun; and Macao specialties and souvenirs. Among the more than 260,000 products, the 2024 Sands Shopping Carnival features a limited number of special daily MOP 1 items each day for shoppers.


Furthermore, the Sands Shopping Carnival has witnessed a continuous increase in the number of participating community organisations, encompassing a wide range of areas including culture and creativity, as well as food and beverage. This trend reflects the transformation of the carnival into a grand shopping extravaganza, uniting all sectors within Macao. As part of Sands China’s long-standing efforts to promote social inclusion, Sands Cares Ambassadors are providing on-site support to local community organisations participating in the carnival, such as by helping man their booths.


The carnival features free parking as well as complimentary shuttle buses running routes to and from various locations throughout the city: Luso International Bank Building at Nam Van, Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge Frontier Post at Macao Port, Border Gate, and Hengqin Port (Macao side).


The Sands Shopping Carnival features a variety of shopping, an international-cuisine food court area, and family-friendly entertainment, activities and games. Carnival highlights include:


The 2024 Sands Shopping Carnival is organised by Sands China Ltd. and co-organised by the Macao Chamber of Commerce, with the full support of the Economic and Technological Development Bureau, the Macao Government Tourism Office, and the Commerce and Investment Promotion Institute. It is sponsored by BOC Macau, ICBC (Macau), Bank of Communications Co., Ltd. Macau Branch, and BNU.


The carnival’s opening ceremony on Thursday was officiated by Dr. Wong; Maria Helena de Senna Fernandes; Tai Kin Ip, director of the Economic and Technological Development Bureau; U U Sang, chairman of the board of directors of the Commerce and Investment Promotion Institute; Sun Yaohua, director of the Economic Affairs Department of the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in the Macao SAR; U Kin Cho; Grant Chum, chief executive officer and executive director of Sands China Ltd.; Dave Sun, senior vice president and chief financial officer of Sands China Ltd. and managing director of Venetian Macau Limited; Stephen Ieong, managing director of Bank of China Macau Branch; Huang Xianjun, deputy chief executive officer of ICBC Macau; Xia Ying, vice president of Bank of Communications Co., Ltd. Macau Branch; and Carlos Cid Alvares, chief executive officer of BNU.


More information about the 2024 Sands Shopping Carnival is available at the event’s official website at https://en.sandsresortsmacao.com/sands-lifestyle/events/sands-shopping-carnival-2024.html.


About Sands China Ltd.


Sands China Ltd. (Sands China or the Company) is incorporated in the Cayman Islands with limited liability and is listed on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (HKEx: 1928). Sands China is the largest operator of integrated resorts in Macao. The Company’s integrated resorts on the Cotai Strip comprise The Venetian® Macao, The Plaza® Macao, The Parisian Macao and The Londoner® Macao. The Company also owns and operates Sands® Macao on the Macao peninsula. The Company’s portfolio features a diversified mix of leisure and business attractions and transportation operations, including large meeting and convention facilities; a wide range of restaurants; shopping malls; world-class entertainment at the Cotai Arena, The Londoner Arena, The Venetian Theatre, The Parisian Theatre, the Londoner Theatre and the Sands Theatre; and a high-speed Cotai Water Jet ferry service between Hong Kong and Macao. The Company’s Cotai Strip portfolio has the goal of contributing to Macao’s transformation into a world centre of tourism and leisure. Sands China is a subsidiary of global resort developer Las Vegas Sands Corp. (NYSE: LVS).


For more information, please visit www.sandschina.com.


Media contacts:


Corporate Communications, Venetian Macau Limited
Mabel Wu
Tel: +853 8118 2268
Email: mabel.wu@sands.com.mo 


Jesse Chiang
Tel: +853 8118 2054
Email: jesse.chiang@sands.com.mo 


\"Cision\" View original content to download multimedia:https://www.prnewswire.com/apac/news-releases/4-days-of-family-fun-at-cotai-expo–free-admission-sands-shopping-carnival-open-now-302201393.html


SOURCE Sands China Ltd.



\n", "content_text": "Free business platform for local SMEs and Sands retailers July 18-21\nSupports Macao government’s “tourism+” initiative\nMACAO, July 19, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Sands China’s annual signature event, the 2024 Sands Shopping Carnival, kicked off Thursday at The Venetian® Macao with an opening ceremony attended by representatives from the government, finance, business, and community services sectors.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Wilfred Wong, executive vice chairman of Sands China Ltd., said: “The Sands Shopping Carnival is celebrating its 5th anniversary this year. Over these five years, Sands China has maintained a steadfast partnership with the Macao SAR Government, the Macao Chamber of Commerce, and other supporting entities, providing relentless support to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) through this platform without seeking any financial return. Together, we have successfully created nearly 2,800 exhibition booths over the years. This year also marks the momentous 20th anniversary of Sands Macao. As a long-standing pillar of Macao’s business landscape, we have deep ties with the local community. Our commitment to supporting local SMEs is unwavering, and we embrace the philosophy of growing with SMEs. Year after year, we have organised the Sands Shopping Carnival, fostering mutual assistance and collaboration across various sectors in Macao.”\nMaria Helena de Senna Fernandes, director of the Macao Government Tourism Office, said: “Shopping is a key component of tourism. In the first quarter of this year, 48 percent of visitor expenditure in Macao was dedicated to shopping, which constituted the largest category of tourism expenditure, followed by accommodation and dining. Delivering exceptional shopping experiences is therefore crucial for enhancing the overall travel experience of tourists. It is essential for the retail service industry to catch up with market demands by continuously introducing products that cater to customers’ preferences and providing meticulous and personalised services.”\nU Kin Cho, vice president of the board of directors of the Macao Chamber of Commerce, said: “Sands China is committed to supporting the Macao SAR government’s initiatives to promote the growth of SMEs. For five consecutive years, they have organised the Sands Shopping Carnival, a remarkable event that serves as a free business platform for SMEs. This event helps them expand their market presence and create new business opportunities. The Sands Shopping Carnival has been a resounding success, attracting over 100,000 participants annually. It has become one of the largest discount sale events in Macao and a renowned signature event in the local retail industry. We firmly believe that with the active involvement of major corporations like Sands China, and the determined efforts of SMEs in their own transformation and upgrading, Macao will undoubtedly regain its economic vitality.”\nThe Sands Shopping Carnival offers a free business platform for local SMEs and Sands retailers, helping them create more business opportunities, while providing a fun weekend destination hotspot for local residents and tourists in support of the Macao government’s ‘tourism+’ initiative. It is the fifth year that Sands China is running the shopping and leisure hotspot, with total visitation for the last four carnivals surpassing 420,000.\nThe carnival is free-admission, and is the largest sale event in Macao. It is open from noon to 10 p.m. daily, Thursday-Sunday, July 18-21 at Cotai Expo Halls A and B, with a special invitation-only preview session on the first day. The carnival features more than 580 booths, with a record-breaking 325 booths dedicated to local SME suppliers. Additionally, the carnival offers nine exhibition zones across 21,000 square metres: Sands retailers; household products; parenting and family; gourmet and wine; food court; green living; Macao cultural and creative; play and fun; and Macao specialties and souvenirs. Among the more than 260,000 products, the 2024 Sands Shopping Carnival features a limited number of special daily MOP 1 items each day for shoppers.\nFurthermore, the Sands Shopping Carnival has witnessed a continuous increase in the number of participating community organisations, encompassing a wide range of areas including culture and creativity, as well as food and beverage. This trend reflects the transformation of the carnival into a grand shopping extravaganza, uniting all sectors within Macao. As part of Sands China’s long-standing efforts to promote social inclusion, Sands Cares Ambassadors are providing on-site support to local community organisations participating in the carnival, such as by helping man their booths.\nThe carnival features free parking as well as complimentary shuttle buses running routes to and from various locations throughout the city: Luso International Bank Building at Nam Van, Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge Frontier Post at Macao Port, Border Gate, and Hengqin Port (Macao side).\nThe Sands Shopping Carnival features a variety of shopping, an international-cuisine food court area, and family-friendly entertainment, activities and games. Carnival highlights include:\n\nOver 580 booths offering more than 260,000 products and some of the best deals in town, including special daily MOP 1 products and huge discounts of up to 90 per cent off; visitors are encouraged to support sustainability by bringing their own shopping bags\nBOC Smart Kids Presents: Little Master Chef Workshop, a free food-prep and decorating activity for children, led by Sands China’s food and beverage team, featuring Mexican Tacos, Vietnamese spring rolls, handmade sushi, and more\nICBC ePay Presents: National Essence: Hanfu Styling Contest, with adults aged 18 or above from cities in the Greater Bay Area competing Saturday for the Excellence Award and a judging panel awarding prizes on the same day\nBank of Communications Presents: Rising Stars: 2024 Kids Talent Showdown, providing a platform for children aged 5 to 12 years old in cities in the Greater Bay Area to showcase their talents on stage on Sunday; outstanding individuals and teams will be awarded an Excellence Award on the same day\nFood Court featuring a variety of regional and international choices, with free eco-friendly utensils available\n\nThe 2024 Sands Shopping Carnival is organised by Sands China Ltd. and co-organised by the Macao Chamber of Commerce, with the full support of the Economic and Technological Development Bureau, the Macao Government Tourism Office, and the Commerce and Investment Promotion Institute. It is sponsored by BOC Macau, ICBC (Macau), Bank of Communications Co., Ltd. Macau Branch, and BNU.\nThe carnival’s opening ceremony on Thursday was officiated by Dr. Wong; Maria Helena de Senna Fernandes; Tai Kin Ip, director of the Economic and Technological Development Bureau; U U Sang, chairman of the board of directors of the Commerce and Investment Promotion Institute; Sun Yaohua, director of the Economic Affairs Department of the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in the Macao SAR; U Kin Cho; Grant Chum, chief executive officer and executive director of Sands China Ltd.; Dave Sun, senior vice president and chief financial officer of Sands China Ltd. and managing director of Venetian Macau Limited; Stephen Ieong, managing director of Bank of China Macau Branch; Huang Xianjun, deputy chief executive officer of ICBC Macau; Xia Ying, vice president of Bank of Communications Co., Ltd. Macau Branch; and Carlos Cid Alvares, chief executive officer of BNU.\nMore information about the 2024 Sands Shopping Carnival is available at the event’s official website at https://en.sandsresortsmacao.com/sands-lifestyle/events/sands-shopping-carnival-2024.html.\nAbout Sands China Ltd. \nSands China Ltd. (Sands China or the Company) is incorporated in the Cayman Islands with limited liability and is listed on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (HKEx: 1928). Sands China is the largest operator of integrated resorts in Macao. The Company’s integrated resorts on the Cotai Strip comprise The Venetian® Macao, The Plaza® Macao, The Parisian Macao and The Londoner® Macao. The Company also owns and operates Sands® Macao on the Macao peninsula. The Company’s portfolio features a diversified mix of leisure and business attractions and transportation operations, including large meeting and convention facilities; a wide range of restaurants; shopping malls; world-class entertainment at the Cotai Arena, The Londoner Arena, The Venetian Theatre, The Parisian Theatre, the Londoner Theatre and the Sands Theatre; and a high-speed Cotai Water Jet ferry service between Hong Kong and Macao. The Company’s Cotai Strip portfolio has the goal of contributing to Macao’s transformation into a world centre of tourism and leisure. Sands China is a subsidiary of global resort developer Las Vegas Sands Corp. (NYSE: LVS).\nFor more information, please visit www.sandschina.com.\nMedia contacts:\nCorporate Communications, Venetian Macau LimitedMabel WuTel: +853 8118 2268Email: mabel.wu@sands.com.mo \nJesse ChiangTel: +853 8118 2054Email: jesse.chiang@sands.com.mo \n\n\n View original content to download multimedia:https://www.prnewswire.com/apac/news-releases/4-days-of-family-fun-at-cotai-expo–free-admission-sands-shopping-carnival-open-now-302201393.html\nSOURCE Sands China Ltd.", "date_published": "July 19, 2024", "date_modified": "July 19, 2024 - 15:40", "author": { "name": "", "url": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/author/", "avatar": "https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/?s=512&d=mm&r=g" }, "tags": [ "PR Newswire" ], "summary": "Free business platform for local SMEs and Sands retaile" }, { "id": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/kraneshares-launches-agix-an-artificial-intelligence-technology-etf-that-provides-investors-exposure-to-companies-across-the-ai-ecosystem/", "url": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/kraneshares-launches-agix-an-artificial-intelligence-technology-etf-that-provides-investors-exposure-to-companies-across-the-ai-ecosystem/", "title": "KraneShares Launches AGIX: An Artificial Intelligence & Technology ETF That Provides Investors Exposure to Companies Across the AI Ecosystem", "content_html": "

NEW YORK, July 19, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Krane Funds Advisors, LLC (“KraneShares”), an asset management firm known for its global exchange-traded funds (ETFs), launched the KraneShares Artificial Intelligence & Technology ETF (Ticker: AGIX) on the Nasdaq Stock Market (NASDAQ) on July 18th, 2024.


AGIX tracks the Solactive Etna Artificial General Intelligence Index, which is designed to capture the performance of companies engaged in developing and applying artificial intelligence technologies. AGIX primarily holds publicly listed global AI companies and has the ability to allocate to private AI companies.


The Index focuses on three key categories within the AI sector: hardware, infrastructure, and applications. The Index constituents are selected based on a proprietary AI Exposure Score, which assesses each company’s relevance to and readiness for artificial intelligence technology. It includes companies developing semiconductors and data centers crucial for large language models (LLM), firms providing cloud and data services for AI training & deployment, and businesses leveraging AI to enhance efficiency, reduce costs, and improve customer experiences. This approach offers comprehensive exposure to the AI value chain, from foundational technology to practical implementations across various industries.


“AGIX seeks to provide strategic access to the future of artificial intelligence, capturing the full spectrum of the AI value chain from hardware to infrastructure to applications,” said Brendan Ahern, CIO of KraneShares. “With the potential to add trillions in annual value across various sectors, generative AI is poised to be a transformative force in the global economy, and AGIX offers investors a way to participate in this technological revolution.”


“AI technology has recently come of age with the advent of ChatGPT and other generative AI applications,” said KraneShares Senior Investment Strategist Derek Yan, CFA. “Investor excitement for generative AI stems from its unprecedented consumer adoption rates and its potential to automate up to 50% of today’s work activities between 2030 and 2060 according to McKinsey & Company. AGIX aims to track the companies at the forefront of this transformative technology.”


For more information on the KraneShares Artificial Intelligence & Technology ETF (Ticker: AGIX), please visit https://kraneshares.com/agix/ or consult your financial advisor.


About KraneShares


KraneShares is a specialist investment manager focused on China, Climate, and Uncorrelated Assets. KraneShares seeks to provide innovative, high-conviction, and first-to-market strategies based on the firm and its partners’ deep investing knowledge. KraneShares identifies and delivers groundbreaking capital market opportunities and believes investors should have cost-effective and transparent tools for attaining exposure to various asset classes. The firm was founded in 2013 and serves institutions and financial professionals globally. The firm is a signatory of the United Nations-supported Principles for Responsible Investment (UN PRI).


Carefully consider the Funds’ investment objectives, risk factors, charges and expenses before investing. This and additional information can be found in the Funds’ full and summary prospectus, which may be obtained by visiting: https://kraneshares.com/agix/. Read the prospectus carefully before investing.


Risk Disclosures:


Investing involves risk, including possible loss of principal. There can be no assurance that a Fund will achieve its stated objectives. Indices are unmanaged and do not include the effect of fees. One cannot invest directly in an index.


This information should not be relied upon as research, investment advice, or a recommendation regarding any products, strategies, or any security in particular. This material is strictly for illustrative, educational, or informational purposes and is subject to change. Certain content represents an assessment of the market environment at a specific time and is not intended to be a forecast of future events or a guarantee of future results; material is as of the dates noted and is subject to change without notice.


The Fund is subject to non-U.S. issuers risk, which may be less liquid than investments in U.S. issuers, may have less governmental regulation and oversight, are typically subject to different investor protection standards than U.S. issuers, and the economic instability of the non-U.S. countries.


Large capitalization companies may struggle to adapt fast, impacting their growth compared to smaller firms, especially in expansive times. This could result in lower stock returns than investing in smaller and mid-sized companies. In addition to the normal risks associated with investing, investments in smaller companies typically exhibit higher volatility.


A large number of shares of the Fund is held by a single shareholder or a small group of shareholders. Redemptions from these shareholder can harm Fund performance, especially in declining markets, leading to forced sales at disadvantageous prices, increased costs, and adverse tax effects for remaining shareholders.


The Fund may invest in derivatives, which are often more volatile than other investments and may magnify the Fund’s gains or losses. A derivative (i.e., futures/forward contracts, swaps, and options) is a contract that derives its value from the performance of an underlying asset. The primary risk of derivatives is that changes in the asset’s market value and the derivative may not be proportionate, and some derivatives can have the potential for unlimited losses. Derivatives are also subject to liquidity and counterparty risk. The Fund is subject to liquidity risk, meaning that certain investments may become difficult to purchase or sell at a reasonable time and price. If a transaction for these securities is large, it may not be possible to initiate, which may cause the Fund to suffer losses. Counterparty risk is the risk of loss in the event that the counterparty to an agreement fails to make required payments or otherwise comply with the terms of the derivative.


Fluctuations in currency of foreign countries may have an adverse effect to domestic currency values. The Fund may invest in Initial Public Offerings (IPOs). Securities issued in IPOs have no trading history, and information about the companies may be available for very limited periods. In addition, the prices of securities sold in IPOs may be highly volatile. In addition, as the Fund increases in size, the impact of IPOs on the Fund’s performance will generally decrease. The Fund is new and does not yet have a significant number of shares outstanding. If the Fund does not grow in size, it will be at greater risk than larger funds of wider bid-ask spreads for its shares, trading at a greater premium or discount to NAV, liquidation and/or a trading halt. Narrowly focused investments typically exhibit higher volatility. The Fund’s assets are expected to be concentrated in a sector, industry, market, or group of concentrations to the extent that the Underlying Index has such concentrations. The securities or futures in that concentration could react similarly to market developments. Thus, the Fund is subject to loss due to adverse occurrences that affect that concentration. AGIX is non-diversified.


ETF shares are bought and sold on an exchange at market price (not NAV) and are not individually redeemed from the Fund. However, shares may be redeemed at NAV directly by certain authorized broker-dealers (Authorized Participants) in very large creation/redemption units. The returns shown do not represent the returns you would receive if you traded shares at other times. Shares may trade at a premium or discount to their NAV in the secondary market. Brokerage commissions will reduce returns. Beginning 12/23/2020, market price returns are based on the official closing price of an ETF share or, if the official closing price isn’t available, the midpoint between the national best bid and national best offer (“NBBO”) as of the time the ETF calculates the current NAV per share. Prior to that date, market price returns were based on the midpoint between the Bid and Ask price. NAVs are calculated using prices as of 4:00 PM Eastern Time.


The KraneShares ETFs and KFA Funds ETFs are distributed by SEI Investments Distribution Company (SIDCO), 1 Freedom Valley Drive, Oaks, PA 19456, which is not affiliated with Krane Funds Advisors, LLC, the Investment Adviser for the Funds, or any sub-advisers for the Funds.


\"Cision\" View original content:https://www.prnewswire.com/apac/news-releases/kraneshares-launches-agix-an-artificial-intelligence–technology-etf-that-provides-investors-exposure-to-companies-across-the-ai-ecosystem-302201383.html


SOURCE KraneShares



\n", "content_text": "NEW YORK, July 19, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Krane Funds Advisors, LLC (“KraneShares”), an asset management firm known for its global exchange-traded funds (ETFs), launched the KraneShares Artificial Intelligence & Technology ETF (Ticker: AGIX) on the Nasdaq Stock Market (NASDAQ) on July 18th, 2024.\nAGIX tracks the Solactive Etna Artificial General Intelligence Index, which is designed to capture the performance of companies engaged in developing and applying artificial intelligence technologies. AGIX primarily holds publicly listed global AI companies and has the ability to allocate to private AI companies.\nThe Index focuses on three key categories within the AI sector: hardware, infrastructure, and applications. The Index constituents are selected based on a proprietary AI Exposure Score, which assesses each company’s relevance to and readiness for artificial intelligence technology. It includes companies developing semiconductors and data centers crucial for large language models (LLM), firms providing cloud and data services for AI training & deployment, and businesses leveraging AI to enhance efficiency, reduce costs, and improve customer experiences. This approach offers comprehensive exposure to the AI value chain, from foundational technology to practical implementations across various industries.\n“AGIX seeks to provide strategic access to the future of artificial intelligence, capturing the full spectrum of the AI value chain from hardware to infrastructure to applications,” said Brendan Ahern, CIO of KraneShares. “With the potential to add trillions in annual value across various sectors, generative AI is poised to be a transformative force in the global economy, and AGIX offers investors a way to participate in this technological revolution.”\n“AI technology has recently come of age with the advent of ChatGPT and other generative AI applications,” said KraneShares Senior Investment Strategist Derek Yan, CFA. “Investor excitement for generative AI stems from its unprecedented consumer adoption rates and its potential to automate up to 50% of today’s work activities between 2030 and 2060 according to McKinsey & Company. AGIX aims to track the companies at the forefront of this transformative technology.”\nFor more information on the KraneShares Artificial Intelligence & Technology ETF (Ticker: AGIX), please visit https://kraneshares.com/agix/ or consult your financial advisor.\nAbout KraneShares\nKraneShares is a specialist investment manager focused on China, Climate, and Uncorrelated Assets. KraneShares seeks to provide innovative, high-conviction, and first-to-market strategies based on the firm and its partners’ deep investing knowledge. KraneShares identifies and delivers groundbreaking capital market opportunities and believes investors should have cost-effective and transparent tools for attaining exposure to various asset classes. The firm was founded in 2013 and serves institutions and financial professionals globally. The firm is a signatory of the United Nations-supported Principles for Responsible Investment (UN PRI).\nCarefully consider the Funds’ investment objectives, risk factors, charges and expenses before investing. This and additional information can be found in the Funds’ full and summary prospectus, which may be obtained by visiting: https://kraneshares.com/agix/. Read the prospectus carefully before investing.\nRisk Disclosures:\nInvesting involves risk, including possible loss of principal. There can be no assurance that a Fund will achieve its stated objectives. Indices are unmanaged and do not include the effect of fees. One cannot invest directly in an index.\nThis information should not be relied upon as research, investment advice, or a recommendation regarding any products, strategies, or any security in particular. This material is strictly for illustrative, educational, or informational purposes and is subject to change. Certain content represents an assessment of the market environment at a specific time and is not intended to be a forecast of future events or a guarantee of future results; material is as of the dates noted and is subject to change without notice.\nThe Fund is subject to non-U.S. issuers risk, which may be less liquid than investments in U.S. issuers, may have less governmental regulation and oversight, are typically subject to different investor protection standards than U.S. issuers, and the economic instability of the non-U.S. countries.\nLarge capitalization companies may struggle to adapt fast, impacting their growth compared to smaller firms, especially in expansive times. This could result in lower stock returns than investing in smaller and mid-sized companies. In addition to the normal risks associated with investing, investments in smaller companies typically exhibit higher volatility.\nA large number of shares of the Fund is held by a single shareholder or a small group of shareholders. Redemptions from these shareholder can harm Fund performance, especially in declining markets, leading to forced sales at disadvantageous prices, increased costs, and adverse tax effects for remaining shareholders.\nThe Fund may invest in derivatives, which are often more volatile than other investments and may magnify the Fund’s gains or losses. A derivative (i.e., futures/forward contracts, swaps, and options) is a contract that derives its value from the performance of an underlying asset. The primary risk of derivatives is that changes in the asset’s market value and the derivative may not be proportionate, and some derivatives can have the potential for unlimited losses. Derivatives are also subject to liquidity and counterparty risk. The Fund is subject to liquidity risk, meaning that certain investments may become difficult to purchase or sell at a reasonable time and price. If a transaction for these securities is large, it may not be possible to initiate, which may cause the Fund to suffer losses. Counterparty risk is the risk of loss in the event that the counterparty to an agreement fails to make required payments or otherwise comply with the terms of the derivative.\nFluctuations in currency of foreign countries may have an adverse effect to domestic currency values. The Fund may invest in Initial Public Offerings (IPOs). Securities issued in IPOs have no trading history, and information about the companies may be available for very limited periods. In addition, the prices of securities sold in IPOs may be highly volatile. In addition, as the Fund increases in size, the impact of IPOs on the Fund’s performance will generally decrease. The Fund is new and does not yet have a significant number of shares outstanding. If the Fund does not grow in size, it will be at greater risk than larger funds of wider bid-ask spreads for its shares, trading at a greater premium or discount to NAV, liquidation and/or a trading halt. Narrowly focused investments typically exhibit higher volatility. The Fund’s assets are expected to be concentrated in a sector, industry, market, or group of concentrations to the extent that the Underlying Index has such concentrations. The securities or futures in that concentration could react similarly to market developments. Thus, the Fund is subject to loss due to adverse occurrences that affect that concentration. AGIX is non-diversified.\nETF shares are bought and sold on an exchange at market price (not NAV) and are not individually redeemed from the Fund. However, shares may be redeemed at NAV directly by certain authorized broker-dealers (Authorized Participants) in very large creation/redemption units. The returns shown do not represent the returns you would receive if you traded shares at other times. Shares may trade at a premium or discount to their NAV in the secondary market. Brokerage commissions will reduce returns. Beginning 12/23/2020, market price returns are based on the official closing price of an ETF share or, if the official closing price isn’t available, the midpoint between the national best bid and national best offer (“NBBO”) as of the time the ETF calculates the current NAV per share. Prior to that date, market price returns were based on the midpoint between the Bid and Ask price. NAVs are calculated using prices as of 4:00 PM Eastern Time.\nThe KraneShares ETFs and KFA Funds ETFs are distributed by SEI Investments Distribution Company (SIDCO), 1 Freedom Valley Drive, Oaks, PA 19456, which is not affiliated with Krane Funds Advisors, LLC, the Investment Adviser for the Funds, or any sub-advisers for the Funds.\n View original content:https://www.prnewswire.com/apac/news-releases/kraneshares-launches-agix-an-artificial-intelligence–technology-etf-that-provides-investors-exposure-to-companies-across-the-ai-ecosystem-302201383.html\nSOURCE KraneShares", "date_published": "July 19, 2024", "date_modified": "July 19, 2024 - 13:54", "author": { "name": "", "url": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/author/", "avatar": "https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/?s=512&d=mm&r=g" }, "tags": [ "PR Newswire" ], "summary": "NEW YORK, July 19, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Krane Funds Adv" }, { "id": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/dxvx%e9%80%b2%e5%b1%95%e9%a0%86%e5%88%a9%e4%b8%a6%e5%8a%a0%e9%80%9f%e6%8e%a8%e9%80%b2%e5%8f%a3%e6%9c%8d%e8%82%a5%e8%83%96%e6%b2%bb%e7%99%82%e8%91%af%e9%96%8b%e7%99%bc/", "url": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/dxvx%e9%80%b2%e5%b1%95%e9%a0%86%e5%88%a9%e4%b8%a6%e5%8a%a0%e9%80%9f%e6%8e%a8%e9%80%b2%e5%8f%a3%e6%9c%8d%e8%82%a5%e8%83%96%e6%b2%bb%e7%99%82%e8%91%af%e9%96%8b%e7%99%bc/", "title": "DX&VX\u9032\u5c55\u9806\u5229\u4e26\u52a0\u901f\u63a8\u9032\u53e3\u670d\u80a5\u80d6\u6cbb\u7642\u846f\u958b\u767c", "content_html": "\n

韓國首爾2024年7月19日 /美通社/ — 因開發口服GLP-1肥胖治療葯而備受矚目的DX&VX正在加速優化新葯候選物質。














DX&VX相關負責人表示: 目前的研究成果和研發進展代表我們已經取得重要成果,證明了口服肥胖治療葯有望滿足市場對安全性和功效性的需求。我們會不斷推進研發工作,開發更多創新療法,爭取早日實現創新治療藥物的商業化,並在國際學術會議上展示這些成果。 


\"Cision\" View original content:https://www.prnewswire.com/apac/zh/news-releases/dxvx-302201387.html





\n", "content_text": "對比全球後期臨床試驗結果,確認療法顯著\n通過早期對外授權、全球聯合臨床試驗、研究經費投入等方式加速開發肥胖療法\n\n韓國首爾2024年7月19日 /美通社/ — 因開發口服GLP-1肥胖治療葯而備受矚目的DX&VX正在加速優化新葯候選物質。\nGLP-1(胰高血糖素樣肽-1)是DX&VX正在開發的一種口服肥胖治療藥物,它是一種通過抑制食慾和增加飽腹感來減少體重的激素,可用於治療肥胖症。\nDX&VX研究人員開發出了有機化合物,可以每天口服一次,無需注射。\n肥胖治療葯研發公司正在積極展開新型口服GLP-1有機化合物藥物的臨床試驗,由此可見,這一領域的重要性與日俱增。\n迄今為止,DX&VX已利用其AI創新型新葯設計技術獲得了優秀的候選物質,並計劃在今年內再提交至少兩種物質的專利申請。\n這一研究成果受到了國內外業界和眾多製藥公司的高度關注,一些公司開始探索與DX&VX合作的可能性。\n在這些成果的基礎上,DX&VX有望通過早期對外授權、全球聯合臨床試驗、科研經費投入等多種方式,進一步加快口服GLP-1肥胖治療葯的開發。隨着後續研究成果的出爐和專利申請工作的不斷推進,DX&VX開發的肥胖治療藥物有望在未來建立起更強的市場競爭力。\nDX&VX相關負責人表示:「 目前的研究成果和研發進展代表我們已經取得重要成果,證明了口服肥胖治療葯有望滿足市場對安全性和功效性的需求。我們會不斷推進研發工作,開發更多創新療法,爭取早日實現創新治療藥物的商業化,並在國際學術會議上展示這些成果。」 \n View original content:https://www.prnewswire.com/apac/zh/news-releases/dxvx-302201387.html\nSOURCE Dx&Vx", "date_published": "July 19, 2024", "date_modified": "July 19, 2024 - 13:54", "author": { "name": "", "url": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/author/", "avatar": "https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/?s=512&d=mm&r=g" }, "tags": [ "PR Newswire" ], "summary": "對比全球後期&#33256" }, { "id": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/goodyears-better-future-commitment-shines-at-dream-summer-camp-in-shanghai/", "url": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/goodyears-better-future-commitment-shines-at-dream-summer-camp-in-shanghai/", "title": "GOODYEAR\u2019S BETTER FUTURE COMMITMENT SHINES AT DREAM SUMMER CAMP IN SHANGHAI", "content_html": "

SHANGHAI, July 19, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Goodyear has recently concluded its Dream Summer Camp, a corporate responsibility program aimed at inspiring students in underdeveloped rural areas to reach their full potential and prepare them for higher education and career opportunities.


The camp provided an excellent opportunity for 16 outstanding students from Yunnan Laowo Town Junior High School to visit Goodyear’s Asia Pacific office and participate in a workshop offering immersive career coaching sessions.  This enabled the students to discover their personal aspirations and explore potential career paths.


Zhao Wen, Vice Principal of Yunnan Laowo Town Junior High School, remarked, “Back in April, 6 dedicated Goodyear volunteers traveled to our school for a voluntary teaching program, sharing Goodyear’s Better Future framework to 180 students with a focus on road safety and sustainability.  Today at Goodyear’s Asia Pacific office, the students received valuable counsel from Goodyear volunteers on their dream careers.  It is indeed a rare and valuable learning opportunity for all of us.”




Nathaniel Madarang, President of Goodyear Asia Pacific, stated, “At Goodyear, we firmly believe in the power of education and the significance of instilling ambition in our youth.  We take immense pride in supporting the Dream Summer Camp, as our participation reflects our commitment to corporate responsibility and shaping a Better Future for the next generation.”


Goodyear’s continued commitment to corporate responsibility is deeply rooted in the company’s corporate responsibility framework known as Goodyear Better Future, an extension of its business ethos.  The framework’s pillars – Sustainable Sourcing, Responsible Operations, Advanced Mobility, and Inspiring Culture – guide the company’s work and focus in Asia Pacific and beyond, and is woven into how the company works together to drive innovation and operational excellence, create value and build a better future.


