Paulo A. Azevedo


- 92 POSTS



New School of Thought

As we all know, the electoral process in Macau is very simple. An individual...


一如所料,傳來了澳門航空專營協議不獲續期的消息。否則,就出乎常理了。 當時,這種長期授予壟斷權的行為被接受了。沒有人能夠想象澳門將在十年中騰飛。


The news of the non-renewal of the monopoly of Air Macau was expected. It did...



Hoping time will pass fast, for hope again

Wouldn’t it be great to hear as his New Year resolution the Chief Executive’s decision...

商訊 | 發行人語 | 想想就好了!

政府計劃研究採取立法措施,提高對公營企業的監管,並改善營運透明度。 因而,經濟財政司司長梁維特在立法會上宣稱,社會監督力度將得到加強。

Let’s just hope

The government will study the adoption of legislative measures to increase the regulation and transparency...



The messengers: eternal victims

All over the world, journalism and journalists have once again become the main target of...



Wrong Priorities Timetable

The administration still doesn’t have a timetable for submitting a bill to protect consumers rights. No matter...


像諾貝爾經濟學獎獲得者Joseph Stiglitz這樣的人士無須說明教育和健康是人類發展的兩大關鍵要素。

Of ignorance, of omerta

It should not be necessary for someone like Joseph Stiglitz - Nobel prizewinner in Economic...

Macau Opinion | Signs of worrying times

What does Secretary for Security Wong Sio Chak have to gain by launching a campaign of apparent...



Sleepy watchdogs

The Viva Macau scandal is nothing new. Absolutely nothing. Including the irresponsibility of the Industrial...

Macau Opinion | Example of chronic incompetence

The Court of First Appeal has closed the bankruptcy proceedings of the airline Viva Macau....


本集團旗下的MB.tv已在其官方網站(上發佈了數份在本地街頭進行的調查訪問。政府進行的所謂“科學調研” 缺乏透明度,公眾對研究的方法和結果一無所知。我們的調查卻十分簡單直接:我們問,受訪人士回答。就是這樣而已。

Disgusting Situation

The Transport Bureau and the 3rd standing committee of the Legislative Assembly (AL) say there...
Paulo A. Azevedo

All Articles

- 134 POSTS

Macau Business Editorial | Wild East

The government has invested RMB8 billion in the hinterland of China as part of a...

Former Director of Public Works suspected of corruption

Real estate seized of former Macau public works director and associates, value hundreds of...



Macau Business Editorial | Waste of time

What the Secretary for Public Administration did recently in the Legislative Assembly (AL) served Macau...

Macau Business Editorial | Information is key

The largest gaming industry fair takes place here this month. And an exhibition where producers...


macau economy tourism society



Macau Business Editorial | Accountability zero

Macau will never have a system of accountability - despite the promises of the Secretary...

A desire called China

They have everything to be the most desired market. A middle class that is growing...

The stories and advice of tourist Obama

It was an adventurous and sometimes intimate Barack Obama who introduced himself to an audience...

To grow sustainable

Hotel group Intercontinental plans to open this autumn in Madrid the Indigo Hotel, one of...

A world of growth

Travel & Tourism is becoming a stronger industry, with expectations to grow to US$13 trillion...

The power of the world’s 10 per cent GDP

It is the forum par excellence where leaders, both public and private, debate the strategies,...

The challenges of tourism at WTCC

Barack Obama is the special guest of the 19th WTCC Global Summit that starts on...



New School of Thought

As we all know, the electoral process in Macau is very simple. An individual...


一如所料,傳來了澳門航空專營協議不獲續期的消息。否則,就出乎常理了。 當時,這種長期授予壟斷權的行為被接受了。沒有人能夠想象澳門將在十年中騰飛。


The news of the non-renewal of the monopoly of Air Macau was expected. It did...



Hoping time will pass fast, for hope again

Wouldn’t it be great to hear as his New Year resolution the Chief Executive’s decision...