José I. Duarte


- 482 POSTS

OPINION – For evil and good

Public policies are often hard to design, implement and evaluate. The broader the topic and...

OPINION – Domestic tasks

Few people will question that the Macau economy is one of a kind. Possibly almost...

OPINION – Tiger trials

The Legislative Assembly is currently discussing the changes to the gambling regulations. Once passed, a...

OPINION – Shine or rain?

In times of significant economic stress, the real estate sector is often one of the...

OPINION – Rising figures

The latest unemployment number, just released, breaks the three percent barrier for the first time...

OPINION – Price signals

The statistical department compiles two series of consumer price indices. One represents the...

OPINION – Facts of life

Data from last year's Census is coming out when most attention is focusing elsewhere. Undoubtedly,...

OPINION – Trade winds

These figures may not mean the sector renaissance but may point to a re-alignment of...

OPINION – Lagging

Several promised openings have been systematically derailed at the first sign of rising the number...

OPINION – Uneven breeze

As the new year approaches fast, we are naturally somewhat impatient to start ‘closing the...

OPINION – Re-structuring

he apparent economic re-structuring is mainly the outcome of general impoverishment at variable sectoral rates,...

OPINION – Labour data

The changes relating to the operation of VIP rooms in casinos have been prominent in...

OPINION – Shockwaves

By October or so of last year, news surfaced of an impending revision of China's...

OPINION – Reverse gear

There was a measure of heightened expectation about the publication of the Gross Domestic Product...


Hengqin Island (or, in its Portuguese rendering, Ilha da Montanha) has long been a focus...

OPINION – Budget trends

Last week, the Legislative Assembly rapidly approved another alteration to the current year's budget. It...

OPINION-A long and winding road

No matter how well it may have served in the past, the more the extant...

OPINION – Being prepared

Seen from Macau, the world may often seem a faraway place. In less troubled days...

OPINION – Autumnal thoughts

It is fair to assume that no public policies, no matter how meaningful or well-intentioned...

OPINION – Second round

Like many tourist destinations, Macau has its highs and lows. Typically, we have five high...
José I. Duarte

All Articles

- 498 POSTS

OPINION – For evil and good

Public policies are often hard to design, implement and evaluate. The broader the topic and...

OPINION – Domestic tasks

Few people will question that the Macau economy is one of a kind. Possibly almost...

OPINION – Tiger trials

The Legislative Assembly is currently discussing the changes to the gambling regulations. Once passed, a...

OPINION – Shine or rain?

In times of significant economic stress, the real estate sector is often one of the...

OPINION – Rising figures

The latest unemployment number, just released, breaks the three percent barrier for the first time...

OPINION – Price signals

The statistical department compiles two series of consumer price indices. One represents the...

OPINION – Facts of life

Data from last year's Census is coming out when most attention is focusing elsewhere. Undoubtedly,...

OPINION – Trade winds

These figures may not mean the sector renaissance but may point to a re-alignment of...

OPINION – Lagging

Several promised openings have been systematically derailed at the first sign of rising the number...

OPINION – Uneven breeze

As the new year approaches fast, we are naturally somewhat impatient to start ‘closing the...

OPINION – Re-structuring

he apparent economic re-structuring is mainly the outcome of general impoverishment at variable sectoral rates,...

OPINION – Labour data

The changes relating to the operation of VIP rooms in casinos have been prominent in...

OPINION – Words unsaid

Remember this is the last Policy Address before the end of the current gambling concessions,...

OPINION – Shockwaves

By October or so of last year, news surfaced of an impending revision of China's...

OPINION – Staycation musings

The leading indicators for the Macau hotel industry include, obviously, the number of guests and...

OPINION – Reverse gear

There was a measure of heightened expectation about the publication of the Gross Domestic Product...


Hengqin Island (or, in its Portuguese rendering, Ilha da Montanha) has long been a focus...

OPINION – Budget trends

Last week, the Legislative Assembly rapidly approved another alteration to the current year's budget. It...

OPINION-A long and winding road

No matter how well it may have served in the past, the more the extant...

OPINION – Being prepared

Seen from Macau, the world may often seem a faraway place. In less troubled days...