About The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company


Goodyear is one of the world’s largest tire companies. It employs about 71,000 people and manufactures its products in 55 facilities in 22 countries around the world. Its two Innovation Centers in Akron, Ohio, and Colmar-Berg, Luxembourg, strive to develop state-of-the-art products and services that set the technology and performance standard for the industry. For more information about Goodyear and its products, go to www.goodyear.com/corporate.




\"Cision\" View original content to download multimedia:https://www.prnewswire.com/apac/news-releases/goodyears-better-future-commitment-shines-at-dream-summer-camp-in-shanghai-302201335.html


SOURCE Goodyear



\n", "content_text": "SHANGHAI, July 19, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Goodyear has recently concluded its Dream Summer Camp, a corporate responsibility program aimed at inspiring students in underdeveloped rural areas to reach their full potential and prepare them for higher education and career opportunities.\nThe camp provided an excellent opportunity for 16 outstanding students from Yunnan Laowo Town Junior High School to visit Goodyear’s Asia Pacific office and participate in a workshop offering immersive career coaching sessions.  This enabled the students to discover their personal aspirations and explore potential career paths.\nZhao Wen, Vice Principal of Yunnan Laowo Town Junior High School, remarked, “Back in April, 6 dedicated Goodyear volunteers traveled to our school for a voluntary teaching program, sharing Goodyear’s Better Future framework to 180 students with a focus on road safety and sustainability.  Today at Goodyear’s Asia Pacific office, the students received valuable counsel from Goodyear volunteers on their dream careers.  It is indeed a rare and valuable learning opportunity for all of us.”\n\n\n\nNathaniel Madarang, President of Goodyear Asia Pacific, stated, “At Goodyear, we firmly believe in the power of education and the significance of instilling ambition in our youth.  We take immense pride in supporting the Dream Summer Camp, as our participation reflects our commitment to corporate responsibility and shaping a Better Future for the next generation.”\nGoodyear’s continued commitment to corporate responsibility is deeply rooted in the company’s corporate responsibility framework known as Goodyear Better Future, an extension of its business ethos.  The framework’s pillars – Sustainable Sourcing, Responsible Operations, Advanced Mobility, and Inspiring Culture – guide the company’s work and focus in Asia Pacific and beyond, and is woven into how the company works together to drive innovation and operational excellence, create value and build a better future.\nAbout The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company\nGoodyear is one of the world’s largest tire companies. It employs about 71,000 people and manufactures its products in 55 facilities in 22 countries around the world. Its two Innovation Centers in Akron, Ohio, and Colmar-Berg, Luxembourg, strive to develop state-of-the-art products and services that set the technology and performance standard for the industry. For more information about Goodyear and its products, go to www.goodyear.com/corporate.\n \n\n\n View original content to download multimedia:https://www.prnewswire.com/apac/news-releases/goodyears-better-future-commitment-shines-at-dream-summer-camp-in-shanghai-302201335.html\nSOURCE Goodyear", "date_published": "July 19, 2024", "date_modified": "July 19, 2024 - 11:47", "author": { "name": "", "url": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/author/", "avatar": "https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/?s=512&d=mm&r=g" }, "tags": [ "PR Newswire" ], "summary": "SHANGHAI, July 19, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Goodyear has re" }, { "id": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/sm-investments%e5%9c%a8%e6%96%b0%e5%8a%a0%e5%9d%a1%e4%ba%a4%e6%98%93%e6%89%80%e4%b8%8a%e5%b8%825%e5%84%84%e7%be%8e%e5%85%83%e5%82%b5%e5%88%b8/", "url": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/sm-investments%e5%9c%a8%e6%96%b0%e5%8a%a0%e5%9d%a1%e4%ba%a4%e6%98%93%e6%89%80%e4%b8%8a%e5%b8%825%e5%84%84%e7%be%8e%e5%85%83%e5%82%b5%e5%88%b8/", "title": "SM INVESTMENTS\u5728\u65b0\u52a0\u5761\u4ea4\u6613\u6240\u4e0a\u5e025\u5104\u7f8e\u5143\u50b5\u5238", "content_html": "

菲律賓帕賽市2024年7月19日  /美通社/ — SM Investments Corporation(簡稱「SM Investments」)從其今年5月設立的30億美元多發行人歐元中期票據(EMTN)計劃中成功提取了5億美元。這些票據將在新加坡證券交易所(SGX-ST)上市。


\n \"(PRNewsfoto/SM



此次發行獲得了3.2倍的超額認購,最終需求達到16億美元,成為SM Investments自2014年以來規模最大的離岸債券發行。


SM Investments董事長Amando Tetangco, Jr.表示:「我們成立的領先EMTN計劃使我們能夠有效地靈活獲取資金,尤其是在波動時期。我們認為,此次首發獲得的積極反響證明了菲律賓優質企業的可投資性。」






SM Investments的全資子公司SMIC SG Holdings Pte. Ltd.發行的這些票據由SM Investments擔保。匯豐(HSBC)、摩根大通(J.P. Morgan)、渣打銀行(Standard Chartered Bank)和瑞銀集團(UBS)受SM Investments委託,擔任聯席牽頭經辦人和聯席賬簿管理人,BDO Capital和China Bank Capital擔任聯席牽頭經辦人。




有關SM Investments及其近期債券發行的更多詳情,請訪問 www.sminvestments.com.


關於SM Investments Corporation


SM Investments Corporation是菲律賓領先的公司,投資於零售業、銀行業和房地產領域的市場領先業務。該公司還投資於能夠抓住菲律賓新興經濟中的高增長機遇的企業。


SM的零售事業是菲律賓規模最大、最為多元化的零售業務,包括雜貨店、百貨公司和專賣店。SM的房地產部門SM Prime Holdings,Inc.是菲律賓最大的綜合房地產開發商,涉及購物中心、住宅、寫字樓、酒店和會議中心以及旅遊相關房地產開發。SM在銀行業的投資包括菲律賓最大的銀行BDO Unibank,Inc.,以及菲律賓第四大私營國內銀行China Banking Corporation。


\"Cision\" View original content to download multimedia:https://www.prnewswire.com/apac/zh/news-releases/sm-investments5-302201308.html


SOURCE SM Investments Corporation



\n", "content_text": "菲律賓帕賽市2024年7月19日  /美通社/ — SM Investments Corporation(簡稱「SM Investments」)從其今年5月設立的30億美元多發行人歐元中期票據(EMTN)計劃中成功提取了5億美元。這些票據將在新加坡證券交易所(SGX-ST)上市。\n\n\n \n \n \n \n\n此次發行獲得了3.2倍的超額認購,最終需求達到16億美元,成為SM Investments自2014年以來規模最大的離岸債券發行。\nSM Investments董事長Amando Tetangco, Jr.表示:「我們成立的領先EMTN計劃使我們能夠有效地靈活獲取資金,尤其是在波動時期。我們認為,此次首發獲得的積極反響證明了菲律賓優質企業的可投資性。」\n該債券的收益率為5.466%,比美國國債基準高出135個基點。票面利率為5.375%。最終的利差比最初的價格指導收緊了35個基點。\n5年期票據面向全球優質客戶發行。按地域劃分,87%的5年期票據發行到亞洲,13%發行到歐洲、中東和非洲地區。按投資者類型劃分,83%的5年期票據面向基金經理/資產經理發行,11%面向銀行/金融機構,6%面向私人銀行/其他。\nSM Investments的全資子公司SMIC SG Holdings Pte. Ltd.發行的這些票據由SM Investments擔保。匯豐(HSBC)、摩根大通(J.P. Morgan)、渣打銀行(Standard Chartered Bank)和瑞銀集團(UBS)受SM Investments委託,擔任聯席牽頭經辦人和聯席賬簿管理人,BDO Capital和China Bank Capital擔任聯席牽頭經辦人。\n發行EMTN所得款項淨額將撥作一般企業用途。\n有關SM Investments及其近期債券發行的更多詳情,請訪問 www.sminvestments.com.\n關於SM Investments Corporation\nSM Investments Corporation是菲律賓領先的公司,投資於零售業、銀行業和房地產領域的市場領先業務。該公司還投資於能夠抓住菲律賓新興經濟中的高增長機遇的企業。\nSM的零售事業是菲律賓規模最大、最為多元化的零售業務,包括雜貨店、百貨公司和專賣店。SM的房地產部門SM Prime Holdings,Inc.是菲律賓最大的綜合房地產開發商,涉及購物中心、住宅、寫字樓、酒店和會議中心以及旅遊相關房地產開發。SM在銀行業的投資包括菲律賓最大的銀行BDO Unibank,Inc.,以及菲律賓第四大私營國內銀行China Banking Corporation。\n View original content to download multimedia:https://www.prnewswire.com/apac/zh/news-releases/sm-investments5-302201308.html\nSOURCE SM Investments Corporation", "date_published": "July 19, 2024", "date_modified": "July 19, 2024 - 11:47", "author": { "name": "", "url": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/author/", "avatar": "https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/?s=512&d=mm&r=g" }, "tags": [ "PR Newswire" ], "summary": "菲律賓帕賽市2024&#2" }, { "id": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/lilac-solutions-technology-efficiencies-prompt-review-of-kachi-project-costs/", "url": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/lilac-solutions-technology-efficiencies-prompt-review-of-kachi-project-costs/", "title": "Lilac Solutions Technology Efficiencies Prompt Review of Kachi Project Costs", "content_html": "\n

SYDNEY, July 19, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Lake Resources N.L. (ASX: LKE; OTC: LLKKF) (“Lake” or “the Company”) congratulates its technology and Kachi Project (“Kachi”, “Kachi Project” or “Project”) partner, Lilac Solutions (“Lilac”) on the release of its fourth-generation ion exchange technology and technical white paper.


\n \"Lake



The white paper shows that Lilac has improved long-term lithium recovery to over 90% on salar brines and reduced core extraction equipment cost up to 50%, resulting in total cost savings across the DLE technology package of up to 25%. In addition, 10% lower reagent consumption positively impacts project operating costs.


Lake will evaluate the impact of this new data on the project cost estimates released to the market on 19 December 2023 in the Kachi Phase One Definitive Feasibility Study (“DFS”).  


“The technology advancements and cost savings announced by Lilac are significant,” Lake CEO and Managing Director David Dickson said. “Improvements in the technology in addition to an increase in the brine lithium grade could result in a reduction in overall project capital of up to 10% for the Kachi Project.”


Raef Sully, CEO of Lilac, said the industry has eagerly awaited commercially-scalable ion exchange DLE technology, which Lilac has successfully developed.  


“Lilac is excited about the cost savings and operational efficiencies our latest generation ion exchange technology brings,” Sully said. “This advancement not only enhances lithium extraction efficiency but also boosts the sustainability and economic viability of lithium production,” he added.


Lake’s Kachi extraction plant has been conservatively designed with an assumption of 80% lithium recovery within the DLE process as well as a design basis for 205 mg/L lithium concentration against a minimum average of 245 mg/L across the reserve (see ASX announcements from 18 December 2023). These conservative assumptions for the Kachi Phase One DFS provide a potential significant opportunity for optimisation of the construction cost of the DLE portion of the facility.     


“Lake was pleased to be part of the field demonstration of Lilac’s technology and these cost savings are another welcome development. We look forward to continuing our work with Lilac at Kachi,” Dickson said.


Lilac Solutions’ Technical White Paper can be accessed via their website and here.


For investor queries, please contact: 
InvestorRelations@lakeresources.com.au or log onto Investor Hub through Lake’s public website


For media queries, please contact:
Nigel Kassulke at Teneo
M: +61407904874
E: Nigel.Kassulke@teneo.com


About Lake Resources N.L. (ASX:LKE OTC:LLKKF)


Lake Resources N.L. (ASX:LKE, OTC:LLKKF) is a responsible lithium developer utilising state-of-the-art ion exchange extraction technology for production of sustainable, high purity lithium from its flagship Kachi Project in Catamarca Province within the Lithium Triangle in Argentina. Lake also has three additional early-stage projects in this region.


This ion exchange extraction technology delivers a solution for two rising demands – high purity battery materials to avoid performance issues, and more sustainable, responsibly-sourced materials with low carbon footprint and significant ESG benefits.


Forward Looking Statements:


Certain statements contained in this announcement, including information as to the future financial performance of the projects and the Company, are forward-looking statements. Such forward-looking statements are necessarily based upon a number of estimates and assumptions that, while considered reasonable by Lake Resources N.L. are inherently subject to significant technical, business, economic, competitive, political and social uncertainties and contingencies; involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual events or results to differ materially from estimated or anticipated events or results, expressed or implied, reflected in such forward-looking statements; and may include, among other things, statements regarding targets, estimates and assumptions in respect of production and prices, operating costs and results, capital expenditures, reserves and resources and anticipated flow rates, and are or may be based on assumptions and estimates related to future technical, economic, market, political, social and other conditions and affected by the risk of further changes in government regulations, policies or legislation and that further funding may be required, but unavailable, for the ongoing development of Lake’s projects. Lake Resources N.L. disclaims any intent or obligation to update any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or results or otherwise. The words “believe”, “expect”, “anticipate”, “indicate”, “contemplate”, “target”, “plan”, “intends”, “continue”, “budget”, “estimate”, “may”, “will”, “schedule” and similar expressions identify forward-looking statements. All forward-looking statements made in this announcement are qualified by the foregoing cautionary statements. Investors are cautioned that forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and accordingly investors are cautioned not to put undue reliance on forward-looking statements due to the inherent uncertainty therein. Lake does not undertake to update any forward-looking information, except in accordance with applicable securities laws.


\"Cision\" View original content to download multimedia:https://www.prnewswire.com/apac/news-releases/lilac-solutions-technology-efficiencies-prompt-review-of-kachi-project-costs-302201274.html


SOURCE Lake Resources



\n", "content_text": "Lake technology and Kachi Project partner identifies cost savings of up to 50% for Direct Lithium Extraction (“DLE”) equipment construction cost\nLilac Solutions confirms improved long-term lithium recovery rates at more than 90% for most brines \nLake to review Kachi Project cost estimates in light of new data\n\nSYDNEY, July 19, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Lake Resources N.L. (ASX: LKE; OTC: LLKKF) (“Lake” or “the Company”) congratulates its technology and Kachi Project (“Kachi”, “Kachi Project” or “Project”) partner, Lilac Solutions (“Lilac”) on the release of its fourth-generation ion exchange technology and technical white paper.\n\n\n \n \n \n \n\nThe white paper shows that Lilac has improved long-term lithium recovery to over 90% on salar brines and reduced core extraction equipment cost up to 50%, resulting in total cost savings across the DLE technology package of up to 25%. In addition, 10% lower reagent consumption positively impacts project operating costs.\nLake will evaluate the impact of this new data on the project cost estimates released to the market on 19 December 2023 in the Kachi Phase One Definitive Feasibility Study (“DFS”).  \n“The technology advancements and cost savings announced by Lilac are significant,” Lake CEO and Managing Director David Dickson said. “Improvements in the technology in addition to an increase in the brine lithium grade could result in a reduction in overall project capital of up to 10% for the Kachi Project.”\nRaef Sully, CEO of Lilac, said the industry has eagerly awaited commercially-scalable ion exchange DLE technology, which Lilac has successfully developed.  \n“Lilac is excited about the cost savings and operational efficiencies our latest generation ion exchange technology brings,” Sully said. “This advancement not only enhances lithium extraction efficiency but also boosts the sustainability and economic viability of lithium production,” he added.\nLake’s Kachi extraction plant has been conservatively designed with an assumption of 80% lithium recovery within the DLE process as well as a design basis for 205 mg/L lithium concentration against a minimum average of 245 mg/L across the reserve (see ASX announcements from 18 December 2023). These conservative assumptions for the Kachi Phase One DFS provide a potential significant opportunity for optimisation of the construction cost of the DLE portion of the facility.     \n“Lake was pleased to be part of the field demonstration of Lilac’s technology and these cost savings are another welcome development. We look forward to continuing our work with Lilac at Kachi,” Dickson said.\nLilac Solutions’ Technical White Paper can be accessed via their website and here.\nFor investor queries, please contact: InvestorRelations@lakeresources.com.au or log onto Investor Hub through Lake’s public website\nFor media queries, please contact:Nigel Kassulke at Teneo M: +61407904874E: Nigel.Kassulke@teneo.com\nAbout Lake Resources N.L. (ASX:LKE OTC:LLKKF) \nLake Resources N.L. (ASX:LKE, OTC:LLKKF) is a responsible lithium developer utilising state-of-the-art ion exchange extraction technology for production of sustainable, high purity lithium from its flagship Kachi Project in Catamarca Province within the Lithium Triangle in Argentina. Lake also has three additional early-stage projects in this region.\nThis ion exchange extraction technology delivers a solution for two rising demands – high purity battery materials to avoid performance issues, and more sustainable, responsibly-sourced materials with low carbon footprint and significant ESG benefits.\nForward Looking Statements: \nCertain statements contained in this announcement, including information as to the future financial performance of the projects and the Company, are forward-looking statements. Such forward-looking statements are necessarily based upon a number of estimates and assumptions that, while considered reasonable by Lake Resources N.L. are inherently subject to significant technical, business, economic, competitive, political and social uncertainties and contingencies; involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual events or results to differ materially from estimated or anticipated events or results, expressed or implied, reflected in such forward-looking statements; and may include, among other things, statements regarding targets, estimates and assumptions in respect of production and prices, operating costs and results, capital expenditures, reserves and resources and anticipated flow rates, and are or may be based on assumptions and estimates related to future technical, economic, market, political, social and other conditions and affected by the risk of further changes in government regulations, policies or legislation and that further funding may be required, but unavailable, for the ongoing development of Lake’s projects. Lake Resources N.L. disclaims any intent or obligation to update any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or results or otherwise. The words “believe”, “expect”, “anticipate”, “indicate”, “contemplate”, “target”, “plan”, “intends”, “continue”, “budget”, “estimate”, “may”, “will”, “schedule” and similar expressions identify forward-looking statements. All forward-looking statements made in this announcement are qualified by the foregoing cautionary statements. Investors are cautioned that forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and accordingly investors are cautioned not to put undue reliance on forward-looking statements due to the inherent uncertainty therein. Lake does not undertake to update any forward-looking information, except in accordance with applicable securities laws.\n View original content to download multimedia:https://www.prnewswire.com/apac/news-releases/lilac-solutions-technology-efficiencies-prompt-review-of-kachi-project-costs-302201274.html\nSOURCE Lake Resources", "date_published": "July 19, 2024", "date_modified": "July 19, 2024 - 09:40", "author": { "name": "", "url": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/author/", "avatar": "https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/?s=512&d=mm&r=g" }, "tags": [ "PR Newswire" ], "summary": "Lake technology and Kachi Project partner identifies co" }, { "id": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/%e5%a2%83%e5%a4%96-%e6%b5%b7%e5%a4%96%e5%b0%88%e6%a5%ad%e8%a7%80%e7%9c%be%e5%a4%a7%e5%b9%85%e5%a2%9e%e9%95%b7%ef%bc%8c%e9%a6%99%e6%b8%af%e5%9c%8b%e9%9a%9b%e6%97%85%e9%81%8a%e5%b1%95ite-2025%e7%b9%bc/", "url": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/%e5%a2%83%e5%a4%96-%e6%b5%b7%e5%a4%96%e5%b0%88%e6%a5%ad%e8%a7%80%e7%9c%be%e5%a4%a7%e5%b9%85%e5%a2%9e%e9%95%b7%ef%bc%8c%e9%a6%99%e6%b8%af%e5%9c%8b%e9%9a%9b%e6%97%85%e9%81%8a%e5%b1%95ite-2025%e7%b9%bc/", "title": "\u5883\u5916/\u6d77\u5916\u5c08\u696d\u89c0\u773e\u5927\u5e45\u589e\u9577\uff0c\u9999\u6e2f\u570b\u969b\u65c5\u904a\u5c55(ITE 2025)\u7e7c\u7e8c\u5411\u5168\u9762\u5fa9\u7526\u9081\u9032", "content_html": "

香港2024年7月19日 /美通社/ — 香港唯一及亞洲主要的國際旅遊展–ITE2025匯聚第39屆香港國際旅遊展(休閑)及第20屆商務會獎旅遊展,將於2025年6月12日至15日在香港會議展覽中心(1A-1E展廳)舉行。


\n \"ITE











值得一提的是,儘管整個展會期間屢遭暴雨侵襲,最嚴重的一天 ,天文台更三度發出暴雨警告,但到訪ITE2024的觀眾仍是有增無減,地區專業觀眾和公眾觀眾均有增長!








每年的ITE由匯眾展覽服務有限公司(TKS Exhibition Services Ltd)主辦,並得到了中華人民共和國文化和旅遊部的大力支持,其他支持單位包括香港旅遊發展局等。為儘快復甦,主辦方把光地租金維持與2019年不變,並繼續推出提前付款折扣優惠。全文鏈接:https://www.itehk.com/travelexpo/doc/press/ITE24-Closing-Jun24-tw.pdf;展會網站:www.itehk.com;或通過WhatsApp:+85269361271 或電郵:travel@tkshk.com 聯繫匯眾展覽服務有限公司。


\"Cision\" View original content to download multimedia:https://www.prnewswire.com/apac/zh/news-releases/ite-2025-302200582.html


SOURCE 匯衆展覽服務有限公司



\n", "content_text": "香港2024年7月19日 /美通社/ — 香港唯一及亞洲主要的國際旅遊展–ITE2025匯聚第39屆香港國際旅遊展(休閑)及第20屆商務會獎旅遊展,將於2025年6月12日至15日在香港會議展覽中心(1A-1E展廳)舉行。\n\n\n \n \n \n \n\n一年一度的ITE,於2025年將踏入第39屆,亦是自新冠疫情後的第5屆實體展覽。作為公認的營銷和銷售平臺,ITE可精準對接地區和本地專業觀眾,以及香港和大灣區其他城市的高端散客(FIT)。這些主要市場正在強勁復甦!\nITE2024刷新紀錄,展館數目由2023年的4個增至5個。展會國際化程度空前,515家參展商中,87%來自香港以外的國家和地區,新增參展國家及地區20個,其中三分之二源自亞洲之外。\n作為亞洲第三大出境消費客源市場,2023年香港居民出境總人次達7220萬,恢復至2019年疫情前的76.8%;2024年復活節假期五天內的出境人次為227萬(占人口的30%)。\nITE2024吸引了7023名買家和專業觀眾(+18.4%)以及63027名公眾觀眾(+12.7%)。尤其是地區買家和專業觀眾人數激增24.8%,達到3200人,其中61%來自中國內地,包括接待的業界代表團,而其餘的39%則來自亞洲其他地區。\n值得一提的是,儘管整個展會期間屢遭暴雨侵襲,最嚴重的一天 ,天文台更三度發出暴雨警告,但到訪ITE2024的觀眾仍是有增無減,地區專業觀眾和公眾觀眾均有增長!\n雖然ITE的洽談模式是以自由交流為主,大會仍舉辦了商業配對活動,便於買賣雙方快速對接。在為期四天的盛會上,還穿插了KOL交流會、行業論壇、推介會以及約百場業界研討會和公衆旅游講座。\n事實上,地區專業觀眾和公眾觀眾的人數已分別恢復到疫前的75.2%和85.6%!ITE的公眾觀眾以優質散客為主,調查發現,三分之二受訪者計劃在未來一年增加旅遊支出,他們當中有許多是頻繁出行旅客。\n據一家商業日報報導,參展商表示,「今年(被壓抑的需求)有所降溫,但整體生意理想」;另一家參展ITE目標是B2B及B2C的日本連鎖酒店表示,「目前的成績算是超出預期」。\n每年的ITE由匯眾展覽服務有限公司(TKS Exhibition Services Ltd)主辦,並得到了中華人民共和國文化和旅遊部的大力支持,其他支持單位包括香港旅遊發展局等。為儘快復甦,主辦方把光地租金維持與2019年不變,並繼續推出提前付款折扣優惠。全文鏈接:https://www.itehk.com/travelexpo/doc/press/ITE24-Closing-Jun24-tw.pdf;展會網站:www.itehk.com;或通過WhatsApp:+85269361271 或電郵:travel@tkshk.com 聯繫匯眾展覽服務有限公司。\n View original content to download multimedia:https://www.prnewswire.com/apac/zh/news-releases/ite-2025-302200582.html\nSOURCE 匯衆展覽服務有限公司", "date_published": "July 19, 2024", "date_modified": "July 19, 2024 - 09:39", "author": { "name": "", "url": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/author/", "avatar": "https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/?s=512&d=mm&r=g" }, "tags": [ "PR Newswire" ], "summary": "香港2024年7月19日 /&#3265" }, { "id": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/aereo-indias-leading-commercial-drone-solutions-startup-secures-15-million-in-series-b-funding-round/", "url": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/aereo-indias-leading-commercial-drone-solutions-startup-secures-15-million-in-series-b-funding-round/", "title": "Aereo, India\u2019s leading commercial drone solutions startup, secures $15 million in Series B funding round", "content_html": "

In an investment round led by 360 ONE Asset, Aereo closed its Series B funding, announcing plans for global expansion


BENGALURU, India, July 19, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Aereo, India’s leading drone-based business intelligence provider, has successfully closed a $15 million Series B funding round led by 360 ONE Asset. The round saw participation from long-standing investors StartupXseed Ventures and Navam Capital.




Aereo delivers business intelligence solutions to help manage large capital assets using proprietary drones and an AI-powered data analytics platform. Their sector-specific solutions cater to mining, infrastructure, urban and rural development, land records, and other industries translating into a 400% revenue growth in the last two years and market dominance.


Vipul Singh, co-founder and CEO of Aereo, stated, “This funding milestone enables us to expand our aerial intelligence solutions for capital asset management. With our proprietary drone tech and 360 ONE Asset’s partnership, we aim to revolutionize this $10 billion industry and create a global footprint.”


Suhas Banshiwala, co-founder and CTO of Aereo, stated, “Our vision is to continuously innovate drone manufacturing and data analytics for the greater good. We are excited about the confidence our customers and shareholders have shown and are gearing up for an orbital shift.”


Aereo has been recognized by the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) as one of the top three infra-tech organizations. As a technology partner for Coal India Limited’s Digicoal initiative, Aereo provides critical business intelligence for some of the world’s largest coal mines for improving productivity, efficiency, safety, and environmental compliance. It has also been empanelled with Tata Steel since 2019, aiding the digitalisation of over 27 critical mines and stockyards. Over the past three years, Aereo has achieved significant milestones, including mapping over 45,000 villages under the SVAMITVA scheme and covering more than 50,000 sq. km of land area for the Digital India Land Record Modernization Program (DILRMP).


The Series B investment serves as a powerful catalyst for Aereo’s growth, with a key focus on automation. Their AI-powered drone data analytics platform is set to revolutionise automation and digitisation. With strategic partnerships, R&D, and new product development, Aereo is ready to lead the global drone solutions sector.


Karan Ahuja, Fund Manager at 360 ONE, remarked, “We’re thrilled with the momentum in the commercial drone tech sector in India. Our partnership with Aereo reflects our belief in their cutting-edge innovations, and we’re excited for their solutions to go global.”


Ravi Thakur, Co-Founding Partner at StartupXseed, added, “Aereo has been a trailblazer from the start, delivering exceptional solutions and building the drone ecosystem. We’re excited to support them in their next major growth phase.”


About Aereo:


Founded in 2013 at IIT Kanpur, Aereo (formerly Aarav Unmanned Systems) is India’s premier drone-based business intelligence provider, serving industries such as mining, infrastructure, urban and rural development, land records, and more. Aereo is backed by notable early-stage deep tech investors like Auxano Capital, KARSEMVEN, 3one4 Capital, GrowX Ventures, 500 Startups, and Ashok Atluri (MD of Zen Technologies).




\"Cision\" View original content:https://www.prnewswire.com/apac/news-releases/aereo-indias-leading-commercial-drone-solutions-startup-secures-15-million-in-series-b-funding-round-302201014.html





\n", "content_text": "In an investment round led by 360 ONE Asset, Aereo closed its Series B funding, announcing plans for global expansion\nBENGALURU, India, July 19, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Aereo, India’s leading drone-based business intelligence provider, has successfully closed a $15 million Series B funding round led by 360 ONE Asset. The round saw participation from long-standing investors StartupXseed Ventures and Navam Capital.\n\n \nAereo delivers business intelligence solutions to help manage large capital assets using proprietary drones and an AI-powered data analytics platform. Their sector-specific solutions cater to mining, infrastructure, urban and rural development, land records, and other industries translating into a 400% revenue growth in the last two years and market dominance.\nVipul Singh, co-founder and CEO of Aereo, stated, “This funding milestone enables us to expand our aerial intelligence solutions for capital asset management. With our proprietary drone tech and 360 ONE Asset’s partnership, we aim to revolutionize this $10 billion industry and create a global footprint.”\nSuhas Banshiwala, co-founder and CTO of Aereo, stated, “Our vision is to continuously innovate drone manufacturing and data analytics for the greater good. We are excited about the confidence our customers and shareholders have shown and are gearing up for an orbital shift.”\nAereo has been recognized by the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) as one of the top three infra-tech organizations. As a technology partner for Coal India Limited’s Digicoal initiative, Aereo provides critical business intelligence for some of the world’s largest coal mines for improving productivity, efficiency, safety, and environmental compliance. It has also been empanelled with Tata Steel since 2019, aiding the digitalisation of over 27 critical mines and stockyards. Over the past three years, Aereo has achieved significant milestones, including mapping over 45,000 villages under the SVAMITVA scheme and covering more than 50,000 sq. km of land area for the Digital India Land Record Modernization Program (DILRMP).\nThe Series B investment serves as a powerful catalyst for Aereo’s growth, with a key focus on automation. Their AI-powered drone data analytics platform is set to revolutionise automation and digitisation. With strategic partnerships, R&D, and new product development, Aereo is ready to lead the global drone solutions sector.\nKaran Ahuja, Fund Manager at 360 ONE, remarked, “We’re thrilled with the momentum in the commercial drone tech sector in India. Our partnership with Aereo reflects our belief in their cutting-edge innovations, and we’re excited for their solutions to go global.”\nRavi Thakur, Co-Founding Partner at StartupXseed, added, “Aereo has been a trailblazer from the start, delivering exceptional solutions and building the drone ecosystem. We’re excited to support them in their next major growth phase.”\nAbout Aereo:\nFounded in 2013 at IIT Kanpur, Aereo (formerly Aarav Unmanned Systems) is India’s premier drone-based business intelligence provider, serving industries such as mining, infrastructure, urban and rural development, land records, and more. Aereo is backed by notable early-stage deep tech investors like Auxano Capital, KARSEMVEN, 3one4 Capital, GrowX Ventures, 500 Startups, and Ashok Atluri (MD of Zen Technologies).\n\n \n View original content:https://www.prnewswire.com/apac/news-releases/aereo-indias-leading-commercial-drone-solutions-startup-secures-15-million-in-series-b-funding-round-302201014.html\nSOURCE Aereo", "date_published": "July 19, 2024", "date_modified": "July 19, 2024 - 08:19", "author": { "name": "", "url": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/author/", "avatar": "https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/?s=512&d=mm&r=g" }, "tags": [ "PR Newswire" ], "summary": "In an investment round led by 360 ONE Asset, Aereo" }, { "id": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/eq-technologic-elevates-industry-standards-with-inaugural-customer-conference-exequte/", "url": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/eq-technologic-elevates-industry-standards-with-inaugural-customer-conference-exequte/", "title": "eQ Technologic Elevates Industry Standards with Inaugural Customer Conference, exeQute", "content_html": "

COSTA MESA, Calif., July 18, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — In an era brimming with industry conferences, eQ Technologic, Inc., the developers of the eQube®-DaaS Platform, is making a bold entrance with its inaugural customer conference, exeQuteSM, Oct. 7-10, 2024. Unlike other customer conferences in the data as a service (DaaS) industry, exeQute is set to stand out with a focus on actionable tactics tailored to meet the unique needs of its customers, reflecting the company’s deep commitment to customer-centricity and innovation.


