José Carlos Matias


- 102 POSTS


懷著熱忱和感激之情,我開展了Project Asia Corp的旅程。緊隨創始人和發行人雅士度(Paulo A. Azevedo)的足跡,我繼承了一個完善且成功的項目。

Crossing the River

It is with enthusiasm and a sense of gratitude that I embark on this journey...
José Carlos Matias

All Articles

- 215 POSTS


中葡論壇常設秘書處副秘書長贊東(Paulo Espírito Santo)強調,儘管疫情帶來了障礙,論壇仍繼續推進中葡合作事項。現時工作重點集中在衛生領域(包括傳統醫學)、經濟復甦、藍色經濟和加強文化聯繫。這位聖多美大使還指出,中葡合作發展基金應為最薄弱的葡語經濟體提供協助。



Interview: Breathing new life to cooperation

Deputy Secretary General of the Forum Macau Paulo Espírito Santo stresses that the agenda for...

EDITORIAL – A will and a way

Swift action is needed. Where there’s a will, there’s a way, and it seems the...

Extensive non-gaming plans required for tender bidders

Bidders will need to submit detailed and extensive plans on a variety of non-gaming...




過去數周,澳門陷入了痛苦的泥潭。誠然,這或許是不可避免,甚至有人在telegraph上提到Omicron 變種病毒在其他地方肆虐,尤其是在香港和上海。正當本期專題報道即將出版之際,本地自6月19日開始不斷升溫的社區爆發中,確診病例已逾1,000例,且有進一步增加的跡象。

Law of the land

Nine months after the consultation paper was issued, Macau’s new gaming law is finally approved...

EDITORIAL – Walking on two legs

Under the current framework there seems to be no magic bullet, and crossing the river...

INTERVIEW: Greater plans

After rebranding its Macau peninsula hotel (Artyzen Grand Lapa Macau), Artyzen Hospitality Group is looking...


“從長遠來看,這是對時事的誤導。從長遠來看,我們都死了。”20 世紀其中一位最有影響力的經濟學家John Maynard Keynes在 1923年出版的書籍《A Tract on Monetary Reform(貨幣改革略論)》中寫道。 然而,這一警世名言不應被誤讀為短視,或短期主義。相反,這是一個行動號召,強調政府須及時干預以啟動經濟,而非依賴長期均衡模型。

EDITORIAL – Coming to terms

What is critical here is to avoid getting carried away by fixating on a top-down,...


Reggie Martin 已成為Instagram 上最頂尖的澳門社交媒體影響者,擁有約 300 萬粉絲。


華爾街投資格言“五月清倉、離場”指的是股票市場5 月至 10 月的表現大多不佳。按照傳統,投資者應在春末套現、撤資,繼而到 11 月才重新入市。

EDITORIAL – Invest in May

Macau Business Editorial | May 2022 | By José Carlos Matias – Director

Reigniting ties 

Israel’s new Consul General eyes closer cooperation with Macau on big health and high tech,...


最近,我們彷彿陷入了《今天暫時停止》(Groundhog Day)的情節。這是1993年的一部美國電影,講述天氣預報員Bill Murray每天醒來都發現自己回到了前一天早上,日復一日地重複著同一天的報道。

EDITORIAL – The time is now

Macau Business Editorial | April 2022 | By José Carlos Matias – Director

Touching people’s hearts and minds

Reggie Martin has emerged as the top Macau-based social media influencer on Instagram with some...

