Paulo A. Azevedo

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- 134 POSTS

Pontius Pilate syndrome

I don’t know why an investigation of land matters and land swaps has started. Or...

The saga of the cook and the resort

Not long ago, a local resort interviewed a candidate for the position of second class...

My First Blog Entry

Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et...

“It’s essential to diversify sources of clients”

The Secretary for Economy and Finance is the last of the Secretaries to talk exclusively...

“It’s essential to diversify sources of clients”

The Secretary for Economy and Finance is the last of the Secretaries to talk exclusively...

Deja vu gaming revenues this year

Gaming revenues in 2016 will not be very different from last year’s, predicts the president...

Deja vu gaming revenues this year

Gaming revenues in 2016 will not be very different from last year’s, predicts the president...

Lusa cashes in on its Macau property

Portuguese news agency Lusa recently sold its only asset in Macau for MOP15.5 million. A property bought...

Lusa cashes in on its Macau property

Portuguese news agency Lusa recently sold its only asset in Macau for MOP15.5 million. A property bought...

Tourism targeted by Bangkok attacks

A deadly bomb attack and yesterday’s explosion at a pier, this without injuries, promise to...

Tourism targeted by Bangkok attacks

A deadly bomb attack and yesterday’s explosion at a pier, this without injuries, promise to...

When values’ real name is money

Paulo A. Azevedo

Family heirloom

It’s been a tempestuous ride. And the storm still hasn’t subsided. Novo Banco Asia (New...

Family heirloom

It’s been a tempestuous ride. And the storm still hasn’t subsided. Novo Banco Asia (New...