As Gartner predicts that by 2027, 25% of CIOs will have compensation linked to their sustainable technology impact, exeQute’s conference is shaping the future of digital transformation with sustainability and responsibility top of mind. This conference goes beyond theoretical discussions, offering a hands-on experience where top brands share real-world solutions that attendees can immediately apply. This focus on actionable content ensures that every participant leaves with a toolkit of strategies to drive improvements in their business.


eQ Technologic’s dedication to understanding customer needs is evident in every aspect of exeQute. The conference sessions delve into the specific challenges faced by customers, offering personalized solutions and insights. This tailored approach showcases the company’s commitment to not just listening to its customers but collaborating with them to develop solutions that drive their success.


“Execution is one of our key operating principles at eQ. An organization’s ability to execute materially separates winners from the pack,” said Dinesh Khaladkar, President & CEO of eQ Technologic. “We strongly believe that the gap between the future and now is bridged by execution. The future doesn’t just happen, it must be defined, and actions must be taken to achieve it. It’s time to envision what lies ahead and act upon the future vision with exeQute.”


exeQute provides a unique platform for attendees to network with industry leaders, peers, analysts, and media, fostering a collaborative environment where new ideas and partnerships will enable the future growth of companies. The conference’s comprehensive approach to addressing both current challenges and future opportunities highlights eQ Technologic’s role as a catalyst for positive change in the industry by catalyzing cross-industry innovation and offering insight into how organizations leverage eQ’s industry agnostic solutions to gain and maintain a competitive advantage.


exeQute is not merely another event in the crowded conference landscape. It is setting a new standard for customer engagement, providing value through actionable insights, innovative solutions, and a steadfast commitment to sustainable practices. For those seeking to navigate the complexities of digital transformation responsibly, exeQute is an indispensable resource, reinforcing eQ Technologic’s position as a leader in the industry. With executives and decision-makers from some of the world’s leading organizations, the conference will unravel future trends, disruptive technologies, and emerging opportunities. Power-packed with keynotes, success stories, product roadmaps, demos, fireside chats, and more, the conference furthers eQ Technologic’s position as a leader in the industry.


Conference details:


VEA, A Marriott Resort & Spa, Newport Beach, California
Oct. 7-11, 2024
Agenda, speakers, sponsorship opportunities, and registration information can be found at exequteconference.com.


About eQ Technologic


Over the past two decades, eQ has been instrumental in accelerating digital transformation across industries such as Aerospace & Defense, Department of Defense, Automotive, Energy, Heavy-Machinery, Electronics, High-Tech, Electronics, Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG), and more.


The Low/No-Code eQube®-DaaS (Data as a Service) Platform establishes a Data Fabric with a connected network of integrated data, applications and devices that puts the power of analytics in the hands of end users, leading to Actionable Insight. eQ’s 100+ OOTB plug and play Connectors connect disparate heterogeneous systems in an instant, empowering organizations to work with any data, any format, any API, any speed, with any system, any application, and any device without writing any code. It enables secure, scalable, and robust information collaboration while honoring security rules. This enables eQ to offer solutions like Digital Thread, CLM (Closed Loop Manufacturing), Multi-PLM Solutions, For-purpose Apps, API Factory with Common Data Model, and many others.


Some of eQ’s marquee customers include Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, US Navy, Rolls-Royce, Collins Aerospace, Pratt & Whitney, Adient, ULA, Moog, Micron Technologies, Boeing, General Electric, Siemens Energy, Panasonic, EDF, and General Dynamics to name a few.


SOURCE eQ Technologic, Inc.



\n", "content_text": "COSTA MESA, Calif., July 18, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — In an era brimming with industry conferences, eQ Technologic, Inc., the developers of the eQube®-DaaS Platform, is making a bold entrance with its inaugural customer conference, exeQuteSM, Oct. 7-10, 2024. Unlike other customer conferences in the data as a service (DaaS) industry, exeQute is set to stand out with a focus on actionable tactics tailored to meet the unique needs of its customers, reflecting the company’s deep commitment to customer-centricity and innovation.\n\nAs Gartner predicts that by 2027, 25% of CIOs will have compensation linked to their sustainable technology impact, exeQute’s conference is shaping the future of digital transformation with sustainability and responsibility top of mind. This conference goes beyond theoretical discussions, offering a hands-on experience where top brands share real-world solutions that attendees can immediately apply. This focus on actionable content ensures that every participant leaves with a toolkit of strategies to drive improvements in their business.\neQ Technologic’s dedication to understanding customer needs is evident in every aspect of exeQute. The conference sessions delve into the specific challenges faced by customers, offering personalized solutions and insights. This tailored approach showcases the company’s commitment to not just listening to its customers but collaborating with them to develop solutions that drive their success.\n“Execution is one of our key operating principles at eQ. An organization’s ability to execute materially separates winners from the pack,” said Dinesh Khaladkar, President & CEO of eQ Technologic. “We strongly believe that the gap between the future and now is bridged by execution. The future doesn’t just happen, it must be defined, and actions must be taken to achieve it. It’s time to envision what lies ahead and act upon the future vision with exeQute.”\nexeQute provides a unique platform for attendees to network with industry leaders, peers, analysts, and media, fostering a collaborative environment where new ideas and partnerships will enable the future growth of companies. The conference’s comprehensive approach to addressing both current challenges and future opportunities highlights eQ Technologic’s role as a catalyst for positive change in the industry by catalyzing cross-industry innovation and offering insight into how organizations leverage eQ’s industry agnostic solutions to gain and maintain a competitive advantage.\nexeQute is not merely another event in the crowded conference landscape. It is setting a new standard for customer engagement, providing value through actionable insights, innovative solutions, and a steadfast commitment to sustainable practices. For those seeking to navigate the complexities of digital transformation responsibly, exeQute is an indispensable resource, reinforcing eQ Technologic’s position as a leader in the industry. With executives and decision-makers from some of the world’s leading organizations, the conference will unravel future trends, disruptive technologies, and emerging opportunities. Power-packed with keynotes, success stories, product roadmaps, demos, fireside chats, and more, the conference furthers eQ Technologic’s position as a leader in the industry.\nConference details:\nVEA, A Marriott Resort & Spa, Newport Beach, California Oct. 7-11, 2024 Agenda, speakers, sponsorship opportunities, and registration information can be found at exequteconference.com.\nAbout eQ Technologic\nOver the past two decades, eQ has been instrumental in accelerating digital transformation across industries such as Aerospace & Defense, Department of Defense, Automotive, Energy, Heavy-Machinery, Electronics, High-Tech, Electronics, Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG), and more.\nThe Low/No-Code eQube®-DaaS (Data as a Service) Platform establishes a Data Fabric with a connected network of integrated data, applications and devices that puts the power of analytics in the hands of end users, leading to Actionable Insight. eQ’s 100+ OOTB plug and play Connectors connect disparate heterogeneous systems in an instant, empowering organizations to work with any data, any format, any API, any speed, with any system, any application, and any device without writing any code. It enables secure, scalable, and robust information collaboration while honoring security rules. This enables eQ to offer solutions like Digital Thread, CLM (Closed Loop Manufacturing), Multi-PLM Solutions, For-purpose Apps, API Factory with Common Data Model, and many others.\nSome of eQ’s marquee customers include Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, US Navy, Rolls-Royce, Collins Aerospace, Pratt & Whitney, Adient, ULA, Moog, Micron Technologies, Boeing, General Electric, Siemens Energy, Panasonic, EDF, and General Dynamics to name a few.\n\nSOURCE eQ Technologic, Inc.", "date_published": "July 19, 2024", "date_modified": "July 19, 2024 - 04:40", "author": { "name": "", "url": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/author/", "avatar": "https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/?s=512&d=mm&r=g" }, "tags": [ "PR Newswire" ], "summary": "COSTA MESA, Calif., July 18, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- In an" }, { "id": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/relativity-announces-openai-chatgpt-enterprise-compliance-api-integration/", "url": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/relativity-announces-openai-chatgpt-enterprise-compliance-api-integration/", "title": "Relativity Announces OpenAI ChatGPT Enterprise Compliance API Integration", "content_html": "

This integration allows for the seamless collection of conversational data from ChatGPT Enterprise


CHICAGO, July 19, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Relativity, a global legal technology company, today announced it is integrating with OpenAI’s ChatGPT Enterprise Compliance API. The integration adds ChatGPT Enterprise as a Collect in RelativityOne data source, allowing users to seamlessly collect and process human-to-AI conversational data.


With 92% of Fortune 500 companies already using OpenAI in their business, ChatGPT Enterprise helps organizations deploy AI to their workforce at scale and offers enterprise-grade security and privacy. The integration gives organizations improved transparency of a custodian or entity’s prompts entered into ChatGPT Enterprise and the output of AI-generated response data for relevant legal matters.


“The future around human and AI interaction is changing rapidly, calling for innovative legal data management solutions to include novel data sources, such as conversations with AI agents,” said Chris Brown, Chief Product Officer at Relativity. “In answering that call, we are committed to equipping our community with the tools they need to traverse the evolving future of human-to-AI conversational data and putting users in control of this new data landscape.”


RelativityOne customers and partners can seamlessly capture prompt and response data from ChatGPT Enterprise for easy review in a near-native format. This new capability automatically converts relevant human-to-AI conversational data, as well as associated metadata and AI-generated files, into Relativity Short Message Format (RSMF). It can then be seamlessly reviewed in the RelativityOne Viewer, ensuring reviewers can intuitively navigate the intricacies of conversational interactions and related metadata, such as images created by OpenAI’s text-to-image model DALL•E and custom GPTs, in their ChatGPT Enterprise workspace.


OpenAI’s ChatGPT Enterprise Compliance API allows ChatGPT Enterprise workspace owners to obtain logs of all conversations and GPTs in their workspaces, integrating with e-discovery, data loss prevention, or security information and event management tools. The API offers functionalities to export or delete ChatGPT Enterprise conversations and files, with read permissions granting access to lists and details of workspace conversations, GPTs, users, and memories, and delete permissions allowing removal of specific data.


About Relativity
Relativity makes software to help users organize data, discover the truth and act on it. Its SaaS product, RelativityOne, manages large volumes of data and quickly identifies key issues during litigation and internal investigations. Relativity has more than 300,000 users in approximately 40 countries serving thousands of organisations globally primarily in legal, financial services and government sectors. Please contact Relativity at sales@relativity.com or visit www.relativity.com for more information.


SOURCE Relativity



\n", "content_text": "This integration allows for the seamless collection of conversational data from ChatGPT Enterprise\nCHICAGO, July 19, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Relativity, a global legal technology company, today announced it is integrating with OpenAI’s ChatGPT Enterprise Compliance API. The integration adds ChatGPT Enterprise as a Collect in RelativityOne data source, allowing users to seamlessly collect and process human-to-AI conversational data.\n\nWith 92% of Fortune 500 companies already using OpenAI in their business, ChatGPT Enterprise helps organizations deploy AI to their workforce at scale and offers enterprise-grade security and privacy. The integration gives organizations improved transparency of a custodian or entity’s prompts entered into ChatGPT Enterprise and the output of AI-generated response data for relevant legal matters.\n“The future around human and AI interaction is changing rapidly, calling for innovative legal data management solutions to include novel data sources, such as conversations with AI agents,” said Chris Brown, Chief Product Officer at Relativity. “In answering that call, we are committed to equipping our community with the tools they need to traverse the evolving future of human-to-AI conversational data and putting users in control of this new data landscape.”\nRelativityOne customers and partners can seamlessly capture prompt and response data from ChatGPT Enterprise for easy review in a near-native format. This new capability automatically converts relevant human-to-AI conversational data, as well as associated metadata and AI-generated files, into Relativity Short Message Format (RSMF). It can then be seamlessly reviewed in the RelativityOne Viewer, ensuring reviewers can intuitively navigate the intricacies of conversational interactions and related metadata, such as images created by OpenAI’s text-to-image model DALL•E and custom GPTs, in their ChatGPT Enterprise workspace.\nOpenAI’s ChatGPT Enterprise Compliance API allows ChatGPT Enterprise workspace owners to obtain logs of all conversations and GPTs in their workspaces, integrating with e-discovery, data loss prevention, or security information and event management tools. The API offers functionalities to export or delete ChatGPT Enterprise conversations and files, with read permissions granting access to lists and details of workspace conversations, GPTs, users, and memories, and delete permissions allowing removal of specific data.\nAbout RelativityRelativity makes software to help users organize data, discover the truth and act on it. Its SaaS product, RelativityOne, manages large volumes of data and quickly identifies key issues during litigation and internal investigations. Relativity has more than 300,000 users in approximately 40 countries serving thousands of organisations globally primarily in legal, financial services and government sectors. Please contact Relativity at sales@relativity.com or visit www.relativity.com for more information.\nSOURCE Relativity", "date_published": "July 19, 2024", "date_modified": "July 19, 2024 - 01:40", "author": { "name": "", "url": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/author/", "avatar": "https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/?s=512&d=mm&r=g" }, "tags": [ "PR Newswire" ], "summary": "This integration allows for the seamless collection of " }, { "id": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/the-martech-summit-bangkok-29-30-october-2024-at-hotel-nikko-bangkok/", "url": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/the-martech-summit-bangkok-29-30-october-2024-at-hotel-nikko-bangkok/", "title": "The MarTech Summit Bangkok, 29 & 30 October 2024 at Hotel Nikko Bangkok", "content_html": "

BANGKOK, July 18, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — The MarTech Summit is returning to the vibrant city of Bangkok! This time, we will gather 200+ MarTech professionals at Fuji Grand Ballroom, Hotel Nikko Bangkok on 29 & 30 October, connecting senior-level Marketing & Technology practitioners from local to international!








The two-day summit will be delivered in English, featuring various formats such as Panel Discussions, Keynote Presentations, Fireside Chats, and Roundtable Discussions. This will provide you with the most complete summit experience. Seize this opportunity to learn from top industry experts, share ideas with peers, and engage in in-depth discussions with professionals from sectors different to yours. Bring your team and reflect on the past year and get ready for the next!


Find out more about speaker line-up and agenda at: https://bit.ly/bangkoksummit


What Will We Talk About?


This year’s agenda encompasses two major themes: People, Culture, CX Personalisation and MarTech Innovation & Trends. We’ll be deep diving into sessions to explore the importance of a human-centric, customer-first approach and the influence of local culture in the context of AI innovation. Get ready for an action-packed event featuring more than 15 sessions led by 40+ industry-leading speakers.


We curate the attendance to consist of 85% senior-level leaders, making this your best and only opportunity in late 2024 to learn from experienced peers, exchange ideas, and validate your own. You can also bring your doubts and uncertainties to the Live Q&A & Roundtable Discussions, where you can share them and be heard!






You can request for the agenda now at our Summit Page!


Why Attend?


These are the features that you don’t want to miss out at The MarTech Summit Bangkok:


Don’t miss out on this once-a-year chance to meet peers and exchange ideas! There’s nothing more inspiring than immersing yourself in a room filled with MarTech enthusiasts!


Check the registration now at: https://bit.ly/bangkok-registration




Recap of October 2023


At our previous edition in October 2023, the summit was nothing short of a resounding success, with an impressive turnout of over 200 senior-level marketers, more than 40 dynamic speakers, and a diverse array of 10 MarTech exhibitors. We were honoured to host an eclectic mix of delegates from renowned organisations such as Central Group, Minor Hotels, NocNoc, Carabao Group, Osotspa, Klook, SCB, Suntory Beverage and Food, Nestle, CBRE, Banpu, UOB, PepsiCo, ABA Bank, and many more.


Watch the video on YouTube: https://youtu.be/_D64xAN4toE


CONTACT: Tiffany Nguyen, tnguyen@themartechsummit.com


\"Cision\" View original content to download multimedia:https://www.prnewswire.com/apac/news-releases/the-martech-summit-bangkok-29–30-october-2024-at-hotel-nikko-bangkok-302200813.html


SOURCE The MarTech Summit



\n", "content_text": "BANGKOK, July 18, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — The MarTech Summit is returning to the vibrant city of Bangkok! This time, we will gather 200+ MarTech professionals at Fuji Grand Ballroom, Hotel Nikko Bangkok on 29 & 30 October, connecting senior-level Marketing & Technology practitioners from local to international!\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nThe two-day summit will be delivered in English, featuring various formats such as Panel Discussions, Keynote Presentations, Fireside Chats, and Roundtable Discussions. This will provide you with the most complete summit experience. Seize this opportunity to learn from top industry experts, share ideas with peers, and engage in in-depth discussions with professionals from sectors different to yours. Bring your team and reflect on the past year and get ready for the next!\nFind out more about speaker line-up and agenda at: https://bit.ly/bangkoksummit\nWhat Will We Talk About?\nThis year’s agenda encompasses two major themes: People, Culture, CX Personalisation and MarTech Innovation & Trends. We’ll be deep diving into sessions to explore the importance of a human-centric, customer-first approach and the influence of local culture in the context of AI innovation. Get ready for an action-packed event featuring more than 15 sessions led by 40+ industry-leading speakers.\nWe curate the attendance to consist of 85% senior-level leaders, making this your best and only opportunity in late 2024 to learn from experienced peers, exchange ideas, and validate your own. You can also bring your doubts and uncertainties to the Live Q&A & Roundtable Discussions, where you can share them and be heard!\n\n\n\n\n\n\nYou can request for the agenda now at our Summit Page!\nWhy Attend?\nThese are the features that you don’t want to miss out at The MarTech Summit Bangkok:\n\nINSPIRING SESSIONS: The Two-Day agenda includes 15+ sessions on the hottest MarTech topics that you need to know, whether you work in the field or not!\nMEET-UP WITH PEERS: Alongside the main summit sessions, The MarTech Summit also creates ample opportunities for attendees and speakers to connect with each other during Networking Coffee Breaks and Departure Drinks.\nMULTIPLE WAYS TO ENGAGE: Immerse yourself in informative talks, participate in idea exchanges during roundtable discussions, and connect with senior-level peers and new solution providers throughout the summit.\n\nDon’t miss out on this once-a-year chance to meet peers and exchange ideas! There’s nothing more inspiring than immersing yourself in a room filled with MarTech enthusiasts!\nCheck the registration now at: https://bit.ly/bangkok-registration\n\n\n\nRecap of October 2023\nAt our previous edition in October 2023, the summit was nothing short of a resounding success, with an impressive turnout of over 200 senior-level marketers, more than 40 dynamic speakers, and a diverse array of 10 MarTech exhibitors. We were honoured to host an eclectic mix of delegates from renowned organisations such as Central Group, Minor Hotels, NocNoc, Carabao Group, Osotspa, Klook, SCB, Suntory Beverage and Food, Nestle, CBRE, Banpu, UOB, PepsiCo, ABA Bank, and many more.\nWatch the video on YouTube: https://youtu.be/_D64xAN4toE\nCONTACT: Tiffany Nguyen, tnguyen@themartechsummit.com\n\n\n View original content to download multimedia:https://www.prnewswire.com/apac/news-releases/the-martech-summit-bangkok-29–30-october-2024-at-hotel-nikko-bangkok-302200813.html\nSOURCE The MarTech Summit", "date_published": "July 19, 2024", "date_modified": "July 19, 2024 - 00:40", "author": { "name": "", "url": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/author/", "avatar": "https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/?s=512&d=mm&r=g" }, "tags": [ "PR Newswire" ], "summary": "BANGKOK, July 18, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- The MarTech" }, { "id": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/viewsonic-introduces-rgb-laser-projector-lx700-4k-rgb-shaping-the-future-of-home-cinema/", "url": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/viewsonic-introduces-rgb-laser-projector-lx700-4k-rgb-shaping-the-future-of-home-cinema/", "title": "ViewSonic Introduces RGB Laser Projector LX700-4K RGB: Shaping the Future of Home Cinema", "content_html": "

World’s First Ceiling-mounted Home Projector to Achieve BT.2020 Color Gamut for Theater-Quality Colors


BREA, Calif., July 19, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — ViewSonic Corp., a leading global provider of visual solutions, proudly announces the launch of the LX700-4K RGB. This innovative projector sets a new standard in visual performance for home entertainment. As the world’s first ceiling-mounted home projector with RGB laser technology, the LX700-4K RGB achieves 100% coverage of the BT.2020 color gamut—one of the most advanced color standards available today. This enables the projector to deliver a stunning range of vibrant, lifelike colors that significantly enhance the immersive viewing experience. Combined with true 4K UHD resolution and support for HDR and HLG, it provides theater-quality visuals and represents a versatile, future-proof investment for consumers.




“ViewSonic aims to be at the forefront of redefining home entertainment, continually surpassing expectations and setting new standards in the industry. Understanding the growing demand for immersive, cinema-quality viewing experiences at home, we are committed to delivering cutting-edge solutions that enhance everyday living,” said Dean Tsai, General Manager of Projector & LED Display Business Unit at ViewSonic. “The LX700-4K RGB showcases our dedication to innovation and meeting consumer needs for superior home entertainment. By offering exceptional image quality and seamless integration into any home setting, ViewSonic continues to push the boundaries of home theater technology, ensuring our products provide outstanding and long-term value for home cinema enthusiasts.”


Innovative RGB Laser Technology for a Superior Home Cinema Experience
The LX700-4K RGB sets a new benchmark in home cinema projectors with its exceptional color performance and smooth visuals for an at-home big-screen viewing experience. At its core, cutting-edge RGB laser technology produces vibrant images with 100% coverage of BT.2020 color gamut, delivering a more lifelike and immersive viewing experience. With high color saturation and contrast, the projector boasts 5,200 RGB Laser Lumens, ensuring vivid and clear details even in various lighting conditions. This enhances overall image quality, making it ideal for home cinema enthusiasts.


The projector delivers 4K resolution, coupled with HDR/HLG support, providing an exceptionally crisp and in-depth picture. The high native contrast ratio, powered by a 0.65-inch Digital Micromirror Device (DMD) chip, enhances details, especially in dark scenes, delivering a true cinema-quality experience in various home settings. It employs Digital Light Processing (DLP) technology, the same trusted technology used in IMAX theaters and over 90% of digital cinemas worldwide. This ensures long-lasting image quality for endless enjoyment.


Flexible, Easy, and Convenient Setup
The LX700-4K RGB can project images up to a massive 300″ screen size, delivering big-screen entertainment far beyond the typical 100″ limit of OLED TVs. It offers a range of flexible installation options to ensure a seamless setup. With its 1.6x optical zoom, users can choose the most ideal setup location within a range, achieving the desired image size without altering the existing interior design. The vertical lens shift feature allows for vertically fine-tuning the position of the projected image without physically moving the projector. Additionally, the horizontal and vertical keystone correction, along with 4-corner adjustment, ensures the projected image is perfectly shaped and symmetrical, even if the projector is placed off-center. This ensures users can achieve the ideal screen fit and positioning without hassle.


The LX700-4K RGB also features HDMI eARC (Enhanced Audio Return Channel) support, making it easy for users to connect external audio equipment and enhance their audio-visual experience. This allows seamless transmission of high-quality audio and video formats, ensuring easy integration into any home cinema environment and providing a more immersive viewing experience.


All-in-One Entertainment with Gaming Excellence
Beyond excelling in delivering cinematic experiences, the LX700-4K RGB meets the high-quality gaming standards for popular consoles like Xbox and PlayStation. The combination of QHD 1440p at 120Hz strikes a perfect balance between resolution and refresh rate for an immersive gaming experience. It provides fluid, detailed images, even during fast-paced action, allowing gamers to enjoy smooth performance without sacrificing image quality. Boasting a 4.2ms ultra-fast input, a hyper-responsive 240Hz refresh rate, and a microsecond-level response time, the projector delivers a seamless at-home gaming experience for all gamers.


To learn more about ViewSonic’s latest RGB Laser projector, please visit:
Product page: https://www.viewsonic.com/global/products/projectors/LX700-4K%20RGB
Product video: https://youtu.be/neXFi11kaL0


About ViewSonic
Founded in 1987 in California, ViewSonic is a leading global visual solutions provider with a presence in over 100 countries. The company leverages over 35 years of expertise in visual technology to deliver a comprehensive portfolio of hardware, software, content, and services. ViewSonic offers a wide range of products, with screen sizes spanning from 5 inches to a massive 760 inches. This includes interactive displays, large format displays, LED displays, pen displays, monitors, projectors, SaaS, AI services, interactive content, and more. This innovative ecosystem empowers education, workplaces, and individuals to foster creativity, collaboration, and seamless learning. ViewSonic focuses on designing products that deliver optimal performance and customer satisfaction while integrating sustainable production practices and upholding comprehensive environmental, social, and governance standards. The company’s goal is to enable customers to “See the Difference”. Learn more at www.viewsonic.com


\n \"ViewSonic


\n \"(PRNewsfoto/ViewSonic)\"


SOURCE ViewSonic Corp.



\n", "content_text": "World’s First Ceiling-mounted Home Projector to Achieve BT.2020 Color Gamut for Theater-Quality Colors\nBREA, Calif., July 19, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — ViewSonic Corp., a leading global provider of visual solutions, proudly announces the launch of the LX700-4K RGB. This innovative projector sets a new standard in visual performance for home entertainment. As the world’s first ceiling-mounted home projector with RGB laser technology, the LX700-4K RGB achieves 100% coverage of the BT.2020 color gamut—one of the most advanced color standards available today. This enables the projector to deliver a stunning range of vibrant, lifelike colors that significantly enhance the immersive viewing experience. Combined with true 4K UHD resolution and support for HDR and HLG, it provides theater-quality visuals and represents a versatile, future-proof investment for consumers.\n\n \n\n“ViewSonic aims to be at the forefront of redefining home entertainment, continually surpassing expectations and setting new standards in the industry. Understanding the growing demand for immersive, cinema-quality viewing experiences at home, we are committed to delivering cutting-edge solutions that enhance everyday living,” said Dean Tsai, General Manager of Projector & LED Display Business Unit at ViewSonic. “The LX700-4K RGB showcases our dedication to innovation and meeting consumer needs for superior home entertainment. By offering exceptional image quality and seamless integration into any home setting, ViewSonic continues to push the boundaries of home theater technology, ensuring our products provide outstanding and long-term value for home cinema enthusiasts.”\nInnovative RGB Laser Technology for a Superior Home Cinema ExperienceThe LX700-4K RGB sets a new benchmark in home cinema projectors with its exceptional color performance and smooth visuals for an at-home big-screen viewing experience. At its core, cutting-edge RGB laser technology produces vibrant images with 100% coverage of BT.2020 color gamut, delivering a more lifelike and immersive viewing experience. With high color saturation and contrast, the projector boasts 5,200 RGB Laser Lumens, ensuring vivid and clear details even in various lighting conditions. This enhances overall image quality, making it ideal for home cinema enthusiasts.\nThe projector delivers 4K resolution, coupled with HDR/HLG support, providing an exceptionally crisp and in-depth picture. The high native contrast ratio, powered by a 0.65-inch Digital Micromirror Device (DMD) chip, enhances details, especially in dark scenes, delivering a true cinema-quality experience in various home settings. It employs Digital Light Processing (DLP) technology, the same trusted technology used in IMAX theaters and over 90% of digital cinemas worldwide. This ensures long-lasting image quality for endless enjoyment.\nFlexible, Easy, and Convenient SetupThe LX700-4K RGB can project images up to a massive 300″ screen size, delivering big-screen entertainment far beyond the typical 100″ limit of OLED TVs. It offers a range of flexible installation options to ensure a seamless setup. With its 1.6x optical zoom, users can choose the most ideal setup location within a range, achieving the desired image size without altering the existing interior design. The vertical lens shift feature allows for vertically fine-tuning the position of the projected image without physically moving the projector. Additionally, the horizontal and vertical keystone correction, along with 4-corner adjustment, ensures the projected image is perfectly shaped and symmetrical, even if the projector is placed off-center. This ensures users can achieve the ideal screen fit and positioning without hassle.\nThe LX700-4K RGB also features HDMI eARC (Enhanced Audio Return Channel) support, making it easy for users to connect external audio equipment and enhance their audio-visual experience. This allows seamless transmission of high-quality audio and video formats, ensuring easy integration into any home cinema environment and providing a more immersive viewing experience.\nAll-in-One Entertainment with Gaming ExcellenceBeyond excelling in delivering cinematic experiences, the LX700-4K RGB meets the high-quality gaming standards for popular consoles like Xbox and PlayStation. The combination of QHD 1440p at 120Hz strikes a perfect balance between resolution and refresh rate for an immersive gaming experience. It provides fluid, detailed images, even during fast-paced action, allowing gamers to enjoy smooth performance without sacrificing image quality. Boasting a 4.2ms ultra-fast input, a hyper-responsive 240Hz refresh rate, and a microsecond-level response time, the projector delivers a seamless at-home gaming experience for all gamers.\nTo learn more about ViewSonic’s latest RGB Laser projector, please visit:Product page: https://www.viewsonic.com/global/products/projectors/LX700-4K%20RGBProduct video: https://youtu.be/neXFi11kaL0\nAbout ViewSonic Founded in 1987 in California, ViewSonic is a leading global visual solutions provider with a presence in over 100 countries. The company leverages over 35 years of expertise in visual technology to deliver a comprehensive portfolio of hardware, software, content, and services. ViewSonic offers a wide range of products, with screen sizes spanning from 5 inches to a massive 760 inches. This includes interactive displays, large format displays, LED displays, pen displays, monitors, projectors, SaaS, AI services, interactive content, and more. This innovative ecosystem empowers education, workplaces, and individuals to foster creativity, collaboration, and seamless learning. ViewSonic focuses on designing products that deliver optimal performance and customer satisfaction while integrating sustainable production practices and upholding comprehensive environmental, social, and governance standards. The company’s goal is to enable customers to “See the Difference”. Learn more at www.viewsonic.com. \n\n\n \n \n \n \n\n \n \n \n \n\nSOURCE ViewSonic Corp.", "date_published": "July 19, 2024", "date_modified": "July 19, 2024 - 00:40", "author": { "name": "", "url": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/author/", "avatar": "https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/?s=512&d=mm&r=g" }, "tags": [ "PR Newswire" ], "summary": "World's First Ceiling-mounted Home Projector " }, { "id": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/%e5%9c%b0%e7%94%a2%e9%96%8b%e7%99%bc%e5%95%86-dar-global-%e5%ae%a3%e4%bd%88%e8%88%87%e7%89%b9%e6%9c%97%e6%99%ae%e9%9b%86%e5%9c%98%e5%90%88%e4%bd%9c%ef%bc%8c%e6%96%bc-2025-%e5%b9%b4%e6%8e%a8%e5%87%ba/", "url": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/%e5%9c%b0%e7%94%a2%e9%96%8b%e7%99%bc%e5%95%86-dar-global-%e5%ae%a3%e4%bd%88%e8%88%87%e7%89%b9%e6%9c%97%e6%99%ae%e9%9b%86%e5%9c%98%e5%90%88%e4%bd%9c%ef%bc%8c%e6%96%bc-2025-%e5%b9%b4%e6%8e%a8%e5%87%ba/", "title": "\u5730\u7522\u958b\u767c\u5546 Dar Global \u5ba3\u4f48\u8207\u7279\u6717\u666e\u96c6\u5718\u5408\u4f5c\uff0c\u65bc 2025 \u5e74\u63a8\u51fa\u6a19\u8a8c\u6027\u7684\u675c\u62dc\u7279\u6717\u666e\u5927\u5ec8", "content_html": "

阿聯酋杜拜2024年7月18日 /美通社/ — 豪華國際地產開發商 Dar Global 宣佈與特朗普集團(The Trump Organization)合作,建立標誌性的杜拜特朗普大廈(Trump Tower)。這個非凡發展項目位於杜拜的優越位置,為該地區樹立豪華酒店和住宅生活的全新典範。地理位置和設計將於 2024 年底前揭露。


杜拜特朗普大廈(Trump Tower Dubai)將成為結合優雅與精緻的信標,可以憑藉其無與倫比的設施吸引和刺激住客和訪客。該項目將包括著名的特朗普酒店(Trump Hotel)和品牌住宅單位,每個單位均展示最先進的設施和世界一流的服務。特朗普大廈以其獨特的風格和奢華,為住客和訪客提供非凡的生活體驗。這個地標項目已準備成為杜拜最受歡迎的地標之一。


特朗普集團(The Trump Organization)執行副主席 Eric Trump 表示:「我們很榮幸能透過與世界一流的奢侈品開發商 Dar Global 合作推出標誌性的杜拜特朗普大廈(Trump Tower Dubai),進一步擴大我們在該地區的業務。杜拜特朗普大廈(Trump Tower Dubai)展示了我們對卓越和奢華的承諾,我們期待在杜拜這個世上最具活力的城市之一實現我們的願景。」


