José Carlos Matias


- 102 POSTS



EDITORIAL – (Re)Opening up

Mobility is really the key word here



EDITORIAL – A will and a way

Swift action is needed. Where there’s a will, there’s a way, and it seems the...


過去數周,澳門陷入了痛苦的泥潭。誠然,這或許是不可避免,甚至有人在telegraph上提到Omicron 變種病毒在其他地方肆虐,尤其是在香港和上海。正當本期專題報道即將出版之際,本地自6月19日開始不斷升溫的社區爆發中,確診病例已逾1,000例,且有進一步增加的跡象。

EDITORIAL – Walking on two legs

Under the current framework there seems to be no magic bullet, and crossing the river...


“從長遠來看,這是對時事的誤導。從長遠來看,我們都死了。”20 世紀其中一位最有影響力的經濟學家John Maynard Keynes在 1923年出版的書籍《A Tract on Monetary Reform(貨幣改革略論)》中寫道。 然而,這一警世名言不應被誤讀為短視,或短期主義。相反,這是一個行動號召,強調政府須及時干預以啟動經濟,而非依賴長期均衡模型。

EDITORIAL – Coming to terms

What is critical here is to avoid getting carried away by fixating on a top-down,...


華爾街投資格言“五月清倉、離場”指的是股票市場5 月至 10 月的表現大多不佳。按照傳統,投資者應在春末套現、撤資,繼而到 11 月才重新入市。


最近,我們彷彿陷入了《今天暫時停止》(Groundhog Day)的情節。這是1993年的一部美國電影,講述天氣預報員Bill Murray每天醒來都發現自己回到了前一天早上,日復一日地重複著同一天的報道。

EDITORIAL – The time is now

Macau Business Editorial | April 2022 | By José Carlos Matias – Director



EDITORIAL – Upping the game

Macau Business Editorial | March 2022 | By José Carlos Matias – Director


新冠肺炎疫情於兩年前爆發之時,不少人認為這場災難將於六至九個月內結束,就如同 2003 年爆發 SARS疫情一樣。然而,隨著“疫情時代”第三年緩緩而至,我們吸取了諸多教訓,世界各地逐步形成通向疫後新常態的道路,但仍不可避免地存在這樣、那樣的問題。

EDITORIAL – Eye of the Tiger

Macau’s economy will surely rise again, phoenix-like, in the future. The question today is whether...


澳門最近發佈的《澳門特別行政區經濟和社會發展第二個五年規劃 (2021-2025年)》確實值得一讀。當局用100 頁(葡文版)的篇幅,描繪了小城未來發展的藍圖。一如預期,文件闡述了探索恰當的方式以實現澳門目標的重要性,即當局追求已久且備受期待的經濟多元化,進一步整合、參與更廣泛的區域、國家和全球戰略的最重要意義,包括聯合開發橫琴、建設粵港澳大灣區和澳門在中葡平台和“一帶一路”倡議中所發揮的支持作用。

EDITORIAL – Rebalancing

Macau’s recently issued Second Five-year Plan on Economic and Social Development (2021–2025) is a worth...


Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa在小說《Il Gattopardo (豹)》中寫道:“為了讓一切保持原狀,我們必須有所改變”。這一名言現已被公認為“以變革贏得穩定”的最佳方式。


How much of what we are experiencing is transitory, and how much will be translated...

EDITORIAL – The forest for the trees

Macau cannot afford to be left behind, found wanting in terms of the skilled...
José Carlos Matias

All Articles

- 215 POSTS

“I always say: remember the lady that brought you to the dance” – Light &...

Light & Wonder CEO Matt Wilson sees room for growth in Macau's highly competitive market....

“We want to attract talent from all over the world” – Hengqin Economic Bureau...

Hengqin Economic Bureau chief António Lei pledges a stronger focus on increasing the Zone’s international...

Breaking new legal ground

Introducing a law firm model in Macau is long overdue, stress Rui Pinto Proença, managing...

EDITORIAL – Building confidence beyond a leap of faith

What we are witnessing in the city's core industries is indeed encouraging and exciting, ...



Riding the wave

COD Manila Property President Geoff Andres hails the industry’s first-half performance in the Philippines and...

EDITORIAL – Fresh air

It's all about striking a balance between local and imported labour, between economic growth and...

Getting it right

Professional services giant PricewaterhouseCoopers suggests a way to get the "1+4" diversification strategy right. First,...



“The biggest challenge I will have is to implement the privatisation programme” – PAGCOR...

The Philippine gaming regulator wants to fast-track the privatisation of the casinos it operates and...

Seizing the momentum 

Okada Manila is riding the wave of the Philippine market boom, cashing in on the...

EDITORIAL – Diversification Boulevard

A realistic, pragmatic, adaptable approach will be key to avoiding the disappointment of a capability–expectations...




聯合國開發計劃署2022年發表報告並提出警告,疫後經濟復甦不平等,亞太地區現有的不平等問題或因此日趨惡化。最近,聯合國社會發展委員會於2023 年 2 月強調了“不平等差距不斷擴大,疫情加劇了勞動力市場危機”。

EDITORIAL – Eschewing zero-sum

Government, society and the business community need to acknowledge these uneven recovery patterns...

Market will be “even more competitive.”

Light & Wonder's Asia head, Ken Jolly, is sanguine about Macau's recovery and amazed by...


美國博彩協會 (AGA)負責人看好後疫情時代經濟穩健復甦的前景。Bill Miller 指出,美資運營商在澳門被證明是關注當地和區域的優秀企業公民,理應延續其專營權


業界人士在“亞洲國際娛樂展特別展:新加坡(G2E Asia Special Edition: Singapore)”上為亞洲博彩業疫後的強勢反彈歡呼雀躍。除了預期的被壓抑需求之外,博彩業踏上了專家所認為的持續增長之路。



“The commitment to non-gaming investments will only make Macau even stronger”

The head of the American Gaming Association (AGA) is bullish about the prospects of a...