João Paulo Meneses



Special Report – BRI “created a greater scope for development for Macau”

Macau Business | October 2023 | Special Report | A decade of Belt and Road...

OPINION – The most valuable piece

In the days following the announcement of Stanley Ho's death, thousands of pieces on the...
João Paulo Meneses

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Special Report – Extreme precipitation and flood disaster risk

In the context of the GBA, there are some cities more at risk than...

Special Report – Western part of Peninsula “is more sensitive to storm surge”

In a scenario where sea waters rise by one metre, the majority of the Macau...

Special Report – China’s land subsidence risk

China’s massive wave of urbanisation is threatened by land subsidence, a study indicates.

Special Report – “Climate change brings complex legal issues”

Eva Jiang Yi Wa is one of the first lawyers in Macau specializing in, among...

Special Report – The weather is “broken” and Macau has already noticed that

Average temperatures are increasing, but in contrast, we have never had a December with such...

Special Report – “Macau should review its carbon emissions from the perspective of whole life-cycle...

Qingbin Song, a professor at Macau University of Science and Technology, is one of Macau's...





Special Report – What’s in it for Macau? Enthusiasm abounds

Macau's participation in the 2025 National Games offers several advantages but also presents a challenge,...

Special Report – The first time Macau was a ‘City of International Sports Events’

In 2005, Macau organised the East Asian Games and spent MOP3.43 billion on the construction...

Special Report – The Three (National) Games of 2025

The National Games will take place in three distinct locations for the first time. From...








《商訊》2024年6月特刊 | 離全運會尚有一年




武術冠軍的殊榮澳門引以為豪,並希望在其他項目上有所斬獲。以下四位運動員是澳門旗幟在頒獎台上空飛揚的希望, 同時值得期待的還包括空手道運動員郭建恆和游泳運動員利安琪。

Special Report – “The Olympic Games of China”

"Sports set the stage for a stronger and more prosperous nation," Xi Jinping said. China...

Special Report – Between a ‘Sports City’ and ‘City of Sports’

At this early stage, it seems there are plenty more fish in the sea. But...