͏Dar Global͏行政總裁Ziad El Chaar͏表示:「盛大推出杜拜特朗普大廈(Trump Tower Dubai),正好補充了杜拜奢侈品市場以及 Dar Global 著名的酒店和住宅產品組合。這個獨特的豪華項目將增強我們在該地區創造定制地標物業的成就,並有助於提升杜拜的天際線,同時突出杜拜作為國際大都會的聲譽。作為全球卓越和精緻的信標,杜拜特朗普大廈(Trump Tower Dubai)將是一個標誌性項目,一定會重新定義杜拜豪華生活,同時吸引全球觀眾。」


免責聲明:杜拜特朗普大廈(Trump Tower Dubai)並非由特朗普集團(The Trump Organization)或其任何現任或前任主要人士或關聯公司擁有、開發或銷售。本物業的所有者和開發商 Dar Al Arkan Properties LLC 在許可下使用「Trump」名稱和標記,本許可證可能根據其條款終止或撤銷。




\"Cision\" View original content:https://www.prnewswire.com/apac/zh/news-releases/-dar-global–2025–302200803.html


SOURCE Dar Global



\n", "content_text": "阿聯酋杜拜2024年7月18日 /美通社/ — 豪華國際地產開發商 Dar Global 宣佈與特朗普集團(The Trump Organization)合作,建立標誌性的杜拜特朗普大廈(Trump Tower)。這個非凡發展項目位於杜拜的優越位置,為該地區樹立豪華酒店和住宅生活的全新典範。地理位置和設計將於 2024 年底前揭露。\n\n杜拜特朗普大廈(Trump Tower Dubai)將成為結合優雅與精緻的信標,可以憑藉其無與倫比的設施吸引和刺激住客和訪客。該項目將包括著名的特朗普酒店(Trump Hotel)和品牌住宅單位,每個單位均展示最先進的設施和世界一流的服務。特朗普大廈以其獨特的風格和奢華,為住客和訪客提供非凡的生活體驗。這個地標項目已準備成為杜拜最受歡迎的地標之一。\n特朗普集團(The Trump Organization)執行副主席 Eric Trump 表示:「我們很榮幸能透過與世界一流的奢侈品開發商 Dar Global 合作推出標誌性的杜拜特朗普大廈(Trump Tower Dubai),進一步擴大我們在該地區的業務。杜拜特朗普大廈(Trump Tower Dubai)展示了我們對卓越和奢華的承諾,我們期待在杜拜這個世上最具活力的城市之一實現我們的願景。」\n͏Dar Global͏行政總裁Ziad El Chaar͏表示:「盛大推出杜拜特朗普大廈(Trump Tower Dubai),正好補充了杜拜奢侈品市場以及 Dar Global 著名的酒店和住宅產品組合。這個獨特的豪華項目將增強我們在該地區創造定制地標物業的成就,並有助於提升杜拜的天際線,同時突出杜拜作為國際大都會的聲譽。作為全球卓越和精緻的信標,杜拜特朗普大廈(Trump Tower Dubai)將是一個標誌性項目,一定會重新定義杜拜豪華生活,同時吸引全球觀眾。」\n免責聲明:杜拜特朗普大廈(Trump Tower Dubai)並非由特朗普集團(The Trump Organization)或其任何現任或前任主要人士或關聯公司擁有、開發或銷售。本物業的所有者和開發商 Dar Al Arkan Properties LLC 在許可下使用「Trump」名稱和標記,本許可證可能根據其條款終止或撤銷。\n \n View original content:https://www.prnewswire.com/apac/zh/news-releases/-dar-global–2025–302200803.html\nSOURCE Dar Global", "date_published": "July 18, 2024", "date_modified": "July 18, 2024 - 23:40", "author": { "name": "", "url": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/author/", "avatar": "https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/?s=512&d=mm&r=g" }, "tags": [ "PR Newswire" ], "summary": "阿聯酋杜拜2024年7&#" }, { "id": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/howe-baker-international-%e8%88%87-d-energy-%e7%b0%bd%e7%bd%b2%e8%ab%92%e8%a7%a3%e5%82%99%e5%bf%98%e9%8c%84%ef%bc%8c%e4%bb%a5%e7%8e%87%e5%85%88%e4%bd%bf%e7%94%a8%e5%8d%80%e5%a1%8a%e9%8f%88%e6%8a%80/", "url": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/howe-baker-international-%e8%88%87-d-energy-%e7%b0%bd%e7%bd%b2%e8%ab%92%e8%a7%a3%e5%82%99%e5%bf%98%e9%8c%84%ef%bc%8c%e4%bb%a5%e7%8e%87%e5%85%88%e4%bd%bf%e7%94%a8%e5%8d%80%e5%a1%8a%e9%8f%88%e6%8a%80/", "title": "Howe-Baker International \u8207 D.Energy \u7c3d\u7f72\u8ad2\u89e3\u5099\u5fd8\u9304\uff0c\u4ee5\u7387\u5148\u4f7f\u7528\u5340\u584a\u93c8\u6280\u8853\u751f\u7522\u6f54\u6de8\u6c2b\u80fd", "content_html": "

德克薩斯州 TYLER2024年7月18日 /美通社/ — 能源行業設計和工程領域的領導者 Howe-Baker International 很高興宣布與 D.Energy 簽署了一份諒解備忘錄(MOU),這是第一層 (L1) 區塊鏈,是潔淨能源協議的先驅。這項戰略合作計劃,旨在促進在生產潔淨氫中實施區塊鏈技術的研究和開發。


根據備忘錄的條款,Howe-Baker 和 D.Energy 將合作探索和開發基於區塊鏈的系統,以提高氫生產過程的效率、透明度和安全性。這項合作,符合兩間公司對促進能源產業創新與永續發展的承諾,為由區塊鏈技術驅動的潔淨氫能新時代揭開序幕。



  1. 提升效率:利用區塊鏈技術優化氫生產流程,降低成本並提高整體效率。
  2. \n
  3. 透明度和可追溯性:確保透明跟踪從可再生能源到最終用戶的氫量,增強供應鏈中的信任和問責態度。
  4. \n
  5. 安全性和數據完整性:實施強大的區塊鏈解決方案,以保護數據完整性,並防止未經授權的接達 (access) 或竄改 (tampering)。
  6. \n
  7. 可持續發展目標:透過促進採用潔淨氫能作為可行和可持續的能源來源,為全球減碳作出貢獻。
  8. \n



Howe-Baker 總裁 Layken White 表示:「我們很高興能夠與 D.Energy 合作,進行這項突破性的計劃。「將我們在能源基礎設施方面的豐富經驗加上 D.Energy 的區塊鏈專業知識,我們雙劍合壁,準備徹底改革潔淨氫能生產行業。這項合作不僅支持我們的可持續發展目標,還將我們置於潔淨能源科技創新的前線。」


D.Energy 的創辦人 Shafi Rafi 補充道:「這份備忘錄,標誌著我們將區塊鏈技術整合至能源領域的使命中的重要里程碑。透過與 Howe-Baker 合作,我們旨在開發可擴展和安全的區塊鏈解決方案,我們一起致力於為鏈上現實世界資產 (RWA) 創造更有效率和可持續的環境。」


Howe-Baker International 簡介:


Howe-Baker International 是一間全球科技公司,為能源行業提供工程、製造和建築服務。Howe-Baker 在提供創新解決方案方面擁有豐富歷史,致力於推動能源領域的發展,推動潔淨能源普及化。


Reem Ellafi


D.Energy 簡介:


D.Energy 是一個第一層區塊鏈,專門從事可持續的現實世界資產 (RWA) 代幣化。其平台支持廣泛的應用,包括交易氣候資產,提高可再生能源生產的效率和安全性,以及促進可持續能源技術的整合。


Luke Potter


\"Cision\" View original content:https://www.prnewswire.com/apac/zh/news-releases/howe-baker-international–denergy–302200773.html


SOURCE Howe-Baker International



\n", "content_text": "德克薩斯州 TYLER2024年7月18日 /美通社/ — 能源行業設計和工程領域的領導者 Howe-Baker International 很高興宣布與 D.Energy 簽署了一份諒解備忘錄(MOU),這是第一層 (L1) 區塊鏈,是潔淨能源協議的先驅。這項戰略合作計劃,旨在促進在生產潔淨氫中實施區塊鏈技術的研究和開發。\n\n根據備忘錄的條款,Howe-Baker 和 D.Energy 將合作探索和開發基於區塊鏈的系統,以提高氫生產過程的效率、透明度和安全性。這項合作,符合兩間公司對促進能源產業創新與永續發展的承諾,為由區塊鏈技術驅動的潔淨氫能新時代揭開序幕。\n合作的主要目標:\n\n提升效率:利用區塊鏈技術優化氫生產流程,降低成本並提高整體效率。\n透明度和可追溯性:確保透明跟踪從可再生能源到最終用戶的氫量,增強供應鏈中的信任和問責態度。\n安全性和數據完整性:實施強大的區塊鏈解決方案,以保護數據完整性,並防止未經授權的接達 (access) 或竄改 (tampering)。\n可持續發展目標:透過促進採用潔淨氫能作為可行和可持續的能源來源,為全球減碳作出貢獻。\n\n領導人士的意見:\nHowe-Baker 總裁 Layken White 表示:「我們很高興能夠與 D.Energy 合作,進行這項突破性的計劃。「將我們在能源基礎設施方面的豐富經驗加上 D.Energy 的區塊鏈專業知識,我們雙劍合壁,準備徹底改革潔淨氫能生產行業。這項合作不僅支持我們的可持續發展目標,還將我們置於潔淨能源科技創新的前線。」\nD.Energy 的創辦人 Shafi Rafi 補充道:「這份備忘錄,標誌著我們將區塊鏈技術整合至能源領域的使命中的重要里程碑。透過與 Howe-Baker 合作,我們旨在開發可擴展和安全的區塊鏈解決方案,我們一起致力於為鏈上現實世界資產 (RWA) 創造更有效率和可持續的環境。」\nHowe-Baker International 簡介:\nHowe-Baker International 是一間全球科技公司,為能源行業提供工程、製造和建築服務。Howe-Baker 在提供創新解決方案方面擁有豐富歷史,致力於推動能源領域的發展,推動潔淨能源普及化。\n如需更多資訊,請聯絡: Reem Ellafih2@howebaker.comwww.howebaker.com\nD.Energy 簡介:\nD.Energy 是一個第一層區塊鏈,專門從事可持續的現實世界資產 (RWA) 代幣化。其平台支持廣泛的應用,包括交易氣候資產,提高可再生能源生產的效率和安全性,以及促進可持續能源技術的整合。\n如需更多資訊,請聯絡: Luke Potterinfo@d.energywww.d.energy\n View original content:https://www.prnewswire.com/apac/zh/news-releases/howe-baker-international–denergy–302200773.html\nSOURCE Howe-Baker International", "date_published": "July 18, 2024", "date_modified": "July 18, 2024 - 22:39", "author": { "name": "", "url": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/author/", "avatar": "https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/?s=512&d=mm&r=g" }, "tags": [ "PR Newswire" ], "summary": "德克薩斯州 TYLER2024" }, { "id": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/dxvx-is-on-track-and-accelerating-the-development-of-oral-obesity-treatment/", "url": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/dxvx-is-on-track-and-accelerating-the-development-of-oral-obesity-treatment/", "title": "DX&VX is on Track and Accelerating the Development of Oral Obesity Treatment", "content_html": "\n

SEOUL, South Korea, July 18, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — DX&VX, which is gaining attention for developing an oral GLP-1 obesity treatment. The company is accelerating the optimization of new drug candidates.


GLP-1 (glucagon-like peptide-1), an oral obesity treatment drug being developed by DX&VX, is a hormone that induces weight loss by suppressing appetite and increasing satiety to treat obesity.


DX&VX researchers have developed organic compounds that can be taken orally once a day instead of through injections.


While obesity treatment drug developers are conducting clinical trials for new oral GLP-1 organic compound drugs, the importance of this field is expanding day by day.


To date, DX&VX has secured excellent candidate substances based on its AI-based innovative new drug design technology, and plans to submit patents for at least two more substances within this year.


This research outcome is receiving significant attention from the industry and many pharmaceutical companies, both domestically and internationally, with some companies exploring the possibility of cooperation with DX&VX.


Based on these achievements, DX&VX is expected to further accelerate the development of oral GLP-1 obesity treatments by utilizing various options such as early licensing out, global joint clinical trials, and research funding investment. As additional research results and patent applications continue, the obesity treatment drug being developed by DX&VX is expected to have stronger market competitiveness in the future.


A DX&VX official said, “The current research results and development progress are important achievements that prove the possibility of an oral obesity treatment with the safe and powerful effects that the market needs.” He added, “We will continue to develop innovative treatments through continuous research and development, aiming for early commercialization and showcasing our results at international academic conferences.”


\"Cision\" View original content:https://www.prnewswire.com/apac/news-releases/dxvx-is-on-track-and-accelerating-the-development-of-oral-obesity-treatment-302200613.html





\n", "content_text": "Confirmation of effects compared to global late-stage clinical trials\nAccelerating the development of obesity treatment through early licensing out, global joint clinical trials, research funding investment, etc.\n\nSEOUL, South Korea, July 18, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — DX&VX, which is gaining attention for developing an oral GLP-1 obesity treatment. The company is accelerating the optimization of new drug candidates.\nGLP-1 (glucagon-like peptide-1), an oral obesity treatment drug being developed by DX&VX, is a hormone that induces weight loss by suppressing appetite and increasing satiety to treat obesity.\nDX&VX researchers have developed organic compounds that can be taken orally once a day instead of through injections.\nWhile obesity treatment drug developers are conducting clinical trials for new oral GLP-1 organic compound drugs, the importance of this field is expanding day by day.\nTo date, DX&VX has secured excellent candidate substances based on its AI-based innovative new drug design technology, and plans to submit patents for at least two more substances within this year.\nThis research outcome is receiving significant attention from the industry and many pharmaceutical companies, both domestically and internationally, with some companies exploring the possibility of cooperation with DX&VX.\nBased on these achievements, DX&VX is expected to further accelerate the development of oral GLP-1 obesity treatments by utilizing various options such as early licensing out, global joint clinical trials, and research funding investment. As additional research results and patent applications continue, the obesity treatment drug being developed by DX&VX is expected to have stronger market competitiveness in the future.\nA DX&VX official said, “The current research results and development progress are important achievements that prove the possibility of an oral obesity treatment with the safe and powerful effects that the market needs.” He added, “We will continue to develop innovative treatments through continuous research and development, aiming for early commercialization and showcasing our results at international academic conferences.”\n View original content:https://www.prnewswire.com/apac/news-releases/dxvx-is-on-track-and-accelerating-the-development-of-oral-obesity-treatment-302200613.html\nSOURCE Dx&Vx", "date_published": "July 18, 2024", "date_modified": "July 18, 2024 - 21:40", "author": { "name": "", "url": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/author/", "avatar": "https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/?s=512&d=mm&r=g" }, "tags": [ "PR Newswire" ], "summary": "Confirmation of effects compared to global late-stage c" }, { "id": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/%e6%b2%99%e7%89%b9%e9%98%bf%e7%be%8e%e5%b0%87%e6%94%b6%e8%b3%bc%e7%a9%ba%e6%b0%94%e4%ba%a7%e5%93%81%e6%98%86%e5%be%b7%e6%8b%89%e6%97%97%e4%b8%8b%e8%93%9d%e6%b0%a2%e5%b7%a5%e4%b8%9a%e6%b0%94%e4%bd%93/", "url": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/%e6%b2%99%e7%89%b9%e9%98%bf%e7%be%8e%e5%b0%87%e6%94%b6%e8%b3%bc%e7%a9%ba%e6%b0%94%e4%ba%a7%e5%93%81%e6%98%86%e5%be%b7%e6%8b%89%e6%97%97%e4%b8%8b%e8%93%9d%e6%b0%a2%e5%b7%a5%e4%b8%9a%e6%b0%94%e4%bd%93/", "title": "\u6c99\u7279\u963f\u7f8e\u5c07\u6536\u8cfc\u7a7a\u6c14\u4ea7\u54c1\u6606\u5fb7\u62c9\u65d7\u4e0b\u84dd\u6c22\u5de5\u4e1a\u6c14\u4f53\u516c\u53f8\u4e4b 50% \u80a1\u6b0a", "content_html": "\n

沙特阿拉伯達蘭2024年7月18日 /美通社/ — 全球領先的能源與化學品公司之一 沙特阿美已簽署確定協議收購位於朱巴伊爾(Jubail)的蓝氢工业气体公司(BHIG)的股權,該公司是 空气产品昆德拉(APQ)旗下的全資附屬公司。該交易受標準收市條件約束,還將包括沙特阿美購買氫氣和氮氣的權利。


在發展低碳氫氣業務並擴大其替代能源解決方案產品組合的努力,沙特阿美預計其對 BHIG 的投資將有助於在沙特阿拉伯王國東部省份開發低碳氫氣網絡,為國內和區域客戶提供服務。交易完成後,沙特阿美和APQ(空气产品公司與 昆德拉能源的合資企業)預計將各自擁有 BHIG 的 50% 股權。


沙特阿美策略與企業發展執行副總裁 Ashraf Al Ghazzawi 表示:「這項投資突出了 沙特阿美擴大其新能源產品組合並增長其低碳氫業務的抱負。我們很高興能夠與 APQ 在這個旅程中合作,並相信氫氣排放量較低,帶來眾多充滿前途的商業機會。我們打算利用我們在碳捕獲和儲存(CCS)方面不斷增長的能力,以及我們在氫氣方面的技術專業知識,旨在支持建立一個充滿活力的低碳氫氣市場,幫助為未來能源系統奠定基礎。」


空气产品昆德拉主席 Samir J. Serhan 博士 表示:「我很榮幸能進一步擴展空气产品昆德拉與 沙特阿美的強大合作關係,致力加速氫氣經濟,並推動中東建立最大的氫氣網絡,該網絡預期將為精煉、化學和石化工業提供服務。我們期待在氫氣和管道營運方面提供專業知識,並支持沙特阿美對於國內和地區需求提供可靠的低碳氫氣供應。」


BHIG 旨在於捕獲和儲存二氧化碳的同時生產低碳氫氣,旨在與沙特阿美的 CCS 活動協調開始商業營運。 










空气产品昆德拉(APQ)是中東領先的開發和投資公司,由空气产品與 Vision Invest 旗下附屬公司昆德拉能源之合資公司成立。APQ 將帶來世界領先的技術和全球能力,以便建造、擁有和營運大規模氫氣、工業氣體和能源設施。APQ 與煉油廠、化工和石化公司等行業緊密合作,並作為值得信賴的領導者和可持續發展合作夥伴與政府緊密合作,支持各國實現工業增長和可持續發展目標。




本新聞稿包含前瞻性陳述。除新聞稿中與歷史或當前事實相關的陳述外,所有陳述均為前瞻性陳述。前瞻性陳述給出了公司當前對其資本支出和投資、主要專案、上游和下游業績(包括相對於同行)的預期和預測。這些陳述可能包括但不限於任何以「目標」、「相信」、「預期」、「旨在」、「打算」、「可能」、「預計」、「估計」、「計劃」、「專案」、「可能會有」、「很可能」、「應該」、「可以」等詞語或具有類似含義的其他詞語和術語開頭、結尾或包含該等詞語的陳述。此類前瞻性陳述涉及已知和未知風險、不確定性以及公司無法控制的其他重要因素,這些因素可能導致公司的實際結果、績效或成就與此類前瞻性陳述明示或暗示的預期結果、績效或成就存在實質差異,包括以下因素:全球石油、天然氣和石化產品的供需和價格波動;全球經濟狀況;Saudi Aramco 所在產業的競爭;氣候變遷問題、天氣狀況以及對全球碳氫化合物和碳氫化合物類產品需求的相關影響;與 Saudi Aramco 成功實現其環境、社會和公司治理目標的能力相關的風險,包括 Saudi Aramco 無法在 2050 年前完全實現其溫室氣體減排目標;影響產品運輸的條件;石油和天然氣、煉油和石化行業常見的營運風險和危險;石油和天然氣、煉油和石化產業的週期性;中東和北非地區及其他地區的政治和社會不穩定和動盪以及實際或潛在的武裝衝突;自然災害和公共衛生大流行病或流行病;Saudi Aramco的營業額增長管理;公司附屬公司、合資業務、合資企業、聯營企業和公司持有少數股權的實體的管理;Saudi Aramco 面臨的通貨膨脹、利率風險和外匯風險;與受管制產業的營運相關的風險,以及影響 Saudi Aramco 所處產業的石油、天然氣、環境或其他法規的變化;法律訴訟、國際貿易事務和其他糾紛或協議;以及其他可能導致實際結果與本新聞稿中的前瞻性陳述不同的風險和不確定性,這些風險和不確定性已在公司向沙地阿拉伯證券交易所提交的最新定期報告中作了說明。如需深入了解可能導致實際結果與預測結果不同的潛在風險和不確定性,請參閱公司向沙特證券交易所提交的最新定期報告。此類前瞻性陳述基於對公司當前和未來業務戰略及其未來營運環境的多重假設。新聞稿中所含資訊(包括但不限於前瞻性陳述)僅適用於本新聞稿發布之日,並不旨在對未來結果提供任何保證。公司明確聲明,除非適用法律或法規要求,否則其沒有義務,亦不承諾傳播對本新聞稿所做的任何更新或修訂(無論是由於新資訊、未來事件還是其他原因),包括任何財務資料或前瞻性陳述。任何人都不應將本新聞稿解讀為財務、稅務或投資建議。不應過度依賴這些前瞻性聲明。




\"Cision\" View original content:https://www.prnewswire.com/apac/zh/news-releases/-50–302200695.html





\n", "content_text": "沙特阿美與空气产品昆德拉攜手開發低碳氫生產業務\n交易雙方同意共同擁有這間位於朱拜勒(Jubail)的公司,計劃透過沙特阿拉伯東部省份的管道網絡供應氫氣 \n協議旨在支持 Aramco 新能源產品組合的增長\n\n沙特阿拉伯達蘭2024年7月18日 /美通社/ — 全球領先的能源與化學品公司之一 沙特阿美已簽署確定協議收購位於朱巴伊爾(Jubail)的蓝氢工业气体公司(BHIG)的股權,該公司是 空气产品昆德拉(APQ)旗下的全資附屬公司。該交易受標準收市條件約束,還將包括沙特阿美購買氫氣和氮氣的權利。\n在發展低碳氫氣業務並擴大其替代能源解決方案產品組合的努力,沙特阿美預計其對 BHIG 的投資將有助於在沙特阿拉伯王國東部省份開發低碳氫氣網絡,為國內和區域客戶提供服務。交易完成後,沙特阿美和APQ(空气产品公司與 昆德拉能源的合資企業)預計將各自擁有 BHIG 的 50% 股權。\n沙特阿美策略與企業發展執行副總裁 Ashraf Al Ghazzawi 表示:「這項投資突出了 沙特阿美擴大其新能源產品組合並增長其低碳氫業務的抱負。我們很高興能夠與 APQ 在這個旅程中合作,並相信氫氣排放量較低,帶來眾多充滿前途的商業機會。我們打算利用我們在碳捕獲和儲存(CCS)方面不斷增長的能力,以及我們在氫氣方面的技術專業知識,旨在支持建立一個充滿活力的低碳氫氣市場,幫助為未來能源系統奠定基礎。」\n空气产品昆德拉主席 Samir J. Serhan 博士 表示:「我很榮幸能進一步擴展空气产品昆德拉與 沙特阿美的強大合作關係,致力加速氫氣經濟,並推動中東建立最大的氫氣網絡,該網絡預期將為精煉、化學和石化工業提供服務。我們期待在氫氣和管道營運方面提供專業知識,並支持沙特阿美對於國內和地區需求提供可靠的低碳氫氣供應。」\nBHIG 旨在於捕獲和儲存二氧化碳的同時生產低碳氫氣,旨在與沙特阿美的 CCS 活動協調開始商業營運。 \n@aramco\n關於沙特阿美\n作為全球領先的能源和化學品公司之一,我們的全球團隊致力於在我們的所有工作中創造影響力,包括從提供重要的石油供應到開發新能源技術。我們專注於使我們的資源更可靠、更可持續和更有用,幫助在全球推動增長和生產力。https://www.aramco.com\n關於空气产品昆德拉\n空气产品昆德拉(APQ)是中東領先的開發和投資公司,由空气产品與 Vision Invest 旗下附屬公司昆德拉能源之合資公司成立。APQ 將帶來世界領先的技術和全球能力,以便建造、擁有和營運大規模氫氣、工業氣體和能源設施。APQ 與煉油廠、化工和石化公司等行業緊密合作,並作為值得信賴的領導者和可持續發展合作夥伴與政府緊密合作,支持各國實現工業增長和可持續發展目標。\n免責聲明\n本新聞稿包含前瞻性陳述。除新聞稿中與歷史或當前事實相關的陳述外,所有陳述均為前瞻性陳述。前瞻性陳述給出了公司當前對其資本支出和投資、主要專案、上游和下游業績(包括相對於同行)的預期和預測。這些陳述可能包括但不限於任何以「目標」、「相信」、「預期」、「旨在」、「打算」、「可能」、「預計」、「估計」、「計劃」、「專案」、「可能會有」、「很可能」、「應該」、「可以」等詞語或具有類似含義的其他詞語和術語開頭、結尾或包含該等詞語的陳述。此類前瞻性陳述涉及已知和未知風險、不確定性以及公司無法控制的其他重要因素,這些因素可能導致公司的實際結果、績效或成就與此類前瞻性陳述明示或暗示的預期結果、績效或成就存在實質差異,包括以下因素:全球石油、天然氣和石化產品的供需和價格波動;全球經濟狀況;Saudi Aramco 所在產業的競爭;氣候變遷問題、天氣狀況以及對全球碳氫化合物和碳氫化合物類產品需求的相關影響;與 Saudi Aramco 成功實現其環境、社會和公司治理目標的能力相關的風險,包括 Saudi Aramco 無法在 2050 年前完全實現其溫室氣體減排目標;影響產品運輸的條件;石油和天然氣、煉油和石化行業常見的營運風險和危險;石油和天然氣、煉油和石化產業的週期性;中東和北非地區及其他地區的政治和社會不穩定和動盪以及實際或潛在的武裝衝突;自然災害和公共衛生大流行病或流行病;Saudi Aramco的營業額增長管理;公司附屬公司、合資業務、合資企業、聯營企業和公司持有少數股權的實體的管理;Saudi Aramco 面臨的通貨膨脹、利率風險和外匯風險;與受管制產業的營運相關的風險,以及影響 Saudi Aramco 所處產業的石油、天然氣、環境或其他法規的變化;法律訴訟、國際貿易事務和其他糾紛或協議;以及其他可能導致實際結果與本新聞稿中的前瞻性陳述不同的風險和不確定性,這些風險和不確定性已在公司向沙地阿拉伯證券交易所提交的最新定期報告中作了說明。如需深入了解可能導致實際結果與預測結果不同的潛在風險和不確定性,請參閱公司向沙特證券交易所提交的最新定期報告。此類前瞻性陳述基於對公司當前和未來業務戰略及其未來營運環境的多重假設。新聞稿中所含資訊(包括但不限於前瞻性陳述)僅適用於本新聞稿發布之日,並不旨在對未來結果提供任何保證。公司明確聲明,除非適用法律或法規要求,否則其沒有義務,亦不承諾傳播對本新聞稿所做的任何更新或修訂(無論是由於新資訊、未來事件還是其他原因),包括任何財務資料或前瞻性陳述。任何人都不應將本新聞稿解讀為財務、稅務或投資建議。不應過度依賴這些前瞻性聲明。\n \n View original content:https://www.prnewswire.com/apac/zh/news-releases/-50–302200695.html\nSOURCE Aramco", "date_published": "July 18, 2024", "date_modified": "July 18, 2024 - 21:39", "author": { "name": "", "url": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/author/", "avatar": "https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/?s=512&d=mm&r=g" }, "tags": [ "PR Newswire" ], "summary": "沙特阿美與空&#27668" }, { "id": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/omdia-predicts-desktop-monitor-market-growth-with-gaming-monitors-to-hit-24-7-million-units-by-2028/", "url": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/omdia-predicts-desktop-monitor-market-growth-with-gaming-monitors-to-hit-24-7-million-units-by-2028/", "title": "Omdia predicts desktop monitor market growth with gaming monitors to hit 24.7 million units by 2028", "content_html": "

LONDON, July 18, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — New insights from Omdia’s Desktop Monitor Intelligence Service show the gaming monitor market, featuring refresh rates over 120Hz, is expected to grow by 9% YoY to 24.7 million units in 2024. Meanwhile, the smart monitor market, equipped with operating systems and streaming service portals, is projected to expand by 63% YoY to 1.2 million units.


In 1Q24, desktop monitor shipments hit 30.7 million units, a 5% increase year-on-year (YoY). The industry has been growing steadily since 3Q23, overcoming post-pandemic logistical disruptions. Notably, the gaming monitor market and smart monitors are expanding rapidly. This growth is driven by added value and high functionality, particularly in both monitor categories.


Amid this, the market for gaming monitors with refresh rates exceeding 120Hz and smart monitors equipped with OS and streaming service portal apps like TVs has been expanding rapidly.


According to Hidetoshi Himuro, Senior Principal Analyst at Omdia, “Monitors are following the same trajectory as TVs in becoming smarter. The focus is on maximizing the content they can handle and broadening the user experience in the B2C market for gaming and smart monitors.”


Samsung and LGE from South Korea currently dominate smart monitor shipments. Acer is following, with other brands from Taiwan, the US, and China expected to enter the market soon. In the gaming monitor sector, there is potential for non- gaming monitors to emerge featuring refresh rates exceeding 120Hz. Consequently, the shipment performance of gaming monitors, defined by their maximum refresh rates, is anticipated to rise.


Omdia forecasts that the gaming monitor market will expand to 27.4 million units by 2028, and the smart monitor market will grow to 2.1 million units, including demand from B2B applications.


In 2024, the smart monitor market is projected to reach 1.2 million units in 2024 driven primarily by TV system-on-chip due to the integrated operating systems, setting them apart from traditional desktop monitors. MediaTek, Novatek, and Realtek were the leading TV SoC vendors in 2023. Their combined market share is expected to rise to 84% in 2024, up from 83% in 2023.


“There are distinct issues in the smart monitor market depending on the vendor type. We anticipate that four operating systems – Tizen, WebOS, AOSP China, and Google will become key players in 2024‒25. Additionally, Wi-Fi experience and new user interfaces, such as remote control, are crucial factors in this evolving market,” concludes Himuro.




Omdia, part of Informa Tech, is a technology research and advisory group. Our deep knowledge of tech markets combined with our actionable insights empower organizations to make smart growth decisions.


Fasiha Khan Fasiha.khan@omdia.com






\"Cision\" View original content:https://www.prnewswire.com/apac/news-releases/omdia-predicts-desktop-monitor-market-growth-with-gaming-monitors-to-hit-24-7-million-units-by-2028–302200657.html





\n", "content_text": "LONDON, July 18, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — New insights from Omdia’s Desktop Monitor Intelligence Service show the gaming monitor market, featuring refresh rates over 120Hz, is expected to grow by 9% YoY to 24.7 million units in 2024. Meanwhile, the smart monitor market, equipped with operating systems and streaming service portals, is projected to expand by 63% YoY to 1.2 million units.\n\nIn 1Q24, desktop monitor shipments hit 30.7 million units, a 5% increase year-on-year (YoY). The industry has been growing steadily since 3Q23, overcoming post-pandemic logistical disruptions. Notably, the gaming monitor market and smart monitors are expanding rapidly. This growth is driven by added value and high functionality, particularly in both monitor categories.\nAmid this, the market for gaming monitors with refresh rates exceeding 120Hz and smart monitors equipped with OS and streaming service portal apps like TVs has been expanding rapidly.\nAccording to Hidetoshi Himuro, Senior Principal Analyst at Omdia, “Monitors are following the same trajectory as TVs in becoming smarter. The focus is on maximizing the content they can handle and broadening the user experience in the B2C market for gaming and smart monitors.”\nSamsung and LGE from South Korea currently dominate smart monitor shipments. Acer is following, with other brands from Taiwan, the US, and China expected to enter the market soon. In the gaming monitor sector, there is potential for non- gaming monitors to emerge featuring refresh rates exceeding 120Hz. Consequently, the shipment performance of gaming monitors, defined by their maximum refresh rates, is anticipated to rise.\nOmdia forecasts that the gaming monitor market will expand to 27.4 million units by 2028, and the smart monitor market will grow to 2.1 million units, including demand from B2B applications.\nIn 2024, the smart monitor market is projected to reach 1.2 million units in 2024 driven primarily by TV system-on-chip due to the integrated operating systems, setting them apart from traditional desktop monitors. MediaTek, Novatek, and Realtek were the leading TV SoC vendors in 2023. Their combined market share is expected to rise to 84% in 2024, up from 83% in 2023.\n“There are distinct issues in the smart monitor market depending on the vendor type. We anticipate that four operating systems – Tizen, WebOS, AOSP China, and Google will become key players in 2024‒25. Additionally, Wi-Fi experience and new user interfaces, such as remote control, are crucial factors in this evolving market,” concludes Himuro.\nABOUT OMDIA\nOmdia, part of Informa Tech, is a technology research and advisory group. Our deep knowledge of tech markets combined with our actionable insights empower organizations to make smart growth decisions.\nFasiha Khan Fasiha.khan@omdia.com\n\n \n \n View original content:https://www.prnewswire.com/apac/news-releases/omdia-predicts-desktop-monitor-market-growth-with-gaming-monitors-to-hit-24-7-million-units-by-2028–302200657.html\nSOURCE Omdia", "date_published": "July 18, 2024", "date_modified": "July 18, 2024 - 20:41", "author": { "name": "", "url": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/author/", "avatar": "https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/?s=512&d=mm&r=g" }, "tags": [ "PR Newswire" ], "summary": "LONDON, July 18, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- New insights&nbsp" }, { "id": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/%e7%b6%9c%e5%90%88%e6%8c%87%e6%95%b8top-1-%e5%a4%a9%e5%90%88%e5%85%89%e8%83%bd%e8%87%b3%e5%b0%8an%e5%9e%8b720w%e7%b3%bb%e5%88%97%e7%b5%84%e4%bb%b6%e4%bd%8d%e5%88%97%e5%ae%a4%e5%85%a7%e6%80%a7%e8%83%bd/", "url": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/%e7%b6%9c%e5%90%88%e6%8c%87%e6%95%b8top-1-%e5%a4%a9%e5%90%88%e5%85%89%e8%83%bd%e8%87%b3%e5%b0%8an%e5%9e%8b720w%e7%b3%bb%e5%88%97%e7%b5%84%e4%bb%b6%e4%bd%8d%e5%88%97%e5%ae%a4%e5%85%a7%e6%80%a7%e8%83%bd/", "title": "\u7d9c\u5408\u6307\u6578TOP 1 \u5929\u5408\u5149\u80fd\u81f3\u5c0aN\u578b720W\u7cfb\u5217\u7d44\u4ef6\u4f4d\u5217\u5ba4\u5167\u6027\u80fd\u6e2c\u8a66\u699c\u9996", "content_html": "

广州2024年7月18日 /美通社/ — 近日,全球光伏行業權威媒體pv magazine公布了最新的「pv magazine test」結果:在室內性能測試中,天合光能至尊N型720W系列組件各項性能表現全優,位列綜合指數第一。同時與至尊N型小金剛黑色透明美學組件一起,位列所有送測TOPCon組件前二。


「pv magazine test」項目是由pv magazine發起的光伏組件性能與發電量的專業評測項目。pv magazine作為來自光伏產業發源地——德國的全球性的權威媒體,時刻關註光伏行業的技術發展和應用,秉持客觀嚴謹的態度,反映當下光伏產品的質量與性能,提供可靠的信息幫助客戶辨別優質產品。該項目特別邀請了業內著名的咨詢公司CEA作為第三方技術專家監控測試整個項目的推進與實施,以確保測試結果的權威性與公正性。










\"Cision\" View original content:https://www.prnewswire.com/apac/zh/news-releases/top-1–n720w-302199076.html





\n", "content_text": "广州2024年7月18日 /美通社/ — 近日,全球光伏行業權威媒體pv magazine公布了最新的「pv magazine test」結果:在室內性能測試中,天合光能至尊N型720W系列組件各項性能表現全優,位列綜合指數第一。同時與至尊N型小金剛黑色透明美學組件一起,位列所有送測TOPCon組件前二。\n「pv magazine test」項目是由pv magazine發起的光伏組件性能與發電量的專業評測項目。pv magazine作為來自光伏產業發源地——德國的全球性的權威媒體,時刻關註光伏行業的技術發展和應用,秉持客觀嚴謹的態度,反映當下光伏產品的質量與性能,提供可靠的信息幫助客戶辨別優質產品。該項目特別邀請了業內著名的咨詢公司CEA作為第三方技術專家監控測試整個項目的推進與實施,以確保測試結果的權威性與公正性。\n整個項目包含室內性能測試和戶外實證評估兩個方面,旨在從多維度全方位反映光伏組件產品的性能表現。室內測試方面,主要有目檢、EL、弱光性能、溫度系數和PID五個必測子項目和LID一個選測子項目。天合至尊N型720W系列組件和至尊N型小金剛黑色透明美學組件在必測子項目中分別獲得了平均95和92分的高分,在所有送測的TOPCon組件中,位列第一第二。如此好的綜合成績得益於天合光能至尊N型系列組件的全能表現,在性能和可靠性兩方面均展現出了非凡實力。\n值得一提的是,在弱光性能和溫度系數這兩個最影響組件單瓦發電的性能指標的測試項目上,天合光能至尊N型組件的綜合表現在所有TOPCon組件中最優,體現了過硬的產品性能,也是至尊系列組件能在各種場景下高效運行的有力證明。同時,在可靠性方面的兩個子項目——PID測試和LID測試中,天合光能至尊N型系列組件的得分較其余產品依舊遙遙領先,充分展示其卓越的可靠性,保障組件在戶外實際環境下平穩運行。\n作為全球光伏行業的領軍企業,天合光能引領選擇性發射極、PERC、TOPCon、雙玻、多主柵、高密度封裝、矩形電池等多項關鍵技術的商業化,以科技創新推動產業創新發展。此次獲得高分的天合光能至尊N型720W系列組件和至尊N型小金剛系列組件,采用新一代N型i-TOPCon電池技術,具備高轉換效率、高雙面率、低溫度系數、低衰減等優良特性,同時基於先進的210產品技術平臺,進一步放大高功率、高效率、高發電量、高可靠性及低度電成本「四高一低」優勢,在全場景應用釋放卓越價值。\n自成立以來,天合光能始終秉持「以客戶為中心」的核心價值觀,堅持以產品價值為核心競爭力,持續研發創新,全方位提升產品力,為客戶創造更高的價值,引領全球清潔能源全面、高效、可持續發展。\n View original content:https://www.prnewswire.com/apac/zh/news-releases/top-1–n720w-302199076.html\nSOURCE 天合光能", "date_published": "July 18, 2024", "date_modified": "July 18, 2024 - 20:40", "author": { "name": "", "url": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/author/", "avatar": "https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/?s=512&d=mm&r=g" }, "tags": [ "PR Newswire" ], "summary": "广州2024年7月18日 /&#3265" }, { "id": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/iqiyi-variety-show-become-a-farmer-reaps-widespread-acclaim-in-second-season/", "url": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/iqiyi-variety-show-become-a-farmer-reaps-widespread-acclaim-in-second-season/", "title": "iQIYI Variety Show \u2018Become a Farmer\u2019 Reaps Widespread Acclaim in Second Season", "content_html": "

Recognized as Promotion Partner by WWF China


BEIJING, July 18, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — On July 13, iQIYI, a leading online entertainment service in China, concluded the second season of its hit variety show Become a Farmer to rapturous reviews. The show, which immerses a group of urban youth into the realities of agricultural life, earned a Best Variety Show nomination at the 29th Shanghai TV Festival for the second consecutive year, highlighting iQIYI’s success in delivering innovative content.




The show’s commitment to environmental sustainability in agriculture has also earned it the title of ‘Sustainable Agriculture Promotion Partner’ by World Wide Fund for Nature, China (WWF China) and One Planet Foundation. In the latest season, experts from these environmental organizations participated in content production, advocating for biodiversity protection and sustainable farming practices.


Beyond the show, iQIYI will continue their joint efforts to educate the public on the importance of biodiversity conservation and sustainable agriculture. Initiatives including citizen science activities on pollinator insects are set to start this September, all aiming to further promote awareness.


Presented by iQIYI and Blue Sky Media Group, the show followed 10 young individuals with minimal farming experience as they embraced the challenging rural lifestyle across 450 acres of land. From sowing seeds and irrigating fields to operating machinery and harvesting crops, these individuals started with basic resources, steadily building their lives from scratch.




Following the success of the first season, the new season expanded on the innovative blend of long and short-form video for deeper immersion and engaging viewer interaction. It introduced diverse new crops like chilies alongside wheat and roses, while establishing an integrated farm featuring fishponds, shrimp fields, and even developing derivative products like chili and strawberry jam to create an agritourism experience.


The uplifting journeys of personal growth – unfolding through the daily frustrations and fulfillments of farm life, heartwarming teamwork, and lighthearted interactions – captivated audiences. The new season was once again a tremendous hit, scoring an iQIYI popularity index of 8,675 at its peak, with over 10 million bullet comments. It maintained the top spot on Douban, a leading Chinese media review platform, in the domestic popular variety show ranking for 8 consecutive weeks.


The widespread popularity of Become a Farmer in exploring the niche agricultural theme showcases iQIYI’s success in its creative exploration to deliver original content that resonates with diverse audiences. This hit variety show has created sustained interest and cultural influence beyond the show, with the young individuals’ journeys extending from the farm to launching businesses, powering livestream commerce, organizing music festivals, and more.


CONTACT: iQIYI Press, press@qiyi.com 


\"Cision\" View original content to download multimedia:https://www.prnewswire.com/apac/news-releases/iqiyi-variety-show-become-a-farmer-reaps-widespread-acclaim-in-second-season-302200578.html





\n", "content_text": "Recognized as Promotion Partner by WWF China\nBEIJING, July 18, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — On July 13, iQIYI, a leading online entertainment service in China, concluded the second season of its hit variety show Become a Farmer to rapturous reviews. The show, which immerses a group of urban youth into the realities of agricultural life, earned a Best Variety Show nomination at the 29th Shanghai TV Festival for the second consecutive year, highlighting iQIYI’s success in delivering innovative content.\n\n\n\nThe show’s commitment to environmental sustainability in agriculture has also earned it the title of ‘Sustainable Agriculture Promotion Partner’ by World Wide Fund for Nature, China (WWF China) and One Planet Foundation. In the latest season, experts from these environmental organizations participated in content production, advocating for biodiversity protection and sustainable farming practices.\nBeyond the show, iQIYI will continue their joint efforts to educate the public on the importance of biodiversity conservation and sustainable agriculture. Initiatives including citizen science activities on pollinator insects are set to start this September, all aiming to further promote awareness.\nPresented by iQIYI and Blue Sky Media Group, the show followed 10 young individuals with minimal farming experience as they embraced the challenging rural lifestyle across 450 acres of land. From sowing seeds and irrigating fields to operating machinery and harvesting crops, these individuals started with basic resources, steadily building their lives from scratch.\n\n\n\nFollowing the success of the first season, the new season expanded on the innovative blend of long and short-form video for deeper immersion and engaging viewer interaction. It introduced diverse new crops like chilies alongside wheat and roses, while establishing an integrated farm featuring fishponds, shrimp fields, and even developing derivative products like chili and strawberry jam to create an agritourism experience.\nThe uplifting journeys of personal growth – unfolding through the daily frustrations and fulfillments of farm life, heartwarming teamwork, and lighthearted interactions – captivated audiences. The new season was once again a tremendous hit, scoring an iQIYI popularity index of 8,675 at its peak, with over 10 million bullet comments. It maintained the top spot on Douban, a leading Chinese media review platform, in the domestic popular variety show ranking for 8 consecutive weeks.\nThe widespread popularity of Become a Farmer in exploring the niche agricultural theme showcases iQIYI’s success in its creative exploration to deliver original content that resonates with diverse audiences. This hit variety show has created sustained interest and cultural influence beyond the show, with the young individuals’ journeys extending from the farm to launching businesses, powering livestream commerce, organizing music festivals, and more.\nCONTACT: iQIYI Press, press@qiyi.com \n\n\n View original content to download multimedia:https://www.prnewswire.com/apac/news-releases/iqiyi-variety-show-become-a-farmer-reaps-widespread-acclaim-in-second-season-302200578.html\nSOURCE iQIYI", "date_published": "July 18, 2024", "date_modified": "July 18, 2024 - 19:40", "author": { "name": "", "url": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/author/", "avatar": "https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/?s=512&d=mm&r=g" }, "tags": [ "PR Newswire" ], "summary": "Recognized as Promotion Partner by WWF China\nBEIJING, J" }, { "id": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/frost-sullivan-institute-celebrates-leaders-in-sustainability-with-2024-enlightened-growth-leadership-awards/", "url": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/frost-sullivan-institute-celebrates-leaders-in-sustainability-with-2024-enlightened-growth-leadership-awards/", "title": "Frost & Sullivan Institute Celebrates Leaders in Sustainability with 2024 Enlightened Growth Leadership Awards", "content_html": "

SANTA CLARA, Calif., July 18, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — The Frost & Sullivan Institute is excited to announce the winners of the 2024 Enlightened Growth Leadership Best Practices Recognition from the Americas (LATAM and North Americas). This prestigious accolade honors companies that have seamlessly integrated sustainable practices into their business models, setting new benchmarks for innovation and social responsibility. This year’s awardees have demonstrated exceptional leadership in tackling challenges such as water conservation, promoting circular economy models, enhancing digital inclusion, and reducing GHG emissions. These exemplary organizations have successfully integrated business excellence with social and environmental responsibility, setting a benchmark for others to follow.


“The Enlightened Growth Leadership Awards celebrate companies that have transcended traditional business models to integrate sustainability at their core. These honorees exemplify how innovative thinking and responsible practices can drive both economic growth and social good. Their accomplishments set a powerful example, encouraging other organizations to strive for a balance between profitability and positive impact, ultimately leading to a more resilient and inclusive global economy,” remarked Aroop Zutshi, Director of the Frost & Sullivan Institute.


The award selection process is a comprehensive and rigorous eight-step journey, blending expert evaluations, market research, and in-depth scrutiny of the nominees’ innovative contributions. Based on metrics such as achieving growth excellence, pioneering ‘innovating to zero’ solutions aligned with global priorities, optimizing the customer value chain, and driving technological advancements, the awardees truly exemplify excellence in their fields.


The Frost & Sullivan Institute proudly congratulates all the winners of the 2024 Enlightened Growth Leadership Best Practices Recognition from the Americas. Their remarkable contributions will be celebrated at a prestigious awards ceremony hosted in collaboration with the Strategic Consortium of Intelligence People (SCIP) in Barcelona later this year. These companies serve as inspiring examples of how business success can be harmonized with the well-being of our planet and its people.


Enphase Energy
Enviva Inc.
EOG Resources, Inc.
EPAM Systems, Inc.
Exact Sciences Corporation
Exelixis, Inc.
ExlService Holdings, Inc.
Fiserv, Inc.
Fortinet, Inc.
FOX Factory, Inc.
Generac Power Systems, Inc.
Graphic Packaging International, LLC
Coherent Corp.
Insulet Corporation.
International Flavors & Fragrances Inc.
Intuit Inc.
Intuitive Surgical
L3Harris Technologies, Inc.
Lineage, Inc.
McAfee, LLC
Merck & Co., Inc.
Microchip Technology Inc.
MKS Instruments
Netflix, Inc.
Neurocrine Biosciences, Inc
Nielsen Consumer LLC.
Nutrien Ltd.
Open Text Corporation.
Palo Alto Networks
Par Pacific Holdings, Inc.
Parexel International (MA) Corporation.


About Frost & Sullivan Institute
The Frost & Sullivan Institute (FSI) is a non-profit organization dedicated to utilizing business practices to address global priorities. The genesis of the institute goes back to the vision of either creating or becoming part of a solution that addresses threats to humanity. The Institute has identified strategic imperatives for transformation and believes that we can truly accelerate innovation to zero. To learn more about FSI, visit www.frostandsullivaninstitute.org


About Frost & Sullivan
For six decades, Frost & Sullivan has been world-renowned for its role in helping investors, corporate leaders, and governments navigate economic changes and identify disruptive technologies, Mega Trends, new business models, and companies to action, resulting in a continuous flow of growth opportunities to drive future success. Contact us: Start the discussion.


Media Contact:
Bivechana Gautam
Email: Bivechana.gautam@frost.com


Related Links


SOURCE Frost & Sullivan



\n", "content_text": "SANTA CLARA, Calif., July 18, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — The Frost & Sullivan Institute is excited to announce the winners of the 2024 Enlightened Growth Leadership Best Practices Recognition from the Americas (LATAM and North Americas). This prestigious accolade honors companies that have seamlessly integrated sustainable practices into their business models, setting new benchmarks for innovation and social responsibility. This year’s awardees have demonstrated exceptional leadership in tackling challenges such as water conservation, promoting circular economy models, enhancing digital inclusion, and reducing GHG emissions. These exemplary organizations have successfully integrated business excellence with social and environmental responsibility, setting a benchmark for others to follow.\n\n“The Enlightened Growth Leadership Awards celebrate companies that have transcended traditional business models to integrate sustainability at their core. These honorees exemplify how innovative thinking and responsible practices can drive both economic growth and social good. Their accomplishments set a powerful example, encouraging other organizations to strive for a balance between profitability and positive impact, ultimately leading to a more resilient and inclusive global economy,” remarked Aroop Zutshi, Director of the Frost & Sullivan Institute.\nThe award selection process is a comprehensive and rigorous eight-step journey, blending expert evaluations, market research, and in-depth scrutiny of the nominees’ innovative contributions. Based on metrics such as achieving growth excellence, pioneering ‘innovating to zero’ solutions aligned with global priorities, optimizing the customer value chain, and driving technological advancements, the awardees truly exemplify excellence in their fields.\nThe Frost & Sullivan Institute proudly congratulates all the winners of the 2024 Enlightened Growth Leadership Best Practices Recognition from the Americas. Their remarkable contributions will be celebrated at a prestigious awards ceremony hosted in collaboration with the Strategic Consortium of Intelligence People (SCIP) in Barcelona later this year. These companies serve as inspiring examples of how business success can be harmonized with the well-being of our planet and its people.\nRecipients:Enphase EnergyEntegrisEnviva Inc.EOG Resources, Inc.EPAM Systems, Inc.Exact Sciences CorporationExelixis, Inc.ExlService Holdings, Inc.Fiserv, Inc.Fortinet, Inc.FOX Factory, Inc.Generac Power Systems, Inc.Graphic Packaging International, LLCHumanaCoherent Corp.IncyteInsulet Corporation.International Flavors & Fragrances Inc.IPGIntuit Inc.Intuitive SurgicalL3Harris Technologies, Inc.LAM RESEARCH CORPORATIONLineage, Inc.MaximusMcAfee, LLCMerck & Co., Inc.MetaMicrochip Technology Inc.MKS InstrumentsModivCareMosaicMSCI Inc.Netflix, Inc.Neurocrine Biosciences, IncNielsen Consumer LLC.NutanixNutrien Ltd.Open Text Corporation.OraclePalo Alto NetworksPar Pacific Holdings, Inc.Parexel International (MA) Corporation.Pinterest\nAbout Frost & Sullivan InstituteThe Frost & Sullivan Institute (FSI) is a non-profit organization dedicated to utilizing business practices to address global priorities. The genesis of the institute goes back to the vision of either creating or becoming part of a solution that addresses threats to humanity. The Institute has identified strategic imperatives for transformation and believes that we can truly accelerate innovation to zero. To learn more about FSI, visit www.frostandsullivaninstitute.org\nAbout Frost & SullivanFor six decades, Frost & Sullivan has been world-renowned for its role in helping investors, corporate leaders, and governments navigate economic changes and identify disruptive technologies, Mega Trends, new business models, and companies to action, resulting in a continuous flow of growth opportunities to drive future success. Contact us: Start the discussion.\nMedia Contact:Bivechana GautamEmail: Bivechana.gautam@frost.com\nRelated Linkswww.frost.com www.frostandsullivaninstitute.org\nSOURCE Frost & Sullivan", "date_published": "July 18, 2024", "date_modified": "July 18, 2024 - 18:40", "author": { "name": "", "url": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/author/", "avatar": "https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/?s=512&d=mm&r=g" }, "tags": [ "PR Newswire" ], "summary": "SANTA CLARA, Calif., July 18, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- The " }, { "id": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/ibm%ef%bc%9a%e7%94%9f%e6%88%90%e5%bc%8fai%e7%9a%84%e6%9c%ac%e8%b3%aa%e6%98%af%e4%bc%81%e6%a5%ad%e4%ba%ba%e6%89%8d%e7%9a%84%e5%b7%a5%e4%bd%9c%e6%96%b9%e5%bc%8f-%e5%89%b5%e9%80%a0%e5%8a%9b%e6%88%90/", "url": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/ibm%ef%bc%9a%e7%94%9f%e6%88%90%e5%bc%8fai%e7%9a%84%e6%9c%ac%e8%b3%aa%e6%98%af%e4%bc%81%e6%a5%ad%e4%ba%ba%e6%89%8d%e7%9a%84%e5%b7%a5%e4%bd%9c%e6%96%b9%e5%bc%8f-%e5%89%b5%e9%80%a0%e5%8a%9b%e6%88%90/", "title": "IBM\uff1a\u751f\u6210\u5f0fAI\u7684\u672c\u8cea\u662f\u4f01\u696d\u4eba\u624d\u7684\u5de5\u4f5c\u65b9\u5f0f \u5275\u9020\u529b\u6210\u70ba\u65b0\u6642\u4ee3\u5fc5\u8981\u6280\u80fd", "content_html": "

台北2024年7月18日 /美通社/ — 2020年在全球陸續爆發的COVID疫情,使人們的工作模式不斷演化;2022年底崛起的生成式AI技術則以更為全面且激烈的方式,重新定義從基層員工到高階主管的每個職位、每項工作,改變工作方式與所需要的技能;這些變化發展的速度之快,超乎預期。




為了幫助企業領袖們掌握快速變化的局勢,IBM 商業價值研究院 (Institute for Business Value, IBV) 發佈了一系列「CEO的生成式 AI 應用指南」。在以「人才與技能」為主題的第一篇指南裡,IBM 企業轉型顧問提出了三個論點、並建議三項行動如下:






IBM 顧問建議1:將「人才策略」放在AI策略的核心






預計到2025年,近八成 (77%) 的基層或入門級工作將因AI技術成熟而被改變;超過四分之一的高階主管工作內容也會受到影響。


IBM 顧問建議2:先著手進行對企業有深遠影響的變革








IBM 轉型顧問建議3:重新評估企業營運模式,以釋放創造力




IBM 諮詢的人才管理與轉型 (Talent Transformation) 顧問服務團隊致力於協助企業重塑與優化「從雇用至離職」完整職涯週期的員工體驗,使人力資源管理更有效地應對與支持快速變化的企業營運環境。IBM 與 Oracle、Workday、SAP 等全球策略夥伴緊密合作,向企業提供「以員工為核心」與「以創新科技為基礎」的人才管理方法;涵蓋人才招募、技能重塑、組織變革、績效考核、人力規劃、及人力資源轉型等「選用育晉留」等領域。




台灣 IBM 諮詢人才轉型服務副總經理李怡箴表示,IBM 協助企業導入由數據驅動的AI流程,提升不同職涯階段的員工體驗,有效降低企業營運成本。IBM 諮詢不僅提供由數據驅動的洞見與建議,更協助企業落實持續學習、員工內部流動與建立未來勞動力等實踐,協助 HR 部門實現敏捷的組織轉型,具備快速回應多變業務環境的反應能力和科技工具,為所屬的企業提供更高效的服務。


閱讀或下載 IBV「給CEO的生成式AI應用指南 — 人才與技能篇」全文:https://www.ibm.com/thought-leadership/institute-business-value/report/ceo-generative-ai/talent-skills


關於 IBM


IBM 是全球領先的混合雲、人工智慧及企業諮詢服務的提供者,為全球超過 175 個國家的客戶服務,協助其從擁有的資料裡獲取商業洞察、簡化業務流程、降低成本,並取得產業競爭優勢。 來自金融服務、電信和健康醫療等關鍵基礎設施領域、超過4千家政府和企業機構,採用 IBM 混合雲平台和 Red Hat OpenShift 解決方案,快速、高效、安全地實現企業數位轉型。IBM 在人工智慧、量子運算、產業專屬的雲端運算解決方案和企業諮詢服務領域的突破性創新,為客戶提供開放和靈活的選擇。IBM 對企業誠信、透明治理、企業社會責任、多元與包容文化和服務精神的承諾,歷久彌新,是 IBM 業務發展的基礎。


台灣 IBM 公司新聞室:https://taiwan.newsroom.ibm.com/




IBM 公司公關部           Kate Liu              kateliu@cn.ibm.com


\n \"IBM


\"Cision\" View original content to download multimedia:https://www.prnewswire.com/apac/zh/news-releases/ibmai–302200526.html





\n", "content_text": "台北2024年7月18日 /美通社/ — 2020年在全球陸續爆發的COVID疫情,使人們的工作模式不斷演化;2022年底崛起的生成式AI技術則以更為全面且激烈的方式,重新定義從基層員工到高階主管的每個職位、每項工作,改變工作方式與所需要的技能;這些變化發展的速度之快,超乎預期。\n\n\n\n為了幫助企業領袖們掌握快速變化的局勢,IBM 商業價值研究院 (Institute for Business Value, IBV) 發佈了一系列「給CEO的生成式 AI 應用指南」。在以「人才與技能」為主題的第一篇指南裡,IBM 企業轉型顧問提出了三個論點、並建議三項行動如下:\n論點1:企業CEO應把生成式AI視為人才與技能轉型的契機,而非一項新科技\n企業真正的競爭優勢來自於員工專業能力與生產力的提升。\nIBM 顧問建議1:將「人才策略」放在AI策略的核心\n賦能HR部門主導人才變革;定義每個職位的演變,決定在哪些領域應用生成式AI技術,以創造更高績效。\n論點2:當AI科技越來越聰明,企業CEO應協助員工專注於業務價值高的工作\n預計到2025年,近八成 (77%) 的基層或入門級工作將因AI技術成熟而被改變;超過四分之一的高階主管工作內容也會受到影響。\nIBM 顧問建議2:先著手進行對企業有深遠影響的變革\n先定義哪些屬於「業務價值高」與「影響深遠」的工作,並提高其優先等級;確保員工具備從事前述工作的職權與技能。\n論點3:在生成式AI時代,企業CEO應將「創造力」視為人員必要技能\n員工需要學習新技能、發揮創造力來使用AI工具;AI工具有如「千里馬」正在等候「伯樂」來駕馭與馳騁。\nIBM 轉型顧問建議3:重新評估企業營運模式,以釋放創造力\n使用這份指南檢驗目前企業狀態,積極儲備關鍵人才與技能,包括AI技能。\nIBM 諮詢的人才管理與轉型 (Talent Transformation) 顧問服務團隊致力於協助企業重塑與優化「從雇用至離職」完整職涯週期的員工體驗,使人力資源管理更有效地應對與支持快速變化的企業營運環境。IBM 與 Oracle、Workday、SAP 等全球策略夥伴緊密合作,向企業提供「以員工為核心」與「以創新科技為基礎」的人才管理方法;涵蓋人才招募、技能重塑、組織變革、績效考核、人力規劃、及人力資源轉型等「選用育晉留」等領域。\nIBM倡議以「優異的員工體驗」為中心的企業人才轉型\n台灣 IBM 諮詢人才轉型服務副總經理李怡箴表示,IBM 協助企業導入由數據驅動的AI流程,提升不同職涯階段的員工體驗,有效降低企業營運成本。IBM 諮詢不僅提供由數據驅動的洞見與建議,更協助企業落實持續學習、員工內部流動與建立未來勞動力等實踐,協助 HR 部門實現敏捷的組織轉型,具備快速回應多變業務環境的反應能力和科技工具,為所屬的企業提供更高效的服務。\n閱讀或下載 IBV「給CEO的生成式AI應用指南 — 人才與技能篇」全文:https://www.ibm.com/thought-leadership/institute-business-value/report/ceo-generative-ai/talent-skills\n關於 IBM\nIBM 是全球領先的混合雲、人工智慧及企業諮詢服務的提供者,為全球超過 175 個國家的客戶服務,協助其從擁有的資料裡獲取商業洞察、簡化業務流程、降低成本,並取得產業競爭優勢。 來自金融服務、電信和健康醫療等關鍵基礎設施領域、超過4千家政府和企業機構,採用 IBM 混合雲平台和 Red Hat OpenShift 解決方案,快速、高效、安全地實現企業數位轉型。IBM 在人工智慧、量子運算、產業專屬的雲端運算解決方案和企業諮詢服務領域的突破性創新,為客戶提供開放和靈活的選擇。IBM 對企業誠信、透明治理、企業社會責任、多元與包容文化和服務精神的承諾,歷久彌新,是 IBM 業務發展的基礎。\n台灣 IBM 公司新聞室:https://taiwan.newsroom.ibm.com/\n新聞聯絡\nIBM 公司公關部           Kate Liu              kateliu@cn.ibm.com\n\n\n \n \n \n \n\n View original content to download multimedia:https://www.prnewswire.com/apac/zh/news-releases/ibmai–302200526.html\nSOURCE IBM", "date_published": "July 18, 2024", "date_modified": "July 18, 2024 - 18:39", "author": { "name": "", "url": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/author/", "avatar": "https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/?s=512&d=mm&r=g" }, "tags": [ "PR Newswire" ], "summary": "台北2024年7月18日 /&#3265" }, { "id": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/vyos-networks-recognized-as-a-challenger-and-outperformer-in-the-2024-gigaom-radar-for-network-operating-systems/", "url": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/vyos-networks-recognized-as-a-challenger-and-outperformer-in-the-2024-gigaom-radar-for-network-operating-systems/", "title": "VyOS Networks Recognized as a Challenger and Outperformer in the 2024 GigaOM Radar for Network Operating Systems", "content_html": "

POWAY, Calif., July 18, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — In the rapidly evolving landscape of network operating systems (NOS), VyOS stands out as a Challenger and Outperformer, according to the latest GigaOm Radar reports. Our unique position across different market segments – including CSPs, MSPs, MNOs, NSPs, large enterprises, and SMBs – underlines our commitment to providing versatile and powerful networking solutions.


VyOS has been recognized for its unparalleled versatility, offering tailored solutions that meet the specific needs of each market segment. Whether it’s managing complex networks for large enterprises or providing cost-efficient solutions for SMBs, VyOS delivers superior performance and reliability.


Our innovative approach is driven by a deep understanding of the challenges and opportunities within the network operating system domain. By focusing on customer needs, VyOS has developed a NOS that not only addresses today’s demands but is also future-proof, ready to evolve with the market.


“A key factor in our success,” says Yuriy Andamasov, CEO of VyOS Networks, “is our commitment to open standards and disaggregation. This approach ensures that our customers benefit from a flexible, scalable, and interoperable network, avoiding vendor lock-in and enabling a best-of-breed technology stack.”


For more detailed insights, we encourage you to explore the reports to understand how VyOS can enhance your network with cutting-edge technology and innovation. To obtain your copy, please visit: https://vyos.io/gigaom 


Media contacts:
Name: Yuriy Andamasov
email: yuriy@vyos.ioyago.blanquet@vyos.io 
Phone: +16194320570




SOURCE VyOS Networks Corporation



\n", "content_text": "POWAY, Calif., July 18, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — In the rapidly evolving landscape of network operating systems (NOS), VyOS stands out as a Challenger and Outperformer, according to the latest GigaOm Radar reports. Our unique position across different market segments – including CSPs, MSPs, MNOs, NSPs, large enterprises, and SMBs – underlines our commitment to providing versatile and powerful networking solutions.\n\nVyOS has been recognized for its unparalleled versatility, offering tailored solutions that meet the specific needs of each market segment. Whether it’s managing complex networks for large enterprises or providing cost-efficient solutions for SMBs, VyOS delivers superior performance and reliability.\nOur innovative approach is driven by a deep understanding of the challenges and opportunities within the network operating system domain. By focusing on customer needs, VyOS has developed a NOS that not only addresses today’s demands but is also future-proof, ready to evolve with the market.\n“A key factor in our success,” says Yuriy Andamasov, CEO of VyOS Networks, “is our commitment to open standards and disaggregation. This approach ensures that our customers benefit from a flexible, scalable, and interoperable network, avoiding vendor lock-in and enabling a best-of-breed technology stack.”\nFor more detailed insights, we encourage you to explore the reports to understand how VyOS can enhance your network with cutting-edge technology and innovation. To obtain your copy, please visit: https://vyos.io/gigaom \nMedia contacts:Name: Yuriy Andamasovemail: yuriy@vyos.io; yago.blanquet@vyos.io Phone: +16194320570\n \nSOURCE VyOS Networks Corporation", "date_published": "July 18, 2024", "date_modified": "July 18, 2024 - 17:40", "author": { "name": "", "url": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/author/", "avatar": "https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/?s=512&d=mm&r=g" }, "tags": [ "PR Newswire" ], "summary": "POWAY, Calif., July 18, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- In the rap" }, { "id": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/vyos-networks-%e7%8d%b2%e8%a9%95%e7%82%ba-2024-%e5%b9%b4-gigaom-%e7%b6%b2%e7%b5%a1%e6%93%8d%e4%bd%9c%e7%b3%bb%e7%b5%b1%e9%9b%b7%e9%81%94%e7%9a%84%e6%8c%91%e6%88%b0%e8%80%85%e5%92%8c%e8%b6%85%e6%b0%b4/", "url": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/vyos-networks-%e7%8d%b2%e8%a9%95%e7%82%ba-2024-%e5%b9%b4-gigaom-%e7%b6%b2%e7%b5%a1%e6%93%8d%e4%bd%9c%e7%b3%bb%e7%b5%b1%e9%9b%b7%e9%81%94%e7%9a%84%e6%8c%91%e6%88%b0%e8%80%85%e5%92%8c%e8%b6%85%e6%b0%b4/", "title": "VyOS Networks \u7372\u8a55\u70ba 2024 \u5e74 GigaOM \u7db2\u7d61\u64cd\u4f5c\u7cfb\u7d71\u96f7\u9054\u7684\u6311\u6230\u8005\u548c\u8d85\u6c34\u6e96\u8005", "content_html": "

加利福尼亞州鮑威2024年7月18日 /美通社/ — 根據最新的 GigaOM 雷達報告顯示,在網絡操作系統 (NOS) 的快速發展環境中, VYoS 以挑戰者 (Challenger)超水準者 (Outperformer) 的優異表現脫穎而出。我們在不同細分市場的獨特地位,包括 CSP、MSP、MNO、NSP、大型企業和中小企業,全部彰顯了我們對提供多功能強大的網路解決方案的承諾。


VyOS 因其無與倫比的多功能性而聞名,為滿足每個市場部門的特定需求而提供度身定制的解決方案。無論是為大型企業管理複雜網路,還是為中小企業提供符合成本效益的解決方案,VyOS 表現卓越,可靠性高。


我們的創新方法是深入了解網絡作業系統領域中的挑戰和機遇。透過專注於客戶的需求,VyOS 開發了一款 NOS,不僅可以滿足現今的需求,同時也面向未來,隨時準備與市場同步發展。


VyOS Networks 行政總裁 Yuriy Andamasov 表示:「我們成功的關鍵因素,是我們對開放標準和分類的承諾。這種方法可確保我們的客戶從靈活、可擴展和可互操作的網絡中受益,避免廠商鎖定 (vendor lock-in),並實現一流的技術堆疊 (technology stack)。」


如需更詳細的見解,我們鼓勵您瀏覽報告,以了解 VYOS 如何運用嶄新科技和創新思維來強化您的網絡。如需取得報告副本,請瀏覽:https://vyos.io/gigaom


名稱: Yuriy Andamasov
電子郵件: yuriy@vyos.io; yago.blanquet@vyos.io 




\"Cision\" View original content:https://www.prnewswire.com/apac/zh/news-releases/vyos-networks–2024–gigaom–302183818.html


SOURCE VyOS Networks Corporation



\n", "content_text": "加利福尼亞州鮑威2024年7月18日 /美通社/ — 根據最新的 GigaOM 雷達報告顯示,在網絡操作系統 (NOS) 的快速發展環境中, VYoS 以挑戰者 (Challenger) 和超水準者 (Outperformer) 的優異表現脫穎而出。我們在不同細分市場的獨特地位,包括 CSP、MSP、MNO、NSP、大型企業和中小企業,全部彰顯了我們對提供多功能強大的網路解決方案的承諾。\n\nVyOS 因其無與倫比的多功能性而聞名,為滿足每個市場部門的特定需求而提供度身定制的解決方案。無論是為大型企業管理複雜網路,還是為中小企業提供符合成本效益的解決方案,VyOS 表現卓越,可靠性高。\n我們的創新方法是深入了解網絡作業系統領域中的挑戰和機遇。透過專注於客戶的需求,VyOS 開發了一款 NOS,不僅可以滿足現今的需求,同時也面向未來,隨時準備與市場同步發展。\nVyOS Networks 行政總裁 Yuriy Andamasov 表示:「我們成功的關鍵因素,是我們對開放標準和分類的承諾。這種方法可確保我們的客戶從靈活、可擴展和可互操作的網絡中受益,避免廠商鎖定 (vendor lock-in),並實現一流的技術堆疊 (technology stack)。」\n如需更詳細的見解,我們鼓勵您瀏覽報告,以了解 VYOS 如何運用嶄新科技和創新思維來強化您的網絡。如需取得報告副本,請瀏覽:https://vyos.io/gigaom\n傳媒聯絡: 名稱: Yuriy Andamasov電子郵件: yuriy@vyos.io; yago.blanquet@vyos.io 電話:+16194320570\n \n View original content:https://www.prnewswire.com/apac/zh/news-releases/vyos-networks–2024–gigaom–302183818.html\nSOURCE VyOS Networks Corporation", "date_published": "July 18, 2024", "date_modified": "July 18, 2024 - 17:39", "author": { "name": "", "url": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/author/", "avatar": "https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/?s=512&d=mm&r=g" }, "tags": [ "PR Newswire" ], "summary": "加利福尼亞州&#39825" }, { "id": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/electrolux-group-divests-south-african-water-heater-business/", "url": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/electrolux-group-divests-south-african-water-heater-business/", "title": "Electrolux Group divests South African water heater business", "content_html": "

STOCKHOLM, July 18, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Electrolux Group has signed an agreement to divest its water heater business in South Africa under the Kwikot brand for an enterprise value of ZAR 2.4bn (approx. SEK 1.4bn) to Haier Smart Home.


The divestment includes the Kwikot brand and the production facilities for water heaters (geysers) located in Johannesburg, and is part of the previously communicated work to sharpen the Group’s strategic focus by divesting non-core assets.


The sale is expected to be completed during the fourth quarter of 2024 and is subject to regulatory approvals.


A negative earnings impact of approximately SEK 0.6bn from the divestment will be recorded as a non-recurring item, impacting business area Europe, Asia-Pacific, Middle East & Africa during the second half of 2024. This includes a significant negative currency effect from the ZAR depreciation, which does not affect equity.


The water heater business in South Africa is profitable and the Kwikot brand is well-known in the market. Net sales in 2023 related to this business amounted to approximately ZAR 1.9bn (approx. SEK 1.1bn).


This is information that AB Electrolux is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation. The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person set out above, on 18-07-2024 09:00 CET.


For more information, please contact:
Oscar Stjerngren, Investor Relations, +46 70 879 87 69
Electrolux Group Press Hotline, +46 8 657 65 07


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SOURCE Electrolux Group



\n", "content_text": "STOCKHOLM, July 18, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Electrolux Group has signed an agreement to divest its water heater business in South Africa under the Kwikot brand for an enterprise value of ZAR 2.4bn (approx. SEK 1.4bn) to Haier Smart Home. \nThe divestment includes the Kwikot brand and the production facilities for water heaters (geysers) located in Johannesburg, and is part of the previously communicated work to sharpen the Group’s strategic focus by divesting non-core assets.\nThe sale is expected to be completed during the fourth quarter of 2024 and is subject to regulatory approvals.\nA negative earnings impact of approximately SEK 0.6bn from the divestment will be recorded as a non-recurring item, impacting business area Europe, Asia-Pacific, Middle East & Africa during the second half of 2024. This includes a significant negative currency effect from the ZAR depreciation, which does not affect equity.\nThe water heater business in South Africa is profitable and the Kwikot brand is well-known in the market. Net sales in 2023 related to this business amounted to approximately ZAR 1.9bn (approx. SEK 1.1bn).\nThis is information that AB Electrolux is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation. The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person set out above, on 18-07-2024 09:00 CET.\nFor more information, please contact:Oscar Stjerngren, Investor Relations, +46 70 879 87 69Electrolux Group Press Hotline, +46 8 657 65 07\nThis information was brought to you by Cision http://news.cision.com\nhttps://news.cision.com/electrolux-group/r/electrolux-group-divests-south-african-water-heater-business,c4016099\nThe following files are available for download:\n\n\n\n\nhttps://mb.cision.com/Main/1853/4016099/2920428.pdf\n\n\n20240718 Press release Kwikot divestment final\n\n\n\n\n \n View original content:https://www.prnewswire.com/apac/news-releases/electrolux-group-divests-south-african-water-heater-business-302200443.html\nSOURCE Electrolux Group", "date_published": "July 18, 2024", "date_modified": "July 18, 2024 - 16:40", "author": { "name": "", "url": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/author/", "avatar": "https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/?s=512&d=mm&r=g" }, "tags": [ "PR Newswire" ], "summary": "STOCKHOLM, July 18, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Electrolux Gro" }, { "id": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/maxhub-expands-global-reach-with-opening-of-thailand-subsidiary/", "url": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/maxhub-expands-global-reach-with-opening-of-thailand-subsidiary/", "title": "MAXHUB Expands Global Reach with Opening of Thailand Subsidiary", "content_html": "

BANGKOK, July 18, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — MAXHUB, a leading provider of interactive displays and solutions, officially opened its Thailand subsidiary on July 11th. The launch event showcased MAXHUB’s commitment to the Thai market with demonstrations of cutting-edge products like the V7 XBoard and XCore Kit Pro at their local showroom.




The establishment of MAXHUB’s Thai subsidiary marks a significant step in the company’s strategy to enhance service efficiency and foster innovation within Thailand. “Our expansion into Thailand is not just about growing our footprint; it’s about deepening relationships and tailoring our offerings to meet local needs,” said Vice President of MAXHUB. “We are excited to bring our advanced technology solutions closer to our Thai customers and partners.”




During the opening ceremony, guests experienced the capabilities of several advanced technologies. MAXHUB’s XBoard V7 Series is an all-in-one interactive display that enables secure and seamless collaboration, high-quality video conferencing, and advanced interactive features for users. With its premium design and user-friendly interface, the V7 Series is ideal for organizations of all sizes looking to enhance their remote meetings and presentations.


Another MAXHUB’s latest additions, the XCore Kit Pro, is a conferencing solution for medium to large meeting rooms. This solution includes a touch-screen control panel and a mini-PC powered by the 12th generation Intel Core i5 processor. With Microsoft Teams Rooms integration, 4K wired content sharing, and dual-screen display capabilities, the XCore Kit Pro offers a comprehensive and user-friendly conferencing experience.


To experience MAXHUB’s latest products and solutions firsthand, visit its showroom at MAXHUB Thailand, located at Building, 554/54 12th FL SKYY9 CENTRE Din Daeng Rd, Din Daeng, Bangkok.




MAXHUB is a pioneering force in integrated communication and display solutions worldwide, driven by its commitment to innovation through its central research institute and the esteemed C-labs. The company’s excellence in research, development, quality control, and supply chain management, including a state-of-the-art smart factory, positions it as a resilient leader. MAXHUB offers a wide array of solutions for business, education, and display, aiming to foster a hub of technology that nurtures meaningful connections and empowers enhanced collaboration, communication, and presentation.


For more information, please visit: www.maxhub.com or https://www.linkedin.com/company/14619749.






\"Cision\" View original content to download multimedia:https://www.prnewswire.com/apac/news-releases/maxhub-expands-global-reach-with-opening-of-thailand-subsidiary-302200411.html





\n", "content_text": "BANGKOK, July 18, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — MAXHUB, a leading provider of interactive displays and solutions, officially opened its Thailand subsidiary on July 11th. The launch event showcased MAXHUB’s commitment to the Thai market with demonstrations of cutting-edge products like the V7 XBoard and XCore Kit Pro at their local showroom.\n\n\n\nThe establishment of MAXHUB’s Thai subsidiary marks a significant step in the company’s strategy to enhance service efficiency and foster innovation within Thailand. “Our expansion into Thailand is not just about growing our footprint; it’s about deepening relationships and tailoring our offerings to meet local needs,” said Vice President of MAXHUB. “We are excited to bring our advanced technology solutions closer to our Thai customers and partners.”\n\n\n\nDuring the opening ceremony, guests experienced the capabilities of several advanced technologies. MAXHUB’s XBoard V7 Series is an all-in-one interactive display that enables secure and seamless collaboration, high-quality video conferencing, and advanced interactive features for users. With its premium design and user-friendly interface, the V7 Series is ideal for organizations of all sizes looking to enhance their remote meetings and presentations.\nAnother MAXHUB’s latest additions, the XCore Kit Pro, is a conferencing solution for medium to large meeting rooms. This solution includes a touch-screen control panel and a mini-PC powered by the 12th generation Intel Core i5 processor. With Microsoft Teams Rooms integration, 4K wired content sharing, and dual-screen display capabilities, the XCore Kit Pro offers a comprehensive and user-friendly conferencing experience.\nTo experience MAXHUB’s latest products and solutions firsthand, visit its showroom at MAXHUB Thailand, located at Building, 554/54 12th FL SKYY9 CENTRE Din Daeng Rd, Din Daeng, Bangkok.\n About MAXHUB \nMAXHUB is a pioneering force in integrated communication and display solutions worldwide, driven by its commitment to innovation through its central research institute and the esteemed C-labs. The company’s excellence in research, development, quality control, and supply chain management, including a state-of-the-art smart factory, positions it as a resilient leader. MAXHUB offers a wide array of solutions for business, education, and display, aiming to foster a hub of technology that nurtures meaningful connections and empowers enhanced collaboration, communication, and presentation.\nFor more information, please visit: www.maxhub.com or https://www.linkedin.com/company/14619749.\n\n\n\n \n\n\n View original content to download multimedia:https://www.prnewswire.com/apac/news-releases/maxhub-expands-global-reach-with-opening-of-thailand-subsidiary-302200411.html\nSOURCE MAXHUB", "date_published": "July 18, 2024", "date_modified": "July 18, 2024 - 15:40", "author": { "name": "", "url": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/author/", "avatar": "https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/?s=512&d=mm&r=g" }, "tags": [ "PR Newswire" ], "summary": "BANGKOK, July 18, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- MAXHUB, a leadin" }, { "id": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/%e8%bc%9d%e7%91%9e%e5%ae%a3%e4%bd%88%e6%9c%ac%e6%9c%88%e8%b5%b7%e4%be%9b%e6%87%89%e9%a6%96%e6%ac%be%e6%93%81%e6%9c%89%e9%9b%99%e9%81%a9%e6%87%89%e7%97%87%e7%9a%84%e5%91%bc%e5%90%b8%e9%81%93%e5%90%88/", "url": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/%e8%bc%9d%e7%91%9e%e5%ae%a3%e4%bd%88%e6%9c%ac%e6%9c%88%e8%b5%b7%e4%be%9b%e6%87%89%e9%a6%96%e6%ac%be%e6%93%81%e6%9c%89%e9%9b%99%e9%81%a9%e6%87%89%e7%97%87%e7%9a%84%e5%91%bc%e5%90%b8%e9%81%93%e5%90%88/", "title": "\u8f1d\u745e\u5ba3\u4f48\u672c\u6708\u8d77\u4f9b\u61c9\u9996\u6b3e\u64c1\u6709\u96d9\u9069\u61c9\u75c7\u7684\u547c\u5438\u9053\u5408\u80de\u75c5\u6bd2\u75ab\u82d7\u4e88\u9999\u6e2f", "content_html": "\n

香港和澳門2024年7月18日 /美通社/ — 今天,輝瑞宣佈於香港推出二價RSVpreF疫苗,用於針對60歲或以上長者因RSV病毒引起的下呼吸道疾病(LRTD),以及初生至六個月大嬰兒(於孕婦懷孕期間接種*)因RSV病毒引起的LRTD和嚴重LRTD。1輝瑞是目前唯一一間公司提供同時適用於長者及孕婦的RSV疫苗。


\n \"(PRNewsfoto/Pfizer)\"



RSV 是一種傳染性病毒,是引致全球各地呼吸系統疾病的常見起因。3,4 該病毒會損害肺部和呼吸道,可能導致嬰兒(尤其是早產或6個月以下嬰兒)以及高風險長者群組出現嚴重併發症或死亡。4-6 於2019年,全球已錄得3,300萬宗與RSV相關的急性下呼吸道感染,其中101,400宗死亡個案涉及5歲或以下兒童。7 至於65歲或以上長者,在2015年,全球疾病負擔數字估計為33.6萬人入院、14,100人在住院期間死亡。8 在香港,RSV病毒是導致一歲以下幼童住院的頭號呼吸道病毒(佔超過一半案例),9 亦是住院長者死亡的常見原因。10


輝瑞香港及澳門區域總經理Krishnamoorthy Sundaresan表示:「這款二價RSVpreF疫苗在市場推出,再一次表明我們回應公共衛生需要的決心。透過此疫苗,我們可為免疫力較弱的群組 – 嬰兒和長者 – 提供針對RSV病毒的保護。」11 


RSV疾病主要由RSV A及RSV B兩種病毒亞群引起,兩種病毒可共同流行或隨著每個週期交替主導。12 這款二價疫苗不含佐劑,並由兩種融合前F蛋白組成,以發揮針對RSV A和B病毒種類的理想效果,並已證明為安全有效。11


輝瑞香港及澳門醫學總監Eugenia Ng表示:「此疫苗亦配合香港衛生署的基層醫療健康藍圖,推動預防勝於治療的概念,以改善市民健康。現在除了長者之外,初生至六個月大嬰兒亦可得到保護,幫助他們抵抗嚴重RSV疾病,而RSV疾病在這些嬰兒中導致的疾病負擔最高。」在香港,每年每1萬名6個月或以下嬰兒中,就有233.4至311.2名因感染RSV病毒而需要入院接受治療。13






About RSVpreF Vaccine


Pfizer currently is the only company with an RSV vaccine to help protect older adults, as well as infants through maternal immunization. This bivalent vaccine was designed to provide broad protection against all RSV-LRTD, regardless of the virus subgroup. The RSV fusion protein (F) in the prefusion conformation is a major target of virus infection blocking antibodies and is the basis of Pfizer’s RSV vaccine. Sequence variability in F between RSV subgroup A and B strains clusters in potent neutralizing antibody binding sites on prefusion F.


About Pfizer: Breakthroughs That Change Patients’ Lives 


At Pfizer, we apply science and our global resources to bring therapies to people that extend and significantly improve their lives. We strive to set the standard for quality, safety and value in the discovery, development and manufacture of health care products, including innovative medicines and vaccines. Every day, Pfizer colleagues work across developed and emerging markets to advance wellness, prevention, treatments and cures that challenge the most feared diseases of our time. Consistent with our responsibility as one of the world’s premier innovative biopharmaceutical companies, we collaborate with health care providers, governments and local communities to support and expand access to reliable, affordable health care around the world. For 175 years, we have worked to make a difference for all who rely on us. We routinely post information that may be important to investors on our website at www.Pfizer.com.hk. In addition, to learn more, please visit us on www.Pfizer.com.hk. 



  1. Respiratory syncytial virus vaccine Prescribing Information. Pfizer Corporation Hong Kong Limited: Version MAR 2024.
  2. \n
  3. Respiratory syncytial virus vaccine (bivalent, recombinant) Package Leaflet. Pfizer Europe. Version: 08/2023.
  4. \n
  5. World Health Organization. Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) disease. Available at: www.who.int/teams/health-product-policy-and-standards/standards-and-specifications/vaccine-standardization/respiratory-syncytial-virus-disease. Accessed May 2024.
  6. \n
  7. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. RSV transmission. Available at: www.cdc.gov/rsv/about/transmission.html. Accessed May 2024.
  8. \n
  9. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Respiratory syncytial virus infection (RSV) – Older adults are at high risk for severe RSV infection fact sheet. Available at: www.cdc.gov/rsv/factsheet-older-adults.pdf. Accessed May 2024.
  10. \n
  11. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. RSV in Infants and Young Children. Available at: www.cdc.gov/rsv/high-risk/infants-young-children.html. Accessed May 2024.
  12. \n
  13. Li Y, Wang X, Blau DM, et al. Global, regional, and national disease burden estimates of acute lower respiratory infections due to respiratory syncytial virus in children younger than 5 years in 2019: a systematic analysis. Lancet 2022;399:2047-2064.
  14. \n
  15. Shi T, Denouel A, Tietjen AK, et al. Global disease burden estimates of respiratory syncytial virus-associated acute respiratory infection in older adults in 2015: A systematic review and meta-analysis. J Infect Dis 2020;222:S577-S583.
  16. \n
  17. Chan PKS, Tam WWS, Lee TC, et al. Hospitalization incidence, mortality and seasonality of common respiratory viruses over a period of 15 years in a developed subtropical city. Medicine (Baltimore) 2015;94:e2024.
  18. \n
  19. Wang Y, Fekadu G, You JHS. Comparative Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Respiratory Syncytial Virus Vaccines for Older Adults in Hong Kong. Vaccines 2023;11(10):1605. https://doi.org/10.3390/vaccines11101605
  20. \n
  21. Awosika AO, Patel P. Respiratory Syncytial Virus Prefusion F (RSVPreF3) Vaccine. [Updated 2024 Mar 19]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2024 Jan-. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK594261/
  22. \n
  23. Ciarlitto, C., Vittucci, A.C., Antilici, L. et al. Respiratory Syncityal Virus A and B: three bronchiolitis seasons in a third level hospital in Italy. Ital J Pediatr 2019;45(115). https://doi.org/10.1186/s13052-019-0704-0
  24. \n
  25. Chiu SS, Chan KH, Chen H, et al. Virologically Confirmed Population-based Burden of Hospitalization Caused by Respiratory Syncytial Virus, Adenovirus, and Parainfluenza Viruses in Children in Hong Kong. Pediatr Infect Dis J 2010;29(12):1088-1092. 
  26. \n

PP-A1G-HKG-0058 JUL 2024


\"Cision\" View original content to download multimedia:https://www.prnewswire.com/apac/zh/news-releases/-302200383.html





\n", "content_text": "首個及唯一一款有效同時針對RSV A及RSV B病毒的二價單劑疫苗早前獲香港及澳門衛生部門批准,本月起(2024年7月)供應予香港使用\n幫助60歲或以上長者及嬰兒(於孕婦懷孕期間接種*)抵抗RSV病毒1,2\n二價RSV融合前F蛋白(RSVpreF)疫苗為針對RSV病毒帶來另一個選擇\nRSV病毒是導致1歲以下幼童住院的常見呼吸道病毒,死亡率比流感高,亦是香港住院長者的常見致命原因\n\n香港和澳門2024年7月18日 /美通社/ — 今天,輝瑞宣佈於香港推出二價RSVpreF疫苗,用於針對60歲或以上長者因RSV病毒引起的下呼吸道疾病(LRTD),以及初生至六個月大嬰兒(於孕婦懷孕期間接種*)因RSV病毒引起的LRTD和嚴重LRTD。1輝瑞是目前唯一一間公司提供同時適用於長者及孕婦的RSV疫苗。\n\n\n \n \n \n \n\nRSV 是一種傳染性病毒,是引致全球各地呼吸系統疾病的常見起因。3,4 該病毒會損害肺部和呼吸道,可能導致嬰兒(尤其是早產或6個月以下嬰兒)以及高風險長者群組出現嚴重併發症或死亡。4-6 於2019年,全球已錄得3,300萬宗與RSV相關的急性下呼吸道感染,其中101,400宗死亡個案涉及5歲或以下兒童。7 至於65歲或以上長者,在2015年,全球疾病負擔數字估計為33.6萬人入院、14,100人在住院期間死亡。8 在香港,RSV病毒是導致一歲以下幼童住院的頭號呼吸道病毒(佔超過一半案例),9 亦是住院長者死亡的常見原因。10\n輝瑞香港及澳門區域總經理Krishnamoorthy Sundaresan表示:「這款二價RSVpreF疫苗在市場推出,再一次表明我們回應公共衛生需要的決心。透過此疫苗,我們可為免疫力較弱的群組 – 嬰兒和長者 – 提供針對RSV病毒的保護。」11 \nRSV疾病主要由RSV A及RSV B兩種病毒亞群引起,兩種病毒可共同流行或隨著每個週期交替主導。12 這款二價疫苗不含佐劑,並由兩種融合前F蛋白組成,以發揮針對RSV A和B病毒種類的理想效果,並已證明為安全有效。11\n輝瑞香港及澳門醫學總監Eugenia Ng表示:「此疫苗亦配合香港衛生署的基層醫療健康藍圖,推動預防勝於治療的概念,以改善市民健康。現在除了長者之外,初生至六個月大嬰兒亦可得到保護,幫助他們抵抗嚴重RSV疾病,而RSV疾病在這些嬰兒中導致的疾病負擔最高。」在香港,每年每1萬名6個月或以下嬰兒中,就有233.4至311.2名因感染RSV病毒而需要入院接受治療。13\n如欲了解更多最新二價RSV疫苗的相關資訊,請向所屬地區的醫護人員查詢。\n*有關建議的懷孕週期接種時間表,請參閱所屬地區的處方信息。\nAbout RSVpreF Vaccine\nPfizer currently is the only company with an RSV vaccine to help protect older adults, as well as infants through maternal immunization. This bivalent vaccine was designed to provide broad protection against all RSV-LRTD, regardless of the virus subgroup. The RSV fusion protein (F) in the prefusion conformation is a major target of virus infection blocking antibodies and is the basis of Pfizer’s RSV vaccine. Sequence variability in F between RSV subgroup A and B strains clusters in potent neutralizing antibody binding sites on prefusion F.\nAbout Pfizer: Breakthroughs That Change Patients’ Lives  \nAt Pfizer, we apply science and our global resources to bring therapies to people that extend and significantly improve their lives. We strive to set the standard for quality, safety and value in the discovery, development and manufacture of health care products, including innovative medicines and vaccines. Every day, Pfizer colleagues work across developed and emerging markets to advance wellness, prevention, treatments and cures that challenge the most feared diseases of our time. Consistent with our responsibility as one of the world’s premier innovative biopharmaceutical companies, we collaborate with health care providers, governments and local communities to support and expand access to reliable, affordable health care around the world. For 175 years, we have worked to make a difference for all who rely on us. We routinely post information that may be important to investors on our website at www.Pfizer.com.hk. In addition, to learn more, please visit us on www.Pfizer.com.hk. \nReferences:\n\nRespiratory syncytial virus vaccine Prescribing Information. Pfizer Corporation Hong Kong Limited: Version MAR 2024.\nRespiratory syncytial virus vaccine (bivalent, recombinant) Package Leaflet. Pfizer Europe. Version: 08/2023.\nWorld Health Organization. Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) disease. Available at: www.who.int/teams/health-product-policy-and-standards/standards-and-specifications/vaccine-standardization/respiratory-syncytial-virus-disease. Accessed May 2024.\nCenters for Disease Control and Prevention. RSV transmission. Available at: www.cdc.gov/rsv/about/transmission.html. Accessed May 2024.\nCenters for Disease Control and Prevention. Respiratory syncytial virus infection (RSV) – Older adults are at high risk for severe RSV infection fact sheet. Available at: www.cdc.gov/rsv/factsheet-older-adults.pdf. Accessed May 2024.\nCenters for Disease Control and Prevention. RSV in Infants and Young Children. Available at: www.cdc.gov/rsv/high-risk/infants-young-children.html. Accessed May 2024.\nLi Y, Wang X, Blau DM, et al. Global, regional, and national disease burden estimates of acute lower respiratory infections due to respiratory syncytial virus in children younger than 5 years in 2019: a systematic analysis. Lancet 2022;399:2047-2064.\nShi T, Denouel A, Tietjen AK, et al. Global disease burden estimates of respiratory syncytial virus-associated acute respiratory infection in older adults in 2015: A systematic review and meta-analysis. J Infect Dis 2020;222:S577-S583.\nChan PKS, Tam WWS, Lee TC, et al. Hospitalization incidence, mortality and seasonality of common respiratory viruses over a period of 15 years in a developed subtropical city. Medicine (Baltimore) 2015;94:e2024.\nWang Y, Fekadu G, You JHS. Comparative Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Respiratory Syncytial Virus Vaccines for Older Adults in Hong Kong. Vaccines 2023;11(10):1605. https://doi.org/10.3390/vaccines11101605\nAwosika AO, Patel P. Respiratory Syncytial Virus Prefusion F (RSVPreF3) Vaccine. [Updated 2024 Mar 19]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2024 Jan-. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK594261/\nCiarlitto, C., Vittucci, A.C., Antilici, L. et al. Respiratory Syncityal Virus A and B: three bronchiolitis seasons in a third level hospital in Italy. Ital J Pediatr 2019;45(115). https://doi.org/10.1186/s13052-019-0704-0\nChiu SS, Chan KH, Chen H, et al. Virologically Confirmed Population-based Burden of Hospitalization Caused by Respiratory Syncytial Virus, Adenovirus, and Parainfluenza Viruses in Children in Hong Kong. Pediatr Infect Dis J 2010;29(12):1088-1092. \n\nPP-A1G-HKG-0058 JUL 2024\n View original content to download multimedia:https://www.prnewswire.com/apac/zh/news-releases/-302200383.html\nSOURCE Pfizer", "date_published": "July 18, 2024", "date_modified": "July 18, 2024 - 15:40", "author": { "name": "", "url": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/author/", "avatar": "https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/?s=512&d=mm&r=g" }, "tags": [ "PR Newswire" ], "summary": "首個及唯一一&#27454" }, { "id": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/skf-interim-report-q2-2024-margin-resilience-in-continued-soft-markets/", "url": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/skf-interim-report-q2-2024-margin-resilience-in-continued-soft-markets/", "title": "SKF interim report Q2 2024: Margin resilience in continued soft markets", "content_html": "

GOTHENBURG, Sweden, July 18, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — 


Q2 2024
Net sales: SEK 25,606 million (27,123) 
Organic growth: −6.6% (7.9%), driven by lower market demand across regions and industries, except for aerospace and railway showing continuous growth.
Adjusted operating profit: SEK 3,324 million (3,614). Continued strong price/mix contribution, driven by pricing actions and active portfolio management, as well as good cost control largely offset lower volumes.
Adjusted operating margin: 13.0% (13.3%)
Net cash flow from operations: SEK 2,152 (3,664)


Rickard Gustafson, President and CEO:


We continue to effectively manage the soft markets, deliver resilient margins, and execute on our strategy by investing in areas such as innovation and regionalization. While there is some short-term cost pressure from regionalization and lower production volumes, our actions will make us even more competitive and prepared when demand improves.


Solid margin in continued soft market conditions


In the second quarter, we effectively managed the continued challenging market conditions. I’m pleased that we retained a solid adjusted operating margin of 13%. This is yet another quarter with resilient margins, not least given that organic growth shifted from +8% in Q2 last year to –7% this quarter.


We continue to see soft market demand across most regions. This was partly offset by our continued strong pricing execution, which, together with our ability to launch innovative products as well as active portfolio management, resulted in a positive price/mix in the quarter.


Effective cost management


We continue to manage our costs effectively, enabling us to offset significant wage inflation as well as somewhat higher ocean freight costs. At the same time, the intensified regionalization of our manufacturing footprint, where we are moving production across different regions, resulted in somewhat higher costs in the quarter. The increased regionalization pace is also reflected in items affecting comparability, which was high in the quarter. This was primarily driven by the extensive downsizing actions in Germany to strengthen cost competitiveness and improving lead times to customers.


Looking into the second half of the year, the current lower volume environment, combined with the ongoing footprint regionalization effort, implemented at a speed and scale not seen before, may have a short-term impact on our cost efficiency. Even if this could put some temporary pressure on our margins, regionalization is fundamental in our strategic transformation and strengthens our competitiveness in the longer term. This will put us in a favorable position when demand starts to improve again.


Strengthened position through R&D and innovation


Our strategy is designed to create significant customer value in targeted markets through sustained innovation leadership and increased efficiency and agility. This means that innovation and technology development are at the core at SKF. About a month ago, I joined our first SKF Tech & Innovation Summit. It was fantastic to hear several customer testimonials on the value derived from our innovation capabilities and solutions.


Innovation is a fundamental part of our ongoing portfolio management agenda. We have during the last years transformed our R&D portfolio so that more than 90% of the projects are focused on our high-growth segments and all these projects target an adjusted operating margin well above our target of 14%.


Finally, I would like to acknowledge the invaluable efforts from our employees to manage the business cycle, find the next breakthrough innovations, and to increase our regionalization pace. Together, we make SKF an even more innovative, agile and competitive company.




We expect to see continued market volatility and geopolitical uncertainty, and the business is prepared to tackle different scenarios. For the third quarter of 2024, we expect organic sales to be relatively unchanged, year-over-year. For the 2024 full year, we expect a low single-digit organic sales decline, compared to 2023.”


Financial overview, MSEK unless otherwise stated


Q2 2024


Q2 2023


Half year 2024


Half year 2023


Net sales










Organic growth, %










Adjusted operating profit










Adjusted operating margin, %










Operating profit










Operating margin, %










Adjusted profit before taxes










Profit before taxes










Net cash flow from operating activities










Basic earnings per share










Adjusted earnings per share










Net sales, change y-o-y, %, Q2










SKF Group






























1) Price, mix and volume


Net sales, change y-o-y, %, Half year










SKF Group






























1) Price, mix and volume


Organic sales in local
currencies, change y-o-y,
%, Q2


Europe, Middle East
& Africa




China &
Northeast Asia


India &
Southeast Asia


SKF Group























Organic sales in local
currencies, change y-o-y, %,
Half year


Middle East & Africa




China &
Northeast Asia


India &
Southeast Asia


SKF Group























Outlook and Guidance




Guidance Q3 2024


Currency impact on the operating profit is expected to be around SEK 150 million negative compared with the third quarter 2023, based on exchange rates per 30 June 2024.


Guidance FY 2024


A webcast will be held on 18 July 2024 at 08:00 (CEST):
Sweden +46 (0)8 5051 0031
UK / International +44 (0)207 107 0613
Passcode: 43658997




Aktiebolaget SKF


The half year report presented in this press release contains financial and inside information that AB SKF is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation and the Securities Markets Act. The information was submitted for publication through the agency of the contact person set out below on 18 July 2024 at 07.00 CET


For further information, please contact:
PRESS: Carl Bjernstam, Head of Media Relations
tel: 46 31-337 2517; mobile: 46 722-201 893; e-mail: carl.bjernstam@skf.com 


INVESTOR RELATIONS: Sophie Arnius, Head of Investor Relations
tel: 46 31-337 8072; mobile: 46 705-908 072; sophie.arnius@skf.com 


This information was brought to you by Cision http://news.cision.com




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Q report SKF Steyr Hybrid bearing 240416 027 copy 2




SKF Rickard Gustafson




\"Cision\" View original content:https://www.prnewswire.com/apac/news-releases/skf-interim-report-q2-2024-margin-resilience-in-continued-soft-markets-302200354.html





\n", "content_text": "GOTHENBURG, Sweden, July 18, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — \nQ2 2024Net sales: SEK 25,606 million (27,123) Organic growth: −6.6% (7.9%), driven by lower market demand across regions and industries, except for aerospace and railway showing continuous growth.Adjusted operating profit: SEK 3,324 million (3,614). Continued strong price/mix contribution, driven by pricing actions and active portfolio management, as well as good cost control largely offset lower volumes.Adjusted operating margin: 13.0% (13.3%)Net cash flow from operations: SEK 2,152 (3,664)\nRickard Gustafson, President and CEO:\n“We continue to effectively manage the soft markets, deliver resilient margins, and execute on our strategy by investing in areas such as innovation and regionalization. While there is some short-term cost pressure from regionalization and lower production volumes, our actions will make us even more competitive and prepared when demand improves.\nSolid margin in continued soft market conditions\nIn the second quarter, we effectively managed the continued challenging market conditions. I’m pleased that we retained a solid adjusted operating margin of 13%. This is yet another quarter with resilient margins, not least given that organic growth shifted from +8% in Q2 last year to –7% this quarter.\nWe continue to see soft market demand across most regions. This was partly offset by our continued strong pricing execution, which, together with our ability to launch innovative products as well as active portfolio management, resulted in a positive price/mix in the quarter.\nEffective cost management\nWe continue to manage our costs effectively, enabling us to offset significant wage inflation as well as somewhat higher ocean freight costs. At the same time, the intensified regionalization of our manufacturing footprint, where we are moving production across different regions, resulted in somewhat higher costs in the quarter. The increased regionalization pace is also reflected in items affecting comparability, which was high in the quarter. This was primarily driven by the extensive downsizing actions in Germany to strengthen cost competitiveness and improving lead times to customers.\nLooking into the second half of the year, the current lower volume environment, combined with the ongoing footprint regionalization effort, implemented at a speed and scale not seen before, may have a short-term impact on our cost efficiency. Even if this could put some temporary pressure on our margins, regionalization is fundamental in our strategic transformation and strengthens our competitiveness in the longer term. This will put us in a favorable position when demand starts to improve again.\nStrengthened position through R&D and innovation\nOur strategy is designed to create significant customer value in targeted markets through sustained innovation leadership and increased efficiency and agility. This means that innovation and technology development are at the core at SKF. About a month ago, I joined our first SKF Tech & Innovation Summit. It was fantastic to hear several customer testimonials on the value derived from our innovation capabilities and solutions.\nInnovation is a fundamental part of our ongoing portfolio management agenda. We have during the last years transformed our R&D portfolio so that more than 90% of the projects are focused on our high-growth segments and all these projects target an adjusted operating margin well above our target of 14%.\nFinally, I would like to acknowledge the invaluable efforts from our employees to manage the business cycle, find the next breakthrough innovations, and to increase our regionalization pace. Together, we make SKF an even more innovative, agile and competitive company.\nOutlook\nWe expect to see continued market volatility and geopolitical uncertainty, and the business is prepared to tackle different scenarios. For the third quarter of 2024, we expect organic sales to be relatively unchanged, year-over-year. For the 2024 full year, we expect a low single-digit organic sales decline, compared to 2023.”\n\n\n\n\nFinancial overview, MSEK unless otherwise stated\n\n\nQ2 2024\n\n\nQ2 2023\n\n\nHalf year 2024\n\n\nHalf year 2023\n\n\n\n\nNet sales\n\n\n25,606\n\n\n27,123\n\n\n50,305\n\n\n53,672\n\n\n\n\nOrganic growth, %\n\n\n−6.6\n\n\n7.9\n\n\n−6.8\n\n\n9.0\n\n\n\n\nAdjusted operating profit\n\n\n3,324\n\n\n3,614\n\n\n6,627\n\n\n7,093\n\n\n\n\nAdjusted operating margin, %\n\n\n13.0\n\n\n13.3\n\n\n13.2\n\n\n13.2\n\n\n\n\nOperating profit\n\n\n2,489\n\n\n3,213\n\n\n5,482\n\n\n6,592\n\n\n\n\nOperating margin, %\n\n\n9.7\n\n\n11.8\n\n\n10.9\n\n\n12.3\n\n\n\n\nAdjusted profit before taxes\n\n\n2,946\n\n\n3,231\n\n\n5,978\n\n\n6,272\n\n\n\n\nProfit before taxes\n\n\n2,112\n\n\n2,830\n\n\n4,834\n\n\n5,772\n\n\n\n\nNet cash flow from operating activities\n\n\n2,152\n\n\n3,664\n\n\n3,933\n\n\n6,411\n\n\n\n\nBasic earnings per share\n\n\n3.36\n\n\n4.48\n\n\n7.50\n\n\n9.03\n\n\n\n\nAdjusted earnings per share\n\n\n5.19\n\n\n5.36\n\n\n10.02\n\n\n10.13\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nNet sales, change y-o-y, %, Q2\n\n\nOrganic1)\n\n\nStructure\n\n\nCurrency\n\n\nTotal\n\n\n\n\nSKF Group\n\n\n−6.6\n\n\n0.1\n\n\n0.9\n\n\n−5.6\n\n\n\n\nIndustrial\n\n\n−7.4\n\n\n0.1\n\n\n1.1\n\n\n−6.2\n\n\n\n\nAutomotive\n\n\n−4.7\n\n\n0.0\n\n\n0.4\n\n\n−4.3\n\n\n\n\n1) Price, mix and volume\n\n\n\n\nNet sales, change y-o-y, %, Half year\n\n\nOrganic1)\n\n\nStructure\n\n\nCurrency\n\n\nTotal\n\n\n\n\nSKF Group\n\n\n−6.8\n\n\n0.1\n\n\n0.5\n\n\n−6.2\n\n\n\n\nIndustrial\n\n\n−7.3\n\n\n0.1\n\n\n0.5\n\n\n−6.7\n\n\n\n\nAutomotive\n\n\n−5.5\n\n\n0.0\n\n\n0.4\n\n\n−5.1\n\n\n\n\n1) Price, mix and volume\n\n\n\n\nOrganic sales in local currencies, change y-o-y, %, Q2\n\n\nEurope, Middle East& Africa\n\n\nThe Americas\n\n\nChina & Northeast Asia\n\n\nIndia & Southeast Asia\n\n\n\n\nSKF Group\n\n\n−6.3\n\n\n−5.3\n\n\n−12.4\n\n\n0.2\n\n\n\n\nIndustrial\n\n\n—\n\n\n—\n\n\n—\n\n\n–\n\n\n\n\nAutomotive\n\n\n—\n\n\n—\n\n\n–\n\n\n++\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nOrganic sales in local currencies, change y-o-y, %, Half year\n\n\nEurope, Middle East & Africa\n\n\nThe Americas\n\n\nChina & Northeast Asia\n\n\nIndia & Southeast Asia\n\n\n\n\nSKF Group\n\n\n−5.7\n\n\n−7.5\n\n\n−11.9\n\n\n0.7\n\n\n\n\nIndustrial\n\n\n—\n\n\n—\n\n\n—\n\n\n–\n\n\n\n\nAutomotive\n\n\n—\n\n\n—\n\n\n–\n\n\n++\n\n\n\n\nOutlook and Guidance\nOutlook\n\nQ3 2024: Organic sales expected to be relatively unchanged, year-over-year.\nFY 2024: A low single-digit organic sales decline expected, year-over-year.\n\nGuidance Q3 2024\nCurrency impact on the operating profit is expected to be around SEK 150 million negative compared with the third quarter 2023, based on exchange rates per 30 June 2024.\nGuidance FY 2024\n\nTax level excluding effects related to divested businesses: around 26%.\nAdditions to property, plant and equipment: around SEK 5 billion.\n\nA webcast will be held on 18 July 2024 at 08:00 (CEST):Sweden +46 (0)8 5051 0031UK / International +44 (0)207 107 0613Passcode: 43658997\nhttps://investors.skf.com/en\nAktiebolaget SKF      (publ)\nThe half year report presented in this press release contains financial and inside information that AB SKF is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation and the Securities Markets Act. The information was submitted for publication through the agency of the contact person set out below on 18 July 2024 at 07.00 CET\nFor further information, please contact:PRESS: Carl Bjernstam, Head of Media Relationstel: 46 31-337 2517; mobile: 46 722-201 893; e-mail: carl.bjernstam@skf.com \nINVESTOR RELATIONS: Sophie Arnius, Head of Investor Relationstel: 46 31-337 8072; mobile: 46 705-908 072; sophie.arnius@skf.com \nThis information was brought to you by Cision http://news.cision.com\nhttps://news.cision.com/skf/r/skf-interim-report-q2-2024–margin-resilience-in-continued-soft-markets,c4016275\nThe following files are available for download:\n\n\n\n\nhttps://mb.cision.com/Main/637/4016275/2920206.pdf\n\n\nQ2_2024_Eng_final\n\n\n\n\nhttps://news.cision.com/skf/i/q-report-skf-steyr-hybrid-bearing-240416-027-copy-2,c3320669\n\n\nQ report SKF Steyr Hybrid bearing 240416 027 copy 2\n\n\n\n\nhttps://news.cision.com/skf/i/skf-rickard-gustafson,c3320670\n\n\nSKF Rickard Gustafson\n\n\n\n\n \n View original content:https://www.prnewswire.com/apac/news-releases/skf-interim-report-q2-2024-margin-resilience-in-continued-soft-markets-302200354.html\nSOURCE SKF", "date_published": "July 18, 2024", "date_modified": "July 18, 2024 - 14:40", "author": { "name": "", "url": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/author/", "avatar": "https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/?s=512&d=mm&r=g" }, "tags": [ "PR Newswire" ], "summary": "GOTHENBURG, Sweden, July 18, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- " }, { "id": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/bsi-receives-iso-37001-certification-from-speeki-europe/", "url": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/bsi-receives-iso-37001-certification-from-speeki-europe/", "title": "BSI receives ISO 37001 certification from Speeki Europe", "content_html": "

PARIS, July 18, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Speeki Europe, a leading certification body specialising in ethical and compliance certifications, has certified the British Standards Institution (BSI) for ISO 37001.


ISO 37001 stands out as a globally recognised standard. It guides organisations in establishing, implementing and maintaining an anti-bribery management system that provides a comprehensive approach to mitigating bribery risks.


BSI pioneered the definition of the ISO 37001 standard by being the first standardisation national body to draft a standard to address bribery prevention (the forefather standard BS 10500). BSI then played a key role in transitioning to an international standard.


Selecting the right certification body is pivotal in ensuring the credibility of the certification process. Organisations should carefully consider factors such as reputation, expertise, accreditation and global recognition when making this choice.


When BSI decided to certify its own anti-bribery management system, it chose Speeki Europe due to Speeki’s expertise in ISO certifications and its commitment to ethical standards.


‘At Speeki Europe, we are dedicated to assisting organisations in elevating their anti-bribery compliance through ISO 37001 certification,’ says Scott Lane, CEO and Founder of Speeki Europe. ‘Our comprehensive approach and unyielding commitment to excellence empower businesses worldwide to not only meet but surpass global anti-bribery standards.’


Magdalena Duke, General Counsel at BSI, says, ‘At BSI, integrity is at the heart of our purpose. It not only serves as a fundamental pillar of our own operations but underpins the services we deliver to our clients and stakeholders. Achieving ISO 37001 certification reflects our dedication to addressing one of the most significant challenges that organisations face today, as well as our commitment to building a better future for society.’


As an ISO-accredited certification body, Speeki Europe is a leader in ESG assurance, providing ESG report assurance, corporate due diligence assurance and ISO services for ISO 26000, ISO 31000, ISO 37000, ISO 37001, ISO 37002, ISO 37003, ISO 37008 and ISO 37301. Speeki Europe is known for certifying the leading companies globally, including the recent ISO 37001 certification for major United Kingdom energy provider ScottishPower.


Visit this page for more information about Speeki’s anti-bribery certification offerings. For media enquiries or further details, please contact Speeki’s Marketing Director Ana Garcia.


About Speeki Europe


Speeki Europe is a leading certification body specialising in ethical and compliance certifications. Our mission is to empower organisations to build trust, transparency and resilience.


\"Cision\" View original content:https://www.prnewswire.com/apac/news-releases/bsi-receives-iso-37001-certification-from-speeki-europe-302200242.html





\n", "content_text": "PARIS, July 18, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Speeki Europe, a leading certification body specialising in ethical and compliance certifications, has certified the British Standards Institution (BSI) for ISO 37001.\n\nISO 37001 stands out as a globally recognised standard. It guides organisations in establishing, implementing and maintaining an anti-bribery management system that provides a comprehensive approach to mitigating bribery risks.\nBSI pioneered the definition of the ISO 37001 standard by being the first standardisation national body to draft a standard to address bribery prevention (the forefather standard BS 10500). BSI then played a key role in transitioning to an international standard.\nSelecting the right certification body is pivotal in ensuring the credibility of the certification process. Organisations should carefully consider factors such as reputation, expertise, accreditation and global recognition when making this choice.\nWhen BSI decided to certify its own anti-bribery management system, it chose Speeki Europe due to Speeki’s expertise in ISO certifications and its commitment to ethical standards.\n‘At Speeki Europe, we are dedicated to assisting organisations in elevating their anti-bribery compliance through ISO 37001 certification,’ says Scott Lane, CEO and Founder of Speeki Europe. ‘Our comprehensive approach and unyielding commitment to excellence empower businesses worldwide to not only meet but surpass global anti-bribery standards.’\nMagdalena Duke, General Counsel at BSI, says, ‘At BSI, integrity is at the heart of our purpose. It not only serves as a fundamental pillar of our own operations but underpins the services we deliver to our clients and stakeholders. Achieving ISO 37001 certification reflects our dedication to addressing one of the most significant challenges that organisations face today, as well as our commitment to building a better future for society.’\nAs an ISO-accredited certification body, Speeki Europe is a leader in ESG assurance, providing ESG report assurance, corporate due diligence assurance and ISO services for ISO 26000, ISO 31000, ISO 37000, ISO 37001, ISO 37002, ISO 37003, ISO 37008 and ISO 37301. Speeki Europe is known for certifying the leading companies globally, including the recent ISO 37001 certification for major United Kingdom energy provider ScottishPower.\nVisit this page for more information about Speeki’s anti-bribery certification offerings. For media enquiries or further details, please contact Speeki’s Marketing Director Ana Garcia.\nAbout Speeki Europe\nSpeeki Europe is a leading certification body specialising in ethical and compliance certifications. Our mission is to empower organisations to build trust, transparency and resilience.\n View original content:https://www.prnewswire.com/apac/news-releases/bsi-receives-iso-37001-certification-from-speeki-europe-302200242.html\nSOURCE Speeki", "date_published": "July 18, 2024", "date_modified": "July 18, 2024 - 13:40", "author": { "name": "", "url": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/author/", "avatar": "https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/?s=512&d=mm&r=g" }, "tags": [ "PR Newswire" ], "summary": "PARIS, July 18, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Speeki Europe, a l" }, { "id": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/matrixport%e4%b8%8a%e6%96%b0%e9%af%8a%e9%ad%9a%e9%b0%ad%ef%bc%8c%e8%b6%a8%e5%8b%a2%e6%99%ba%e7%9b%88%ef%bc%8c%e4%b8%a6%e9%96%8b%e5%95%9f%e3%80%8c%e7%b5%90%e6%a7%8b%e5%8c%96%e7%94%a2%e5%93%81%e7%8b%82/", "url": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/matrixport%e4%b8%8a%e6%96%b0%e9%af%8a%e9%ad%9a%e9%b0%ad%ef%bc%8c%e8%b6%a8%e5%8b%a2%e6%99%ba%e7%9b%88%ef%bc%8c%e4%b8%a6%e9%96%8b%e5%95%9f%e3%80%8c%e7%b5%90%e6%a7%8b%e5%8c%96%e7%94%a2%e5%93%81%e7%8b%82/", "title": "Matrixport\u4e0a\u65b0\u9bca\u9b5a\u9c2d\uff0c\u8da8\u52e2\u667a\u76c8\uff0c\u4e26\u958b\u555f\u300c\u7d50\u69cb\u5316\u7522\u54c1\u72c2\u6b61\u7bc0\u300d", "content_html": "

新加坡2024年7月18日 /美通社/ — Matrixport,亞洲最大的一站式金融服務平台,於7月12日宣布正式開啟「結構化產品狂歡節」,並上線升級版「鯊魚鰭」、「 趨勢智盈」結構化產品。活動期間,用戶參與嘉年華並購買指定產品,即可隨機獲得0.25%~4%升息,瓜分30,000 PEOPLE獎金池,還有機會獲得限定週邊。


\n \"(PRNewsfoto/Matrixport)\"



作為業界首家上線雙幣產品的平台,Matrixport 持續深耕結構化產品研發,致力於滿足用戶多樣的投資需求,並輔助用戶增強收益。 Matrixport 本次上線的升級版「鯊魚鰭」、「 趨勢智盈」產品為成本保護、收益穩健型的結構化產品,使用基礎年化收益作為安全墊,合理使用可以提高投資者在市場波動期間的收益率。


Matrixport 本次上全新的「鯊魚鰭」、「 趨勢智盈」產品為升級回歸。與市面上的同質化產品相比,Matrixport 的「鯊魚鰭」、「 趨勢智盈」產品沒有申購窗口期,支持用戶隨時申購,還支持更多投資幣種,7-90天大範圍投資。目前, Matrixport 已上線「鯊魚鰭」、「 趨勢智盈」、「雙幣投資」、「雪球」4款結構化產品。


除此之外,Matrixport 也在策略投資產品方面持續發力。繼首屆「私域策略錦交易標賽」上線後,Matrixport 又緊鑼密鼓地上線「策略代理平台」。用戶只需登入策略代理平台,查看並選擇符合資格的策略成功進行產品推廣,即可獲得佣金。策略代理平台的上線既解決了用戶購買「私域策略」困難的問題,也為成為代理人的用戶提供了額外的佣金收入。


Matrixport 產品總監Lockie Lu 表示,「基於用戶需求豐富Matrixport 理財產品矩陣,打造用戶友善的金融服務平台是我們一直以來的目標。「鯊魚鰭」、「趨勢智盈」產品,相對來說使用門檻低,潛在收益高,疊加成本保護、基礎年化等安全墊,可以為新用戶提供不錯的加密理財初體驗。同時,我們在7月初也進行了 APP 改版升級,在用戶操作路徑以及展示介面都朝著更加簡潔、易用、人性化的方面更新迭代。」。


關於 Matrixport




Matrixport 官網:https://www.matrixport.com/zh 


\"Cision\" View original content to download multimedia:https://www.prnewswire.com/apac/zh/news-releases/matrixport-302199071.html


SOURCE Matrixport



\n", "content_text": "新加坡2024年7月18日 /美通社/ — Matrixport,亞洲最大的一站式金融服務平台,於7月12日宣布正式開啟「結構化產品狂歡節」,並上線升級版「鯊魚鰭」、「 趨勢智盈」結構化產品。活動期間,用戶參與嘉年華並購買指定產品,即可隨機獲得0.25%~4%升息,瓜分30,000 PEOPLE獎金池,還有機會獲得限定週邊。\n\n\n \n \n \n \n\n作為業界首家上線雙幣產品的平台,Matrixport 持續深耕結構化產品研發,致力於滿足用戶多樣的投資需求,並輔助用戶增強收益。 Matrixport 本次上線的升級版「鯊魚鰭」、「 趨勢智盈」產品為成本保護、收益穩健型的結構化產品,使用基礎年化收益作為安全墊,合理使用可以提高投資者在市場波動期間的收益率。\nMatrixport 本次上全新的「鯊魚鰭」、「 趨勢智盈」產品為升級回歸。與市面上的同質化產品相比,Matrixport 的「鯊魚鰭」、「 趨勢智盈」產品沒有申購窗口期,支持用戶隨時申購,還支持更多投資幣種,7-90天大範圍投資。目前, Matrixport 已上線「鯊魚鰭」、「 趨勢智盈」、「雙幣投資」、「雪球」4款結構化產品。\n除此之外,Matrixport 也在策略投資產品方面持續發力。繼首屆「私域策略錦交易標賽」上線後,Matrixport 又緊鑼密鼓地上線「策略代理平台」。用戶只需登入策略代理平台,查看並選擇符合資格的策略成功進行產品推廣,即可獲得佣金。策略代理平台的上線既解決了用戶購買「私域策略」困難的問題,也為成為代理人的用戶提供了額外的佣金收入。\nMatrixport 產品總監Lockie Lu 表示,「基於用戶需求豐富Matrixport 理財產品矩陣,打造用戶友善的金融服務平台是我們一直以來的目標。「鯊魚鰭」、「趨勢智盈」產品,相對來說使用門檻低,潛在收益高,疊加成本保護、基礎年化等安全墊,可以為新用戶提供不錯的加密理財初體驗。同時,我們在7月初也進行了 APP 改版升級,在用戶操作路徑以及展示介面都朝著更加簡潔、易用、人性化的方面更新迭代。」。\n關於 Matrixport\nMatrixport成立於2019年,是全球領先、亞洲最大的一站式加密金融服務樞紐,致力於建構一個入口級的加密資產生態圈,為每位加密貨幣用戶打造集資產買賣、投資、OTC、投資研究等功能於一體的超級帳戶,提供多樣化的產品和專業服務,協助用戶實現資產的持續增值。\nMatrixport 官網:https://www.matrixport.com/zh \n View original content to download multimedia:https://www.prnewswire.com/apac/zh/news-releases/matrixport-302199071.html\nSOURCE Matrixport", "date_published": "July 18, 2024", "date_modified": "July 18, 2024 - 13:39", "author": { "name": "", "url": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/author/", "avatar": "https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/?s=512&d=mm&r=g" }, "tags": [ "PR Newswire" ], "summary": "新加坡2024年7月18日" }, { "id": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/the-sanya-edition-taps-into-family-guests-market-with-its-new-generation-of-vacation-experience/", "url": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/the-sanya-edition-taps-into-family-guests-market-with-its-new-generation-of-vacation-experience/", "title": "The Sanya EDITION Taps into Family Guests Market with Its New Generation of Vacation Experience", "content_html": "

SANYA, China, July 18, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — The Sanya EDITION, a luxury hotel located in the picturesque coastal city of Sanya, Hainan, China, is thrilled to announce its renewed focus on redefining the vacation experience. Catering to trendsetters of all ages and lifestyles, The Sanya EDITION’s guests are united by their sophisticated tastes and desire for authentic experiences. Whether families, couples, or solo travelers, discerning guests can now enjoy the new Summer Camp Program, an upgraded Ocean pool, and a Dior pop-up space. The Sanya EDITION continues to set the standard for contemporary luxury and innovation.



The newly launched Summer Camp Program at The Sanya EDITION offers engaging activities for children aged 3-12, including workshops, sports, and tropical island-themed experiences. Designed to ensure a seamless vacation for the entire family, the program provides a “hands-free” childcare solution, allowing parents to enjoy leisure activities such as spa treatments, gourmet dining, or lounging by the pool while their children participate in supervised, fun-filled adventures at The Playland.




This initiative addresses the common vacation challenge of balancing the entertainment of both parents and children. Edward Yuan, General Manager of The Sanya EDITION, emphasizes, “EDITION is a lifestyle brand, so we aim to create the next generation of vacation experience where nobody needs to compromise their own fun. Our goal with the Summer Camp Program is to ensure both parents and children have enjoyable and fulfilling experiences, and our extensive range of hotel products, services, and facilities is designed to make that possible.”


Firmly rooted in the EDITION brand’s strong sense of refined, timeless design and style, The Sanya EDITION – the first Asia-Pacific EDITION hotel – seamlessly blends the tropical beauty of Hainan with contemporary elegance and luxury. Guests can indulge in sophisticated amenities, such as relaxing at the spa, enjoying handcrafted cocktails at The Sky Bar, dining at upscale restaurants like The Jade Egret, Barbacoa, and Xianhai, or experiencing the vibrant atmosphere at The Beach Club.




The newly upgraded Ocean Pool provides a serene and luxurious environment for swimming and relaxation. Guests can also enjoy water sports on the resort’s 20,000 m² Private Ocean. The Lifestyle Aesthetics Community (LAC) elevates the guest experience with its art center, coffee house, bookstore, and fashion boutiques, offering a blend of culture, relaxation, and style that captivates and inspires.




Adding to its allure, The Beach Club at The Sanya EDITION has recently been partly decorated by Dior for a stunning 2024 Dioriviera pop-up space. The decor features toile de Jouy adorning loungers, umbrellas, cushions, and cabanas, creating a chic and sophisticated ambiance. This takeover, along with many other similar collaborations, underscores The Sanya EDITION’s commitment to offering guests unparalleled luxury and lifestyle experiences, solidifying its reputation as a premier destination for trendsetters.




Sanya leverages the expansive opportunities from the 59 countries’ visa-free policy, enhancing its appeal as an international tourism consumption center. This policy, combined with the unique offerings of The Sanya EDITION, makes Sanya an ideal destination for international travelers. Guests from around the world are invited to experience the unparalleled hospitality and luxurious amenities of The Sanya EDITION this summer.


For further information on The Sanya EDITION, please visit the website https://www.editionhotels.com/sanya/.


Instagram: @editionsanya


Media Contact:
Maggie He
+86 898 8835 9999




EDITION Hotels is an unexpected and refreshing collection of individualized, customized, one-of-a-kind hotels that redefines the codes of traditional luxury. Displaying the best of dining and entertainment, services, and amenities “all under one roof,” each EDITION property is unique, reflecting the best cultural and social milieu of its location and time.


Each hotel, with its individuality, authenticity, originality, and unique ethos, reflects the current spirit and zeitgeist of its location. Although all the hotels look completely different, the brand’s unifying aesthetic is in its approach and attitude to the modern lifestyle rather than its appearance. EDITION is about a mindset and how it makes you feel rather than the way it looks. Sophisticated public spaces, finishes, design, and details serve the experience rather than drive it.


For an underserved market of affluent, culturally savvy, and service-savvy guests, the EDITION experience and lifestyle explores the unprecedented intersection and the perfect balance between taste-making design and innovation and consistent, excellent service globally. EDITION currently operates 20 hotels in New York and Times Square, Miami Beach, West Hollywood, Tampa, Barcelona, Bodrum, London, Reykjavik, Madrid, Rome, Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sanya China, Shanghai, Tokyo Toranomon, Singapore, Riviera Maya at Kanai, Mexico, a second in Tokyo Ginza, and Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.


Facebook: /EDITIONhotels


Instagram: @EDITIONhotels






\"Cision\" View original content to download multimedia:https://www.prnewswire.com/apac/news-releases/the-sanya-edition-taps-into-family-guests-market-with-its-new-generation-of-vacation-experience-302200017.html





\n", "content_text": "SANYA, China, July 18, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — The Sanya EDITION, a luxury hotel located in the picturesque coastal city of Sanya, Hainan, China, is thrilled to announce its renewed focus on redefining the vacation experience. Catering to trendsetters of all ages and lifestyles, The Sanya EDITION’s guests are united by their sophisticated tastes and desire for authentic experiences. Whether families, couples, or solo travelers, discerning guests can now enjoy the new Summer Camp Program, an upgraded Ocean pool, and a Dior pop-up space. The Sanya EDITION continues to set the standard for contemporary luxury and innovation.\n\n \n\nThe newly launched Summer Camp Program at The Sanya EDITION offers engaging activities for children aged 3-12, including workshops, sports, and tropical island-themed experiences. Designed to ensure a seamless vacation for the entire family, the program provides a “hands-free” childcare solution, allowing parents to enjoy leisure activities such as spa treatments, gourmet dining, or lounging by the pool while their children participate in supervised, fun-filled adventures at The Playland.\n\n\n\nThis initiative addresses the common vacation challenge of balancing the entertainment of both parents and children. Edward Yuan, General Manager of The Sanya EDITION, emphasizes, “EDITION is a lifestyle brand, so we aim to create the next generation of vacation experience where nobody needs to compromise their own fun. Our goal with the Summer Camp Program is to ensure both parents and children have enjoyable and fulfilling experiences, and our extensive range of hotel products, services, and facilities is designed to make that possible.”\nFirmly rooted in the EDITION brand’s strong sense of refined, timeless design and style, The Sanya EDITION – the first Asia-Pacific EDITION hotel – seamlessly blends the tropical beauty of Hainan with contemporary elegance and luxury. Guests can indulge in sophisticated amenities, such as relaxing at the spa, enjoying handcrafted cocktails at The Sky Bar, dining at upscale restaurants like The Jade Egret, Barbacoa, and Xianhai, or experiencing the vibrant atmosphere at The Beach Club.\n\n\n\nThe newly upgraded Ocean Pool provides a serene and luxurious environment for swimming and relaxation. Guests can also enjoy water sports on the resort’s 20,000 m² Private Ocean. The Lifestyle Aesthetics Community (LAC) elevates the guest experience with its art center, coffee house, bookstore, and fashion boutiques, offering a blend of culture, relaxation, and style that captivates and inspires.\n\n\n\nAdding to its allure, The Beach Club at The Sanya EDITION has recently been partly decorated by Dior for a stunning 2024 Dioriviera pop-up space. The decor features toile de Jouy adorning loungers, umbrellas, cushions, and cabanas, creating a chic and sophisticated ambiance. This takeover, along with many other similar collaborations, underscores The Sanya EDITION’s commitment to offering guests unparalleled luxury and lifestyle experiences, solidifying its reputation as a premier destination for trendsetters.\n\n\n\nSanya leverages the expansive opportunities from the 59 countries’ visa-free policy, enhancing its appeal as an international tourism consumption center. This policy, combined with the unique offerings of The Sanya EDITION, makes Sanya an ideal destination for international travelers. Guests from around the world are invited to experience the unparalleled hospitality and luxurious amenities of The Sanya EDITION this summer.\nFor further information on The Sanya EDITION, please visit the website https://www.editionhotels.com/sanya/.\nInstagram: @editionsanya\nMedia Contact:Maggie HeMaggie.he@editionhotels.com+86 898 8835 9999\nABOUT EDITION HOTELS \nEDITION Hotels is an unexpected and refreshing collection of individualized, customized, one-of-a-kind hotels that redefines the codes of traditional luxury. Displaying the best of dining and entertainment, services, and amenities “all under one roof,” each EDITION property is unique, reflecting the best cultural and social milieu of its location and time.\nEach hotel, with its individuality, authenticity, originality, and unique ethos, reflects the current spirit and zeitgeist of its location. Although all the hotels look completely different, the brand’s unifying aesthetic is in its approach and attitude to the modern lifestyle rather than its appearance. EDITION is about a mindset and how it makes you feel rather than the way it looks. Sophisticated public spaces, finishes, design, and details serve the experience rather than drive it.\nFor an underserved market of affluent, culturally savvy, and service-savvy guests, the EDITION experience and lifestyle explores the unprecedented intersection and the perfect balance between taste-making design and innovation and consistent, excellent service globally. EDITION currently operates 20 hotels in New York and Times Square, Miami Beach, West Hollywood, Tampa, Barcelona, Bodrum, London, Reykjavik, Madrid, Rome, Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sanya China, Shanghai, Tokyo Toranomon, Singapore, Riviera Maya at Kanai, Mexico, a second in Tokyo Ginza, and Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.\nFacebook: /EDITIONhotels\nInstagram: @EDITIONhotels\neditionhotels.com \nwww.marriott.com \n\n\n View original content to download multimedia:https://www.prnewswire.com/apac/news-releases/the-sanya-edition-taps-into-family-guests-market-with-its-new-generation-of-vacation-experience-302200017.html\nSOURCE The Sanya EDITION", "date_published": "July 18, 2024", "date_modified": "July 18, 2024 - 10:54", "author": { "name": "", "url": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/author/", "avatar": "https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/?s=512&d=mm&r=g" }, "tags": [ "PR Newswire" ], "summary": "SANYA, China, July 18, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- The Sanya E" }, { "id": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/record-breaking-sial-shanghai-showcases-global-food-innovations-sial-shenzhen-kicks-off/", "url": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/record-breaking-sial-shanghai-showcases-global-food-innovations-sial-shenzhen-kicks-off/", "title": "RECORD-BREAKING SIAL SHANGHAI SHOWCASES GLOBAL FOOD INNOVATIONS, SIAL SHENZHEN KICKS OFF", "content_html": "

BEIJING, July 17, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — In a grand celebration of global food and beverage innovation, SIAL Shanghai 2024 was held at the Shanghai New International Expo Center. This year’s event showcased over 5,000 exhibitors from 75 countries and regions, presenting more than 350,000 products.


Unprecedented global participation


SIAL Shanghai 2024 attracted 175,739 professionals from 110 countries, emphasising its importance as a key platform for global food trade. The event facilitated over 10,240 matchmaking sessions, promoting business opportunities and international cooperation. This record-breaking participation highlights the significant role SIAL Shanghai plays in the global food industry.


International dignitaries and high-level support


The opening ceremony featured ambassadors and representatives from numerous countries and regions including Brazil, Türkiye, Argentina, Spain, the USA, France, the UK, Uruguay, Japan, Korea, Thailand, Vietnam, Romania, Ireland, Indonesia, New Zealand, Austria, Finland, Denmark, Chile and the Philippines etc. This varied presence enhanced the event’s international profile. Nicolas Trentesaux, Managing Director of SIAL Network, highlighted China’s crucial role in the global food market, noting its 1.4 billion consumers and increasing demand for diverse, high-quality food.


Showcasing local and global innovations


SIAL Shanghai 2024 was a showcase of global diversity and innovation, featuring products like Spanish ham, Australian Wagyu beef, and Egyptian freeze-dried fruits. The event also underscored the rapid growth of China’s import food consumption, with pavilions highlighting cutting-edge food production technologies and sustainable practices.


The French pavilion celebrated 60 years of Sino-French relations, showcasing numerous brands. Meat pavilions featured high-quality products from the USA, Brazil, and Argentina, while imported food and snack food pavilions displayed international specialties and innovative Chinese brands.


Collaborative efforts and regional highlights


The exhibition saw substantial participation from China’s government, with pavilions and delegations from 32 provincial, municipal, and regional departments. The “Local Specialties” theme promoted unique regional products, enhancing the international presence of local brands.


Guo Peng, Chief Agronomist of the Shandong Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, noted the increased participation from Shandong enterprises, aiming to strengthen production and marketing channels and bring high-quality products to a broader market.


Efficient matchmaking and networking


The “Match Me” service facilitated in-depth exchanges between exhibitors and buyers, improving transaction success rates. Samuel Peck, International Business Specialist of the U.S. Dry Bean Council, praised SIAL for creating a platform to explore trade opportunities. Professional buyers from around the globe, including representatives from KeHE Distributors LLC, sought innovative products for their markets.


Industry insights and competitions


The SIAL Global Food Industry Summit featured over 100 experts discussing sustainability, new retail, supply chain, and more. The SIAL Innovation Competition awarded top innovators, including Inner Mongolia Ganqika Food Co., Ltd. for their Milk Soy Sauce and Ud Cahaya Kencana for their Oven-Baked pasta chips.


SIAL Shenzhen 2024 on the horizon


Building on the success of SIAL Shanghai, the next SIAL China event will be held in Shenzhen from 2-4 September 2024, the exclusive gateway to enter Southern China’s booming food and beverage market. It is expected to host over 1,500 exhibitors from 60 countries and nearly 100,000 professional buyers, further enhancing its international reach and leadership in the Asia-Pacific market.


If you are interested in SIAL in China (Shanghai and Shenzhen), please contact:


Daniel Tian
Tel: +86 (0)10 8530 6480
E-mail: Daniel.tian@sialchina.cn
Web: sialchina.cn | sialchina.com
LinkedIn: Daniel Tian


\"Cision\" View original content:https://www.prnewswire.com/apac/news-releases/record-breaking-sial-shanghai-showcases-global-food-innovations-sial-shenzhen-kicks-off-302200046.html





\n", "content_text": "BEIJING, July 17, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — In a grand celebration of global food and beverage innovation, SIAL Shanghai 2024 was held at the Shanghai New International Expo Center. This year’s event showcased over 5,000 exhibitors from 75 countries and regions, presenting more than 350,000 products.\nUnprecedented global participation\nSIAL Shanghai 2024 attracted 175,739 professionals from 110 countries, emphasising its importance as a key platform for global food trade. The event facilitated over 10,240 matchmaking sessions, promoting business opportunities and international cooperation. This record-breaking participation highlights the significant role SIAL Shanghai plays in the global food industry.\nInternational dignitaries and high-level support\nThe opening ceremony featured ambassadors and representatives from numerous countries and regions including Brazil, Türkiye, Argentina, Spain, the USA, France, the UK, Uruguay, Japan, Korea, Thailand, Vietnam, Romania, Ireland, Indonesia, New Zealand, Austria, Finland, Denmark, Chile and the Philippines etc. This varied presence enhanced the event’s international profile. Nicolas Trentesaux, Managing Director of SIAL Network, highlighted China’s crucial role in the global food market, noting its 1.4 billion consumers and increasing demand for diverse, high-quality food.\nShowcasing local and global innovations\nSIAL Shanghai 2024 was a showcase of global diversity and innovation, featuring products like Spanish ham, Australian Wagyu beef, and Egyptian freeze-dried fruits. The event also underscored the rapid growth of China’s import food consumption, with pavilions highlighting cutting-edge food production technologies and sustainable practices.\nThe French pavilion celebrated 60 years of Sino-French relations, showcasing numerous brands. Meat pavilions featured high-quality products from the USA, Brazil, and Argentina, while imported food and snack food pavilions displayed international specialties and innovative Chinese brands.\nCollaborative efforts and regional highlights\nThe exhibition saw substantial participation from China’s government, with pavilions and delegations from 32 provincial, municipal, and regional departments. The “Local Specialties” theme promoted unique regional products, enhancing the international presence of local brands.\nGuo Peng, Chief Agronomist of the Shandong Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, noted the increased participation from Shandong enterprises, aiming to strengthen production and marketing channels and bring high-quality products to a broader market.\nEfficient matchmaking and networking\nThe “Match Me” service facilitated in-depth exchanges between exhibitors and buyers, improving transaction success rates. Samuel Peck, International Business Specialist of the U.S. Dry Bean Council, praised SIAL for creating a platform to explore trade opportunities. Professional buyers from around the globe, including representatives from KeHE Distributors LLC, sought innovative products for their markets.\nIndustry insights and competitions\nThe SIAL Global Food Industry Summit featured over 100 experts discussing sustainability, new retail, supply chain, and more. The SIAL Innovation Competition awarded top innovators, including Inner Mongolia Ganqika Food Co., Ltd. for their Milk Soy Sauce and Ud Cahaya Kencana for their Oven-Baked pasta chips.\nSIAL Shenzhen 2024 on the horizon\nBuilding on the success of SIAL Shanghai, the next SIAL China event will be held in Shenzhen from 2-4 September 2024, the exclusive gateway to enter Southern China’s booming food and beverage market. It is expected to host over 1,500 exhibitors from 60 countries and nearly 100,000 professional buyers, further enhancing its international reach and leadership in the Asia-Pacific market.\nIf you are interested in SIAL in China (Shanghai and Shenzhen), please contact:\nDaniel TianTel: +86 (0)10 8530 6480E-mail: Daniel.tian@sialchina.cnWeb: sialchina.cn | sialchina.comLinkedIn: Daniel Tian\n View original content:https://www.prnewswire.com/apac/news-releases/record-breaking-sial-shanghai-showcases-global-food-innovations-sial-shenzhen-kicks-off-302200046.html\nSOURCE SIAL in China", "date_published": "July 18, 2024", "date_modified": "July 18, 2024 - 10:54", "author": { "name": "", "url": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/author/", "avatar": "https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/?s=512&d=mm&r=g" }, "tags": [ "PR Newswire" ], "summary": "BEIJING, July 17, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- In a grand celeb" }, { "id": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/%e4%b8%89%e4%ba%9e%e8%89%be%e8%bf%aa%e9%81%9c%e9%85%92%e5%ba%97%e4%bb%a5%e6%96%b0%e5%a3%b9%e4%bb%a3%e5%ba%a6%e5%81%87%e9%ab%94%e9%a9%97%e5%90%b8%e5%bc%95%e5%ae%b6%e5%ba%ad%e9%81%8a%e5%ae%a2/", "url": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/%e4%b8%89%e4%ba%9e%e8%89%be%e8%bf%aa%e9%81%9c%e9%85%92%e5%ba%97%e4%bb%a5%e6%96%b0%e5%a3%b9%e4%bb%a3%e5%ba%a6%e5%81%87%e9%ab%94%e9%a9%97%e5%90%b8%e5%bc%95%e5%ae%b6%e5%ba%ad%e9%81%8a%e5%ae%a2/", "title": "\u4e09\u4e9e\u827e\u8fea\u905c\u9152\u5e97\u4ee5\u65b0\u58f9\u4ee3\u5ea6\u5047\u9ad4\u9a57\u5438\u5f15\u5bb6\u5ead\u904a\u5ba2", "content_html": "

三亞2024年7月17日 /美通社/ — 位於中國熱帶海島的三亞艾迪遜酒店近期宣布推出壹系列新的度假體驗,重新定義傳統奢華度假。作為風尚生活方式的引領者,三亞艾迪遜酒店的客人因其獨特的品味和對真實體驗的追求而來到這裏。無論是家庭、情侶還是獨自旅行的客人,現在都可以體驗酒店新推出的夏令營活動、全新升級的海水泳池和迪奧快閃空間。



三亞艾迪遜酒店最新推出的夏令營托管項目為3-12歲的兒童提供豐富的活動,包括手工坊、戶外運動和熱帶海島主題體驗,讓父母解放雙手」,享受自己的休閑時光。這壹舉措解決了親子假期中常見的難題,即如何平衡父母和孩子的娛樂活動。三亞艾迪遜酒店總經理袁海華 (Edward Yuan) 強調:艾迪遜是壹個生活方式品牌,我們旨在創造下壹代的度假體驗,讓每個人都不需要妥協。夏令營活動的目標是確保父母和孩子都能擁有愉快和充實的度假體驗,我們豐富的酒店產品、服務和設施旨在實現這壹目標。」


















欲了解更多關於三亞艾迪遜酒店的信息,請訪問網站 https://www.editionhotels.com/sanya/




+86 898 8835 9999










Facebook: /EDITIONhotels
Instagram: @EDITIONhotels




\"Cision\" View original content to download multimedia:https://www.prnewswire.com/apac/zh/news-releases/-302200000.html


SOURCE 三亞艾迪遜酒店



\n", "content_text": "三亞2024年7月17日 /美通社/ — 位於中國熱帶海島的三亞艾迪遜酒店近期宣布推出壹系列新的度假體驗,重新定義傳統奢華度假。作為風尚生活方式的引領者,三亞艾迪遜酒店的客人因其獨特的品味和對真實體驗的追求而來到這裏。無論是家庭、情侶還是獨自旅行的客人,現在都可以體驗酒店新推出的夏令營活動、全新升級的海水泳池和迪奧快閃空間。\n\n \n\n三亞艾迪遜酒店最新推出的夏令營托管項目為3-12歲的兒童提供豐富的活動,包括手工坊、戶外運動和熱帶海島主題體驗,讓父母「解放雙手」,享受自己的休閑時光。這壹舉措解決了親子假期中常見的難題,即如何平衡父母和孩子的娛樂活動。三亞艾迪遜酒店總經理袁海華 (Edward Yuan) 強調:「艾迪遜是壹個生活方式品牌,我們旨在創造下壹代的度假體驗,讓每個人都不需要妥協。夏令營活動的目標是確保父母和孩子都能擁有愉快和充實的度假體驗,我們豐富的酒店產品、服務和設施旨在實現這壹目標。」\n\n\n\n源於艾迪遜品牌風雅精致的設計和風格,作為亞太地區首家艾迪遜酒店的三亞艾迪遜將海南的熱帶美景與現代奢華自然融合。賓客可以在此享受精致的設施,如在水療中心放松身心、在星空吧享用精心調制的雞尾酒、在天鷺、海灘燒烤餐廳和鮮海等餐廳享用精致佳肴,或在海灘俱樂部感受活力氛圍。\n\n\n\n全新升級的海水泳池提供了壹個寧靜且奢華的遊泳環境。賓客還可以在酒店兩萬平方米的人造海洋上享受多樣的水上運動。擁有藝術中心、咖啡廳、書屋和時尚零售店的生活美學社區,融合文化、休閑和時尚元素,令人著迷並深受啟發。\n\n\n\n近期,迪奧在三亞艾迪遜酒店的海灘俱樂部打造了壹個美輪美奐的2024年迪奧夏季限定快閃空間。茹伊印花在躺椅、太陽傘、靠墊和小木屋上點綴,營造出別致而精致的氛圍。\n\n\n\n三亞現對59國人員實施入境旅遊免簽政策,使得國際遊客來三亞旅遊更加自由便利。三亞艾迪遜酒店以其獨特的度假產品,歡迎更多國際遊客的到來。\n欲了解更多關於三亞艾迪遜酒店的信息,請訪問網站 https://www.editionhotels.com/sanya/。\nInstagram:@editionsanya\n媒體聯系人:何倩Maggie.he@editionhotels.com+86 898 8835 9999\n關於艾迪遜酒店\n艾迪遜匯集多家個性化、定制和別具壹格的酒店,以意想不到和耳目壹新的入住體驗為傳統奢華書寫新定義。旗下每家酒店都擁有與眾不同的風格,薈萃卓越的餐飲、娛樂、服務和設施,完美呈現當地的文化和社會風情。\n品牌旗下酒店以其獨樹壹幟的個性、原汁原味的風格和卓爾不群的特質,反映了當時當地的人文風情和社會環境。雖然每家酒店看起來都不盡相同,但品牌對現代生活方式的特有態度將它們緊緊連為壹體。艾迪遜代表的是壹種理念和體驗,而不是單純的外觀。精致簡約的公共空間、裝飾、設計和細節全都為賓客的非凡體驗服務。對於壹個渴求優質服務和文化體驗的廣大市場,艾迪遜提供了前所未有的融合理念、品味創新之間的完美平衡以及全球如壹的卓越服務。\n艾迪遜品牌目前在紐約、時代廣場、邁阿密海灘、西好萊塢、坦帕、巴塞羅那、博德魯姆、倫敦、雷克雅未克、馬德裏、羅馬、阿布紮比、迪拜、三亞、上海、東京虎之門、新加坡、墨西哥卡奈裏維埃拉瑪雅、東京銀座和沙特阿拉伯吉達經營共20家酒店。\nFacebook: /EDITIONhotelsInstagram: @EDITIONhotelseditionhotels.com\nwww.marriott.com \n\n\n View original content to download multimedia:https://www.prnewswire.com/apac/zh/news-releases/-302200000.html\nSOURCE 三亞艾迪遜酒店", "date_published": "July 18, 2024", "date_modified": "July 18, 2024 - 10:53", "author": { "name": "", "url": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/author/", "avatar": "https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/?s=512&d=mm&r=g" }, "tags": [ "PR Newswire" ], "summary": "三亞2024年7月17日 /&#3265" }, { "id": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/%e7%a7%80%e8%8c%82%e5%9d%aa%e5%95%86%e5%a0%b4%e8%81%af%e4%b9%98%e5%ad%a9%e4%b9%8b%e5%af%b6-%e5%9b%9b%e5%a4%a7%e5%b7%a8%e5%9e%8b%e7%89%88%e7%b6%93%e5%85%b8%e9%81%8a%e6%88%b2%e9%a6%96%e5%ba%a6%e7%99%bb/", "url": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/%e7%a7%80%e8%8c%82%e5%9d%aa%e5%95%86%e5%a0%b4%e8%81%af%e4%b9%98%e5%ad%a9%e4%b9%8b%e5%af%b6-%e5%9b%9b%e5%a4%a7%e5%b7%a8%e5%9e%8b%e7%89%88%e7%b6%93%e5%85%b8%e9%81%8a%e6%88%b2%e9%a6%96%e5%ba%a6%e7%99%bb/", "title": "\u79c0\u8302\u576a\u5546\u5834\u806f\u4e58\u5b69\u4e4b\u5bf6 \u56db\u5927\u5de8\u578b\u7248\u7d93\u5178\u904a\u6232\u9996\u5ea6\u767b\u5834", "content_html": "

設四米闊「生命之旅」巨型轉盤  辦亞洲首個連環四子棋挑戰賽


香港2024年7月18日 /美通社/ — 領展秀茂坪商場聯乘玩具與遊戲公司孩之寶 (Hasbro Gaming),於7月18日至8月25日舉辦「『棋』趣大激戰」推廣活動,將數個經典遊戲以巨型方式呈現,更特設秀茂坪區版本的巨型版「生命之旅」,將商場內外變身成為今個暑假最考腦力、最有趣味的主題遊樂場及打卡場景。




此外,秀茂坪商場將於8月下旬舉辦亞洲首個「Connect 4連環四子棋挑戰賽」,召集全港六歲或以上的學生及市民免費參加,在擂台上與各方高手相互學習及切磋,一同提升邏輯思維及解難能力。


童年回憶殺!經典桌遊巨版登場 必玩期間限定版生命之旅


秀茂坪商場聯手Hasbro Gaming精心打造秀茂坪版的巨型「生命之旅」,將戶外空間變成「生命之旅」遊戲場景,除了設有四米闊的巨型轉盤,並將區內資訊融入遊戲元素,讓大家以多角度認識區內的休閒娛樂、餐飲及周邊景點等資訊,搭配有趣的機會或命運卡,更有機會贏取小禮品及指定商戶優惠券。


商場內設有三大巨型版孩之寶經典遊戲,包括逾三米闊、充滿童年回憶的「無敵扭扭樂」、兩米高巨型投籃版連環四子棋「Connect 4 彈彈四連環」,以及結合孩子寶人氣動物系列遊戲的「森動樂悠悠」,款款遊戲各具挑戰性,考驗玩家身手敏捷度、眼界及記憶力。顧客只須登記成為領展Link Up會員,於場內即日以電子貨幣消費滿100元或以上(憑商戶發出的正本機印發票最多兩張)即可換領遊戲體驗券一張,成功完成以上三個遊戲更可獲得限量版主題小禮品乙份。禮品數量有限,先到先得,換完即止。


此外,商場會在周末設置孩之寶遊戲試玩區,當中包括於香港首次亮相的便攜式迷你氣墊球「Hypershot 電子桌上氣墊球遊戲」,各位桌遊愛好者萬勿錯過。


領展Link Up會員電子消費滿300元   參加DIY過三關工作坊 
推廣期內, Link Up會員於場內商戶即日以電子貨幣消費滿300元或以上(憑商戶發出的正本機印發票最多兩張),即可參加一節「DIY過三關工作坊」,製作獨一無二的「過三關」桌遊套裝。工作坊將於指定周末及公眾假期舉行,名額有限,額滿即止。




除了一連串精彩又好玩的活動, Link Up會員於秀茂坪商場或鯉魚門廣場即日以電子貨幣單一消費每滿50元,可兌換電子印花一個。會員儲滿26個電子印花,即可換領限量「兩用Twister沙灘毛巾」一條,除了可當作別具一格的沙灘墊用途,毛巾印上Twister經典圖案並附有一張印有各種顏色的底板及指針輪盤,可成為Twister遊戲墊以供玩樂,一物二用。


亞洲首個「Connect 4 連環四子棋挑戰賽」 召集遊戲高手同場較量


不少人熱愛玩「Connect 4 連環四子棋」,遊戲玩法看似簡單易明,其實易學難精,玩家的每步都需要經過精心部署才有機會獲勝。在8月24日,秀茂坪商場將與孩之寶攜手舉辦亞洲首個「Connect 4 連環四子棋挑戰賽」,召集全港六歲或以上的小童及市民免費參加,進行一對一Connect 4連環四子棋比賽對決。比賽將分為兩個組別,包括小童組(6至11歲)和青年及公開組(12歲或以上),不設年齡上限,讓不同年齡層的愛好者均可同場較量,享受對戰樂趣。兩個組別均設冠、亞及季軍,得獎者可獲得獎座、證書,以及由孩之寶送出的經典遊戲套裝。




茂坪商場 x 孩之寶『棋』趣大激戰」 — 巨型版孩之寶遊戲體驗
活動推廣日期: 2024年7月18日至8月25日(逢星期六及星期日)




活動日期:     2024年7月18日至8月25日(逢星期六及星期日)


換領時間:     中午12時至下午5時






活動推廣日期: 2024年7月18日至8月25日




亞洲首個「Connect 4 連環四子棋挑戰賽」






Link Up報名連結及比賽詳情:








圖片下載: https://bit.ly/3Y7SI26






領展資產管理有限公司(領展)以香港為基地,是環球領先的房地產投資者及資產管理人,管理亞洲市值最大的房地產投資信託基金 — 領展房地產投資信託基金(簡稱領展房託,香港股份代號:823)。領展房託於2005年成為首家在香港上市的房託基金,自此基金單位全屬公眾持股,由私人和機構投資者持有。領展房託是香港證券市場指標恒生指數的成份股,亦是道瓊斯可持續發展亞太區指數、富時社會責任指數、恒生可持續發展企業指數的成份股。透過領展房託,領展持有並管理涵蓋多種資產類別的物業組合,包括零售設施、停車場、辦公室和物流中心等商業地產,物業遍布中國的北京、包括香港、廣州和深圳的大灣區和上海等長江三角洲城市群,以至新加坡、澳洲悉尼和墨爾本、及英國倫敦。憑藉其不斷增強的投資實力和靈活的增長策略,領展矢志成為世界級的房地產投資者和管理者,致力為大眾提供優質服務,提升生活水平。




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\n", "content_text": "設四米闊「生命之旅」巨型轉盤  辦亞洲首個連環四子棋挑戰賽\n\n巨型版孩之寶熱門遊戲合集,經典遊戲考腦力\n首度推出以秀茂坪區為主題的「生命之旅」 \n「亞洲首個連環四子棋挑戰賽」召集全港高手同場對疊\n\n香港2024年7月18日 /美通社/ — 領展秀茂坪商場聯乘玩具與遊戲公司孩之寶 (Hasbro Gaming),於7月18日至8月25日舉辦「『棋』趣大激戰」推廣活動,將數個經典遊戲以巨型方式呈現,更特設秀茂坪區版本的巨型版「生命之旅」,將商場內外變身成為今個暑假最考腦力、最有趣味的主題遊樂場及打卡場景。\n\n\n\n此外,秀茂坪商場將於8月下旬舉辦亞洲首個「Connect 4連環四子棋挑戰賽」,召集全港六歲或以上的學生及市民免費參加,在擂台上與各方高手相互學習及切磋,一同提升邏輯思維及解難能力。\n童年回憶殺!經典桌遊巨版登場 必玩期間限定版生命之旅\n秀茂坪商場聯手Hasbro Gaming精心打造秀茂坪版的巨型「生命之旅」,將戶外空間變成「生命之旅」遊戲場景,除了設有四米闊的巨型轉盤,並將區內資訊融入遊戲元素,讓大家以多角度認識區內的休閒娛樂、餐飲及周邊景點等資訊,搭配有趣的機會或命運卡,更有機會贏取小禮品及指定商戶優惠券。\n商場內設有三大巨型版孩之寶經典遊戲,包括逾三米闊、充滿童年回憶的「無敵扭扭樂」、兩米高巨型投籃版連環四子棋「Connect 4 彈彈四連環」,以及結合孩子寶人氣動物系列遊戲的「森動樂悠悠」,款款遊戲各具挑戰性,考驗玩家身手敏捷度、眼界及記憶力。顧客只須登記成為領展Link Up會員,於場內即日以電子貨幣消費滿100元或以上(憑商戶發出的正本機印發票最多兩張)即可換領遊戲體驗券一張,成功完成以上三個遊戲更可獲得限量版主題小禮品乙份。禮品數量有限,先到先得,換完即止。\n此外,商場會在周末設置孩之寶遊戲試玩區,當中包括於香港首次亮相的便攜式迷你氣墊球「Hypershot 電子桌上氣墊球遊戲」,各位桌遊愛好者萬勿錯過。\n領展Link Up會員電子消費滿300元   參加DIY過三關工作坊  推廣期內, Link Up會員於場內商戶即日以電子貨幣消費滿300元或以上(憑商戶發出的正本機印發票最多兩張),即可參加一節「DIY過三關工作坊」,製作獨一無二的「過三關」桌遊套裝。工作坊將於指定周末及公眾假期舉行,名額有限,額滿即止。\n儲電子印花換領精美實用獨家主題禮品 \n除了一連串精彩又好玩的活動, Link Up會員於秀茂坪商場或鯉魚門廣場即日以電子貨幣單一消費每滿50元,可兌換電子印花一個。會員儲滿26個電子印花,即可換領限量「兩用Twister沙灘毛巾」一條,除了可當作別具一格的沙灘墊用途,毛巾印上Twister經典圖案並附有一張印有各種顏色的底板及指針輪盤,可成為Twister遊戲墊以供玩樂,一物二用。\n亞洲首個「Connect 4 連環四子棋挑戰賽」 召集遊戲高手同場較量\n不少人熱愛玩「Connect 4 連環四子棋」,遊戲玩法看似簡單易明,其實易學難精,玩家的每步都需要經過精心部署才有機會獲勝。在8月24日,秀茂坪商場將與孩之寶攜手舉辦亞洲首個「Connect 4 連環四子棋挑戰賽」,召集全港六歲或以上的小童及市民免費參加,進行一對一Connect 4連環四子棋比賽對決。比賽將分為兩個組別,包括小童組(6至11歲)和青年及公開組(12歲或以上),不設年齡上限,讓不同年齡層的愛好者均可同場較量,享受對戰樂趣。兩個組別均設冠、亞及季軍,得獎者可獲得獎座、證書,以及由孩之寶送出的經典遊戲套裝。\n活動詳情:\n「秀茂坪商場 x 孩之寶『棋』趣大激戰」 — 巨型版孩之寶遊戲體驗活動推廣日期: 2024年7月18日至8月25日(逢星期六及星期日)\n活動地點:秀茂坪商場地下花園廣場、3樓樓層\n「DIY過三關工作坊」活動日期:     2024年7月18日至8月25日(逢星期六及星期日)\n換領時間:     中午12時至下午5時換領及活動地點:秀茂坪商場地下活動空間\n「兩用Twister沙灘毛巾」換領活動\n活動推廣地點:秀茂坪商場、鯉魚門廣場\n活動推廣日期: 2024年7月18日至8月25日\n印花換領及禮品換領地點:秀茂坪商場顧客服務台、鯉魚門廣場顧客服務台\n亞洲首個「Connect 4 連環四子棋挑戰賽」\n活動日期:2024年8月24日\n活動時間:上午10時至下午6時15分\n活動地點:秀茂坪商場地下中庭Link Up報名連結及比賽詳情: https://download-prd-app.linkhk.com/?page=campaignDetail&id=1422\n\n\n\n以上所有活動受條款及細則約束,節目內容如有更改,恕不另行通知。\n活動詳情請瀏覽Linkhk.com\n圖片下載: https://bit.ly/3Y7SI26\nhttps://bit.ly/3uiMdwa\n關於領展\n領展資產管理有限公司(領展)以香港為基地,是環球領先的房地產投資者及資產管理人,管理亞洲市值最大的房地產投資信託基金 — 領展房地產投資信託基金(簡稱領展房託,香港股份代號:823)。領展房託於2005年成為首家在香港上市的房託基金,自此基金單位全屬公眾持股,由私人和機構投資者持有。領展房託是香港證券市場指標恒生指數的成份股,亦是道瓊斯可持續發展亞太區指數、富時社會責任指數、恒生可持續發展企業指數的成份股。透過領展房託,領展持有並管理涵蓋多種資產類別的物業組合,包括零售設施、停車場、辦公室和物流中心等商業地產,物業遍布中國的北京、包括香港、廣州和深圳的大灣區和上海等長江三角洲城市群,以至新加坡、澳洲悉尼和墨爾本、及英國倫敦。憑藉其不斷增強的投資實力和靈活的增長策略,領展矢志成為世界級的房地產投資者和管理者,致力為大眾提供優質服務,提升生活水平。\n如需更多資料請瀏覽:https://www.linkreit.com。\n\n\n View original content to download multimedia:https://www.prnewswire.com/apac/zh/news-releases/—302199536.html\nSOURCE 領展", "date_published": "July 18, 2024", "date_modified": "July 18, 2024 - 10:53", "author": { "name": "", "url": "https://www.macaubusiness.com/author/", "avatar": "https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/?s=512&d=mm&r=g" }, "tags": [ "PR Newswire" ], "summary": "設四米闊「生&#21629" } ] }